Belvidere, Stanley Co., SD -- 1909 Business Directory
1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A growing town in Stanley county, on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R., 108 miles from Chamberlain, and 110 from Rapid City. Population 250. Agriculture and stock raising section. Has good schools and churches. Belvidere has a beautiful country and lake adjoining it; it is only three years old; thousands of acres are already under cultivation. Good soft water can be found from seven to fifty feet. An elevator is assured to handle the crop raised this season. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. Co. have a proposed railroad running north from this place into the Cheyenne and Standing Rock Indian reservations. Settlers wanted. Last Name First Name Business Anderson Lumber Co. J. F. J F Bennett agent Applegate H. C. editor and manager Belvidere Times Belvidere State Bank O A Hodson pres, F J Carpenter vice-pres, L A Pier cashier Belvidere Times (w) Dakota Publishing Co prop, H C Applegate editor and manager Bennett J. F. agent J F Anderson Lumber Co. Buckmaster J. E. marshal Buckmaster see Shook & Buckmaster Carpenter F. J. vice-pres Belvidere State Bank Catholic Church City Hotel Fred W Towner manager Cotton N. M. (Miss) postmaster and notary public Dakota Publishing Co. publishers Belvidere Times Ellis & Pinkerton real estate, bargains in deeded lands Grayner Geo. contractor and builder Hanscom A. B. justice peace Hanscom & Co. Geo. S. flour, feed, grain, fruits and confectionery Hodson O. A. president Belvidere State Bank Kuhn & Co. W. E. general merchandise Leland Art & Mfg Co. O S Leland mgr, photographers, wholesale post cards Lilly Frank agent C, M & St P Ry and Wells Fargo Expr. Lindberg Julius drugs McCarthy Ed barber McKenna Frank pool hall Miller & Co. E. T. deeded lands, ranches & city property Obr Frank blacksmith Pier L. A. cashier Belvidere State Bank Pinkerton R. L. attorney-at-law Pinkerton see Ellis & Pinkerton Presbyterian Church Rev Whitford pastor Reeves Ernest W. U S commissioner Roose Josephine (Mrs.) restaurant Rosencrance S. F. cashier Whitbeck Bank Scott Walter A. meat market Scovel M. E. hardware and implements Shook & Buckmaster livery Smith Jas. A. lumber and coal Thode Emil saloon, constable Thode Bros. general merchandise, implements Whitbeck Bank S F Rosencrance cashier Whitford (Rev.) pastor, Presbyterian Church Williamson J. W. physician