Cottonwood, Stanley Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory


1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -

A growing town in Stanley county, on the Chicago & Northwestern Ry., 
90 miles southwest of Pierre, the state capitol. Location of the state 
experimental farm of 640 acres. The soil is rich and offers superior 
inducements to settlers, as land can be had at low prices. Population 275.

Last Name                    First Name    Business
Andrews                      W. M.         jeweler and blacksmith
Bassett                      B. B.         veterinary surgeon
Bernau                       A. C.         sec Cottonwood Association
Bernau Land Co.                            real estate
Brockelsby                                 see Davis & Brockelsby
Catholic Church                            Rev Father O'Hara priest
Citizens Band                              John B Goff leader
Congregational Church                      Rev J Q Dickensheets pastor
Cottonwood Association                     J D Howe pres, A C Bernau sec
Cottonwood Hotel                           Howe Bros props
Cottonwood Republican (w)                  C N Leedom editor, R J Swenson manager
Cottonwood State Bank                      G E Sumner pres, J H Snyder cash, A W Haight asst cashier
Cottrell & Myers                           general merchandise
Coverston                    C. X.         real estate, farm lands and ranches, loans and insurance, special representative Gray Realty Co. of Kansas City Mo.
Cowen                        E. D.         physician
Cross                        E. C.         meat market
Davis & Brockelsby                         hardware and furniture
Dickensheets                 J. Q. (Rev.)  pastor, Congregational Church
Durand & Co.                 H. G.         general merchandise
Fritz                        Charles       flour and feed
Goff                         John B.       leader, Citizens Band
Great Western Telephone Co.                Frank Rowe mgr
Haight                       A. W.         asst cashier, Cottonwood State Bank
Hoefs                        Ed            livery
Howe                         J. D.         pres, Cottonwood Association
Howe                         John I.       postmaster
Howe Bros.                                 genl mdse, props Cottonwood Hotel
Huffman                      J. H. C.      mgr Peter Mintener Lumber Co.
Kerner                       E. H.         editor and mgr Stanley County Register
Kingsbury Lumber Co.         A. C.
Leedom                       C. N.         justice peace, pres Stanley County Land Co, editor Cottonwood Republican
Lillibridge Drug Co.                       C B Lillibridge prop
Lind Implement Co.                         Nels Lind prop and mgr farm machinery, harness and paints
Mintener Lumber Co.          Peter         J H C Huffman mgr
Morris                       J. H.         barber
Mower                        C. E.         agent C & N W Ry, American Express and Western Union Telegraph Co
Myers                                      see Cottrell & Myers
Norton                       G. N.         blacksmith
O'Hara                       (Rev.)        priest, Catholic Church
Peterson                     Henry         constable
Potter                       C. R.         barber
Republican Publishing Co.                  publrs Cottonwood Republican
Rowe                         Frank         mgr Great Western Telephone Co.
Shoemaker                    John          veterinary surgeon
Snyder                       J. H.         cash Cottonwood State Bank, insurance
Stanley County Land Co.                    C N Leedom pres
Stanley County Register (w)                Western Publishers Union, publishers, E H Kerner editor and mgr
Stener                       Harry V.      livery
Strasser                     Math          cigars and pool
Sumner                       G. E.         president Cottonwood State Bank
Swenson                      R. J.         mgr Cottonwood Republican
Uhlir                        F.            saloon
Western Publishers Union                   pub Stanley County Register
Wood                         Frank E.      groceries
Woodley                      G. W. (Mrs.)  millinery
Woodley                      Geo.          cigars, billiards and pool
Woodley                      H. J.         restaurant and rooms
