Fort Pierre, Stanley Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory


1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -


        County seat of Stanley county, the largest county in the state and sixth 
largest in population as indicated by last registration. Located on west bank of 
Missouri river at mouth of Bad river, on P. R. C. & N. W. Ry. City lighted 
and heated by natural gas. Hot artesian water baths. Excellent sewer system on all 
principal streets. Municipal electric lighting plant being installed. Municipal
water system and efficient fire protection. Beautiful brick court house. High
school costing $35,000. Good churches and progressive business houses. Population

Last Name                          First Name        Business
Anderson                           O. A.             local mgr, Dakota Central Telephone Co.
Andrews                            Dale E.           sec, Fort Pierre Athletic Club
Barker                             A. W.             prop, The Barker Plunge
Barker Plunge, The
Barkley                            Robert            harness and saddlery
Beckler                            J. E. (Prof.)     principal of school
Brown                              E. L.             livery
Bunker                                               see Keyser & Bunker
Catholic Church
Clow                               Byron L.          county treasurer
Coghill                            W. H.             mgr, Ft. Pierre Laundry
Cole Land Co.                      J. M.             city real estate, farm lands and ranches, loans
Congregational Church
Cook                               Harry D.          dentist
Curran                             Martin            city treasurer
Curran & Son                       M. E.             contractors and builders
Dakota Central Telephone Co. (inc)
Darcy                              W. J.             photographer
Davis                              F. B.             vice-pres and mgr, F. B. Davis & Co.
Davis & Co.                        F. B.             hardware
Densmore                           H. M.             county judge
Dickey                             J. W.             physician, police justice
Dorothy                            E. F.             mgr, Range Mercantile Co.
Doud                               James (Mrs.)      restaurant
Episcopal Church
Fairplay, The                                        weekly newspaper
Fales                              C. H.             jeweler
Farrell                            J. J.             agt, Pierre, Rapid City & Northwestern Ry
Fenner                             E. B.             blacksmith
Ferguson                           J. A.             cigars, tobacco and confectionery
Fischer Bros.                                        general merchandise
Fleming & Co.                      J. O.             restaurant
Fletcher                           J. J.             mayor of Ft. Pierre
Fletcher Drug Co.
Fort Pierre Athletic Club
Fort Pierre Bank
Fort Pierre Brick Co.
Fort Pierre Business Men's League
Fort Pierre Gas & Improvement Co.
Fort Pierre Hospital
Fort Pierre Laundry
Fort Pierre Water Works                              municipal water supply
Gerow                              W. L.             asst cashier, Stock Growers Bank
Glass                              N. G.             prop, Hotel Glass
Goldsmith                          C. D.             pres, Fort Pierre Bank
Goldsmith                          L. E.             cashier, Fort Pierre Bank
Gordon                             Geo.              prop and mgr, Majestic Theatre
Greene                             Geo. E. (Rev.)    pastor, Congregational Church
Grogan                             Francis W.        attorney at law, land and loans
Hansen                             H. W.             blacksmith
Hargesheimer Bros.                                   drugs
Harland                            E. T.             pres and mgr, Fort Pierre Brick Co.
Hayes                              John              lumber, farm machinery, coal
Hill                               John              contractor and builder
Holland                            Patrick           tailor
Home Land & Abstract Co.
Hotel Glass
Hotel Huston
Hughes                             John F.           attorney at law
Humphrey                           C. W.             attorney at law
Hurst Bros.                                          restaurant and lodgings
Huston                             George S.         prop, Hotel Huston, county sheriff
Hyde L. A.                         jeweler
Independent Publishing Co.                           publ, The Fairplay and Sioux Stock Journal
Jeffries                           H. L.             barber
Jeffries                           Hugh              sec, Fort Pierre Business Men's League
Jeffries                           Hugh              publ, Stock Growers News
Johnson                            E. G.             genl mgr, Stanley Co. Creamery
Johnson                            Julius H.         attorney at law, county attorney, states attorney
Jones                              C. C.             bakery
Keyser                             Milton            chief of police
Keyser & Bunker                                      lumber, coal
Kohout                             Joseph            shoemaker
Lambert                            F. W.             lawyer
Lavery                             C. J. (Dr.)       pres, Fort Pierre Business Men's League
Lavery                             Charles J.        supt county board of health, county physician
Lavery                             Charles J. (Dr.)  vice-pres, Fort Pierre Bank
Lavery                             Charles J. (Dr.)  mgr and surgeon, Fort Pierre Hospital
Lavery & Walsh                                       physicians, mgrs Ft Pierre Hospital
Leggett                            C. H.             flour, feed and seeds
Lindsay                            E. E.             mgr, Missouri Transfer Line
Lucas Realty Co.                   F.
Majestic Theatre
Mathieson                          Geo D.            meat market
Mathieson                          W. C.             postmaster
McCready Sisters                   millinery
McGuire                            H. C.             justice peace, contractor and builder
McKillip                           J. A.             register deeds
McMillen                           M.                city auditor
McPherson                          John              pres, Fort Pierre Athletic Club
McPherson                          John              with Young, Philip & McPherson, notary public
Millett                            C. L.             pres, Stanley Co. Abstract & Loan Co.
Millett                            C. L.             pres, Stock Growers Bank
Missouri River Transfer Line
Mix                                Fred A.           editor, The Fairplay and Sioux Stock Jrnl.
Moore                              David             US commissioner
Morgan Bros.                                         transfer and express
Murphy                             Robert E.         insurance
Newman                             Frank             barber
Norman                             Frank L.          county assessor
Norvold                            Kathryn (Miss)    millinery
O'Hara                             (Father)          priest, Catholic Church
O'Rielly                           William           livery
Osborn                                               see Winget & Osborn
Ostendorf                          H. C.             grain, flour and feed
Parcells                           M. L.             sec, bonded abstracter, Home Land & Abstract Co
Philip                             Geo.              city attorney
Philip                             James             with Young, Philip & McPherson
Philip & Waggoner                                    lawyers
Pierre, Rapid City & Northwestern Ry
Price                              Chas. M.          county auditor
Randall                            J. O.             billiards and pool
Range Mercantile Co. (inc)
Reed                               Grace A.          county supt of schools
Ricketts                           A. C.             meat market
Riggs                              T. L.             vice-pres, Stock Growers Bank
Robertson                          Chas. W.          sec-treas, Robertson Lumber Co.
Robertson                          Geo. E.           pres, Robertson Lumber Co.
Robertson Lumber Co.                                 lumber and coal
Robson                             G.                barber
Rousch & Sons                      carpenters and builders
Rowe & Co.                         F. S.             hardware, farm machinery
Russell                            H. L. (Rev.)      rector, Episcopal Church
Schroeder                          Wm. (Dr.)         resident physician, Fort Pierre Hospital
Schroeder                          Wm. (Dr.)         member of board, US pension examiners
Shimmin                            J. E.             undertaker
Sioux Stock Journal
Squire                             C. M.             sec and mgr, Stanley Co. Abstract & Loan Co.
Stanley County Abstract & Loan Co.                   insurance, surety bonds
Stanley County Abstract & Loan Co.                   bonded abstracters, real estate, loans
Stanley County Creamery Assn.                        mfrs butter and ice cream
Stansberry-Schroeder               Essie (Mrs.)      matron, supt of nurses, Fort Pierre Hospital
Stock Growers Bank
Strain                             F. R.             asst cashier, Fort Pierre Bank
Stroup & Son                                         livery, feed and sale stable
Sumner                             G. E.             treas, Stanley Co. Abstract & Loan Co.
Sumner                             G. E.             cashier, Stock Growers Bank
Terry                              Rex A.            confectionery and cigars
Townsend                           R. H.             county surveyor
Vickerman                          C. H.             livery
Waggoner                                             see Philip & Waggoner
Walsh                              J. Mark (Dr.)     mgr, Fort Pierre Hospital
Walsh                              J. Mark (Dr.)     member, State Board of Medical Examiners
Walsh                              J. Mark (Dr.)     city board of health, county physician
Walsh                                                see Lavery & Walsh
Weed & Co.                         M. L.             general merchandise
Winget & Osborn                                      contractors and builders
Winter                             Clyde C.          county coroner
Yokum                              Bob               Hotel
Young                              Warren            with Young, Philip & McPherson
Young, Philip & McPherson                            real estate, farm lands and ranches

Northwestern Gazetteer and  Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917)
FORT PIERRE. Pop 1,500. Stanley county. An incorporated city and the
county seat on the C & N W Ry and the Missouri river opposite Pierre
121 miles w of Huron. Has Catholic, Congregational and Episcopal churches,
a commercial club, 2 banks, a hotel, a grain elevator, natural gas, an
electric light plant, water and sewer systems. A weekly newspaper the Times
is published. Live stock raising and dairying is the principal industry.
Land is worth $15 to $50 per acre. Exp Am. Tel W U. Patrick Holland P M.
Last Name                           First Name          Business
Barkley                             Robt                harness
Bennett                             Claude A.           lawyer
Bianchi                             Paul                baker
Bloom Bros.                                             (Claude A and Louis R), automobiles
Bowen                               Jas E.              dentist
Brown                               Burg                lawyer
Callahan                            Jas F.              lawyer
Cavanaugh                           Peter A.            saloon
Coyne                               C. E.               editor and mngr, Fort Pierre Times
Damon                               C. M.               cashr, Stock Growers Bank
Davis                               Fred B.             hardware
Dotson                              Pearly L.           undertaker
Farrell                             Jno G.              r r, exp and tel agt
Farrell & Ostendorf                                     Jno G Farrell, Herman C Ostendorf), grain elevator
Feeney                              Mary                milliner
Fischer Bros.                                           (Anton S, Frank G and Chas G), gen store
Fletcher Drug Co.                                       J J Fletcher, pres; K F Fletcher, sec
Fort Pierre Business Men's League                       Geo S Huson, pres; J H Johnson, sec
Fort Pierre Gas Co.                                     Phillips Estate proprs
Fort Pierre National Bank                               (capital $25,000), Karl Goldsmith, pres; F R Strain, cashr
Fort Pierre Times                                       The Times Printery pubs, C E Coyne editor and mngr (See adv.)
Fort Pierre Water Works
Frost                               Wm. H.              see F S Rowe & Co.
Gird                                Marjorie            mngr, Majestic Theatre
Goldsmith                           Karl                pres, Fort Pierre National Bank
Goldsmith                           L. E.               sec, The Times Printery
Goldsmith                           Lewis E.            pres Home Land & Abstract Co. (See adv.)
Goldsmith                           M.                  sec, Home Land & Abstract Co.
Hargesheimer Bros.                                      (Gust and Oscar), drugs
Henrikson                           Howard              see Martin & Henrikson
Home Land & Abstract Co.                                Lewis E Goldsmith, pres; M Goldsmith, sec; Lands, loans and abstracts (See adv)
Huch                                Jno T.              shoemkr
Hughes                              Jno F. (Hon.)       judge 6th Judicial Circuit
Hull                                Jas.                livery
Huson                               Geo. S.             pres, Fort Pierre Business Men's League
Huston House                                            Geo S Huston propr
Johnson                             J. H.               sec, Fort Pierre Business Men's League
Johnson & Johnson                                       (Julius H and Lydia B), lawyers
Keyser & Bunker                                         (Geo W Keyser, Abraham J Bunker), lumber
Lambert                             F. Webb             states atty
Lockwood                            Jno                 vet surgeon
Luko                                Frank               gen store
Lynch                               Guy                 barber
Majestic Theatre                                        Marjorie Gird mngr
Martin & Henrikson                                      (Geo R Martin, Howard Henrikson), painters
McPherson                           Jno                 sec, Northern Trust Co.
McPherson                           Jno                 see Sumner & McPherson
Millet                              C. L.               pres, Northern Trust Co.
Millett                             C. L.               pres, Stock Growers Bank
Missouri River Transfer Line                            (Henry and Alf Olson), ferry
Moore Bros.                                             (J Wm and David), horses
Murphy                              Robt E.             real est
Newman                              Frank               barber
Northern Trust Co.                                      C L Millet, pres; Jno McPherson, sec; abstracts
Olson                               Henry and Alf       see Missouri River Transfer Line
O'Reilly                            Wm.                 saloon
Ostendorf                           Herman C.           see Farrell & Ostendorf
Philip                              Scotty (estate of)  Stanley Philip administrator
Philip & Waggoner                                       (Geo Philip, Alvin Waggoner), lawyers
Phillips                            (estate)            proprs, Fort Pierre Gas Co.
Porter                              Walton R.           elec light plant
Ricketts                            Andr. C.            see Young & Co.
Ricketts                            Louise A. (Mrs.)    conf
Robar                               Jay                 jeweler
Robertson Lumber Co.                                    G E Robertson, pres; C W Robertson, sec
Robson                              Wm.                 plumber
Rowe & Co.                          F. S.               (Fred S Rowe, Wm H Frost), hardware
Stock Growers Bank                                      (capital $50,000), C L Millett, pres; C M Damon, cashr
Strain                              F. R.               cashr, Fort Pierre National Bank
Stroup & Son                                            (Ozro and Jno), livery
Sumner & McPherson                                      (Gaylord E Sumner, Jno McPherson), ins agts
Sutley                              Percy               lunch room
Terry                               Rex                 conf
Terry                               Wm.                 blksmith
Times Printery, The (Inc)                               C E Coyne, pres and mngr; L E Goldsmith, sec; pubs Fort Pierre Times (see adv.)
Toro                                Danl                tailor
Vandercook                          Ralph               county surveyor
Walker                              Ray D.              lawyer
Walsh                               Jos. M.             phys
Weed & Co.                          M. L.               (Marvin L and Chas J Weed), gen store
Whittemore                          Chas. W.            auctioneer
Young                               Isaac S.            livery
Young & Co.                                             (Elmer E Young, Andr C Ricketts), meats
