KADOKA, Stanley Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory


1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -

        An important town in Stanley county, on the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Ry., 100 miles southwest of Fort Pierre. Surrounding country
developing rapidly. Population 350.                     

Last Name                 First Name          Business
Bailey                    W. G.               flour and feed
Baldock                                       see Dorn & Baldcock
Bank of Kadoka                                Martin Johnson, pres, D. H. Henry, vice-pres.
Bank of Kadoka                                O. E. Stuart, cashier, E. E. Dykeman, asst. cash.
Bellew                    J. L.               photographer
Beraney                                       see Chamie & Beraney
Bertsch                   G. E.               barber
Boswell                   D.                  mgr., Jas A. Smith
Brown                     D. S. Rev.          pastor, Congregational Church
Catholic Church                               Rev. T. McNaboe priest
Chamie & Beraney                              General merchandise
Chastka & Co.                                 dry goods and groceries
Congregational Church                         Rev. D. S. Brown, pastor
Coye                      Frank               Undertaker
Coye-Dithmer Land Co.                         Real estate
Craven                    C. A.               vice-pres., Kadoka State Bank
Crawford                  J.E.                Bakery
Daub                      Mrs. Catherine      Dressmaker
Determan                                      see, Hand & Determan
Dolloff                   A.T.                Taxidermist
Dorn & Baldcock                               Proprietors, Kadoka Drug Co.
Doty                      J.T.                Hardware
Draper                    B.                  Publisher, The Reporter
Dreier                    R.B.                Dentist
Durkee & Nellor                               Publishers, Kadoka Press
Dykeman                   E.E.                Assistant cashier, Bank of Kadoka
Eddy                                          see Rogers & Eddy
Edwards                   F.L.                Blacksmith
Englund                   H. M.               asst. cashier, Kadoka State Bank
Fraser                    J.A.                Harness and saddlery
Fryberger                 J.H.                Groceries
Fullerton Lumber Co.                          Theo Baisch, manager
Gavin                     Ed                  Restaurant
Green                     Mrs.Lenora          Postmaster
Gross                     R.W.                Clothing and shoes
Hand & Determan                               prop., Kadoka Grain Co.
Henry                     D. H.               vice-pres., Bank of Kadoka
Hotel Dacotah                                 Martin Johnson, proprietor
Johnson                   Martin              pres., Bank of Kadoka and prop. Hotel Dacotah
Johnson & Moore Co.                           General merchandise
Jones                     J. Mrs.             hotel
Kadoka Drug Co.                               Dorn & Baldcock, proprietors
Kadoka Grain Co.                              Hand & Determan, proprietors
Kadoka Press (w)                              Durkee & Nellor, proprietors
Kadoka State Bank                             W.T. McConnell, pres., C.A. Craven, vice-pres.
Kadoka State Bank                             W.C. Meyer, cashier, H.M. Englund, asst. cashier
McConnell                 W. T.               pres., Kadoka State Bank
McNaboe                   T. Rev.             priest, Catholic Church
Meyer                     Wm. C.              US commissioner, cash. Kadoka State Bank
Nellor                                        see Durkee & Nellor
Newcomer                  J.S.                Physician
Pease                     J.C.                Agent, C, M & St. P Ry. and Wells Fargo
Reidinger                 J.E.                Pool hall
Reidinger                 Mrs. F.E.           Millinery
Reidinger Land Agency     F.E.                Real estate
Reporter, The (w)                             B. Draper, publisher
Rogers & Eddy                                 Meat market
Rohan Bros.                                   Livery, blacksmiths
Schwitzenberg             W.A.                Jeweler
Sharon                    Otto                Cigars and confectionery
Simek                     F.J.                Saloon
Skrove                    G.H.                General merchandise
Skrove                    R.G.                Undertaker and furniture
Smith                     Jas A.              Lumber, D. Boswell, manager
Stevens                   N.                  Livery
Stuart                    O.E.                Cashier, Bank of Kadoka
Winter                    C.C.                Physician
Zemanck                   A.C.                Hardware and agricultural implements
