Wendte, Stanley Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory


1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
        Postoffice in Stanley county, 29 miles west of Pierre, on P. R. C. &
N. W. Ry. Population 40.

Last Name                  First Name    Business
Brown                      R. E.         agric implements, fuel, feed, paints and oils
Brown                      R. E.         publisher, Stanley County Socialist
Genoway                    Bertha        postmaster
Genoway                    G. A. G.      real estate, station agent and mgr Western Union Telegraph Co.
Jensen                     A. (Mrs.)     boarding house
Knight                     C. H.         nursery
Knight                     Ed            painter
Newton                     I. H.         general merchandise
Seyller                    Vincent       blacksmith
Sprague                    C. (Mrs.)     confectionery
Stanley County Socialist (w)             R E Brown publisher
Talcott                    A. C. (Mrs.)  barber
Watts                      Chas.         livery
Williams                   L. (Mrs.)     restaurant
