Tripp County, South Dakota
30 Buildings Leave Lamro
That Lamro citizens had no cause for denouncing The News reports which said the town was dwindling, and that the town's career lies in the past rather than in the future, is the statement brought forth from a reliable informant of Gregory county who passed through Norfolk yesterday.
The speaker, who has no interest in either Winner or Lamro, declared that more than thirty of Lamro's original fifty buildings have already been moved, through the snow, to the new railroad townsite of Winner, two and a half miles away. And Winner, he said, having already gained more than three-fifths of Lamro's original buildings, and having been selected as well by dozens of newcomers in the Rosebud country, seeking desirable business locations, is bound to predominate in the center of Tripp county and to overshadow Lamro by the greatest odds, due to the fact that Winner will have the railend while Lamro will be out on the prairie.
The informant said that the permanent county seat of Tripp county was by no means yet settled, but that Winner would make a very vigorous fight for it and that many people in Tripp county would center their efforts on Winner because they would prefer that the county seat should be on the railroad.
"A large number of Lamro businessmen who originally hung back and tried to throw cold water on Winner have now abandoned Lamro and have moved their buildings to Winner," the speaker said.
And even if Lamro were to retain the county seat, that fact alone would not by any means form the basis for a substantial town, particularly when it is borne in mind that Winner, a larger town and a live one, will be only two and a half miles away, and on the railroad.
Those who still cling to Lamro are fighting desperately for the town's life, and it is but natural that reports telling how building after building, and business after business had been moved away from the old town, across the prairies in the snow to the new railroad town of Winner would cause keenest anger to those who still stick to Lamro and it is but natural that they should have called a mass meeting to denounce The Norfolk News for printing the facts. As a matter of fact, the statement that Lamro has 700 people, made to The News the other day, is very much overdrawn."
[The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal, Published February 04, 1910]
Submitted by Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
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Augusta Changed To Wewela
Gregory County News: The post-office at Augusta has undergone a change of name and was so ordered by the post-office department and hereafter after the right name of the office will be Wewella.
A petition was presented to the department by the residents of that vicinity asking that the same should be done and the petition was granted.
Miss Nelhus, of necessity, supplies a new bond as postmistress under the change.
[The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal, Published February 04, 1910]
Submitted by Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
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200 Cars Expected At Dallas For Opening
Passing Through Norfolk, Rosebud Visitor from Iowa Admitted There's Better Corn Around Dallas and Gregory Than Near Sioux City.
"Horseless carriages are competing with horses and vehicles in showing prospective settlers over the Rosebud reserve, which is soon to be open for registration," said an Iowa resident who stopped off at Norfolk today on his return home. "With a party of four I was conveyed over the land yesterday in an auto. We covered about ninety miles in the circuitous round trip, at about fifteen miles an hour. Some of the time we rolled over the prairie, but generally kept to the roads or Indian trails. Portions of the roads were bum, deep and guttered which necessitated slow driving. The charge for such an auto trip is $5 a person. This is more expensive than horse conveyance, but many prefer it because the trip can be made quicker. I was told at Dallas that 200 autos from Omaha and Sioux City will be there on the opening day, October 5, to show settlers over the country, and will remain until the rush is over. The dozen autos now in use are knocking out about $25 a day each.
This Iowa gent says that in the frenzy to get buildings up before opening day 200 carpenters are at work, und more are arriving daily.
As high as $800 is asked for lots on the un-built portion of the business street adjacent to stores already completed or under way at Dallas.
There are five completed hotels at Dallas, which are crowded now. The crush will be intensified when the big influx for registration comes. Bunk tents are already caring for the overflow, and more will be put up during the rush. One dollar is now exacted for sleeping on a cot in a hotel. "Accommodations" for two on a cot costs 50 cents for a sleeper. The Iowa gent says he didn't sleep much, it was too narrow and crowded, the night he occupied the cot with a companion. It ended by his snoozing on the hard floor.
Good Farm Land.
The Iowa man says that what corn he saw around Dallas and Gregory is better than that grown this season in the country he comes from, which is north of Sioux City.
Moving Picture Show.
A moving picture show, which opened at Dallas last night, was a relief to the strangers craving diversion and amusement. By registration day several vaudeville shows will be in operation.
Gregory Band Meets Trains.
The Gregory band was at the station Friday evening to welcome the newcomers into town. This program will probably be continued from now until after the rush.
Filling the Water Tanks.
Six big water tanks at Dallas will begin to be filled with water today by the Northwestern railroad, preparatory to the Tripp county rush. The water will all be hauled to Dallas from Herrick, where the Northwestern has made arrangements to secure its supply. The tanks full of water will be used for the locomotives and for watering the trains during the two weeks' rush.
[The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal, Published Friday, September 25, 1908]
Submitted by the Tripp County Historical Society
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Linford W. Barnhart
(Surnames: Barnhart, Moke, Roubillard, Burgess)
Former Tripp County Man Killed At Rail Crossing
Linford W. Barnhart, a former resident of Tripp county, was instantly killed at Chicago last week when the automobile he was driving was struck by a train at a railway crossing.
Mr. Barnhart is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barnhart, of Millboro, who left immediately for Chicago on receiving work of their son's death.
The following account of the fatal accident is given in the Villa Park Argus of Villa Park, IL: The Addison avenue crossing of the Chicago & North Western railroad was the scene of a tragic death between 8 and 8:30 o'clock on Tuesday morning when Linford W. Barnhart of Third street and Elmore avenue, Villa Park, after waiting for the passing of an eastbound train, drove his Hupmobile directly into the path of an unseen westbound train and was, presumably, instantly killed. The car was wrecked. The train dragged the body for several hundred feet, it being picked up nearer the Ardmore avenue crossing than Addison avenue crossing.
Mr. Barnhart, who was employed by the Yellow Truck and Coach Manufacturing Company, Chicago, was on his way to work.
According to Jake Moke, the witness of the accident, who related the details to the dead man's family, he was driving a loaded wagon north. Mr. Barnhart passed him and when they saw the eastbound train coming they stopped, Mr. Barnhart being directly in front of the Moke wagon, which was about a hundred feet from the track. When the car began to slip backward a little, down the incline, Mr. Moke, afraid that the machine would back into him, pulled his team a little to one side. Immediately after the eastbound train shot by, Mr. Barnhart started across the track, even as Mr. Moke shouted to him of the approach of the other train, which, because of the curve, was difficult to see.
The body was removed by the North Western train to Roubillard's undertaking parlors and the inquest held on Wednesday afternoon. The burial services were held this (Friday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. R. M. Burgess, pastor of the Community Congregational church, Villa park, preaching the sermon. Interment was at Elm Lawn."
The deceased, who had lived in Chicago previous to coming here a little less than a year and a half ago, is survived by his wife, Grace, and their five children, the youngest only a few months old and the oldest 8 years old."
Winner Advocate, Keya Paha News, 16 May 1935, Pg. 3, Col. 2
Submitted by: Carol Jo Hossle
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A. M. Beals of Gooby, S.D. was in town the first of the week having dental work done.
[Valentine Democrat, Valentine, NE, Published September 14, 1911, submitted by Cathy Danielson]
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Mrs. Lester Bellander
(Surnames: Bellander)
Dr. Walters, of Winner, was called to the Lester Bellander home Friday to see Mrs. Bellander, who is quite ill.
Winner Advocate, January 6, 1927, Page 1 Col. 2
Submitted by: Carol Jo Hossle
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Ben Butts
Man Rises From Poverty in Only Eight Years
Winner, S.D. In this town at the end of the railroad and the gateway to the Rosebud cattle country, a self-styled "outlaw" who made his living at odd jobs eight years ago, has developed a retail business which has made him one of the ten leading individual taxpayers of South Dakota.
Ben Butts is the "outlaw," and he owns and operates the Outlaw Trading post which sells anything from a hairpin to a tractor.
His customers are ranchers and farmers in some of the last Indian reservation territory opened in the United States.
Eight years Butts landed in Winner broke but eager to work. It was winter. All he could find to do was shovel snow. He cleaned banks eight feet deep from store front sidewalks at fifty cents a store front, and when he had money enough he bought a peddler's outfit.
Presently he found that he had made $134, and he invested it in a shack and a stock of merchandise. Today he is reckoned in Winner as having personal and commercial assets of around a million dollars.
Butt's principal store is in Winner at the end of the railroad line. He has five branches to which he trucks supplies. He makes no pretense of building fine stores. His places of business are shacks in the true sense of the word simple, study structures of sun-blistered boards.
When Butts first started his store he kept it open 24 hours a day. Now that competition has abated he has put his establishments on an 18 hour day.
[Pinckney Dispatch, Wednesday, May 23, 1928]
Submitted by Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
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Catholic Daughters of America
(Surnames: Bartels, Briggs, Clute, Foxhoven, Hann & Overton)
Mesdames R. V. Overton, Rose Clute, Margaret Foxhoven and A. J. Hann were hostesses at a meeting of the Catholic Daughters of America at the Overton home last Thursday evening. This meeting was in the form of a farewell party for Mrs. L. S. Briggs, who leaves soon to join her husband at Wahoo, Nebr. Bridge was played at five tables and followed by a delightful lunch. Mrs. H. J. Bartels was awarded the prize for high score and Mrs. Briggs was presented with a lovely gift.
[Winner Advocate, May 1934, submitted by Nancy Sneed]
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Celebration For Lamro
July 4, 5 and 6 Will Be Given Over to Frontier Sports.
Lamro, S. D., May 5. Special to The News: At a mass meeting of the citizens of Lamro it was decided to hold a three days' celebration, July 4 , 5 and 6. It is the intention to make it a purely western celebration and one of the biggest ever held in this part of the northwest.
Roping and branding cattle, bronco busting and other western sports will be the main features, with a brass band, baseball and all the Rosebud and Pine Ridge Indians that
twenty head of fine beef can induce to come. From the sentiment of the citizens as expressed in the meeting, about $2,500 will be raised to defray the expenses and pay the prizes of the three days.
[The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal (Norfolk, Neb.) Publishe May 06, 1910]
Submitted by Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
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John Chleboun, Jr.
John Chleboun, Jr. was up from Schuyler over Sunday visiting relatives. He informed the editor that the coming week he intends to pack up and ship the remainder of his personal effects to Danton, South Dakota, where he will take up his permanent residence on a farm he owns there and on which his family is residing at the present time.
[The Colfax County Press, Colfax County, Nebraska, Published January 17, 1911]
Submitted by the Tripp County Historical Society
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Commercial Club for Winner
(Surnames: Wagner, Roe, Holm, Gardner Rawson, Heaulieu, Carter, Trezona and Rawson)
Lamro Journal: The business men of Lamro, who are moving to Winner met at the Bank of Trlpp County one evening last week and organized the Winner Commercial club. This club starts off with a membership of about twenty-five.
The Commercial club will co-operate with the Western Townsite company in its efforts to make Winner the queen of the towns on the Rosebud.
Lamro's hustlers are going to Winner, and are members of this club. They have made Lamro a good town and will make Winner better.
A board of directors, consisting of J. J. Wagner, C. S. Roe, Ford Holm, N. E. Gardner and A. L. Rawson was elected. The other officers elected are: P. O. Heaulieu, president; Chas. Carter, vice president; J. T. Trezona, treasurer, and A. L. Rawson, secretary.
[The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal, Published Friday, January 28, 1910]
Submitted by Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
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Crowd Attended Dance
Quite a crowd from Norden attended the dance at Sparks Monday night. Although a very disagreeable night a whole wagon load. Tripp county bachelors were present and girls were at a premium.
[Valentine Democrat (Valentine, Neb.), February 24, 1910]
Submitted by: Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
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Deep Snow in Tripp
Colome, S. D., Jan. 21. Special to The News: The snow is drifted so badly off the main traveled roads it is next to impossible to get a team through. Many of the homesteaders are traveling about on improvjsed snow shoes made from dry goods boxes.
One farmer near Denver is reported to have had a horse break a leg in a snow drift. The horse had to be killed.
Hailey's comet was visible here between 5 and 7 p.m. on the 20th.
Several routes are in prospect to start from Colomo in the spring. The one south of town has been canvassed and the required number of patrons secured. There is also a telephone line going to build south and east of town as soon as work can be begun on it in the spring.
[The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal, Published Friday, January 28, 1910]
Submitted by Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
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Jack Einkopf
Mr. Jack Einkopf of Witten, So. Dak. took over the operation of the local pharmacy formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cremers. After purchasing the pharmacy, Mr. Einkopf renamed it the "Leigh Pharmacy."
[The Leigh World, Colfax Co., Nebraska, Dec. 31, 1953, submitted by RM, Tripp Co. Historical Society]
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Eveleth & Couning
Eveleth & Couning have opened a meat market in Witten, So. Dak.
[The National Provisioner, 1920, submitted by RM, Tripp Co. Historical Society.]
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Flouring Mill at Wewela
W. F. Thomas of Long Pine, Nebr., will probably erect a flouring mill at Wewela.
[The Operative Miller, Vol. 16, January 1911, submitted by RM, Tripp County Historical Society]
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Girl Homesteader Gets Mail Carrying Contract
Makes Reputation for Herself by Freighting a Load of Goods Over a Long and Bad Road.
Carter, S. Dak., May 26. In addition to personally doing the work which will make her the owner of 160 acres of government land, Miss Tillie Smith has contracted to carry the United States mail between Carter and Shoemaker.
She assisted in freighting out the first load of goods for the store at Shoemaker when it was established, at that time the roads were bad and the mud was so deep that at several places on the road the wagon got mired and she had to unload the goods and carry them over the mud holes.
The goods were hauled from Dallas, and she left that place at 7 o'clock in the morning and did not reach her destination at Shoemaker until 1 o'clock the next morning, having been 18 hours on the road.
[Syracuse Journal, Published Friday, May 26, 1911, submitted by RM, Tripp Co. Historical Society]
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Goes To Meet Her Sister
(Surnames: Briggs, Edwards & Hartwich)
Mrs. Glen Edwards departed this afternoon for Omaha, where she goes to meet her sister, Mrs. Leland Briggs who is to arrive there from her home at Winner, So. Dakota and who is to arrive there a little after five o'clock this evening, and will arrive here this evening for a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hartwich and other relatives and friends.
[Winner Advocate, date unknown, submitted by Nancy Sneed]
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Wm. Gooby & Mrs. Gooby

Wm. Gooby , our merchant went back to Carthage , S. D. , to close out his business there. He expects to his entire time to his store there. His wife went to Valentine Monday to have papers made out for a new, post-office. She will be the postmistress and the name of the office will be Gooby
[Valentine Democrat (Valentine, Neb.) , March 17, 1910]
Submitted by: Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
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Mrs. Gooby, Postmistress, Gooby, South Dakota
We understand Mrs.Gooby has been appointed postmistress at the new store in Tripp county and the place will be known as Gooby, South Dakota
[Valentine Democrat (Valentine, Neb.), February 24, 1910]
Submitted by: Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
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Wes Good
Bad Man is Shot
Wes Good of Wewela, Receives Three Bullet Wounds
Wewela, May 20. - In a shooting affray which occurred in the little inland town of Wewela, Tripp County, Wes Good, a notorious character, received three bullet wounds, on of which may prove fatal.
[Aberdeen Daily News, Aberdeen, SD, Published May 20, 1913, submitted by Cathy D.]
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Lloyd & Leon Gransinger - Wewela, S.D.
Valentine, Neb., April 9. - Airplanes took off at dawn today to hunt down a trigger-happy man who killed a Nebraska highway patrolman and then vanished into the desolate sandhills cattle country.
A dozen light planes took part in the search for the fugitive, identified as Lloyd Gransinger, 22, Wewela, S.D. Gransinger shot and fatally wounded Patrolman Marvin Hansen, of Valentine, late last night, only a few minutes before Hansen's 29th birthday.
A large posse of armed men, equipped with walkie-talkie radios, spread out along the Niobrara River, which cuts its way through rocky canyons and convulsed hills. Authorities first had said the country was "too rough for a ground search."
Hansen had sought to arrest one of the drivers of two automobiles which Sheriff Bill Freeman said were stolen vehicles.
Freeman arrested a man he identified as Leon Gransinger, 33, Wewela, S.D. But he said when Hansen approached the second car, which was being towed by the first, Gransinger's brother, Lloyd, 22, fled. Hansen followed him into the underbrush nearby and Freeman said there were several shots.
"I found Hansen dying," Freeman said. The patrolman died en route to a Valentine hospital.
Police from Nebraska and South Dakota immediately set up road blocks in the area.
Poor visibility caused by intermittent dust storms hampered the search.
[Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, Washington, Published April 9, 1954]
Submitted by Cathy Danielson
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Our old friend, Hockenbery of Gooby was in town Monday, but failed to come and play us a few games of checkers.
[Valentine Democrat, Valentine, NE, Published March 30, 1911, submitted by Cathy Danielson]
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Iams' Will Provides Statue of Self to Cost Half Million
(Surnames: Iams, Pickens)
Winner, S. D., Nov. 21. - Considerable excitement was occasioned in Winner and vicinity when the validity of the will of Frank Iams, a wealthy horseman formerly of St. Paul, Neb., well known in Omaha and throughout Nebraska, was attacked by those who claim to be his legal heirs.
Iams died on October 21 as a result of Spanish influenza, and it is alleged made a will on his death bed giving nearly all of his property to his stenographer, Helen Pickens, making her his executrix without bond, and leaving only one-third to his wife, making no provision or mention of his mother, who with his wife is still living at St. Paul.
The terms of the will have many unique features, one of which requires the erection of a statue in the city of Winner of himself mounted on a Percheron stallion twenty-five feet high, to cost, in case the stenographer should marry or upon her death, all of his estate, which is estimated at $500,000.
A report became current shortly after Iams' death that he had left the city of Winner about $200,000 for a park, but upon examining the will this was found to be untrue. The estate comprises several thousand acres of land in Tripp county, well stocked with cattle and horses, and many modern buildings.
Iams was 61 years old, and the chief beneficiary under his will is 30. His wife, mother and brother, Charles Iams of St. Paul, through their legal representatives, claim that Miss Pickens exercised undue influence over Iams.
[Winner Advocate, November 21, ____, submitted by Nancy Sneed]
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Frank Janis
(Surnames: Janis, Gandy)
Frank Janis, a Rosebud Sioux Indian of Tripp county, South Dakota, is one of the few of Uncle Sam's "wards" in the ranks of the army of men assigned to guard his property.
Janis has just gone to Washington and joined the capital police force. He is highly educated and owns a flourishing 940-acre ranch on the Rosebud reservation and he drives his own auto.
Janis is in Washington as the protege of Congressman H. L. Gandy of South Dakota.
[The Day, New London, Conn., Published January 22, 1916, submitted by Cathy Danielson]
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Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Jensen
(Surnames: Jensen, Petersen)
Among the outgoing passengers last Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jensen, who had been here on the sad mission of burying the latter's father.
They had stayed but a few days with their brother, August Petersen and numerous friends. They were to stop at Hampton and Phillips, Neb. for a few days before returning to their home at Winner, S. D.
[The Ord Quiz, Ord, Nebraska, Published January 02, 1919, submitted by Cathy Danielson]
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Robert Jiroux
Arrested For Assault on Neighbor With Neckyoke
Wewela, June 9. - Robert Jiroux, a Tripp county homesteader, living near Wewela, has been arrested on the charge of assault with intent to kill John Wiley, a neighboring homesteader. The two men became involved in a difficulty and while Wiley was unhitching a team it is alleged that Jiroux attacked him with a neckyoke, striking him a vicious blow over the head and rendering him unconscious. The team Wiley was unhitching became frightened and runaway and one of the horses, a valuable animal, was so badly hurt that it had to be shot.
[Aberdeen Weekly American, Aberdeen, SD, Published June 11, 1914, submitted by Cathy D.]
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William Kenaston
William Kenaston of Wewela is exhibiting a bird, which is quite a puzzle to local ornithologists. The bird is about the size of a large hawk and is covered with rich brown plumage sprinkled with black dots. The head indicated that it is a near relative to the "monkey faced owl." The legs which are very large and strong, are covered to the toes with fine down. Mr. Kenaston said that he had no difficulty in capturing it, as it is very clumsy and its wings seem almost useless.
[Aberdeen Daily News, Aberdeen, SD, Published September 8, 1914, submitted by Cathy D.]
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Bands photo was taken July 04, 1908
[Submitted by Tripp County Historical Society]
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Lamro Booming
Opinion of H. F. Slaughter, Who Visited There Recently.
Lamro, S. D., April 18. Special to The News: H. F. Slaughter, treasurer of the Lamro Townsite company, recently visited this town and he describes his visit as follows:
Mr. J. A. Flynn and myself left Gregory on Monday afternoon and drove out to Lamro, being the first trip that I have made to Lamro for the last seven months, and will say that I was greatly surprised in the development of the town and the surrounding country.
I met a lot of my old friends that have moved out into the territory tributary to Lamro, Charley Hosford, Martin Gersch, R. F. Taylor, Fred Salter, George Lcfler, Dick Sronce, Dick Webster, George McKee Charley Rosey, Charles Black and a lot of other people that I was not acquainted with before. They are all farming, some of them having bought land and others leased Indian land. They were all doing well and seemed to be prospering.
Also spent a while with C. S. Roe, the general merchant doing a thriving business. We saw people trading there from as far away as thirty-five miles, coming from Cut Meat, Oak Creek, Cottonwood and all up and down the famous Bull Creek valley. All seemed to think that Lamro is the coming town and that C. S. Roe was the man to trade with to get fair dealing.
W. E. Bridgman was also doing a thriving business, running a lumber yard and the "Lamro Index," and while I was there I bought of him the lumber to erect a bank building across the street from Van Meter's big hotel. We expect to have the bank running before May 15.
G. O. Van Meter has one of the most modern hotels in the famous Rosebud country. It took a great deal of nerve for a man to put $5,000 into buildings which Mr. Van Meter did but he is not sorry of it and has been offered $100 a month rent for his hotel, which would make an easterner stick up his ears for he could not get that kind of proposition in the old part of Nebraska or Iowa.
'Van'seems to think that Lamro is the only town and says that no doubt but that Lamro will get the county seat when the proper time comes and Lamro will be the best town in the new territory, the Gregory of Tripp county.
H. E. Hellekson is running a hardware store and doing a nice business. He is figuring on enlarging his store to take care of the coming trade, Lamro now has the stage line running from Dallas three times a week, arriving at Lamro the same day at noon and returning in the afternoon.
"Oliver Lamoureaux, who owns 1600 acres of fine land right around the town is having 1,000 acres broke and put in crop. We saw a great number of breaking teams at work and you would not think that you were on the reservation but rather think that you were in an old settled country.
'Dad' Burpee in his good jolly way is there taking care of his part of the business, running a neat little hotel with a livery barn in connection.
Lamro also has a school with twenty-eight scholars and all of them seem to be getting along well and seem to appreciate the fact that not many new towns of the age of Lamro has as good a grade school as it has.
My idea is that within the next twelve months Lamro will be a town of not less than 500 people if the reservation opens this year.
"I want to say that for Mr. Flynn and myself that we enjoyed every minute of our trip and wish all of the people of Lamro a bright and prosperous future."
[The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal, Published April 24, 1908]
Submitted by the Tripp County Historical Society And Dan Flynn
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Lamro Has a Complaint
Lamro, S. D., Jan. 24. Special to The News: Lamro wants it published that the town has not all been moved to Winner. People here think reports that have been published in The News have given an unfair impression. Two of the four banks have moved, but two remain and they are deemed sufficient. .
One hotel was bought by the Winner townsite people, but there are still several places at which to lodge and to eat. A hardware store with its building and a general store without its building, together with the printing office, complete the extent of Lamro's loss, and there is a sufficiency of each business left.
The Lamro people bought the Butte Register printing plant and O. R. Robinson is now here preparing to start a new paper to take the place of the one that moved to Winner.
[The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal, Published Friday, January 28, 1910]
Submitted by Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
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Gus Loch
Horse "Rustlers" Have Appeared in Tripp County
Colome, Feb. 8. - After a lapse of many months, horse "rustlers" again have commenced operations in that portion of the "new" county of Tripp which is adjacent to the Rosebud Indian Reservation. The rustlers, are supposed to be desperate mixed-blood Indians from the reservation. Gus Loch, former sheriff of Tripp county, was the victim of the latest raid of the rustlers, who drove off five of his horses and two mules. The trail of the thieves was followed so closely by a sheriff's posse that the stolen animals had to be abandoned, but the rustlers escaped. The officers are said to have a clew and arrests are expected.
[Aberdeen Daily News, Aberdeen, SD, Published February 13, 1913, submitted by Cathy D.]
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Look Over Tripp County
People Are Already Investigating The Country
Town of Lamro Flourishing
First Newspaper in Tripp County Starts Today Bank Will be Running By
September 1 - All Eyes Are on the Coming Gigantic Land Lottery
Lamro, S. D., July 18 Special to The News: Lamro is flourishing. H. J. Hellekson has his hardware store open, the first newspaper, the Tripp County Index, appeared for the first time this week, Editor W. H. Bridgeman having moved his plant here and issued the first number today.
The new hotel opened up this week to the public and it is expected that a general store will start the latter part of this week or the first part of next week. The drug store stock is here and will be placed on the shelf soon.
Not a day goes by but that a number of people arrive to look over this town and Tripp county. All expect to take some part in the big land lottery which will be held probably next spring.
H. F. Slaughter says that he will have his bank running in Lamro by September 1.
[Norfolk Weekly News-Journal, Norfolk, Neb., Published July 19, 1907]
Submitted by Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
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Millboro News
Elmer Ashcraft and Lloyd Ashcraft left Sunday morning for Tilden, Nebr., to spend Christmas with their parents.
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Lloyd Ashcraft and Elmer Ashcraft left Sunday morning for Tilden, Nebr., to spend Christmas with their parents.
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Mr. Elmer Ashcraft with Mr. Lloyd Ashcraft, and Misses Maude & Loretta Smith were in Winner Saturday.
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Lloyd Carley has been our mail carrier for the past few days while his father acted as a witness during a trial.
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E. H. Graham was taken to Ainsworth, Nebr., last week where he will receive medical treatment.
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Miss Madeline Harkin arrived home Saturday from Chadron, Nebr., to spend Christmas with her parents.
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Harold Jerred is husking corn near Clearfield.
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A. E. Smith has been shelling corn with his Fordson.
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Miss Loretta Smith and Miss Maude Smith are spending their Christmas vacation with their parents.
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Miss Loretta Smith with Miss Maude Smith, Messrs. Lloyd and Elmer Ashcraft, were in Winner Saturday.
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Miss Maude Smith and her pupils visited at the Painter School Friday afternoon. The afternoon was spent playing games and enjoying some fine music. Santa Claus arrived before time to leave for home, bringing with him many presents and a treat for all.
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Miss Doris Ward and Miss Gloria Ward, arrived home Friday from Springfield, S. Dak., where they have been attending the Southern State Normal School.
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Mr. & Mrs. Archie Wicker are the proud parents of a baby boy.
Tripp County Journal, Published on 10 January 1924
Submitted by: Kevin Mapes
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Guy Miller's Monoplane
(Surnames: Briggs, Halgrimson, Hartwick, Kunsman & Miller)
Mesdames Guy Miller and Lee Briggs took off Monday morning in Guy Miller's monoplane, piloted by "Slim" Halgrimson, for Omaha, going from there to Plattsmouth, Nebr. The former goes to that place to bring her father, Fred Kunsman, back to Winner for the winter, and the latter to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hartwick. They expected to return by auto Wednesday evening.
[Winner Advocate, December 21, 1931, submitted by Nancy Sneed]
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Mr. Miller's Plane
(Surnames: Briggs, Halgrimson, Kunsman & Miller)
Mrs. Guy Miller, her father, Fred Kunsman, and Mrs. L. S. Briggs flew to Omaha this morning in Mr. Miller's plane, piloted by "Slim" Halgrimson. Mr. Kunsman will go from there to Plattsmouth, Nebr., his home, after spending the winter in Winner, and Mrs. Briggs and Mrs. Miller will visit in the same city for a week or ten days, when Mr. Halgrimson will return for them. "Slim" is expected back this evening.
[Winner Advocate, March 17, 1932, submitted by Nancy Sneed]
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Harry Milliard
Harry Milliard is farming at his home in Colina, S. Dak. He expects to take up a claim in the fall.
[Educational Messenger, May 1911, submitted by RM, Tripp Co. Historical Society]
J. M. Moffett was over from Gooby to attend the stock sale Saturday, which brought fair prices, but there are always some bargains you know.
[Valentine Democrat, Valentine, NE, Published March 31, 1910, submitted by Cathy Danielson]
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Alma Nelson
Miss Mabel Alderman of Newport and Miss Alma Nelson of Witten, S. D., are operators at the telephone office. Miss Alderman worked here for two months, early in the summer.
[Valentine Democrat, Valentine, NE, Published September 14, 1911, submitted by Cathy Danielson]
New Lamro Wants Depot
C. E. Burnham, president of the Norfolk National bank of Norfolk , W. H. Tackett of Gregory and Chester Slaughter of Dallas have formed a townsite company to establish the town of New Lamro, two miles north of old Lamro in Tripp county, S. D. and less than a mile west of the new town of Winner. This makes three townsites within a radius of a mile of each other Winner, New Lamro and Old Lamro.
Mr. Burnham has just returned from a conference held in Omaha with the other New Lamro promoters. The New Lamro people sent people to Omaha and Chicago and are making an effort to induce the Northwestern railroad to assure their new townsite a depot and to run the extension from Dallas, through the town. That things were exciting was shown by the fact that Mr. Burnham, after returning from Omaha Wednesday night, was recalled to Omaha that same night and returned to the state's metropolis Thursday.
The town of Winner, near which it is proposed to plant New Lamro, was founded by the Western Townsite company of Dallas, including the Jackson Brothers and Butterfield and Barnum.
Winner is located on section 20. Its founders have made a contract for townsite privileges on the Northwestern's extension and, being in the center of Tripp county, Winner is looked upon as a future county seat probability, Old Lamro, the present county seat, being two miles off the railroad survey.
New Lamro is on section 19. Old Lamro is on section 31.
The Western Townsite company gave $32,000 for the section upon which Winner is located. The sum of $14,000, was paid to Chester Slaughter for section 19, which has been bought by the New Lamro company. To secure the county seat, under the Dakota law, a town must get more votes than all other towns put together.
It is said the Western Townsite company paid $40,000 for the townsite privileges in thelr three new towns Winner, Jordan and Carter, whoso town lots were sold yesterday, and which are slated to be the three railroad towns.
The New Lamro hotel has been purchased from G. O. Van Meter by the Western Townsite company and is being moved to Winner.
[The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal (Norfolk, Neb.), December 24, 1909]
Submitted by Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
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Outlaw Trading Post Makes Improvements
New Building To Be Ready For Use By Next Saturday
Hardware Department to Have Entrances on First Street
Ladies Rest Rooms on First Floor
Saturday is moving day at the Outlaw Trading Post, if present plans are carried out, for the hardware department will move into its new home, which is in a new tile building to the north of the present quarters. Here a room 42x100 ft. in dimensions, well lighted and well ventilated, with an entrance on First street will be devoted to hardware while a store room 32x50 ft. to the west, and a rest room for women 22x22 ft., to open off the present ready to wear section, are also built.
The Outlaw Trading Post which was started March 4th, 1920, will give the reader some idea of the growth of this general merchandise store. This company has always believed in advertising, and the Tripp County Journal ran their first advertisement in this county, which was a four line local about some strained honey. The first store was 20x24 ft., and they have increased their business with more advertising.
The first order sent out from this little store was for four 100 pound sacks of beet sugar, and this week the unloaded a car load of 600 sacks.
Their first customer was L. S. Briggs, who lived in the house shown in the photo, who bought a pair of canvass gloves and some honey.
The new addition is built in a substantial way that will serve its needs for many years, and shows the absolute faith of the owners of this large merchandising enterprise in the future of our city.
[Winner newspaper, April 11, 1930, submitted by Nancy Sneed]
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Pahapesto Twp News
H. L. Atwood, Mail carrier of Carter, brought Miss Meyer home on Saturday, and on the return trip took C. D. Meyer to Winner.
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Fred Pokorny hauled hogs for John Bauld to Winner Saturday.
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Harry Bingham has been visiting the Howard Coen family.
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Robert Boerner, County Agent, will speak at the South Pahapesto School, four and a half miles west and ten miles north of Witten, on Friday evening, January 18, on Community Organization. Mr. Boerner is showing a splendid interest in everything that makes better farms and better farm associations. The school will lead the community singing. Let everybody come.
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Mrs. Guisinger & Sons spent the New Year holidays at home. Mrs. Guisinger returning to her school on the evening of January 1st.
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Mr. & Mrs. Harry Jensen entertained at dinner on New Year's day---by Mr. & Mrs. O. C. Vanderzee
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Chris Meyer, Paul Meyer of Winner, came out to inform him and brothers, William and John of the death of their mother.
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John Meyer Brother, Paul Meyer of Winner, came out to inform him and brothers, William and Chris of the death of their mother.
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Miss Meyer was brought home on Saturday by H. L. Atwood, mail carrier of Carter.
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Miss Evelyn Meyer returned to her school at Carter New Year's day after having spent her Christmas holidays at home.
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Mr. & Mrs. C. D. Meyer with their children-Evelyn, William and Margaret were entertained at dinner on New Year's day---by Mr. & Mrs. O. C. Vanderzee
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Paul Meyer of Winner, came out Saturday to inform his brothers, Chris, William and John, of the death of their mother, who passed away early Saturday morning. Mrs. Meyer had been in poor health for the last four years. Chris, John and Paul Meyer left on the Sunday morning train for West Point, Nebr., to attend the funeral. The deceased was 74 years of age. The sorrowing relatives have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.
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Mr. & Mrs. Chris Nielsen with their children: Edwin, Florence and Howard were entertained at dinner on New Year's day---by Mr. & Mrs. O. C. Vanderzee
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Pahapesto School (South), Located four and a half miles west and ten miles north of Witten.
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Fred Pokorny hauled hogs to Winner Saturday for John Bauld.
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Mr. & Mrs. O. C. Vanderzee entertained at dinner on New Year's day-------Mr. & Mrs. William Wells, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Jensen, Mr. & Mrs. C. D. Meyer & children-Evelyn, William & Margaret, and Mr. & Mrs. Chris Nielsen & children-Edwin, Florence & Howard.
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Mr. & Mrs. William Wells entertained at dinner on New Year's day---by Mr. & Mrs. O. C. Vanderzee
Tripp County Journal, Published on 10 January 1924
Submitted by: Kevin Mapes
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Pleasant Valley News
Henry & Laura Allison,Miss Eunice Wedean and brother, Earl, spent Sunday with them.
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Mrs. Chas. Allison, gave a wedding reception at her home for Mr. & Mrs. Nels Gustafson.
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Clarence Boerner, hauled corn to Winner Monday.
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Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Hartman & family of Dallas, spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Boerner. Mrs. Hartman is their daughter.
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Mrs. Louis Flescher, spent Monday at the Bert Pederson home.
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Frank Franks and John Hughes finished shelling corn for Mr. Mills Thursday.
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Wedding reception for Mr. & Mrs. Nels Gustafson given at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Chas. Allison, was attended by most all the young folks of the community. A splendid time was spent and the bride and groom will remember their airplane ride for quite a while. Music and games and a bountiful lunch were enjoyed. The best wishes of a host of friends go with the couple to their home in Winner. Put under Marriages
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Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Hartman and family of Dallas, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Hartman's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Boerner.
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John Hughes and Frank Franks finished shelling corn for Mr. Mills, Thursday.
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Ladies Aid Met with Mrs. Mills Thursday with only a small attendance, due to the cold, stormy day. A nice lunch was served.
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C. D. Mills and son, Virgil, are marketing corn in Winner this week.
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Virgil Mills and father, C. D., are marketing corn in Winner this week.
Mrs. Louis Flescher spent Monday at the home of Bert Home Pederson.
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School opened Monday.
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Sunday School was well attended. We would like to see all the children there. Come with them. All are invited.
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Rew Walz overcomes great obstacles to preach the gospel every Sunday evening. Come and hear him. You will be benefited.
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Earl Wedean, brother to Miss Eunice Wedean, spent Sunday with Laura & Henry Allison.
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Miss Eunice Wedean and brother, Earl, spent Sunday with Laura & Henry Allison.
[Tripp County Journal, Pleasant Valley News, Published January 10, 1924]
Submitted by Kevin Mapes]
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M. O. Potter, Family
(Surnames: Potter)
M. O. Potter moved his family and household goods Monday to Long Pine, NE, where they have a place leased for the coming year. The Potters have lived in this community for the past 12 years and will be greatly missed by everyone.
Winner Advocate, KeyaPaha News, 12 April 1934, Pg. 3 Col. 3
Submitted by: Carol Jo Hossle
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Prefers Town With Depot
Lamro Journal: It is all off. The struggle is over. We are going to Winner. Like Saul of Tarsus we for a time fought against the inevitable; and likewise heard a voice saying "it is hard to kick against the pricks." The battle over, we feel the relief which comes to the new convert who has shaken off the shackles of sin.
We go to Winner as friends, and not as enemies, of the Western Townsite company. As we have fought Winner in the past we will fight for her in the future. We like Lamro and her people. They have been good to us and it is a source of great pleasure to know that many of Lamro's citizens are going with us to Winner. It is our hope that they will all see that it is to their best interest to go to Winner.
We have studied this move carefully. It has cost us many hours of sleep. The only conclusion we can reach are these: Winner will have the depot; the railroad company is back of it; if we move to the site selected for new Lamro, we might never got a depot; we want to be in a railroad town; we would just as soon be here as on a railroad without a depot; that one move is better than two.
[The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal, Published Friday, January 28, 1910]
Submitted by Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
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From P. R. Culver, McNeely, S. D.
I have lived in Chicago many years and this is my first attempt at gardening. I am much pleased with my success and want a much larger garden next year. Other gardeners are asking where I got my seed. One man was here yesterday who has three acres of onions, and he thinks my onions beat his.
The total amount of the proceeds of my garden, which is a little less than seven-eighths of an acre, is $237.50. I cannot say exactly what has paid me best, for I have not kept itemized accounts of labor, etc., as I wish I had done and will do next year. I think that beets, turnips and radishes paid as well as anything. I raised as much as three crops of some of those things on the same ground.
The ground was plowed last fall, again in the spring, and harrowed four times. Iput some manure on it in the winter and might have put more on if I had not been afraid of the weed seed which is contained in horse manure.
I kept it very clean and hoed it often. I want you to consider that this is new land only broke two years ago and is not yet in the best condition. Also, that I am 15 miles over rough roads to market, and that the town is small, only about 500 population. I could not always sell all that I had to sell, and could not afford to go to town often more than twice a week. If 1 had been near a good market, I could have made much more out of my garden.
I have learned some things and think I can do much better next year. I mean to raise a much larger garden next year.
We have not had a very good season. It has been much drier than we could wish.
I placed tin cans, with a small hole in the bottom, filled with water in some of my cucumber and melon hills, but for the most part I have depended on the hoe. The soil is a black sandy loam, and water is not more than 20 feet down, and hoeing helps a great deal.
I have no tools except a common hoe and rake. I have had to sell and eat, lettuce, radishes, onions, beets, turnips, beans, peas, squashes, cucumbers, carrots, greens and sweet corn.
Those who have seen it pronounced it the best and cleanest garden in the country.
[The Book of a Thousand Gardens, Henry Field Seed Co., 1912]
Submitted by the Tripp County Historical Society
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John Remus
Struck by lightning while driving toward his home at Wewela, John Remus, first knowledge of the accident went was when he regained consciousness and found himself in the middle of the road still holding the lines. He finally made his way to a nearby farm house and telephoned to friends who came to his assistance. He was severely, but not fatally burned by the electric current that had thrown him from his seat in the buggy.
[Aberdeen Daily News, Aberdeen, SD, Published July 27, 1914, submitted by Cathy D.]
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South Dakota Prairies Afire
Loss to Farm Buildings and Crops is Heavy
A terrific prairie fire extending for a distance of three miles from east to west has been raging in Tripp County, in the southwestern part of South Dakota.
Much loss of farm buildings and crops has taken place, and hundreds of men and women have been out fighting the flames. The towns of Lamro and McNeeley, threatened for a time, have been saved only after strenuous efforts on the part of the fire fighters.
Two persons are known to have been badly burned. They are Mr. and Mrs. McGrievie, who had been taken to Lamro for medical treatment.
[The Bessemer Herald, Bessemer, Michigan, Published October 2, 1909, submitted by Cathy D.]
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Jacob Standing Bull
Indian Turns Forger
Sioux Brave on Rosebud Reservation Wanted by Authorities
Sioux Falls, Jan. 19. For the first time in the history of the Sioux nation, a full blooded Sioux warrior named Jacob Standing Bull, whose home is on the Rosebud reservation, has embarked on a forgery career.
The authorities on the reservation as well as the authorities of Tripp county, which was formed a year or two ago from land ceded by the Rosebud Indians, now are conducting a search for Standing Bull and are armed with a warrant charging him with forgery.
The missing Indian, so far as known at this time, forged two checks and had them cashed at business houses at Valentine, Neb., near the southern boundary of the Rosebud reservation. One of the checks was for $125, and had forged to it the name of Jansen, McNamara & Co., of Carter, a new town in Tripp county, while the other was for $36, and had the name of Lee Dunkel, also of Carter, forged to it.
The forged checks were drawn on the Farmers State bank of Carter, but as both the company and Dunkel do their banking business with another Carter bank, the Carter State bank, the checks were handed to the latter institution for clearance and the forgery was detected. Immediate steps were taken to apprehend Standing Bull.
[Aberdeen daily News, Aberdeen, SD, Published January 19, 1911, submitted by Cathy Danielson]
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William Stillman
To Rush For Homesteads
Nephew of James Stillman and 500 Schoolma'ams Register for Rosebud
Dallas, S. D., Oct. 12. Young William Stillman, nephew of James Stillman of the National City Bank in New York, has decided to turn farmer and has come to this point to register for the opening of the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation.
Stillman reached here today, and after registering will return to Omaha, where he is Secretary of the Union Depot Company. His chances of drawing a farm is about one in forty. He says if he is successful he will build a house on his claim and move into it early in the Spring.
Five hundred woman school teachers from Omaha and Council Bluffs and other Iowa and Nebraska towns registered early this morning and returned to their homes on a special train. They reached here at daylight.
[New York Times, Publshed October 13, 1908, submitted by Cathy Danielson]
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Pat Sullivan
Pat Sullivan, who has an eight-acre field of potatoes near Colome, sent a consignment to an Omaha customer of 200 potatoes that weighed exactly 212 pounds. From actual measurement the potatoes are yielding 220 bushels to the acre.
[Aberdeen Daily News, Aberdeen, SD, Published September 8, 1914, submitted by Cathy D.]
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Jack Sully
Cattle Rustler Shot Dead
Career of "Jack" Sully, a Noted Desperado, Cut Short by Officers
Chamberlain, S. D., May 16. The notorious desperado Jack Sully, who for many years has been the terror of the Rosebud country, was killed in a running fight with officers on the Rosebud Reservation this morning.
A week ago Sully stole nearly 200 cattle. He took seventy-four down across the Nebraska line and sold them. Soon after, Brand Inspector Long got track of the cattle and returned them to the home range. United States Commissioner Tidrick Sunday morning sent out a posse to bring in Sully, dead or alive.
They found him at his home near Black Birds Island this morning. Sully sprang upon his horse and made a dash for liberty. For a time a running fire was maintained between the two parties, but the pursuers speedily proved the victors, Sully receiving wounds from which he died within thirty-five minutes.
Sully for the past thirty-five years has been known as a lawless and desperate character. His most recent exploit was to break jail at Mitchell, where he was being held for trial on a charge of cattle rustling, and until today officers have not been able to get him. He has for years been recognized as the head of a band of rustlers that has been the cause of endless trouble.
[New York Times, Published May 17, 1904, submitted by Cathy Danielson]
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Jack Sully - Died With His Boots On
Jack Sully Has Played His last Game On The Rosebud, and Passed In His Chips.
For some time after his escape from the Mitchell jail last spring, he hung around his old haunts on the Whetstone, about 30 miles south of here. The scent got too close, and last fall he hit the trail for western Nebraska or Colorado, and took a lay-off.
The old habits were too strong and about a month ago he wandered back to this vicinity, and made a winning play for a good stake. He and others ran off about 75 steers on the Rosebud, belonging to Montgomery & Schilling, and Harry Ham, Jewell, Dillon, and others. One of the gang worked a tenderfoot from Illinois to go into partnership with him to buy a bunch of stock, and Jack brought it in. The sucker not being acquainted with brands, rules, etc., parted with $500 cash, and his note for a $1,000. This was at once cashed, and the suckers partner and the others made off with the proceeds. The theft was soon discovered, and the cattle taken from the innocent purchaser, while Jack and his pals treated themselves well at his expense.
It was a smooth game, but turned out to be Sully's undoing. Complaints were made before U.S. Commissioner Tidrick of Chamberlain, and a warrant issued. A posse was formed consisting of Deputy U.S. Marshal John Petrie, Sheriff Irish of Brule, Deputy Sheriff Jesse Brown of Lyman, and brand inspector Long of Chamberlain, to go after Sully and bring him in.
They quietly made their way here last Sunday and were joined by Harry Ham, the party leaving after midnight for Sully's castle where they had good reason to believe he was. They proceeded to Ben Diamond's ranch near Sully's place and had him go over early in the morning to warn Jack that he was surrounded and had better surrender. In the meantime Irish, Long, and Ham stationed themselves on a side hill down the creek from the house and Petrie and Brown came in from another direction.
Diamond called Sully out and told him he was surrounded by a posse, and advised him to surrender. But, he declared they could not take him and that he was good for any two of them in the open. But, he was evidently nervous as he failed to return to the house for his rifle, but started at once for the barn, having only a big revolver, and had to have Diamond help in cinching his saddle.
He rode off toward Petrie and Brown, but soon turned, either having seen them or changed his mind, and rode down the creek. When about 200 yards from the other party, not having seen them, they ordered him to halt, he being at the time between precipitous hills along the creek. He paid no attention to them, but dashed forward a little and turned up a draw and up a side hill. The three opened fire on the horse as he came toward them, and at least a couple of the shots took effect, but did not cripple the horse. As he dashed up the opposite hill they emptied their 30-30 rifles, between 20 and 25 shots being fired, but they aimed low at the horse, so as to not hit Sully, so most of the shots went under the horse, or struck him low down, but part way up the hill Sully began to lop in the saddle, and at the top he fell off. The horse went a short distance and stopped. Though hit several times in the lower part of the body he will live.
Sully was found to have been hit once in the lower part of the abdomen on the right side, the ball evidently passing just above the saddle, he was apparently hard hit and in pain. By this time Petrie and Brown joined the rest of the posse at his side, he only spoke once, asking for water, and lived but 10 or 15 minutes.
The coroner of Gregory county was summoned, and an inquest was held Monday night. On Wednesday he was buried at his old place, quite a number of his neighbors on the reserve attending.
The posse had warrants for others, and as soon as Sully died they went after them., but they had quickly got wind and all flown the coop, so they had to return without them. Last night Petrie, Brown, Irish and Long stopped here overnight on their way to Chamberlain.
Sully's end was a natural termination for such a career. For 25 years he has preyed upon others with an impunity, and could not realize that times and conditions have changed, and that this community will no longer suffer such lawlessness.
While in some respects it might have been better had he been taken alive, no blame can attach to those who brought him down. They gave him every opportunity to surrender, and when escaping they tried to avoid hitting him. It was absolutely necessary that these officers do as they did, and that the lawless gang that infests Gregory and Lyman counties be taught that man just as nervy as they can be sent after them and get them, dead if not alive. And many here have felt for some time that a few killings would do more to rid up the country than a dozen courts.
[Published Thursday, May 19, 1904, submitted by Royce, Tripp County. Historical Society]
Notes: Using the paper date, Jack Sully died Monday, May 16, 1904, was buried on May 18, 1904....Hall
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Killed by Officers While Resisting Arrest Last Monday Morning
Jack Sully, who for many years had been the king of cattle rustlers in South Dakota, was killed last Monday morning at his ranch on the Rosebud reservation while attempting to escape from officers who had surrounded his home.
Sully has been a resident of this part of the state for a number of years, and is well and personally known to many Bonesteel citizens. His family has made this town their trading point for some time, and while Jack himself has not been seen here, many of our citizens have visited at his ranch, and always found him most hospitable. The fact that he was killed while resisting arrest does not surprise those who knew him, as he has repeatedly stated that he would never be taken alive.
Below we give an account of the affair as published by the Sioux City Journal, the first report and the coroner's jury. Dr. Kenaston, coroner of Gregory Co., visited the ranch Monday evening and confirms the statements as given in the Journal, with the exception that Sully did not fire any shots himself as the report would seen to indicate. Dr. Kenaston said he was satisfied the officers gave Sully every chance to surrender and a chance for his life, even when he attempted to escape, and that his death was thoroughly justified.
Chamberlain, S. D., May 18. Special.
The notorious desperado, Jack Sully, who for many years has been the terror of the Rosebud country, is no more. In a running fight with officers on the Rosebud reservation this morning he was killed, many bullets finding lodgment in his body, while the horse upon which he attempted to make his escape also shared the fate of the master.
The circumstances leading up to the tragic end are these: a week or ten days ago Sully stole a bunch of nearly 200 cattle belonging to various neighboring ranchers. He took a bunch of seventy-four down across the Nebraska line and sold them for $20 per head, receiving half cash and half paper. He cashed the paper. Soon after Brand inspector Long got track of the cattle and accompanied by their owners, Harry Ham and Hugo Schilling, recovered them and returned them to the home range.
As a result of the exploit, United States Commissioner Tidrick of this city, on Sunday morning sent out Deputy United States Marshal Petrie, Brand inspector Long, Sheriff Irish of Brule county, Deputy Sheriff Jesse Brown of Lyman county, and Harry Ham to bring in Sully, dead or alive.
They found Sully at his home, near Bluebird Island, this morning, and attempted to make the arrest. Sully was ordered to surrender, but with a defiant taunt he made a break for his horse, sprang upon its back and made a dash for liberty. For a time a running fire was maintained between the parties, but the pursuers speedily proved the victors. Sully's horse was hit five times and killed, while Sully received wounds from which he died within thirty-five minutes.
A Coroner's inquest is now in progress in Gregory county.
[May be a Chamberlain article used in Sioux City paper, Published May 19, 1904]
Left by Wm. McDonald, Sumbitted by Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
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Coroner's Inquest
Dr. Kenaston, coroner of Gregory county, has returned from the Sully ranch, where an inquest was held over the body of Jack Sully, the outlaw who was killed by officers yesterday, as told in a Bonesteel dispatch to the Journal.
The jurors, J. A. Reynolds, Oliver Dion and William Kearville, found that Jack Sully met his death while resisting officers by a ball fired from rifle in the hands of officers A. L. Irish, Harry Ham or A. L. Long.
Additional details of the killing of Sully, which have been received here, show that he made a desperate break to escape from the officers.
Ben Diamond, a neighbor of Sully's, by request of the officers, went to the Sully house and informed Jack that his place was surrounded by officers and requested him to give himself up. He refused, saying, "Goodbye to all With fair play I equal three of them."
Thrusting a 44-callibre Colt's receiver into his belt and mounting a horse, he made a dash for life. He was commanded to halt, but did not obey. There were thirty shots fired by the pursuing officers, of which five took effect in the horse. By this time Sully had measured a distance of 450 yards between himself and the officers, when a volley of shots was fired, one of which took effect in Sully's back, causing him to reel and fall from his horse.
When the officers approached him he was commanded to throw up his hands, and he obeyed. Recognizing Deputy United States Marshal Petrie, he shook hands with him and asked for a drink of water, after which he expires.
[Sioux City Journal, left by Wm. McDonald, submitted by Royce, Tripp County Historical Society]
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Tripp County Journal News
Albaugh Motor Company
Ad: Of Winner, South Dakota; Since Dec 1914, Dodge has manufactured and sold one million motor vehicles. Over 90% of one million still in service.
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American Legion to hold athletic contests. They have complied with the state law and are now licensed by the state boxing commission. The contests will be staged in the Winner Theater building. The first exhibition will take place Friday night, January 18.
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Bishop Roberts attended the meeting held in Bonesteel to organize the Rosebud All Saints Club.
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Burkhard Motor Company
Ad: Of Winner, South Dakota; Ford The Universal Car. Of all of the cars registered in Tripp County, in 1922-63% were Fords; in 1923-65% were Fords.
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Congregation Church of Carter, South Dakota; Church school at 10 a.m. and worship at 11:30 a.m.; Rev. D. M. Brown, from Minnesota, will be the supply pastor until a permanent pastor is found. Next Sunday come help dedicate the new maple floor being installed.
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H. G. Davis, Manager for the American Legion athletic contests. Licensed by the state boxing commission.
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Frank Day, Referee for the American Legion athletic contests. Licensed by the state boxing commission.
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Dean Frazier of Winner, attended the meeting in Bonesteel, of former students of All Saints School in Sioux Falls, S. D., to organize a Rosebud All Saints Club.
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J. E. Frescoln of Burke, was brought to Winner on a stretcher a few days ago by train to receive medical aid. Relatives hold out little hope for his recovery. His condition is due to an injury received at the elevator at Burke. His family came up from Burke and are stopping at the home of his father, who lives on Jefferson Street.
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Mrs. Lawrence Hogue of Bonesteel, elected vice president of the Rosebud All Saints Club.
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R. V. Lienhart, Timekeeper for the American Legion athletic contests. Licensed by the state boxing commission.
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Dr. H. T. Lucas, Director for the American Legion athletic contests. Licensed by the state boxing commission.
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J. G. Mackaman elected chairman of the County Commissioners when they met in regular session last week.
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Reuben McFarland was helping shell corn for the Rosebud Grain Elevator Company, got his hand caught in the sheller last Saturday. The hand was badly crushed, but it is hoped he will not suffer permanent injury. He is carrying his hand in a bandage and is able to be downtown.
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Methodist Episcopal Church W. N. Deller, Pastor.
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Mrs. Harold Naper of Burke, elected secretary and treasurer of the Rosebud All Saints Club.
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Dr. Overton, Physician for the American Legion athletic contests. Licensed by the state boxing commission.
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Rosebud All Saints Club several former students of All Saints School, Sioux Falls, S.D. met in Bonesteel, at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Hogue, for the purpose of organizing a Rosebud All Saints Club. Bishop Roberts, of Sioux Falls, and Dean Frazier, of Winner, attended the meeting. Officers elected were: Miss Zola Slaughter, of Winner, president; Mrs. Lawrence Hogue, of Bonesteel, vice president; Mrs. Harold Naper, of Burke, secretary and treasurer.
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The Congregation Church, of Carter, Christian Endeavor meeting will be held at the home of Mr. Felix Sinkler, Sunday evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock.
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Miss Zola Slaughter, Elected president of the Rosebud All Saints Club.
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Tripp County Journal Was made the official paper for the city of Winner for the year 1924. The Journal is also the official paper of Tripp County and the Winner Independent School District.
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Winner Produce Company
Ad: Of Winner, South Dakota; Have you tried our butter? Freshly churned each day from sweet cream.
Tripp County Journal, Published on 10 Jan 1924
Submitted By: Kevin Mapes
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Tripp County Men
Among the Tripp county men I who made trips to Valentine the past week and stopped in Sparks, were Jess Casteel , Peter Larson, John Moffett, Messrs. Hull, Cameron and Cash.
[Valentine Democrat (Valentine, Neb.), February 24, 1910]
Submitted by: Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
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Tripp County Official Papers
Lamro, S. D., Feb. 1. Special to The News: The townsite fight in Tripp county bids fair to enter every business. Last week charges were made in three newspapers against the commissioners.
Thursday the Trlpp County Journal, which has recently moved to Winner, brought mandamus proceedings against the commissioners to require them to appoint above named paper as one of the official papers as they did last year. Hearing is set for February 4 before Judge Tripp. The next day the county commissioners selected three papers and omitted the Lamro Journal and Tripp county Index, and named the Roseland, Colome and Witton papers.
It all originated in a selection of a states attorney from Gregory county, and the allegation that the Journal deserted Lamro and Lamro's cause when most needed and moved to the new town of Winner.
[The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal, Published February 04, 1910]
Submitted by Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
Gus Truxes
While Gus Truxes, a farmer living near Wewela, was working with his hogs, a knife while he held in his hand was knocked out of his grasp, and the blade struck him in the eye permanently destroying the sight.
[Aberdeen Daily News, Aberdeen, SD, Published October 14, 1914, submitted by Cathy D.]
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James Vyskeial
Robs Homestead Neighbors
Sioux Falls, S. D., Nov. 8. Officers have arrived here with James Vyskeial, a Tripp county homesteader who will serve an indeterminate sentence of two years in the Sioux Falls penitentiary for grand larceny. He had robbed many of his homestead neighbors. The booty ranged all the way from farming implements to the smallest articles and was sufficient in quantity to have started a general store.
[The Carroll Herald, Carroll, Iowa, Published November 16, 1910, submitted by Cathy Danielson]
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Wewela State Bank to Bank of Colome
Wewela State Bank has been moved to Colome, where it is operating under the name of Bank of Colome, leaving Wewela without a bank
[Commercial West, Vol. 110, 1955, submitted by RM, Tripp County Historical Society]
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Wewela Store Building & Stock Destroyed
Owned by R. L. Kenaston
Wewela, Dec. 22. - Fire originating from a defective lighting system, totally destroyed a building and stock of general merchandise owned by R. L. Kenaston. The loss is estimated at $9,000. The loss is complete, and no insurance was carried. By heroic efforts citizens of the town and surrounding country kept the fames from spreading to neighboring buildings.
[Aberdeen Daily News, Aberdeen, SD, Published December 25, 1913, submitted by Cathy D.]
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Winner Is Booming
Winner, S. D., Jan. 24. Special to The News: Seldom, if ever, has there been as enthusiastic a community of business men as make up the business element of Winner, South Dakota.
All are men whose early training came from activity in the larger cities of the west but who have lived in Gregory and Tripp counties for the past four or five years. In that time they have accumulated wealth and added to their store of energy, the spirit of "We do things," as is evidenced in the manner with which they are rounding the thirty day old town of Winner into a city.
To secure a united effort and the large results which naturally results from concentrated effort, the organization of the Winner Commercial club was the first step taken and today that body has forty-one active members who are working constantly for the building of a city, not for immediate gain but for a permanent home.
Four large moving outfits with steel trucks, the heaviest of skids, hundreds of feet of cable, stake wagons and horses until you can't count are daily jacking up and moving Lamro buildings and residences to their new home at Winner.
At its last regular meeting the Winner Commercial club launched its program of civic improvements which are to be commenced as soon as spring weather will permit. While there are at the present time two big wells on the townsite, it is the intention to install a complete waterworks system, the mains to extend the length of Main street and later to extend branch mains into the residence portion of the city. Individuals of the city are taking all the stock of the company but if it is the desire of the citizens, we'll give them the right of purchasing same.
Bids will be called for in less than thirty days for the construction of cement sidewalks on all business streets. It is the intention to make all such walks twelve feet in width while those on residence streets shall be four feet in width. No walks except those of cement will be acceptable.
[The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal, Published Friday, January 28, 1910]
Submitted by Royce, Tripp County Historical Society
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Winner Subscribes Over $50,000.00
(Third Liberty Loan*)
Winner lived up to her reputation of never doing a thing by half, when she went "over the top" four times strong in the Third Liberty Loan, Tuesday. While the quota was only a little over $13,000 something over $50,000 has been subscribed up to date. Indications are that the entire county will easily over-subscribe its quota.
[Winner Advocate, date unknown, submitted by Nancy Sneed]
*Note: The Third Liberty Loan Act was a liberty bond sold during World War I that helped cover the war expenses of the United States. These bonds were loans taken by the US Government in which they would pay the money the citizens spent on the loan back in the future. The Third Liberty Loan Act was enacted on April 5, 1918. (
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Woman Defends Husband
When Letter Is Threatened by Politician, Wife Pulls a Gun
Dallas, Sept. 7. The new town of Colome, in the new county of Tripp, which was formed from the Rosebud Indian reservation, was the scene of a sensational affair in which a woman with a gun played an important part.
The woman behind the gun was Mrs. Lehmberg, wife of H. D. Lehmberg, postmaster. The man at whom the gun was pointed was H. M. Duval, Republican county chairman. The woman appeared with the gun when Duval entered the postoffice with the avowed intention of making a personal attack on the postmaster.
Although Duval attempted to treat the pointing of the gun as a joke, he changed his mind when he glanced at the face of the woman and saw that she would fire if he persisted in his intention to attack her husband.
Duval had chased the postmaster behind a counter when Mrs. Lehmberg appeared. Later he was arrested for disorderly conduct, and Lehmberg intimates he will have him placed under bonds to keep the peace.
The trouble between the two is the outgrowth of a fight to capture the postmastership. Lehmberg was unable to secure the endorsement of Duval, and in explanation filed with the state delegation at Washington an affidavit in which he charged that alleged overtures had been made to him through others by which, for an alleged financial consideration, he could have secured the indorsement of the chairman.
Not until yesterday did Duval learn of the nature of this affidavit, and he lost no time in proceeding to the postoffice for the expressed purpose of forcing the postmaster to sign a retraction, only to be frustrated by Mrs. Lehmberg and her gun.
[Aberdeen Daily News, Aberdeen, SD, Published September 7, 1911, submitted by Cathy Danielson]
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Woman's Club Party
(Mrs. Lee Briggs Postcard)
The party's at the Court House,
The fifteenth is the date,
Get your evening chores done early,
For we start at promptly "eight."
Bring something you've grown tired of,
Someone else might like it fine,
But in case you have to buy it,
"Let it only cost a dime."
A friendly Xmas spirit,
Should be with us, just the same,
Even tho' our own "White Elephant,"
May trail us home again.
Hospitality Committee,
Woman's Club.
[Post card mailed to Mrs. Lee Briggs, dated December, 1931, submitted by Nancy Sneed]
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