Gregory County





Gregory County SDGenWeb pages are maintained by County Coordinator, Linda Ziemann.

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Gregory County Courthouse, Burke, SD

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Gregory Co. est. 1862

Off-Site Links:

National Register of Historic Places in Gregory County SD

Gregory County Historical Society

GREGORY COUNTY HISTORY Randall Valley Swedish church group Help Identify -- Click on the mailbox below:
Randall Valley is the community where Ft. Randall once existed. There was an active group of Swedish people living around a small church in this community. This was close to the Nebraska state line so the people included in this photo from Bristow are from the church full of Swedes located at Bristow, Nebraska. Both communities were country churches that were very active during the first half of the 1900’s. My dad was Swedish and his parents were actively visiting folk from both of these churches and dad would occasionally take our family to one of the gatherings of these folk in the late 1940’s. I am unable to ID any of these people but would like to be able to do so. ~ Joe Thurstenson, Volunteer Researcher [click mailbox to email Joe]


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Birth Records Family Bios - Pics - Group Sheets Obituaries


Look Ups Published Resources
Church History & Photos  Marriages  
County Courthouse Offices Military Service Randall Valley Early History
County Historical Data Newspapers Schools - Fairfax SD
    Towns - Community Photo 
**Fairfax, SD**Gregory, SD**     

Towns of Gregory County -- Early Day Post Ofc History



Dec 2021 NEW SDGenWeb Gregory Co. website coordinator--Linda (Ewin) Ziemann -- last update  3/22/2025

SDGenWeb - 2022-2025
“A Proud Part of the USGenWeb”
SDGenWeb State Coordinator, Linda Ziemann



Gregory County SDGenWeb 2025