Mitchell Directory 1917, issued under the supervision of the
Mitchell Merchants Association, listing residents of Mitchell,
SD over the age of 18 years, using census data. The actual
count shows 8,134 persons, however taking into account the
houses where it was impossible to secure information it can
safely be said that Mitchell has at least 8,200 population.
This Directory also includes a plat map of Mitchell in the year
1917. Property of the Davison County Historical Society and
posted with their permission. The Mitchell Directory 1917 can
be found in the:
Mitchell, SD Public Library, Archives Room.
Mitchell City Directory 1917 L-Z address's
Laabs Alma rms 1018 Court Merrill
Ladner Mathias A r613 W 1st
Lafferty John rms 122 E 1st
LaFortune Alex r842 Capital
Lahey Bernie E rms 403 E 2nd
Lahey J J r316 W 4th
Laidlaw Flora J rms Mitchell Natl Bank
Lair Bernice rms 701 W 4th
Lair J W, Mrs r701 W 4th
Lair Grace b701 W 4th
Lancaster Walter rms S Main,S of Ry
Lane George A rms 712 E 2nd
Lane James A r123 N Main
Lane L L r 420 S Wisconsin
Lane Ruth D 420 S Wisconsin
Lane Thomas W r313 W 2nd
Lang Coris b same
Langin Josephine r411 West Natl Bk Bldg
Langley Dwight b811 W 5th
Langley Lorena b513 E 5th
Langley Roy M r509 E 5th
Larrison John A r301 E 7th
Larrison Ward H r121 S Kimball
Larson Aleck r512 N Edmunds
Larson Alfred b512 S Edmunds
Larson Gus rms 122 E 1st
Larson Leon r 1031 E 4th
Larson Louis r811 W 5th
Larson Mabel b512 N Edmunds
Larson Mary, Mrs r608 N Edmunds
Lason Robert H r624 E 7th
Lathrop George rms 404 E 1st
Laubenstein Theodore r715 E 3rd
Laurson Edla b623 W 4th
Lawrence Phoebe A b801 E 7th
Leach C rms 113 W 2nd
Leafstone John rms 113 W 2nd
Leake William C r1107 W University
Leavett Frances A rms 210 N Main
Leehan Edward W r217 W 2nd
Leekley Clarence W r804 E 4th
Leeland O S rms 318 N Main
LeFebber Emma, Mrs rms Mitchell Blvd
LeGarnd A N r721 N Montana
Lehman Maria, Mrs r717 N Iowa
Lehman Otto C r928 E 4th
Leighty J William r1222 E 6th
Leister Irving r723 S Duff
Leitner P rms 113 W 2nd
Lemke Arthur r919 W 2nd
Lemke William F r909 E 1st
Lenerville Clifford r710 E 7th
Lengebruer Gotlieb r929 E 7th
Leonard Gus rms 422 E 1st
Lester Albert r1219 E 2nd
Lester Charles b1219 E 2nd
Letcher Christian b701 S Edmunds
Letcher J W b701 S Edmunds
Letcher Lena b701 S Edmunds
Letcher George L r709 E 1st
Letcher Thomas rms 423 W 4th
Lewis Alta b200 E 9th
Lewis Herman b1120 W 6th
Lewis Minnie b516 W 3rd
Lewis R H r101 N Wisconsin
Lewis Stephen r1120 W 6th
Lewis Villa r516 W 3rd
Liddell Jennie b1012 E 3rd
Liddell William T r1012 E 3rd
Lidkke Lewis b1015 W 5th
Liden Nell P b408 W 4th
Lier Edith b700 N Sanborn
Lier Paul r700 N Sanborn
lifschultz Louis r910 N Main
like Orson r513 N Lawler
Liko George W 112 S Main
Liko Helen r112 S Main
Liko Lillie r112 S Main
Liko Mary b112 S Main
Lillibridge Marie G b302 E 4th
Linblad Erick r305 W 11th
Lindahl Aaron r418 E 2nd
Lindahl Pearl b418 E 2nd
Lindamood Wynete rms Graham Hall
Lindburg Kenzie rms 709 S Sanborn
Lindley Laura rms 411 S Sanborn
lindsey C N 615 W 4th
Lindsey Elton r808 N Duff
Lindsey John C r815 E 4th
Lindsey Nellie M b815 E 4th
lindsey Wilbur M r116 W 4th
Lindstrom Andrew r415 S Sanborn
Lihgenfelter John K r501 E 6th
Litchfield O T r423 E 2nd
livington Frank I r115 N Kimball
Lobsiger Florence, Mrs r100 N Main
Lobsiger Sam r100 N Main
Lockhart John M r108 E 4th
Lofgren Carl A r317 E 1st
Lofgren Herman b317 E 1st
Lofswold Alice E b934 E 7th
Lofswold Andrew r934 E 7th
Loft Lizzie r216 E 7th
Logan George L r205 E 4th
Logan Nelson E b205 E 4th
Long Frank H r800 E 1st
Long Loren b1001 E 6th
Long Lloyd b515 W 5th
Long Myrtle b515 W 5th
Long Samuel r1001 E 6th
Long Thurston r609 N Duff
Long William r515 W 5th
Loomer E A r613 E 3rd
Loomis Bert T
Lord David W r717 E 1st
Lord Jennings r422 W 11th
Louster John r416 W 4th
Love Edward J rms 210 1/2 N Main
Lovinger Frank rms 504 S Edmunds
Lovinger Joseph L r220 E 6th
Lovinger Louis H r Beckwith Flats
Lowe Ira D r309 S Edmunds
Lowe Lucile rms Graham Hall
Lowrie Eva b921 E 4th
Lowrie Gladys b921 E 4th
Lowrie Lambert E r921 E 4th
Lubker Daniel C farm
Lubkor Elsie E N Main above 11th
Luchvaugh L E rms 900 S Edmunds
Ludeman Walter rms 900 S Edmunds
Lubert Hilda b513 N Rowley
Lund Jens rms 700 E 3rd
Lunn Christie r1022 S Sanborn
Lunn Mabel 1022 S Sanborn
Lyman Charles T r Morning View
Lynburg W rms 113 W 2nd
Lynn C E b618 W 1st
Lynn Hallie r618 W 1st
Lyon Charles A r618 S Pennington
Lyons A G, Mrs r512 E 2nd
Lyons Elizabeth R r220 E 3rd
Lyons Ethel H b512 E 2nd
Lyons Frank J b220 E 3rd
Lyons Rose R b220 E 3rd
Lyons Rufus B b512 E 2nd
McCarthy Edgar r112 N Rowley
McCarthy Harold E rms 112 N Rowley
McCarthy Lillian b112 N Rowley
McCartney Henrietta r313 W 3rd
McCartney Henrietta E b313 W 3rd
McCartney Mary b314 N Main
McClintock Emma E r212 E 9th
McClintock John W 803 E 5th
McClurg John r619 N Rowley
McComish Earl b801 E 2nd
McComish Florence b801 E 2nd
McComish James L r801 E 2nd
McComish Thomas J b801 E 2nd
McCaskey Eva Grace r120 E 12th
McConkey George r509 N Main
McCondey Henry R r902 E 3rd
McConkey James F r412 E 2nd
McConnell G E r214 W 7th
McCormick Mary A 213 N Main
McCreight Charlotte C r Beckwith Flats
McCusker F P rms 316 N Rowley
McDonald Anthony b901 E 4th
McDonald John A 717 N Lawler
McDonald H L b609 N Rowley
McDonald Marie b517 N Main
McDonald Sarah r609 N Rowley
McDonough Raymond b100 N Main
McDougall George r317 S Edmunds
McDonough Kate, Mrs r100 N Main
McGavern C S r in country
McGinn D B b hotel
Mcginnis D B b hotel
McGinnis Vera r616 N Minnesota
McGovern Cecelia b208 E 3rd
Mcgovern Eugene D r Beckwith Flats
Mcgovern Frank P r306 E 6th
McGrady James L r101 S Edmunds
McGrath Cecelia b218 W 4th
McGrath Edward T r712 E 7th
McGrath Ellen b605 E 1st
McGrath Hazel r315 E 9th
McGrath Jack, Mrs b622 W 1st
McGrath J W b622 E 1st
McGrath Patrick H r605 E 1st
McGrath William r920 E 5th
McGrath William S r203 E 3rd
McGraw Daniel r417 E 1st
McGrew Clorus T r800 S Edmunds
McHenry Helen b221 E 4th
McHenry Nellie, Mrs rms 1st Natl Bnk Bldg
McHenry Vincent r 1st natl Bnk Bldg
McIntosh Ida N, Mrs r700 E 5th
McIntyre Donald D r801 E 3rd
McKay Anna rms Graham Hall
McKay Rhoda, Mrs r Met Theatre bldg
McKay William R b208 E 3rd
McKeel A B r300 W 3rd
McKillip Bessie b929 E 4th
McKinley Leo b218 E 3rd
McKinley Mrs M 316 N Main
McKinley Warren C r1105 W 2nd
McKinney Pearl r210 W 2nd
McLachlan Carolyn rms Graham Hall
McLain Frank T r500 W 9th
McLain H H r500 W 9th
McLain Jay C r200 E 7th
McLoughlin Bradley b212 N Main
McLoughlin Jack b401 E 1st
McLoughlin Joseph 116 S Lawler
McLaury John J r901 E 4th
McLean Jay r same
McMackin Willard L r1208 Pennington
McMahon Francis b701 E 1st
McMahon Frank L rms 514 E 1st
McMahon John F b701 E 1st
McMahon Phillip r 701 E 1st
McManamen James I rms 323 E 9th
McManamen Margaret rms 323 E 9th
McMillan Florence b217 E 2nd
McMillan Leile rms Graham Hall
McMillan Mabel b217 E 2nd
McMillen Martha, Mrs r217 E 2nd
McMorrow Marjorie b321 E 2nd
McMullen Earl R rms Blenkiron Bldg
McNary Alial r727 S Minnesota
McNary Cornelius rms 722 S Minnesota
McNary Ida b727 S Minnesota
McPhee Roy E r827 W 3rd
McPherson A Linley r1122 W 3rd
McPherson Donald b609 N Edwards
McTighe E J r915 W 4th
Mace Ruth rms 122 W 1st
Mackey Ambrose r322 S Capital
Mackey James b321 S Capital
Mackey Loretta rms 322 S Capital
Mackey Mary b322 S Capital
Mackey Timothy b322 S Capital
MacLean Bruce L 201 E 3rd
MacLean Mabel b416 W 4th
MacLean Wallace J r Hoon Flats
Madge Ella May r same
Madson Carrie
Maguire Francis b219 E 3rd
Maguire Francis r708 E 5th
Mahnke Herman rms 113 W 2nd
Maier John G r200 S Edmunds
Maier John G Jr rms 200 S Edmunds
Maier Joseph b200 S Edmunds
Maier M S r608 N Duff
Maier Vernon B rms 200 S Edmunds
Major Herman H r723 E 2nd
Makiesky Jacob M b910 N Main
Maline Arthur J rms 213 W N B Bldg
Mangles Albert A r613 N Edmunds
Mann A L r715 S Edmunds
mannos P r800 E 8th
Manos John rms Bunk Car
Marck Amelia M r517 E 5th
Marsden Beattie rms 1300 W 3rd
Marsden Drexel b1300 W 3rd
Marsden J Charles r1300 W 3rd
Marsden Emma, Mrs b1300 W 3rd
Marsden Milton r809 N Wisconsin
Marshall Walter r604 N Rowley
Martin Mary E r508 W 2nd
Martin R S r515 N Wisconsin
Martin Sadie rms 112 E 1st
Martin Stella r314 E 10th
Martinson Elias r306 S Langdon
Martinson Harley L r1101 W University
Martinson Orrin M r513 S Sanborn
Martinson Theresa b306 S Lawler
Marvin Clara rms 720 S Edmunds
Marvin Edith I rms 720 S Edmunds
Marzahn Mabel rms Graham Hall
Mason Charles E r720 E 2nd
Mason G H rms 113 W 2nd
Mates Charles r924 N Mentzer
Mather Edward K r708 E 3rd
Matson C W r621 S Montana
Matzigkeit John S r621 S Minnesota
Maxwell Ruth rms Graham Hall
May John 110 N Main
Mayberry Clifford M b1031 N lawler
Mayberry Murray A b1013 N Lawler
Mayberry Robert B r1013 N Lawler
Mayer Clyde E r605 E 2nd
Mayer N J r1016 W 6th
Mayfield J L r508 S Sanborn
Maynard Carl G b621 N Main
Maynard F A r621 N Main
Maxson Mervin U r1103 N Main
Maxson Orlan b1103 N Main
Mayo Walter r618 E 4th
Medley Phillip H r410 N Langdon
Medley Ferne b410 N Langdon
Medley Lawrence K r410 N Langdon
Meikle Beulah E b300 E 6th
Meikle Edward S r300 E 6th
Meier Fred J r601 E 4th
Meinzer Alonzo E rms 409 E 1st
Meinzer Derwin rms 409 E 1st
Meinzer Edward W r409 E 1st
Melody Jack r New Koch Flats
Mendenhall Milo S r427 S Montana
Mendenhall William 321 E 2nd
Merriman Bert N rms 113 W 2nd
Merriman Lewis r408 E 4th
Messerli Frank J r803 W 3rd
Mitcalf Louise b415 N Edmunds
Metcalf W C r415 N Edmunds
Metcher William b400 E 3rd
Meyers J C r510 N Edmunds
Metzger William r515 N Main
Metzger Susanna r218 W 9th
Metzer William G b515 E 2nd
Metzinger Frank r205 W 12th
Metzinger John J r413 E 2nd
Meyer Anna b622 E 2nd
Meyer Francis lives same
Meyer F F r714 W 4th
Meyer Harold G r1013 N Main
Meyer John, Mrs 102 N Main
Meyer Theodore r401 E 5th
Michels Edward b114 N Kimball
Michels Joe P r305 E 2nd
Michels John r114 N Kimball
Mickish A T r205 W 3rd
Miles A C r622 N Minnesota
Miles Bessie b618 W 7th
Miles Eliza J r212 E 6th
Miles George r618 W 7th
Miles John S r613 W 7th
Miles Pauline b622 N Minnesota
Miles Zerline b622 N Minnesota
Millard L B r701 N Sanborn
Millay Fern rms Graham Hall
Miller Arthur r823 E 5th
Miller Edith R b600 E 6th
Miller Edward rms 622 N Main
Miller Ernest, Mrs r700 S Duff
Miller Catherine b617 W 5th
Miller Clement C r624 E 6th
Miller Daniel B r600 E 6th
Miller Dorothy M b823 E 5th
Miller Frank r1323 W 4th
Miller George H r303 S Wisconsin
Miller Harry G 401 West Natl Bk
Miller Irene Avery 401 West Natl Bk
Miller Jay W b516 S Edmunds
Miller Job r522 S Sanborn
Miller Joseph r600 E 2nd
Miller Kathryn E A b617 W 5th
Miller Lauritz r600 S Sanborn
Miller Lillian, Mrs rms 516 S Edmunds
Miller Mulford r609 N Sanborn
Miller Oscar r314 S Wisconsin
Miller Ralph H r600 E 6th
Miller Robert Lee rms 512 S Minnesota
Miller Roscoe rms 512 S Minnesota
Miller Thomas J r512 S Minnesota
Miller William, Mrs r322 S Wisconsin
Miller W P r900 W 5th
Milner Harry r408 N Rowley
Milner Harry r408 Iowa
Minehart A T r515 N Main
Minehart Paul b515 N Main
Mire John rms Bunk Car
Miskimins Ray b Vermilyea Flats
Miskimins Scott A r Vermilyea Flats
Mitchell Frank W r515 S Wisconsin
Moberg O r417 E 2nd
moe Elmer b820 W 7th
Moe T J r820 W 7th
Moeschner Hattie b902 W 2nd
Moeschner Paul r902 W 2nd
Moffet Harvey D r420 W 1st
Moffet Luverne b420 W 1st
Mohn Marsena R b809 W 2nd
mohr Edward rms 504 W 2nd
Mohr Edwin C rms 504 W 2nd
Mohr Wayne b504 W 2nd
Mollberg Emma 801 E 5th
Monk Albert r509 N Main
Monk Emmet J r308 E 9th
Monroe Lucretia rms Graham Hall
Monroe Mary E r422 W 11th
Monroe Martha b422 W 11th
Montgomery Robert H r623 E 2nd
Moon Charles b622 N Main
Moon Ruth b301 E 7th
Moran Thomas J r913 E 8th
Morand William
Moreland James r802 W 2nd
Morgan Bee b613 N Duff
Morgan Bernice E b613 N Duff
Morgan B H r613 N Duff
Morgan S H, Mrs r415 W 10th
Morgan Edward b822 E 6th
Morgan G W 601 W 12th
Morgan Lee C b412 E 6th
Morgan Mark M b822 E 6th
Morgan Roy b613 N Duff
Morarity John W rms 111 N Rowley
morarity Martin rms 111 N Rowley
Morarity Thaddeus b111 N Rowley
Morarity William r111 N Rowley
Moore Martha r820 W 4th
More Walter r820 W 4th
Morris Leroy H r1005 E 4th
Morris R rms 113 W 2nd
Morris Silas E r501 E 3rd
Morris Whitney r907 E 3rd
Morrow Joseph T r515 E 3rd
Morse Alice rms Graham Hall
Morten May rms 621 W 3rd
morton F A rms 622 N Main
Morton William T r704 W 4th
Moser Albert E r700 E 1st
Moses Frederick r423 S Wisconsin
Moses John E r315 S Minnesota
Moses Leonard 215 W 4th
Moses Mary J b601 E 4th
Moss Miller A r723 S Rowley
Moulten Wesley rms 900 S Edmunds
Mowry Albert A 221 E 10th
Moyer Ruth r315 W 4th
Moyer Frank L r315 W 4th
Moyer Willard F b315 W 4th
Muckler J W, Mrs r905 S Sanborn
Mueller Joseph r600 E 2nd
Mueller J A Jr r520 S Montana
Mueller Joe H r420 E 6th
Mullen J P r619 E 6th
Mullen James P r619 E 6th
Mulleim Margaret
Muller Maude b Koch Flats
Monroe Edith r905 S Sanborn
Munson Edna b N Main
Munroe Herbert D rms 905 S Sanborn
Murdock Richard rms 123 W 1st
Murphy B rms 113 W 2nd
murphy Edward J r217 E 10th
Murphy George P rms 515 W 3rd
Murphy James 302 E 10th
Murphy Margaret b302 E 10th
Murphy Myrtle rms 505 S Sanborn
Murphy William J b302 E 10th
Murphy William T 505 S Sanborn
Murray Edwin L b604 W 2nd
Murray Eleanor b604 W 2nd
Murray George rms 123 W 1st
Murray Gladys b614 Burr
Murray Hazel rms Graham Hall
Murray Lillian E b604 W 2nd
Murray Hattie, Mrs b604 W 2nd
murray Oliver E r604 W 2nd
Murray Vesta b604 W 2nd
Murray William B b604 W 2nd
Murris Peter rms 119 W 2nd
Myers Anna b622 E 2nd
Myers Arthur H rms 209 E 6th
Myers Charlotte b1101 E 4th
Myers Earnest T r1103 E 5th
Myers Gertrude b815 N Main
Myers Howard r1101 E 4th
Myers Leona A r209 E 6th
Myers Sarena I r1101 E 4th
Myers Obed r1101 E 4th
Myers William G r209 E 6th
Mylan Benjamin F r1031 E 5th
Mylan Clement E r1031 E 5th
Mylan Edward J r1031 E 5th
Mylan Ferd W rms 404 W Natl Bk Bldg
Mylan Frank C r938 E 6th
Mylan Genevieve A b1031 E 5th
Mylan Leo P r1031 E 5th
Mylan Marie K rms 1031 E 5th
Mylan William r new Koch Flats
Mylan Will, Mrs r new Koch Flats
Myler Jessie rms 1028 Court Merrill
Myler Melvin W r1028 Court Merrill
Myler Ruth b1028 Court Merrill
Myles John J r300 W 4th
Nafe J D b216 W 7th
Nagle Emma r hosp
Nash Merle b622 N Sanborn
Nauman George rms 605 E 1st
Navin T P r500 Rowley
Nedrow L H r612 S Wisconsin
Neish Andrew O r409 E 7th
Neish Bernard r407 E 7th
Neish Chester rms 409 E 7th
Neish Lyn L b409 E 7th
Neish Paul C b409 E 7th
Nellis Harriet b New Koch Flats
Nellis Joephine r New Koch Flats
Nelson Anna r307 1/2 N Main
Nelson Arthur rms 113 W 2nd
Nelson C F r310 W 5th
Nelson Elvira b Graham Hall
Nelson Eugene L r704 E 3rd
Nelson Gordon r112 N Rowley
Nelson Jens C r112 N Rowley
Nelson Herman E r709 N Lawler
Nelson J L, Mrs r408 E 1st
Nelson John L r408 E 1st
Nelson Mabel b1009 W 4th
Nelson Melvin b408 E 1st
Nelson N, Mrs r316 N Main
Nelson Oliver r808 E 2nd
Nelson Olaf r721 Montana
Nelson Oscar b605 E 1st
Nelson Ruby b720 S Montana
Nelson Ruth r same
Nelson W O b704 E 3rd
Nelson W W rms University Place
Newman Burton b520 S Sanborn Duff
Newman C A r1000 W 6th
Newman C D b520 S Duff
Newman Fay rms 520 S Duff
Newman Harry V b314 W 1st
Newman Raymond r500 S Duff
Newman Walter M r715 N Lawler
Newman Walter b715 N Lawler
Newton Emery A r908 E 1st
Niblick Harvey P r315 E 7th
Nicholls Edith b320 McCabe
Nichols Harry G r509 E 6th
Nichols Iva M b409 E 2nd
Nicholson Ethel A b516 E 2nd
Nicholson Mary b516 E 2nd
Nicholson Theresa E r516 E 2nd
Nicholson Peter rms 117 N Main
Nick John rms 113 W 2nd
Nick Christ rms 113 W 2nd
Nicol Rachel rms Sherwood Flats
Nielson Fred E r700 S Edmunds
Nielson Peter rms 425 S Sanborn
Nirk Henry D r1000 E 6th
Nirk Rudy L b1000 E 6th
Nirk William A r616 N Main
Nirk Zoe b1000 E 6th
Nix R E r308 McCabe
Nobis George R b201 W 3rd
Nobis Max F r817 E 4th
Nobis Stella b817 E 4th
Noble D J r same
Noble Harvey r823 W 3rd
Noble R A b316 W 4th
Nolan James H r610 E 1st
nolt John H r420 W 4th
Norberg Melvin b934 E 6th
Noren Albert b503 N Duff
Norman George b605 E 1st
norris Frank L b408 E 3rd
Norris Herbert r301 S Edmunds
North William M r308 E 3rd
Norton Carl B b711 N Langdon
Norton Ella E r711 N Langdon
Norton Faye M b711 N Langdon
Norton Frank b607 N Sanborn
Norton Mildred b320 E 5th
Notson Gary T r731 S Wisconsin
Notson Louise rms 731 S Wisconsin
Notson Mattie rms 731 S Wisconsin
Nourse V C r610 N Edmunds
Novak Esther L b1009 N Lawler
Nurenberger Anna rms 223 W 3rd
Nyberg Emil rms 113 W 2nd
O'Brien John F r916 E 5th
O'Brien Tillie r hosp
O'Connor Charles D rms 308 E 3rd
O'Daniel James B r809 E 2nd
O'Donnell John r407 N Duff
O'Flaherty Colman E r321 E 3rd
O'Flaherty Mary b321 E 3rd
O'Grady Cecelia r hosp
O'Hara Kathryn
O'Neil John rms Champney Bldg
O'Rourke Timothy rms 321 E 4th
Oaks Loraine rms Graham Hall
Ogan Walter rms 113 W 2nd
Ogan Mayme L rms same
Olander J Fred r307 W Milan
Oleson Thomas r509 S Wisconsin
Ollenburg Arthur b717 N Iowa
Ollengurg Emilly r710 W 7th
Ollenburg F W r717 N Iowa
Ollenburg J r710 W 7th
Ollenburg Walter rms 717 N Iowa
Olmstead Madeline rms 923 S Edmunds
Olmstead N H rms 923 S Edmunds
Olmstead W T, Mrs r923 S Edmunds
Olsen Bothilda b 515 W 3rd
Olson Martin r822 E 3rd
Olson Myrtle b601 W 4th
Olson Myrtle b221 E 2nd
Olson Ole T r601 S Duff
Olson Olga rms 509 S Wisconsin
Olson Thomas r509 S Wisconsin
Opferkuch P A r504 E 2nd
Orcutt Freda rms 1441 W 3rd
Orcutt Orville D r1421 W 3rd
Orr Ethel
Orr Harry rms 316 N Main
Orr Inez b513 N Rowley
Orr Joseph A rms 118 E 1st
Orr Joe H r405 E 5th
Orr Ray rms 118 E 1st
Orswell T W D, Mrs r103 N Sanborn
Osgood C S r307 E 4th
Osgood Francis b1117 E 4th
Osgood Frank L r1117 E 4th
Osgood Marion R b1117 E 4th
Osgood Mildred b1117 E 4th
Ott Albert V rms 209 E 2nd
Ott Alexander rms Merchants Rooms
Otterson Albert
Otterson Howard G b905 N Main
Overbee Arthur L rns 416 S Sanborn
Overgard Carrie b306 S Langdon
Overgard Nellie rms 306 S Langdon
Overstreet J S b321 E 1st
Owens Emery E r621 E 1st
Owen Clara r hosp, 500 E 5th
Owen E M, Mrs r717 E 2nd
Packard F S r1000 W 3rd
Paeth Albert R r413 E 1st
Palmer Benjamin W r215 E 9th
Palmer Chester A b215 E 9th
Palmer Jeanette M b215 E 9th
Palmer Roy r310 N Main
Palmer Charles H r120 E 10th
Pape Theresa b hosp
Pappas James rms 113 W 2nd
Parcells Harvey J b504 E 2nd
Parker George W rms 113 W 2nd
Parker J C rms hotel
Parker Vera E rms Mitchell Natl Bk Bldg
Parish Kitty b Perry Flats
Perry Grace rms Graham Hall
Partridge Robert rms 123 W 1st
Pascola Michael rms 113 W 2nd
Patrick Clifford L rms 514 E 1st
Patterson Frank L r509 W 2nd
Patterson George r715 N Edmunds
Patterson Harold bBidwell Flats
Patterson Hazel bBidwell Flats
Patterson H P r1115 W Pennington
Patterson Herbert P b115 Pennington
Patterson Thomas b309 E 2nd
Patterson William, Mrs r309 E 2nd
Patterson William D r121 S Kimball
Patterson William J r410 E 1st
Pattison O K rms 113 W 2nd
Patton Joseph T r901 N Main
Patton M F r422 W 3rd
Patton William A r911 N Main
Patrick Amanda E r715 E 6th
Paullin Charles L r723 E 2nd
Paullin Florence rms 923 E 2nd
Paullin Joseph H r923 E 2nd
Paullin Lyle rms 923 E 2nd
Paullin Robert C b923 E 2nd
Paulsen John b509 W 2nd
Paulson Mabel, Mrs r116 W 1st
Payne Cottrel N r Savoy Hotel
Payne J L rms 122 E 1st
Payne Madie b Savoy Hotel
Payne Mark D b900 Court Merrill
Peabody R W 412 S Sanborn
Peake Edward E r609 E 1st
Pearson Alta Mae rms 909 S Edmunds
Pearson David r909 S Edmunds
Pearson Harold D rms 909 S Edmunds
Pearson John b103 N Sanborn
Peden John H r419 N
Peden Maggie r207 W 1st
Pederson George C rms 305 E 2nd
Pedrie George 709 N Rowley
Pegham Henry r704 E 2nd
Pehrson A E, Mrs r317 E 2nd
Pehrson Adolph H r501 E 2nd
Peile J J r1017 N Main
Peregrine Charles E r413 N Main
Peregrine Frank L r1112 W 3rd
Peregrine Orrin M r523 W 2nd
Perkins Berta 616 N Sanborn
Perkins Clifford rms 616 N Sanborn
Perkins Frank M r616 N Sanborn
Perkins Mildred b616 N Sanborn
Person E A, Mrs r317 E 2nd
Peters Charles r818 E 6th
Peters Fritz F r821 N Lawler
Peters Mary rms Raymond House
Petersen Hans P b1002 N Winsor
Petersen Henry W r621 S Duff
Peterson Marvin J rms 121 E 1st
Peterson Hartwig C b1002 N Winsor
Peterson Roy rms 523 S Sanborn
Peterson Nora, Mrs 709 N Lawler
Peterson Alfreda
Peterson Anna b216 E 9th
Peterson Arthur r920 E 1st
Peterson Axel H r523 S Sanborn
Peterson Charles rms 123 W 1st
Peterson Grace rms Graham Hall
Peterson Henry A r800 E 5th
Peterson Iva b721 E 3rd
Peterson Iver r721 E 3rd
Peterson J H r709 N Lawler
Peterson Selma b721 E 3rd
Petrie Frank A rms 715 S Wisconsin
Petrie James H r715 S Wisconsin
Petrie Jessie M b715 S Wisconsin
Phelps Eva rms Graham Hall
Phillips Charles r503 E 2nd
Phillips George E r916 Gamble
Phillips G W, Mrs r807 S Sanborn
Phillips H M r222 W 4th
Phillips M T b222 W 11th
Phillips Orrison A r1018 Court Merrill
Phinney Frank rms 807 S Sanborn
Phoenix Louisa, Mrs r208 E 3rd
Photokos Angelos
Pier Clarence L r Hoon Flats
Pierce Levi r918 Court Merrill
Pifle Mrs r218 E 3rd
Pilgrim R C r707 W 6th
Pine Charles L r1000 E 3rd
Pine Oliver G r1000 E 3rd
Pipal Rose
Plough Henry W r1005 E 6th
Plum Roy b602 W 3rd
Plum W R r602 W 3rd
Pooley P J r817 N Wiscosin
Pope Mary, Mrs r521 S Duff
Pope Myrtle b521 S Duff
Poppendick Glen rms 104 N Rowley
Porteous Frank E r411 E 3rd
Porter Charles E r918 E 2nd
Porter Isabell B r501 W 2nd
Porter John D r Mit Natl Bk bldg
Potter Alta rms Graham Hall
Potter Calvin J r1208 S Sanborn
Potter Ellis S b622 S Wisconsin
Potter Eugene L r1208 S Sanborn
Potter Ferne L b622 S Wisconsin
Potter George r715 S Wisconsin
Potter W N r622 SWisconsin
Powers Annie b518 N Main
Powers Grace b222 W 6th
Powers Helen b223 W 6th
Powers Nellie r222 W 6th
Pratt Elmer E r205 W 2nd
Pratt William T 211 E 1st
Premack J D 114 S Main
Prescott O E b905 N Main
Preston Clarence b522 W 4th
Preston Harrison C r522 W 4th
Preston Harry b522 W 4th
Preston Orange J r1000 W 3rd
Preston Ralph W r608 W 1st
Price Mabelle b218 W 4th
Price Steve b615 Wisconsin
Price Verda rms Graham Hall
Priest Clark B b820 E 4th
Priest Eva B r820 E 4th
Prisch Mildred rms Graham Hall
Pritzkau Elsie b405 E 1st
Pritzkau Harry b405 E 1st
Pritzkau John Y r405 E 1st
Proud Marcia b417 E 7th
Puckhaber C F r316 W 5th
Puff William rms 223 S Wisconsin
Purcell Daniel 1150 W 3rd
Purcell Lela b1150 W 3rd
Purdy Lemuel D rms 200 W 4th
Putnam Fred b921 E 3rd
Putnam Ida b401 E 2nd
Pynch Harold b909 N Lawler
Raben Alice Ione b420 E 2nd
Raber Lester H r617 E 4th
Radabough Edna rms Graham Hall
Radabough Gladys rms Graham Hall
Radford H L r524 E 1st
Radmer Charles r622 S Rowley
Raffler Bertha B
Raines Robert C r207 E 7th
Ralston Charles E b519 S Edmunds
Ralston Nellie M b519 S Edmunds
Ralston R H r519 S Edmunds
Randall Gilbert C r1024 E 6th
Rang Louis rms 709 S Sanborn
Ransom A W r801 E 5th
Ransom Dilles L b720 E 5th
Ransom F L r720 E 5th
Ransom Z A, Mrs r720 E 5th
Rapp Carl H r705 E 7th
Rapp Henry S b705 E 7th
Rapp Juanita b705 E 7th
Rasmussen Hansona b604 E 2nd
Rasmussen Henry r509 S Sanborn
Rathbun Charles B r1009 N Lawler
Rathbun Nettie J b212 E 6th
Rathbun W E r212 E 6th
rathie T W r923 W 4th
Rawson A L r803 N Wisconsin
Ray Clara
Ray Louis b219 E 3rd
Rayes Joseph rms 112 E 1st
Ream W W r209 E 7th
Reardon Ada r220 W 7th
Rebensdorf William rms 210 1/2 N Main
Redden Edward rms 117 S Lawler
Redden Richard J r117 S Lawler
Redline Fred A r215 E 4th
Redline P A rms Widmann Hotel
Reed James E r113 N Rowley
Reed John A r211 E 2nd
Reed M A rMetropolitan T Bldg
Reese John B 616 E 5th
Reeser William S r316 E 2nd
Reeve charles W r1111 W University
Reeves Clifton E 213 N main
Reeves Marvin A 213 N Main
Regan Ben M r1012 E 7th
Rehfield Samuel D r113 N Rowley
Reid Anna S b601 E 3rd
Reid Lida R b601 E 3rd
Reid S A, Mrs r601 E 3rd
Reider Chris rms Southside House
Reierson Ella b506 S Sanborn
Reierson Arthur M b506 S Sanborn
Reierson John E b506 S Sanborn
Reierson John r506 S Sanborn
Reierson Minnie b609 W 4th
Reierson Oscar b506 S Sanborn
Reierson R N r609 W 4th
Reierson Robert S b506 S Sanborn
Reierson Stella b609 W 4th
Reihsen Jacob P r Reihsen & Co
Reihsen Leo M r815 E 2nd
Reihsen Ludwina b112 E 2nd
Reihsen Regina b112 E 2nd
Reihsen Anna rms Graham Hall
Reis Anna, Mrs rums 113 N Rowley
Reisdorff A 113 W 2nd
Remmel Michael rms Navin Hotel
Rew George H r501 W 3rd
Reyes Joe b hotel
Reynolds Dale rms 717 S Sanborn
Reynolds Hazel rms Graham Hall
Rhoades Riley r317 E 9th
Rhodey John F r704 E 2nd
Rhoduf J Frank r704 E 3rd
Rice Annie rms 1018 Court Merrill
Richards F V r223 W 11th
Richardson Bueford M r301 E 2nd
Richardson Clyde G r604 E 3rd
Richardson George A rms 422 W 1st
Riedel Annie M
Reidel Charles H r300 E 9th
Riedel Ella M
Riedel Minnie C b300 E 9th
Rieder Chris rms 401 S Duff
Rierson Anna L r311 E 7th
Rierson Christine b311 E 7th
Riggert George 401 N Main
Rishling Cecil r320 E 10th
Rising Lloyd rms 717 S Sanborn
Roberts Inez rms 409 E 2nd
Robertson E A r rural
Robbins Chester b900 S Edmunds
Robbins Claude A r Beckwith Flats
Robbins Clark E 212 N Lawler..
Robbins Lester rms Graham Hall
Robbins A R rms 113 W 2nd
Robinson James S r1000 E 4th
Rockwell Frank W r700 E 3rd
Rockwell Hazel rms Graham Hall
Roddy Charles A b417 N Sanborn
Rodee H A r503 N Rowley
Rogan James A r600 E 3rd
Rogan Margaret b423 W 2nd
Rogan Mary A r423 W 2nd
Rogan Mary, Mrs b600 E 3rd
Rogan William B r423 W 2nd
Rogers Sarah, Mrs r303 E 2nd
Rogge Fred A r816 E 3rd
Rogge N A, Mrs r615 E 2nd
Rohan John M r416 E 3rd
Rohlf Elizabeth r723 S Montana
Roller Peter rms in office
Rollinson Alta, Mrs r615 W 4th
Rollinson William M r608 S Duff
Rowan Margaret rms 107 S Sanborn
Ronald W R r422 W 5th
Rooney Joseph rms Blenkiron bldg
Roney W E r807 N Duff
Roscamp Henry 800 S Wisconsin
Roscamp Louisa r400 S Wisconsin
Roscamp Roy b400 S Wisconsin
Rose Ben rms 113 W 2nd
Rose Martha A r922 W 5th
Rosenburger Lucile rms 1018 Court Merrill
Rosengrin Axel rms 418 E 2nd
Rosenquist Carl b411 N Mentzer
Rosenquist Freda b411 N Mentzer
Ross E F r808 W 3rd
Rote Del rms 113 W 2nd
Roth Barbara E b407 E 9th
Roth Catherine r407 E 9th
Roth Charles r407 E 9th
Roth Edward r407 E 9th
Roth Minnie J r407 E 9th
Roth Mona, Mrs r615 N Main
Rounds Marie r hosp
Rowell George r405 S Minnesota
Rowell John W rms 405 S Minnesota
Rowley Alfred B r909 N Lawler
Rowley Ann C r800 E 4th
Rowley Blanche M r800 E 4th
Rowley Earl B r805 E 7th
Rowley Ella A b800 E 4th
Rowley Frank L r706 E 6th
Rowley George M r409 E 5th
Rowley Myron K r409 E 5th
Rowley Sam V r521 E 5th
Rowley Warren B r805 E 7th
Rozum Anthony J r400 E 4th
Ruby Violet, Mrs r704 E 3rd
Rubin F A r110 S Main
Rudd Nicholas rms 501 S Wisconsin
Rudd Ole r501 S Wisconsin
Rudd Oscar rms 501 S Wisconsin
Ruden Bertha b516 E 3rd
Ruden Magdalene b516 E 3rd
Ruden Peter r516 E 3rd
Ruden Ruth b513 E 3rd
Rudloff Chris C r1005 E 6th
Runyon Sirenious rms 115 N Kimball
Rush Will T r514 E 1st
Russell Dorothy b615 N Rowley
Ruthardt John rms 104 N Rowley
Rutherford Samuel J r301 E 9th
Rutherford Virginia r hosp
Ryan John rms 412 S Sanborn
Ryan Michael C r900 Burr
Sabin William B r305 W 2nd
Sabin John rgarage, 710 N Main
Sachan E hotel
St George E b318 E 5th
Sakell Mike b318 E 5th
Sakell Belle r1005 E 3rd
Sakell Blanche E b623 E 4th
Sallade Clarence D b623 E 4th
Sampson Milton E b623 E 4th
Sampson Spencer S b516 E 1st
Sampson William W r same
Samson Frank W r221 E 6th
Samson Helen L b221 E 6th
Samson Lola O b221 E 6th
Samuels Florence b213 N Main
Samuels Kate E r same
Samuels John r413 W 2nd
Sand Robert rms 415 S Sanborn
Sandberg Millie rms Graham Hall
Sanders E J r901 W 4th
Sanders Lillian b901 W 4th
Sandman Anna b812 E 2nd
Sandman Carl r812 E 2nd
Sandman Lydia b812 W 2nd
Sandoz Albert B r504 W 2nd
Sargent Winifred S rms 104 N Rowley
Sartin Rolley b509 N Main
Satterlee Phylis b613 W 5th
Satnan Henry I r Bidwell Flats
Satterlee Roscoe E r718 S Minnesota
Saunders Charles H b523 W 2nd
Saunders Francis A b523 W 2nd
Saunders Harry S b523 W 2nd
Saunders Mary G b523 W 2nd
Saunders Nellie D r523 W 2nd
Sayler Albert r610 W 9th
Sayles Frank r214 W 11th
Sayles Willliam A r1023 W 7th
Saylor Mark O r212 E 10th
Scallin Anna, Mrs r708 W 4th
Scallin J Carlos b308 E 5th
Scallin Charles b201 N Main
Scallin Dorothy J b308 E 15th
Scallin Fred b708 W 4th
Scallin High W r308 E 5th
Scallin Paul R b308 E 5th
Scallin Stephen H r308 E 5th
Scallin William r708 W 4th
Schall John P r721 E 1st
Scharar C rms 113 W 2nd
Scharf Laura rms 112 W 1st
Scharf R N rms 112 W 1st
Scharnweber Anson F r305 E 5th
Scharnweber Henry G r117 E 2nd
Schaub Theresa r604 N Rowley
Schermerhorn William D rUniversity Place
Scheurenbrand Adolph r404 E 2nd
Scheurenbrand Charles A b700 E 2nd
Scheurenbrand Charles r1001 E 1st
Scheurenbrand Elizabeth r404 E 2nd
Scheurenbrand Gotlieb r700 E 2nd
Scheurenbrand Gustave b404 E 2nd
Scheurenbrand Henry G r709 E 2nd
Scheurenbrand Sophie r700 E 2nd
Scheurenbrand Walter b700 E 2nd
Scheurenbrand William F r705 E 2nd
Schirmer Augusta rms 508 S Duff
Schirmer Fred L r609 S Duff
Schrimer George B r317 E 2nd
Schirmer Henry r508 S Duff
Schlimgen Ambrose rms 308 W 5th
Schlimgen E E r308 W 5th
Schlimgen William M r820 E 5th
Schnack J R, Mrs r 310 1/2 N Main
Schneider Goffery b518 N Main
Schneider John W r800 S Duff
Schneider Regina rms 915 S Pennington
Schneider W M r518 N Main
Schnoor Lewis J A r909 E 5th
Schoen Gertrude rms 701 E 3rd
Schoen John F r701 E 3rd
Schoettle Gustav r1120 E University
Schomer Henry b939 E 3rd
Schomer Margaret r939 E 3rd
Schomer Marie b939 E 3rd
Schoos John r800 E 6th
Schoos John N b800 E 6th
Schowalter Bernice b hosp
Schram Clark r609 S Edmunds
Schram Myron b609 S Edmunds
Schu Ferdinand r1328 W 4th
Schuldt August b300 E 12th
Schultz Benjamin b817 E 8th
Schultz Bertha E b817 E 8th
Schultz Charles rms 118 E 1st
Schultz George W r817 E 8th
Schultz Henry r901 E 5th
Schultz Herman F r1115 N Main
Schultz John r 614 E 2nd
Schultz Lewis r401 W 10th
Schultz Lottie r514 E 2nd
Schultz Mannie r509 E 2nd
Schwab Frank R r605 E 4th
Scott Alvin b806 N Wisconsin
Scott Alta L b306 E 6th
Scott Anna r506 N Rowley
Scott C L r828 W 4th
Scott Fred b506 N Rowley
Scott Georgia I rms 401 S Sanborn
Scott Harold D b306 E 6th
Scott Hazel L b306 E 6th
Scott Helen C b805 N Wisconsin
Scott Hiram b506 N Rowley
Scott Josephine b506 N Rowley
Scott Joseph M b912 Court Merrill
Scott Leonard rms 509 E 2nd
Scott Lois rms Graham Hall
Scott Reva rms 405 S Wisconsin
Scott Thomas A 405 S Wisconsin
Scott Will b506 N Rowley
Scoville Lloyd T b705 E 4th
Scoville Sheldon G r705 E 4th
Seaman May b316 E 2nd
Searles Ona b201 W 3rd
Seaton A B r400 W 3rd
Seaton Fosse r318 E 4th
Sebastian Edward rms 509 E 2nd
Sebastian Fred rms 508 E 2nd
Sedgwick Charles W Bidwell Flats
Seibold Earl I r314 E 1st
Seifert Arthur V r218 N Main
Sellars Clarence E b301 W 10th
Sellars W H r301 W 10th
Sellars Ruth b301 W 10th
Semro Edward b517 N Rowley
Semro Hattie b517 N Rowley
Semro William r517 N Duff
Serry Michael rms Bunk Car
Service Catheryn b518 N Main
Sibbey Jacob r207 S Kimball
Sibbey Otto I b207 S Kimball
Service Charles rms Navin Hotel
Servin William b709 S Sanborn
Sevrein Julia b hosp
Seymour Glenn rms 709 S Sanborn
Seymour J J, Mrs rms Graham Hall
Seymour J J rms Graham Hall
Seymour Lee rms 709 S Sanborn
Sferlick b1024 E 5th
shadler Robert rms 601 E 2nd
Shafer Clifford b1023 N Main
Shafer H G r1023 N Main
Shale Arthur b908 Court Merrill
Shanahan John rms 115 N Kimball
Shane Adeline A r720 E 6th
Shank Edith M r same
Shank Grace L r same
Shannon C W r215 W 5th
Sharp Stewart r216 W 7th
Shaw Anna E r909 N Lawler
Shaw Mabel b620 N Burr
Shaw F Miner b211 E 2nd
Shaw William E r620 N Burr
Shea J J r916 E 5th
Shea M J r503 N Main
Sheehe Owen r310 S Edmunds
Sheeks Charles M b512 W 3rd
Shelby J W r418 W 3rd
Shelby Mabel b418 W 3rd
Shelby Norman r418 W 3rd
Shelton E C r612 W 4th
Shepard Albert rms 705 S Duff
Shepard Arthur C b319 W 4th
Shepard Bryan rms 705 S Duff
Shepard Frank B r705 S Duff
Shepard Frank H r622 N Duff
Shepard Harry b1005 E 3rd
Shepard Irene b705 S Duff
Shepard Lenore b319 W 4th
Shepard W S r319 W 4th
Shephard F J r823 W 4th
Sherwood Edward J r315 E 4th
Sherwood Margaret rms Graham Hall
Sherwood Martha b512 N Duff
Shinkel Ray r513 W 4th
Shipton Arthur R b427 S Duff
Shipton Edith r427 S Duff
Shirk E M r701 S Duff
Shirk F A b701 S Duff
Shirk Neil D 701 S Duff
Shoen Gertrude 701 E 3rd
Sholes George rms 612 E 1st
Sholes Zama V rms 612 E 1st
Shotwell Faye rms Graham Hall
Showers Edward r515 E 1st
Shugart C rms 113 W 2nd
Shurtluff Malcolm rms 807 S Sanborn
Shurts Teddy r1115 E 3rd
Shuster Lewis r600 W 3rd
Shute Herbert A r210 W 2nd
Siberz Bernice b321 E 4th
Siberz Frances b317 Duff
Siberz Jacob J r321 E 4th
Siberz John M r620 E 5th
Siberz John W r619 E 1st
Siberz Marie A b321 E 4th
Siberz Rolland b321 E 4th
Siberz William b321 E 4th
Sickel W J , Mrs r218 W 9th
Sidle Clara b608 W 3rd
Sidel J W r608 W 3rd
Siegemund Rosine, Mrs rms 710 E 1st
Siegfried Jennie V r608 W 2nd
Siegfried Lester b608 W 2nd
Sills John W r516 E 1st
Silsby George A b509 E 6th
Simcoke Morris G r420 E 2nd
Simpson Frances r hotel, 421 S Duff
Simpson Lewis J 600 E 2nd
Sinclair Ida M r hotel
Sing Lee r laundry,110 E 4th
Skeen Fred L r716 E 7th
Skeen Harry r716 E 7th
Skog John A r723 E 7th
Skog Bertha r220 E 2nd
Slade Matthew r220 E 2nd
Slade Pearl b220 E 2nd
Slagle George b500 E 7th
Slagle Lester b500 E 7th
Slagle L Verne b500 E 7th
Slater George r123 W 6th
Slater John b623 N Iowa
Slaughter Henry E r117 E 2nd
Sloan Charles E r215 E 2nd
Sledge Jesse T r509 E 1st
Sletten Cora P r504 E 6th
Smestad Alfred M r609 W 4th
Smith Archie A b1121 E 1st
Smith Alfred b700 S Wisconsin
Smith Alfred r1121 E 1st
Smith Arthur A r616 N Minnesota
Smith A C r416 E 4th
Smith Arthur F b421 N Lawler
Smith Bessie rms Graham Hall
Smith Charles H r119 S Main
Smith Charles R r721 E 4th
Smith Clare b416 W 4th
Smith Cortis J b708 E 2nd
Smith Dan A r1012 E 4th
Smith Dewey b805 E 2nd
Smith Dudley b116 W 11th
Smith Edith b116 W 11th
Smith Elmer b119 W 2nd
Smith Elmer S r720 E 3rd
Smith Eunice b116 W 11th
Smith Florence rms 923 S Sanborn
Smith Frank B r Champney Bldg
Smith George b508 E 3rd
Smith George r513 N Rowley
Smith George W r805 E 2nd
Smith George I r416 W 4th
Smith George O b200 W 1st
Smith Glenn B rms 307 E 2nd
Smith Glenn E r917 E 3rd
Smith Harold rms900 S Sanborn
Smith Irene b219 E 3rd
Smith J K , Mrs r same
Smith Jacob K r307 1/2 Main
Smith James A r504 S Edmunds
Smith James R r804 E 6th
Smith James T r219 E 3rd
Smith John rms hotel
Smith John S b221 E 2nd
Smith John W r708 E 2nd
Smith Lester E r808 E 1st
Smith Lila rms Graham Hall
Smith Lois rms Graham Hall
Smith Louise b219 E 3rd
Smith Margaret r722 E 2nd
Smith Matilda r116 W 11th
Smith May r117 E 2nd
Smith Mildred rms 1012 E 4th
Smith Minnie Bingham, rms 513 N Rowley
Smith Mortimer b101 S Sanborn
Smith Morton r101 S Sanborn
Smith Otis rms 100 N Main
Smith Owen E r716 E 2nd
Smith P C r919 N Main
Smith P T r615 N Rowley
Smith Phil rms 112 E 1st
Smith Ray F r209 E 4th
Smith Ray M rms 408 E 4th
Smith Richard W rms 421 N Lawler
Smith Robert H r201 E 3rd
Smith Rose b720 E 3rd
Smith Ross b720 E 3rd
Smith S A w 2nd
Smith S E b307 E 1st
Smith Sidney H r615 W 3rd
Smith Steve E r1001 E 3rd
Smith Sidney H r615 W 2nd
Smith S Scott r118 S Main
Smith Tracy G rms 112 W 1st
Smith William M r421 N Lawler
Smith Wood r700 S Wisconsin
Smith W S, Mrs r805 E 2nd
Snell Ernest r1014 E 1st
Snell Richard r518 E 2nd
Snow Elsie b604 S Sanborn
Snow Henry E r216 E 2nd
Snow Herbert E r320 E 7th
Snow Sarah A r320 E 7th
Snow W Harvey r205 E 6th
Snow W H r604 S Sanborn
Snow Verne rms 205 E 5th
Snowe Florence I b1008 W 4th
Snowe Sarah E r1008 W 4th
Snyder Carl W rms 601 W 4th
Sodergren Bernice r928 E 3rd
Sodergren Fred A r928 E 3rd
Sodergreen Gladys b928 E 3rd
Sodergren John A r515 S Montana
Sodergren Minnie rms 515 S Montana
Solberg Alger C r218 N Main
Soldahl Katherine b309 S Edmunds
Soper George H b701 E 2nd
Soper John L b701 E 2nd
Soper Louis r701 E 2nd
Sorben Margaret b608 N Minnesota
Sougstad Anna b419 E 2nd
Sougstad Eleanor b419 E 2nd
Sougstad George T b419 E 2nd
Sougstad Gunhild, Mrs r419 E 2nd
Sougstad Thomas b419 E 2nd
Spangler Timon J r220 E 5th
Spear Dewey b Gamble-7th-8th
Spear Lee L bGamble-7th-8th
Spear Loren rms 717 S Sanborn
Spear Ray rms 717 S Sanborn
Spears Frank b915 N Main
Spears Isaac r815 N Main
Spears James r915 N Main
Spears William b815 N Main
Spence Gladys O b207 N Main
Spence William H r207 N Main
Spencer Gene H r600 S Wisconsin
Sperlich William C r514 S Main
Spielman Joe r1020 E 3rd
Spielman Joseph T r322 W 2nd
Spink Stephen B r423 S Sanborn
Spink Robert rms 112 E 1st
Splitt Cora b309 S Minnesota
Splitt Dorothy
Splitt Emma rms 309 S Minnesota
Splitt Gus r309 S Minnesota
Splitt Dora K r309 S Minnesota
Spohn Stella, Mrs rms 504 S 2nd
Sprague Clyde W r405 E 2nd
?Sprague George rms 120 S Main
Sprague Horace C b302 E 2nd
Spratford Arthur b719 W 6th
Spratford Clarence O r211 E 3rd
Spratford Josie A b709 W 6th
Spratford William r709 W 6th
Spry John r226 S Duff
Spry John M Jr b226 S Duff
Stacey Harry L r109 S Main
Stafford Frank H b517 N Main
Stafford Fred D b517 N Main
Stahl George I rms 622 E 2nd
Stahl Lilly K b622 S 2nd
Stainbrook David W r401 E 2nd
Stair Daniel rms 123 W 1st
Stair Karl E r215 W 4th
Stair Lawrence E r113 S Main
Stahl John r515 E 2nd
Stanley A R r316 N Rowley
Stanley Fannie b504 S Edmunds
Starnes Samuel A r307 E 7th
Starr Elbert H rms 120 S Main
Stebbins Archie J r612 E 7th
Stebbins Hazel M b612 E 7th
Steel Grace L r413 Davison
Steiber Ward rms 800 S Edmunds
Steim Joseph 140 W 3rd
Stein Stewart b140 W 3rd
Steinmetz Conrad b615 S Pennington
Stentz Harry M r804 W 2nd
Stentz Lloyd L b804 W 2nd
Stephenson Margaret r305 E 10th
Stevens C rms 113 W 2nd
Stevens D C rms 901 S Edmunds
Stevens Elizabeth rms 601 E 6th
Stevens Ethel b722 W 5th
Stevens Frances B b722 W 5th
Stevens Francis r722 W 5th
Stevens George b900 N Rowley
Stevens James b323 W 4th
Stevens James H rms 401 W 4th
Stevens William H b722 W 5th
Stevens W M r509 N Main
Stewart Truman M r814 E 3rd
Stone George E r928 E 1st
Stoner Bernice rms Savoy Hotel
Stoughton Hugh rms 721 Winsor
Stout John B r314 W 1st
Stout Levi A r332 McCabe
Stout Shirley Eugene b332 McCabe
Streator A E, Mrs
Street Mike A
Strobel H W rms 408 E 3rd
Strong Alice M b412 E 4th
Strong George H r412 E 4th
Strong Oliver M b412 E 4th
Strong Rose E b412 E 4th
Strong William rms 324 N Main
Stults Hazel b409 S Edmunds
Stults John A r409 S Edmunds
Stults Luther r409 S Edmunds
Sturdevant George B r213 W 2nd
Suchy Mary b601 W 2nd
Suchy Matilda b601 W 2nd
Suchy Peter Jr b601 W 2nd
Suchy Peter b601 W 2nd
Sullivan Bernard rms 911 W 5th
Sullivan May b915 W 5th
Sullivan Genevieve b911 W 5th
Sullivan James L r113 N Rowley
Sullivan J W r911 W 5th
Summers Frank A r223 W 1st
Summers George rms 217 W 1st
Summons Pester rms 709 S Sanborn
Sumner Catherine r518 N Wisconsin
Sundquist John r601 S Montana
Sutcliffe Harold J r606 N Main
Sutherland James rms 113 W 2nd
Swanson Charles rms 401 S Duff
Swanson Gust V r317 E 5th
Swartout Ethel r316 W 2nd
Swartz Kathleen rms Graham Hall
Sweeley Mary rms 816 N Duff
Sweeney J T r515 W 3rd
Sweeney Pete b Widmann Hotel
Sweet O S r418 N Sanborn
Swessinger Henry, Mrs r702 N Main
Swessinger Henry M r702 N Main
Sweezy Myrtle M b315 E 4th
Swift Charles A r705 E 6th
Swindler Henry R r222 W 1st
Syphers Charles r211 W 5th
Talbot Frank W r305 S Edmunds
Taft Charles E rms 109 S Main
Tahey M J rms Raymond Hotel
Tanner H A, Mrs r307 W Milan
Tanner Mary J rms 401 S Duff
Tanner William L r912 E 1st
Tarleton Tillie rms Graham Hall
Taylor Alfred r613 E 1rd
Taylor B W r215 W 11th
Taylor Bailey rms 112 E 1st
Taylor Fred R r Beckwith Flats
Taylor Frank W r720 W 3rd
Taylor Gladys rms 818 E 6th
Taylor Lawrence T b1009 N Lawler
Taylor Lois M b1010 N Main
Taylor William rms hotel
Teager H I r1209 W 4th
Telkamp hiram r924 E 3rd
Tenny Daniel L r201 E 7th
Terpenning R F r303 E 2nd
Test Ella r606 E 3rd
Test Lydia A r606 E 3rd
Test Mildred C b606 E 3rd
Tethcott L rms 113 W 2nd
Thalasmos George rms 109 N Rowley
Thayer Henry J b500 S Montana
Thedorf Anna b119 W 2nd
Thiese Irene rms 717 S Sanborn
Thiese Lottie rms 717 S Sanborn
Thiese W J, Mrs r717 S Sanborn
Thom Ida r417 W 2nd
Thomas Alma b808 E 1st
Thomas E J r1204 W 4th
Thomas John M r808 E 1st
Thomas Marie b820 W 3rd
Thomas Mildred b808 E 1st
Thomas Sarah b301 E 2nd
Thompson Amelia rms 423 S Minnesota
Thompson Annie r200 E 6th
Thompson Arthur rms 924 E 3rd
Thompson Arthur W r823 E 3rd
Thompson Bessie G b200 E 6th
Thompson Charles Edwin r514 W 2nd
Thompson D rms 113 W 2nd
Thompson E E r E 4th
Thompson Ethel O b317 E 4th
Thompson Fred b305 E 2nd
Thompson Laura r317 E 4th
Thompson Lloyd G b514 W 2nd
Thompson Loren K b514 W 2nd
Thompson Lucy B b200 E 6th
Thompson Matilda r305 E 2nd
Thompson Maren r425 S Minnesota
Thompson Mary rms Graham Hall
Thompson Norman
Thompson Ole C r1021 E 3rd
Thompson Otis B r202 W 10th
Thompson Robert C b514 W 2nd
Thompson T A rms Bunk Car
Throm P E r700 W 5th
Thull J C r 210 N Main
Thune Matthew r612 E 3rd
Thwing Clay F r905 S Minnesota
Tibbels Earl K rms 610 E 2nd
Ticknor W J r805 N Sanborn
Tiffany Addie R r603 E 6th
Tiffany Ray E b300 E 5th
Tilburg Elmer V b807 S Sanborn
Till John B r204 E 6th
Tilton Otto O r610 E 3rd
Timmins William M r415 E 7th
Tingle Glenn b606 N Main
Tingle Madeline S b606 N Main
Tingle Joe S 606 N Main
Tiornages Gust rms 111 N Main
Tippery Alva J b321 E 7th
Tippery Anna V r321 E 7th
Tippery Layton O r321 E 7th
Tippery Alice b321 E 7th
Tippery W H rms same
Tipton Bernice b503 N Duff
Tipton Mark b503 N Duff
Tipton Sterling b503 N Duff
Tipton William E r303 W 5th
Tobin Edward r700 E 7th
Tobin Esther L b700 E 7th
Tobin Ethel b421 E 3rd
Tobin Fred J b700 E 7th
Tobin George A b700 E 7th
Tobin John J b700 E 7th
Tobin Mary E r700 E 7th
Tobin Phillip E r421 E 3rd
Tobin Walter D r421 E 3rd
Toche Michael rms Bunk Car
Todnem Bertha rms 1108 E University
Todnem Laura b1108 E University
Todnem Louis r1108 E University
Todnem Louis Jr b1108 E University
Toft Jacob A r1201 W 3rd
Toland G W r515 N Main
Tolman A b523 N Duff
Toomire Edward C r620 E 3rd
Toomire William H r614 E 3rd
Torney Ray b620 E 5th
Touloumis George rms 200 W 1st
Tracy E B r601 W 4th
Tracy Charles r209 E 10th
Tracy Della b408 S Wisconsin
Tracy Everett b209 E 10th
Tracy Margaret, Mrs r408 S Wisconsin
Trainor Amelia b421 W 4th
Traugber R r205 W 10th
Treganza Eliza M r1022 W 4th
Treganza Howard b1022 W 4th
Treganza Oliver H r506 W 3rd
Treganza Raymond r1022 W 4th
Tremaine Clara A b604 S Wisconsin
Tremain R L r604 S Wisconsin
Tremaine S A b604 S Wisconsin
Trevithick Ruth rms Graham Hall
Trobee Walter L r309 W 2nd
Troemel Gustav A r920 E 3rd
Trombley Robert D r500 S Edmunds
Troon Alice rms Graham Hall
Troon Edward T r319 E 10th
Troon Esther rms Graham Hall
Truax A A r401 W 4th
Tucker Edward A r207 N Main
Tucker F E rms 113 W 2nd
Tuckey John r504 E 4th
Tufford H H rms 121 E 1st
Tufty Charles L r216 E 9th
Tufty Martin T r816 N Duff
Turner Clarence B r320 E 4th
Turney Fletcher S 302 E 4th
Turrel Luella b302 E 4th
Tuttle Bert b125 E 2nd
Tvedt Louie L r520 W 2nd
Tym Charles F r512 N Duff
Tythcott L rms 113 W 2nd
Ulrichs Helena b519 N Sanborn
Underhill Ross E r605 E 6th
Underwood Josephine, Mrs r500 E 7th
Undin H rms 113 W 2nd
Van Benthuysen Howard b1120 E University
Van Benthuysen Harry H b1120 E University
Van Benthuysen Sephen D r1120 E University
Van der Maaten C E r315 N Rowley
Van Hoover Jennie, Mrs r119 E 11th
Van Tassel Elizabeth, Mrs r417 E 2nd
Van Tassel Harry b417 E 2nd
Van Vlack Edgar r816 W 2nd
Van Vlack Lorena b816 W 2nd
Van Vlack b816 W 2nd
Van Vlack Mary b816 W 2nd
Van Wagenen Arthur b103 E 5th
Van Wagenen Frank H r1038 E 5th
Van Wagenen Leo r708 W 5th
Vaughn Gertrude b609 S Duff
Veit Harry J r420 W 6th
Vermilyea Clarence E r408 E 4th
Vermilyea C E Jr b405 E 5th
Vermilyea Eliza e b408 E 4th
Vermilyea Gilbert a b405 E 5th
Vermilyea Joe K b408 E 4th
Vickers Joe r517 W 5th
Vickers L S r511 W 4th
Victor Charles b512 W 10th
Victor Clara b512 W 10th
Victor E, Mrs r512 W 10th
Victor Emil r823 N Rowley
Victor G A b512 W 10th
Victor William r320 E 7th
Vincent Ruth
Vittatoe Charles C r900 W 3rd
Vogus A C r391 S Minnesota
Vogt Henry P rms 317 E 5th
Vogus C H r319 E 6th
Vogus Charles N r300 E 5th
Vogadoo Lambros rms Bunk Car
Voien Clara b404 E 1st
Voien Lena r404 E 1st
Vold John rms 913 S Sanborn
Volin H P r421 N Duff
Voss John C r405 E 1st
Vushong Hubert rms 807 S Sanborn
Wade D Frank r926 E 2nd
Wagner Elmer b420 N Edmunds
Wagner H A rms 213 W 4th
Wagner H M r420 N Edmunds
Wagner Hulbert D r320 W 3rd
Wagner James r1100 S Sanborn
Wagner Josephine b605 N Wisconsin
Wagner Ruth b420 N Edmunds
Wagner Val, Mrs r605 N Wisconsin
Wagner Val r605 N Wisconsin
Waite Howard r704 S Edmunds
Walker Elsie T b hosp
Walker Hannah r721 S Main
Wall Salma b513 N Edmunds
Wallace Elizabeth r812 W 5th
Wallace James rms 401 S Duff
Wallace Mae, Mrs r105 S Sanborn
Wallace Ora B r Hoon Flats
Wallace William, Rev r812 W 5th
Wallerstedt Geil b323 W 3rd
Wallerstedt Ione b323 W 3rd
Wallerstedt L E r323 W 3rd
Wallis Clarence R r416 S Edmunds
Wallis Florence b1111 W 3rd
Wallis Fred b1111 W 3rd
Wallis Lew b1111 W 3rd
Wallis W L r1111 W 3rd
Walpole A D b807 N Duff
Walrath Clarence W r208 W 2nd
Walrath Elbert O b504 E 6th
Walrath John O r504 E 6th
Walrath Marion K b208 W 2nd
Walrath Mildred b208 W 2nd
Walsh Frank J r516 W 2nd
Walsh Joe B r308 W 1st
Walsh Joseph B, Mrs b308 W 1st
Walsh Margaret b522 E 3rd
Walter Henry rms113 W 2nd
Walter L rms 113 W 2nd
Walters Cloe b617 N Lawler
Walters Cora b617 N Lawler
Walton William b1022 E 2nd
Ward Helen b701 E 6th
Ward Mamie b701 E 6th
Ward Nellie r Beckwith Flats
Ward Rose r701 E 6th
Ward Raleigh M r503 N Rowley
Ward William M b701 E 6th
Ward William O r605 E 3rd
Warne Ada rms 621 W 3rd
Warne Ada L, Mrs r621 W 3rd
Warne Alice b621 W 3rd
Warne Mrs rms 122 W 1st
Warne Dr R C rms Champney Bldg
Warren Abram A r107 N Wisconsin
Warren Charles H r912 N Main
Warren Clark M r Beckwith Flats
Warren Clark M, Mrs r Beckwith Flats
Warren Frank rms 403 E 2nd
Washburn S Clyde r1008 E 5th
Waters Harry b316 N Main
Waters John A r912 E 7th
Waters A rms 113 E 2nd
Watkins E D r612 W 3rd
Watkiins Gladys rms Graham Hall
Watkins Mary b612 W 3rd
Watson Floyd A rms 504 E 5th
Watson George H r504 E 5th
Watson John R r1016 N Mentzer
Watson J W r709 N Wisconsin
Watson Lew b301 E 11th
Watson Maria b305 E 5th
Watson Mabel b504 E 5th
Sattles Max b623 N Sanborn
Way J F r315 McCabe
Way Thomas S r709 N Rowley
Way Walter b316 McCabe
Weatherhill Celia b516 W 10th
Weaver Charles rms 113 W 2nd
Weaver Gilbert S rms 316 W 5th
Webb Frank rms 162 W 1st
Webber Ella b516 E 2nd
Webber Loren W r415 N Sanborn
Webber Samuel r312 W 3rd
Weber Alma b516 E 2nd
Webster Ella rns 612 E 2nd
Webster Leonard B rms Store, 113 W 2nd
Webster Wilton C b612 E 2nd
Webster William H r612 E 2nd
Weddle James r701 S Sanborn
Weddle Myrtle L b701 S Sanborn
Weddle Winnie b701 S Sanborn
Wedehase Augusta C b216 W 5th
Wedehase Fred K 114 N Main
Weed Margaret b117 E 2nd
Weisenburger E rms 113 W 2nd
Weisner Joseph r912 E 6th
Welbes Terse b hosp
Welch Gertrude, Mrs r1200 W 3rd
Welch Louis J r401 E 1st
Welch Paul W rms 401 E 1st
Welch Anna r401 E 1st
Welch T G, Mrs b hosp
Weller Charles r619 N Duff
Weller Frank r408 W 4th
Wells Fred A r113 N Rowley
Wells Hazen W rms 212 N Lawler
Wells J Earl b201 W 3rd
Wells James E r201 W 3rd
Wells Lillian b1007 E 5th
Wells Mabel b509 W 3rd
Wells Ora B r201 W 3rd
Wells Warren r615 N Wisconsin
Wentworth Emmet E r925 E 4th
Wentworth Opal b925 E 4th
Wentzler Charles C rms 208 E 3rd
West Carrol B rms 800 S Edmunds
West Dan r610 N Gamble
Westby Chris E r400 E 2nd
Westby Elbing rms 401 N Main
Whalen Bernice b320 McCabe
Whalen Elizabeth b320 McCabe
Whalen William rms 113 W 2rd
Wharton Charles b717 S Sanborn
Wheatley Benjamin W b501 E 6th
Wheatley Ruth rms Graham Hall
Whedon Adeline E r1222 E 6th
Wheeler Asa B r916 N Gamble
Wheeler Archie C r512 W 5th
Wheeler Claud rms 113 W 2nd
Wheeler Mary v r916 N Gamble
Wherry S C rms 317 E 5th
Whitlow Claude rms 807 S Sanborn
White H e r113 W 2nd
White John H rms 917 S Sanborn
White Katherine b609 E 3rd
White Robert J r917 S Sanborn
White W M r1200 E 3rd
Whitlow Ava rms 401 S Sanborn
Whitney Clara, Mrs rms 219 N Montana
Whitney Clarence A r721 E 6th
Whittle Sadye b620 E 6th
Whorton Wayne rms 709 S Sanborn
Whyte George b310 E 2nd
Whyte Maude b310 E 2nd
Whyte Rachel b310 E 2nd
Whyte Samuel r310 E 2nd
Wick Leonard r r820 W 5th
Wider Martin G r708 E 5th
Widmann Matilda r400 E 3rd
Widmann Harry W rms 412 W 3rd
Widmann Walter b412 W 3rd
Wiedeman M F r701 E 7th
Wiedeman William b701 E 7th
Wilde Robert D b701 E 7th
Wilder Alberta, Mrs r735 S Edmunds
Wilder Elva b735 S Edmunds
Wilder Floyd E b735 S Edmunds
Wilder Glenn B b735 S Edmunds
Wilds Elmer H r340 McCabe
Wiley James H b212 W 10th
Wiley J W r212 W 10th
Wilge Maty
Wilka Zona b218 E 3rd
Wilkerson Joseph D r1008 E 1st
Wilkins Ade r905 E 3rd
Wilkinson Grace rns 1018 Court Merrill
Wilkinson Mildred b223 W 6th
Wilkinson Lena S r315 N Wisconsin
Willerton Henry r620 N Edmunds
Willey E H, Mrs rms 205 W 2nd
Willey Harvey T r205 W 2nd
William Leonard rms 112 W 2nd
Williams Clinton b122 E 1st
Williams Dorothy
Williams Frank J r322 E 9th
Williams George b223 W 3rd
Williams Harold rms 422 E 7th
Williams Homer N rms 422 E 7th
Williams James E r601 E 6th
Williams Kathryn b322 E 9th
Williams H Luther r221 E 9th
Williams L A r521 W 5th
Williams Marshall, Mrs r716 S Duff
Williams Mary E r813 W 3rd
Williams Russell B b601 E 6th
Williams T G r223 W 3rd
Williams Wallace r422 E 7th
Williamson Edwin rms 1300 S Pennington
Williamson William r1300 S Pennington
Wilson A H r919 W 5th
Wilson Cecil b100 N Duff
Wilson C J r517 N Edmunds
Wilson Charles V r500 E 2nd
Wilson Emma r205 W 2nd
Wilson Floyd E r1015 E 4th
Wilson Fred J r707 N Rowley
Wilson Genevieve r801 E 7th
Wilson Harry S b1209 S Sanborn
Wilson Hattie b720 E 7th
Wilson Jane b101 N Duff
Wilson John M r1337 W 4th
Wilson Margaret, Mrs b407 N Duff
Wilson Mark b101 N Duff
Wilson Mary S b601 N Edmunds
Wilson Nellie rms 205 W 2nd
Wilson Perle C b517 N Edmunds
Wilson Phoebe r933 E 5th
Wilson J Sykes r601 N Edmunds
Wilson William I r933 E 5th
Wilson William r1111 W 4th
Wilt C B r523 N Duff
Wilt Winfield b523 N Duff
Wiltse Burr B b422 E 4th
Wiltse Jennie M r422 E 4th
Windle Alice B r308 E 5th
Wingfield J L r416 W 5th
Winner Frank b910 N Main
Winsor Frank H r600 W 4th
Winsor Frank Jr b421 N Wisconsin
Winters Charles R r522 S Wisconsin
Winters Fred r908 W 5th
Winters Josephine D b805 E 6th
Winters Lois, Mrs b222 N Main
Winters Mary r701 N Rowley
Winters Merlin rms 522 S Wisconsin
Winters Theodore C rms Comm Bk Bldg
Wipf John r320 E 2nd
Wipf John Jr b320 E 2nd
Wipperfurth Agnes rms 112 E 1st
Wipperfurth Marie rms 112 E 1st
Wise Samuel A r1025 E 4th
Wiseman Percy rms 908 Court Merrill
Witt Alice D b420 E 7th
Witt Theodore r420 E 7th
Wittkop Fred rms 723 E 5th
Wittkop Hazel b308 E 4th
Wittmann Louis r309 E 9th
Witzel J A r422 W 4th
Witzel Margaret b411 E 3rd
Woelfel Gustav r412 W 3rd
Wolcott H, Mrs r Graham Hall
Wolcott Herbert N rms 1101 W University
Wolf Clara E r305 E 9th
Wolfe John A r416 E 4th
Wolfe Anne, Mrs rms 200 W 1st
Wolfe Myrtle rms 200 W 1st
Wood C S, Mrs r709 N Duff
Wood Jay C r812 E 5th
Wood Joe b709 N Duff
Wood J M , Mrs r408 W 3rd
Wood Sylvan rms 717 S Sanborn
Wood William r709 S Sanborn
Woodruff Earl b514 S Edmunds
Woodruff Harry V r302 E 2nd
Woodford Letha b514 S Edmunds
Woodford Mary b514 S Edmunds
Woodman Wensel E r508 Rowley
Woodman Frank rms 305 E 6th
Woodman Ray A r305 E 6th
Woods Maude S rms 614 N Burr
Wooley Curtis F r901 E 3rd
Worthen Charles b615 N Sanborn
Worthen Frank b615 N Sanborn
Worthen George r615 N Sanborn
Worthen Mollie b615 N Sanborn
Worthing Florence b1019 W 4th
Worthing Forrest V r1019 W 4th
Worthing F P r1019 W 4th
Wright Alpha H r304 E 5th
Wright A J r216 E 2nd
Wright Charles A r405 S Edmunds
Wright C E r715 N Minnesota
Wright Dale C rms 517 E 1st
Wright Gage P r305 E 5th
Wright G N r Heyler Flats
Wright Grover rms 404 E 2nd
Wright Gus r 201 W 2nd
Wright Miriam b513 N Edmunds
Wright Otto f519 W 4th
Wright Ray A r517 E 1st
Wright Ray F rms 201 W 2nd
Wright Sherman rms 700 E 3rd
Wright Walter b519 W 4th
Wyatt Patrick rms 622 N Main
Wyth F J r708 W 3rd
Yates Andrew rms 122 E 1st
Yorkshire Steve rms 113 W 2nd
Young Blanche E rms 623 S Wisconsin
Young Bradley r205 E 4th
Young Edwin A r623 S Wisconsin
Young Eldora B rms 623 S Wisconsin
Young Paul M r205 W 3rd
Young Peter r217 S Minnesota
Young Rawlins rms 308 E 3rd
Young Willard K rms 623 S Wisconsin
Zavitz Abe L r720 E 6th
Zavitz Harry E b720 E 6th
Zavitz LeRoy A b720 E 6th
Zentz Joseph C r320 N Main
Zentz Leva M b320 N Main
Zimmerman Eva b116 W 4th
Zimmerman Roy r116 W 4th
Zollinger George W r220 W 10th
Zollinger Pearl b220 W 10th
Zollman Phillip A r1100 S Sanborn
Zuver Clarence b901 W 6th
Zuver George E r901 W 6th
Zuver Geraldine b901 W 6th
Copyrighted 2001 for Davison county South Dakota by:
Davison County Genealogical Society.