Mitchell City Directory 1898-99 A-G
L name Fname Occup Address
Abbey Mrs. Gertrude A 302 E. 7th St.
Abbey Winslow Jr. student 302 E 7th St.
Abbey Winslow Sr. police judge 302 E 7th St.
Adabarr William student 105 S Lawler St
Adams Amy student 502 E 4th St.
Adams Mrs. A.L. 311 S. Wisconsin St
Adams Mrs. C. 501 E 1st
Adams Colonel attorney boards Raymond House
Adams C.W. tailor 502 E 2nd
Adams Fred student 502 E 2nd
Adams Herbert printer 501 E 1st
Adams L.W. clerk 501 E 1st
Adams Oliver D student 501 E 1st
Allen Mrs. Alta 210 W 1st
Allen Howard student 210 W 1st
Allen William barber 210 W 1st
Amsden L.A. drayman 306 W 2nd
Amsden Mrs. L. A. 306 W 2nd
Anderson Anna domestic 501 W 3rd
Anderson Mrs. Anna 601 N Duff
Anderson Mrs. Anna 402 E 4th
Anderson Charles student 109 E 11th
Anderson Edith 402 E 4th
Anderson George carpenter 402 E 4th
Anderson Ida student 601 N Duff
Anderson Ira section forman 601 N Duff
Anderson J. D. traveling salesman 310 W 3rd
Anderson Jennie student 109 E 11th
Anderson John H student 109 E 11th
Anderson Joseph W. student 109 E 11th
Anderson Mrs. Morgia 310 W 3rd
Anderson S CM & St P boards American House
Anderson Mrs. Sarah A 109 E 11th
Anderson William ice 109 E 11th
Aronson Mrs. Cora 502 S Duff
Aronson Oscar bridge carpenter 402 S Duff
Austin Arthur student 303 S. Sanborn
Austin George mason 303 S. Sanborn
Austin Rev. G. W. pastor-Methodist 601 N Duff
Austin Mrs. Mathilda 303 S Sanborn
Austin Merty student 303 S Sanborn
Babcock J E news dealer 306 E 7th
Babcock Loreno M clerk 306 E 7th
Babcock Lucy student 306 E 7th
Babcock Mrs Mary 306 E 7th
Babcock Maud student 306 E 7th
Babcock Rev J H Episcopal minister 206 W 2nd
Bailey Charles horseman 410 S Sanborn
Bailey Mrs. Emily 410 S Sanborn
Baker Ethel student 300 E 3rd
Baker J A physician 300 E 3rd
Ball Inez student 410 W 3rd
Balker Mary domestic 905 N Main
Ball Nellie 410 N 3rd
Ball Sadie teacher 410 W 3rd
Ball Thomas mail carrier 410 W 3rd
Ball Mrs. Thomas 410 W 3rd
Ball William student 410 W 3rd
Barber Mrs Mattie 610 E 1st
Barber Mrs Nancy 300 W 7th
Barber O L stock breeder 300 W 7th
Barber William Ass't post master
Barber B G carpenter 610 E 1st
Barker B H student 101 S Edmunds
Barker Mrs E 101 S Edmunds
Barker Florence 101 S Edmunds
Barnard Mrs Anna 209 E 3rd
Barnard B S farmer 209 E 3rd
Bately James B student 108 W 5th
Bately John T 108 W 5th
Bately Lily student 108 W 5th
Bately Mrs S S 108 W 5th
Baughman Mrs E over 213 Main
Baughman Frank over 213 Main
Becker Dell student 300 W 4th
Becker Gertrude W 4th
Becker Jacob clothier 300 W 4th
Beckwith Mrs J 300 W 4th
Beckwith Grace F student 401 Lawler
Beckwith H P ass't cashier 1st Natl Bank 401 Lawler
Beckwith L real estate 401 Lawler
Beckwith Louis E student 401 Lawler
Beebe Mrs. M V 401 Lawler
Beebe Edward engineer 306 Sanborn
Beebe Mrs Florence 306 Sanborn
Beebe Vera student 306 Sanborn
Bell Joseph works American House 1st & Rowley
Bennett Cash musician bds Red Front Restaurant
Berry A C stockman 701 Main
Berry Mrs A 701 Main
Berry Austin 701 Main
Berry Allen 701 Main
Berry Gladyse 701 Main
Berry Howard 701 Main
Bidwell Frank A real estate & abstracts 401 W 2nd
Bidwell Mrs Lizzie D 401 W 2nd
Bjodstrup Arthur student 605 W 2nd
Bjodstrup Mrs Christene 605 W 2nd
Bjodstrup Fred builder 605 W 2nd
Bjodstrup Howard student 605 W 2nd
Bjodstrup Maud student 605 W 2nd
Bloss Mrs Krthernie 607 E 1st
Bloss W H capenter 607 E 1st
Blynn Ethel student 309 W 3rd
Blynn Mrs Julia 309 W 3rd
Blynn Raymond student 309 W 3rd
Blynn William traveling salesman 309 W 3rd
Bobb B A physician & surgeon 206 Main
Bobb Bessie student 602 W 3rd
Bobb Dora student 602 W 3rd
Bobb Frank student 602 W 3rd
Bobb Mrs May 206 Main
Bobb Mrs Mary 602 W 3rd
Bobb M L farmer 602 W 3rd
Boggs Rev A R presiding elder 603 N Sanborn
Boggs Caddie 603 N Sanborn
Boggs Charles W 108 W 4th
Boggs Ferd printer 603 N Sanborn
Boggs Mrs Kate 603 N Sanborn
Boise Hattie dressmaker 400 E 4th
Boise Jennie 400 E 4th
Boise Martin confectionary store 400 E 4th
Boise Mrs Mary 400 E 4th
Bowman Mrs E A widow 606 E 4th
Boulton C C wagon maker 510 W 1st
Boulton Fred student 510 W 1st
Boulton Mrs May 510 W 1st
Bowker Miss Mary 203 E 2nd
Boynton A A clk US land office 502 W 4th
Boynton Abraham 500 W 3rd
Boynton Mrs Lois 502 W 4th
Boynton Mrs Minnie 500 W 4th
Bracy E B physician res-end of W 3rd St
Bracy Mrs Sarah res-end of W 3rd St
Bradley Elmer 200 W 2nd
Bradley Fred O jeweler 200 W 2nd
Bradley J F optician 200 W 2nd
Branson Harold student 504 E 5th
Branson Mrs Hattie 504 E 5th
Branson O L cashier-1st Nat'l Bank 504 E 5th
Branson Ray student 504 E 5th
Bras A H 423 Main
Bras C C wks SD Educator 423 Main
Bras Charlotte E 423 Main
Bras Florence student 700 E 5th
Bras Mrs Hattie E 700 E 5th
Bras Harry L Editor of SD Educator 700 E 5th
Bras Lillian student 700 E 5th
Bras Louiee student 700 E 5th
Brennen Mrs Elizabeth widow 104 Aurora St
Brennen Mike laborer 104 Aurora St
Brennen P laborer 104 Aurora St
Bresnaham M sec boss CM & St P 205 Hanson
Bresnaham Mrs M 305 Hanson
Briggs Thomas soldier 606 W 3rd
Briggs S G butter maker 606 W 3rd
Briggs Mrs Susanna 606 W 3rd
Broadbent Arthur tailor 302 W 1st
Broadbent J W manager J E Turner & Son 200 W 1st
Broadbent Mrs Martha 302 W 1st
Broadbent Mrs Minnie 200 W 1st
Broadbent Walter Feed & 2nd hand store 302 W 1st
Broadbent Walter Jr jr exp driver 302 W 1st
Brown F E wks Gales drug store bds Plotner House
Brown D H engineer 605 E 4th
Brown Mrs F S 203 E 2nd
Brown J A plumber 203 E 2nd
Brown Kathrine S student 203 E 2nd
Brown O E supt co schools 404 E 3rd
Brown Mrs O E 404 E 3rd
Brown Phoebe A student 203 E 2nd
Brown W boards Plotner House
Brustion May domestic rear of 402 E 1st
Buchanan Anna student 404 E 7th
Buchanan May student 404 E 7th
Buchanan Nellie 404 E 7th
Buchanan Mrs rose widow 404 E 7th
Bugher Jacob laborer 210 Hanson
Bugher Mrs Louisa 209 S Kimball
Bugher Mrs Pauline 210 Hanson
Bugher Nick blacksmith 209 S Kimball
Burleigh Rev B W minister-1st Congregational 305 E 4th
Burleigh Mrs Grace D 305 E 4th
Burns Thomas register land office 207 W 3rd
Burns Mrs Lucill 207 W 3rd
Burns Mrs May 309 W 3rd
Burns Peter clerk 309 W 3rd
Burnside Charles grocer 308 W 5th
Burnside D C grocer 308 W 5th
Burnside Mrs Ella 308 W 5th
Burnside Mrs Hannah 308 W 5th
Burnside Howard clerk 308 W 5th
Burnside Walace student 308 W 5th
Burright David agt I & D land Co bds Dix House
Burton Mrs Annie 208 E Hanson
Burton charles wks Mitchell House res same
Burton Markus cook 208 E Hanson
Burt Mrs Jennie 601 W 1st
Burt W T agent 601 W 1st
Bushnell Cyrus farmer 201 E 2nd
Bushnell Francis 20l E 2nd
Bushnell G W mechanic 201 E 2nd
Bushnell Mrs H 201 E 2nd
Bushnell Ida student 201 E 2nd
Bushnell Martha student 201 E 2nd
Bushnell Stella student 201 E 2nd
Bushnell William 201 E 2nd
Calhoun F A teamster 307 W 3rd
Calhoun H H carpenter 307 W 3rd
Calhoun Mrs Mathilde 307 W 3rd
Calhoun Mrs Sylvia 307 W 3rd
Camp Alma student 602 W 2nd
Camp Mrs J H 602 W 2nd
Camp J H trapper 602 W 2nd
Campbell A K agent 609 N Sanborn
Campbell Daisy student 609 N Sanborn
Campbell Sina 609 N Sanborn
Campbell Mrs Rosa 609 N Sanborn
Canty Miss M dressmaker 210 W 1st
Carlson Andrew section hand 208 Aurora St
Carlson H carpenter 407 S Sanborn
Carlson Marie 407 S Sanborn
Carlson Mrs Pauline 208 Aurora St
Carpenter Mrs Carrie widow 506 Van Eps St
Carpenter Edward student 504 Van Eps St
Carpenter Eva student 504 Van Eps St
Casteel Mrs Emma 311 N Sanborn
Casteel Eva student 311 N Sanborn
Casteel H C 311 N Sanborn
Casteel Lowry student 311 N Sanborn
Catrell Mrs Ella 401 E 7th
Catrell Karl student 401 E 7th
Catrell S clerk 401 E 7th
Cerlson George student 705 Rowley
Cerlson John butcher 705 Rowley
Cerlson Mary 704 Rowley
Cerlson Ole laborer 704 Rowley
Cerlson William student 704 Rowley
Chambers A J drayman 609 W 2nd
Chambers Mrs A J 609 W 2nd
Champlin Emily student 408 E 1st
Champlin Frances student 408 E 1st
Champlin Henry student 408 E 1st
Champlin L county auditor 408 E 1st
Champlin Mrs Mary 408 E 1st
Chapin Mrs Flora 307 W 2nd
Chapin Ida teacher 307 W 2nd
Chapin M E minister 307 W 2nd
Cheadle Clarence student 310 E 7th
Cheadle Mrs Esther 310 E 7th
Cheadle Herbert E artist 310 E 7th
Christopher Alice student 611 N Rowley
Christopher Bertha 611 N Rowley
Christopher Clarence brakeman 611 N Rowley
Christopher Harry student 611 N Rowley
Christopher Mattie 611 N Rowley
Christopher Olive student 611 N Rowley
Christopher Sarah 611 N Rowley
Christopher Theodore student 611 N Rowley
Christopher Thomas mason 611 N Rowley
Clark Bessie student 307 Hanson
Clark Miss Bessie student 101 S Main
Clark Edwin E student 107 W 6th
Clark F E agent CM & St P 101 S Main
Clark H C postmaster 107 W 6th
Clark H M insurance boards Raymond House
Clark James W confectioner 307 E Hanson
Clark Miss Laura 307 E Hanson
Clark Lou clerk 307 E Hanson
Clark Rose student 307 E Hanson
Clouse Charles works Mitchell House res same
Clemenger M B elec light plant 308 W 3rd
Clemenger Mrs M B 308 W 3rd
Cook Edward student 406 E 3rd
Cook John sheriff 406 E 3rd
Cook John Charles farmer 406 E 3rd
Cook J W stockman 104 S Lawler
Cook Lillian W student 406 E 3rd
Cook Mrs Mary 406 E 3rd
Cook Mary student 406 E 3rd
Cook nellie student 406 E 3rd
Cook Sarah Ellen teacher 406 E 3rd
Cook Susie student 406 E 3rd
Cook William student 406 E 3rd
Cooke Mrs Anna 611 W 4th
Cooke Anna student 611 W 4th
Cooke Carrie student 611 W 4th
Cooke Ellonor student 611 W 4th
Cooke H J traveling salesman 611 W 4th
Cooke Russell student 611 W 4th
Cooke Walter student 611 W 4th
Cooley George W mail agent 205 E 4th
Cooley Mrs D L 205 E 4th
Cooper J F clerk 603 W 3rd
Cooper Lulu 603 W 3rd
Cody Edward car repairer 211 S Duff
Cody Edward Jr student 211 S Duff
Cody Marie 211 S Duff
Coffin Clara milliner 319 Main
Coffin Elsie milliner 319 Main
Collett Mrs Rachel 611 Van Eps
Collett S W teacher 611 Van Eps
Collins D W agricultural imps 509 E 1st
Collins Mrs Mary 509 E 1st
Collins May student 509 E 1st
Collins Ray student 509 E 1st
Cole Miss Bessie students 101 S Main
Cole Mrs Clara 101 S Main
Colvin Mrs Cora 104 S Lawler
Colvin George A blacksmith 104 S Lawler
Colvin John implements & carriages 404 E 4th
Colvin Mrs J V 404 E 4th
Colvin Ralph student 104 S Lawler
Comstock Alice E dressmaker 308 W 2nd
Comstock H M widow 308 W 2nd
Connor Grace student 305 S Sanborn
Connor Mrs Jennie widow 305 S Sanborn
Connor June teacher 305 S Sanborn
Conant Elizabeth A res Raymond House
Conant Frank C res Raymond House
Conant Gertrude res Raymond House
Conant Mrs Jacob F proprietor Raymond House res same
Conant Lucy M res Raymond House
Conant Mary C res Raymond House
Conger George printer 407 E 4th
Conyes Delight student 110 W 4th
Conyes W H (Smith & Conyes) 110 W 4th
Conyes William student 110 W 4th
Corwin Miss Ellen 707 W 2nd
Corwin Faye student 707 W 2nd
Corwin Floy student 707 W 2nd
Corwin Rev G J minister Fulton ME Church 707 W 2nd
Corwin Gold student 707 W 2nd
Corwin Madge student 707 W 2nd
Coughlin Dennis student 403 Ladue St
Coughlin James G student 403 Ladue St
Coughlin J F mail carrier 403 Ladue St
Coughlin John T student 403 Ladue St
Coughlin Joseph W student 403 Ladue St
Coughlin Mrs Kathrine 403 Ladue St
Coughlin Lawrence student 403 Ladue St
Coughlin Marjie student 403 Ladue St
Cowhick Emma G 524 Main
Cowhick George G paint & wall paper 524 Main
Cowhick George O student 524 Main
Cowhick Hazel student 524 Main
Cowhick Marie student 524 Main
Cowhick Mary E 524 Main
Cowhick Mrs R A 524 Main
Cox Mrs Edith M 401 Main
Cox Hoyt clerk of the circuit court 401 Main
Cox Verle 401 Main
Coyne Mrs Elix J 106 E Aurora St
Coyne P laborer 106 E Aurora St
Craig John bartender boards Raymond House
Crane W E physician & surgeon 216 Main
Crossett A M vet surgeon 601 N Rowley
Crossett Mrs Lizzie 601 N Rowley
Crawford A D 703 N Duff
Crawford Elizabeth res Plotner House
Crawford Frank student 703 N Duff
Crawford Mrs Satira 703 N Duff
Croeber August mason 504 Aurora St
Croeber Karl mason 510 Aurora St
Croeber Karl student 510 Aurora St
Croeber Mrs Louisa 504 Aurora St
Croeber Mrs Sopha 510 Aurora St
Croeber Sopha student 510 Aurora St
Crosbie Robert freight agt CM & St P 223 N Main
Crow Jno N attorney 602 E 5th
Crow Mrs J N 602 E 5th
Curran Mrs Ann 207 Hanson
Curran Mary chambermaid-Mitchell Hotel 207 Hanson
Curtis A S wagonmaker 611 E 2nd
Curtis Ambrose Chalkstone livery-feed barn cor 2nd & Lawler
Curtis Curtis E lawyer rooms 401 Lawler
Curtis Mrs L M 611 E 2nd
Lname Fname Occup Address
Daniels Dr A H doctor 610 W 4th
Daniels Mrs A H 610 W 4th
Daniels Earl student 409 E 2nd
Daniels Edna student 409 E 2nd
Daniels Mrs E L 409 E 2nd
Daniels Grace student 409 E 2nd
Daniels Herbert student 409 E 2nd
Daniels J S lumber company 409 E 2nd
Daniels Laura teacher 409 E 2nd
Daniels Monnie domestic 601 W 3rd
Daniels Ruth student 409 E 2nd
Darling Mrs A S widow 202 W 2nd
Davenport J L 310 Rowley
Davenport Mrs J 310 Rowley
Davison N L cash Mitchell Nat'l Bank bds Dix House
Davis Arthur student 305 W 2nd
Davis Benjamin steam laundry 305 W 2nd
Davis Benjamin Jr clerk 305 W 2nd
Davis Earl clerk 305 W 2nd
Davis Mont hostler Mitchell livery barn res-same
Davis Monte laborer 609 Main
Davis Myrtle student 305 W 2nd
Davis Mrs S J 609 Main
Davis Sybil 609 Main
Davis Mrs Theresa 305 W 2nd
Dougherty Ella student 507 Lawler
Day Harold Q student 510 E 4th
Day Mrs Lizzie E widow 510 E 4th
Dean A E editor of Republican 604 W 3rd
dean C C printer 605 W 3rd
Dean Howard R 605 W 3rd
Dean Mrs C L 605 W 3rd
Dean E E widow 800 W 2nd
Dean Gladys student 800 W 2nd
Dean Laura student 800 W 2nd
Dean Mrs Lizzie 605 W 3rd
Dean Mrs Mary 604 W 3rd
Denning Marie court reporter 204 E 4th
Deputy A W teamster 602 E 3rd
Deputy Mrs M E 602 E 3rd
Devy Edward real estate 300 E 5th
Devy Mrs Mary milliner 300 E 5th
Devy robert E student 300 E 5th
Deviland Anna cook-Dix House corner 3rd & Rowley
Dix Alfred J student res-Dix House
Dix George E dentist 408 E 4th
Dix George P prop-Dix House corner 3rd & Rowley
Dix Mrs Jessie 408 E 4th
Dix Mrs L A res-Dix House
Dix Lionel 408 E 4th
Dock Belle domestic 304 E 4th
Dodd Asa baker 104 S Main
Dodd Mrs Asa 104 S Main
Dodson William B proprieter barber shop 305 Main
Dodson Mrs W B 305 Main
Dohl Robert tailor res rear 402 E 1st
Dohl Mrs Sadie res rear 402 E 1st
Dondelinger John shoe shop bds Raymond House
Dondelinger Maggie seamstress res rear 210 S Main
Donnelly Elizabeth dressmaker res over 110 Main
Donnelly Mollie dressmaker res over 110 Main
Dorken Ame student 104 S Lawler
Doty Mrs Addie 603 E 2nd
Doty Ethel domestic 104 S Lawler
Doty J B teamster 603 E 2nd
Douthet Mrs Fanny 510 W 2nd
Douthet George traveling salesman 510 W 2nd
Downey C W editor of Republican 411 N Duff
Downey Mrs Ella 411 N Duff
Doyle Alice student 112 W 10th
Doyle Blanche student 112 W 10th
Doyle D W carpenter 208 E 9th
Doyle Harry student 112 W 10th
Doyle Jeanette widow 112 W 10th
Doyle Lillian 112 W 10th
Doyle Mrs Leona 208 E 9th
Dumas Alex painter 104 S Lawler
Duncan Charlotte teacher 410 W 4th
Duncan Mrs Elizabeth 410 W 4th
Duncan James farmer 410 W 4th
Duncan Margaret teacher 410 W 4th
Duncan martha student 410 W 4th
Duncan Mrs Mary widow 401 Ladue St
Duncan Robert student 410 W 4th
Duncan William Jr drayman 410 W 4th
Dundass Jay A student 508 E 5th
Dundass R F physician 508 E 5th
Dundass Mrs Rose 508 E 5th
Durant Rev Frank Episcopal reverend 207 W 3rd
Dwight R clk-Smith & Conyes res over 207 Main
Dwight Mrs R res over 207 Main
Eastman Mrs Amasy 501 S Sanborn
Eastman erale student 501 S Sanborn
Eastman George H baggage agt CM & St P 501 S Sanborn
Eastman Gerald student 501 S Sanborn
Eastman Lizzie 501 S Sanborn
Eastman Walter student 501 S Sanborn
Easton H G county register 209 E 6th
Easton Mrs Mary E 209 E 6th
Eddy Andrew clerk 209 E 6th
Elce Mrs Bertha 506 E 2nd
Elce T B telephone company 506 E 2nd
Ellsworth Aaron R 120 W 7th
Ellsworth Elmer 120 W 7th
Ellsworth John J 120 W 7th
Ellsworth Elewellyn 120 W 7th
Ellsworth Mary 120 W 7th
Ellsworth Mattie dom-Central House bds same
Ellsworth Powell C student 120 W 7th
Ellsworth R C laborer 120 W 7th
Ellsworth Mrs R 120 W 7th
Elsworth Adron student 110 W 7th
Elsworth Mrs Jennie 110 W 7th
Elsworth John student 110 W 7th
Elsworth Lou farmer 110 W 7th
Elsworth Mary student 110 W 7th
Elsworth R C 110 W 7th
Eagle W H hostler res cor Lawler & 2nd
Evans Mrs Anna 607 W 3rd
Evans Eilsen student 607 W 3rd
Evans George clerk 607 W 3rd
Evans Mrs Jennie 210 E Hanson
Evans Leo student 607 W 3rd
Evans Lucille student 607 W 3rd
Evans Richard carpenter 210 E Hanson
Fedroeff Hilma dom 700 E 5th
Ferguson Mrs Anna 500 E 6th
Ferguson charles merchant 500 E 6th
Fetch Blanche student 208 E 7th
Fetch Charles butcher 208 E 7th
Fetch Mrs christine 208 E 7th
Fetch Edna student 208 E 7th
Fetch Fred student 208 E 7th
Fish Harry wks Mitchell Steam Laundry boards 104 Rowley
Fish Orlo wks Mitchell Steam Laundry boards 104 Rowley
Flanders Eugene student 506 Van Eps
Flanders M G carpenter 506 Van Eps
Foley Mrs Alice 405 Hanson
Foley Mrs C 508 E 1st
Foley Edward clerk 500 E 1st
Foley Eugene travelingman 508 E 1st
Foley Gene wks CM & St P RR bds Raymond House
Foley Hannah teacher 310 Hanson
Foley James L mail carrier 405 Hanson
Foley Mary A widow 500 E 1st
Foley Mamie clerk 500 E 1st
Foley Miss Nellie 310 Hanson
Foltz Caroline carpet weaver 600 E 1st
Foltz Elvira carpet weaver 600 E 1st
Foran James wks Mitchell House bds-same
Fosdick Florence bookkeeper 204 E 6th
Fosdick Mrs Harriett 204 E 6th
Fosdick Jno A 204 E 6th
Foster Mrs Bessie R 302 E 4th
Foster George E register of land office 302 E 4th
Foster Marjorie J student 302 E 4th
Foster Russell E student 302 E 4th
Frink Avery clerk 410 E 1st
Frink Guy student 410 E 1st
Frink John laborer 410 E 1st
Frink John R agt Standard Oil Co 410 E 1st
Frink Percy student 410 E 1st
Frink Mrs Sarah 410 E 1st
Fullerton Thomas (Fullerton Lumber Co) 309 N Duff
Fullerton Mrs Thomas 309 N Duff
Gaboedson Carl 211 S Davison
Gaboedson Mrs Mary 211 S Davison
Gannon Andy shoes bds Raymond House
Garton George wks Mitchell Steam Laundry bds 104 Rowley
Garrett Earnest baker over 105 Main
Garrett Mrs over 105 Main
Gates William 609 W 1st
Gale L O druggist bds Dix House
Geiger Hank cigar mfg 404 W 3rd
Geiger Mrs Hank 404 W 3rd
Geiger L cigarmaker 104 S Kimball
Geiger Mrs Sybela 104 S Kimball
Gibson Mrs L T 704 N Edmunds
Gibson P T farmer 704 N Edmunds
Gilbert Mrs Anna 207 E 7th
Gilbert Bert barber 207 E 7th
Gill A brakeman C St PM & O 410 E 3rd
Gillespie Floyd student 306 E 4th
Gillis C W shoe store 306 E 4th
Gillis Floyd student 306 E 4th
Gillis Mrs Rose 306 E 4th
Gleason J J teamster 607 E 2nd
Gleason John farmer 205 E 3rd
Gleason Mrs Margaret 205 E 3rd
Gleason Mrs Susan 607 E 2nd
Goche Matt 210 W 1st
Goldammer Minnie dom 401 Lawler
Goodykoontz Miss Grace teacher of singing 310 E 5th
Goodykoontz Frank M attorney 310 E 5th
Goodykoontz Mrs Mira 310 E 5th
Goodykoontz Mrs Sarah 209 N Duff
Goodykoontz S F county treasurer 209 N Duff
Gordon E W printer 104 S Lawler
Gordinier Mrs C A 607 E 3rd
Gordinier C H nightwatch 607 E 3rd
Gordinier Grace 607 E 3rd
Gormley Mrs Ann 409 E 3rd
Gormley Frank clerk 409 E 3rd
Gormley James painter 409 E 3rd
Gormley James 409 E 3rd
Gormley John student 409 E 3rd
Gormley Katie teacher 409 E 3rd
Gormley Lizzie dressmaker 409 E 3rd
Gormley Mamie clerk 409 E 3rd
Gormley Nellie dressmaker 409 E 3rd
Gormley Wilfred student 409 E 3rd
Gotto Mrs Christina operator 200 Main
Gotto Joseph G mgr. WU telegraph office 200 Main
Gould Ada 307 S Duff
Gould Emery student 307 S Duff
Gould E S fireman 307 S Duff
Gould Mary student 307 S Duff
Grace Alice 608 E 7th
Grace Ella student 608 E 7th
Grace Mrs I L 811 N Lawler
Grace J A grain warehouse 811 N Lawler
Grace Joana student 608 E 7th
Grace Kate student 608 E 7th
Grace Lawrence operator 608 E 7th
Grace Maggie student 608 E 7th
Grace Mary student 608 E 7th
Grace Maud teacher 811 N Lawler
Grace Minnie teacher 811 N Lawler
Grace Thomas farmer 811 E 7th
Green Curtis butcher 300 E 7th
Green Mrs Clara 308 E 4th
Green Mrs Gertrude 300 E 4th
Gregory Samuel creamery 308 E 4th
Gregory DeForrest light tender 408 E 6th
Gregory Mrs Ellen 408 E 6th
Gregory Earnest student 408 E 6th
Gregory Florence teacher 408 E 6th
Gregory Fred student 408 E 6th
Gregory Grace student 408 E 6th
Gregory James student 408 E 6th
Gregory John student 408 E 6th
Gregory William brakeman 408 E 6th
Gregory William H roadmaster CM & St P 408 E 6th
Grinnell Mrs Addie 510 E 3rd
Grinnell C I farmer 510 E 3rd
Grinnell Etta student 510 E 3rd
Groenke A R editor Die Dakota Post 306 Hanson
Groenke Mrs Anna 306 Hanson
Groenke George student 306 Hanson
Gurlof John conductor CM & St P 410 Main
new view MITCHELL CITY DIRECTORY 1899 H thru Y
Copyrighted 2001 for Davison county South Dakota by:
Davison County Genealogical Society.