MITCHELL CITY DIRECTORY L thru Z at the bottom
Click for Name and addess page
Mitchell Directory 1917, issued under the supervision of the
Mitchell Merchants Association, listing residents of Mitchell,
SD over the age of 18 years, using census data. The actual
count shows 8,134 persons, however taking into account the
houses where it was impossible to secure information it can
safely be said that Mitchell has at least 8,200 population.
This Directory also includes a plat map of Mitchell in the year
1917. Property of the Davison County Historical Society and
posted with their permission. The Mitchell Directory 1917 can
be found in the:
Mitchell, SD Public Library, Archives Room.
Mitchell City Directory 1917 A-K
LName First/Middle Spouse Occup/ Misc
Abbey Gertrude A wid Winslow
Abeln Henry fireman D W U
Abeln John
Abeln Mary student
Abraham Florence dom
Acheson W H Emma lab Anderson Ice Co
Adams Abraham Henrietta Lab
Adams Amelia E wid J Madison
Adams Charles W mer tailor Adams
Trailor Shop
Adams Donald student
Adams Tailor Shop
Agnes George S Cora aud Anderson Lbr Co
Agnew Lydia A widow dom
Agnew Orrin F lab
Aiken Dora widow
Ailslie Clara wid George
Ainslie Jay L lab
Ainslie Wilbur R driver Economy
Ainslie William G Nancy well driller
Albright Arthur cond frt Omaha Ry
Alcott Fred switchman Milw Ry
Aldrich William carp
Alexander Charles Annie cond Milw
Alexander C J Emma asst state accountant
Alexander Eleanor Widow nurse
Alexander Iva student
Alexander Sylvan student
Alexander Theresa E student
Alickson William Lottie clk Economy Grocery
Alison C A Mary E ins agt First Natl Life
Alison Esther E student
Alison Harold H mech Zavitz Garage
Alison Holly E student D W U
Alison Myrtle G tchr
Alison J S Sarah
Alison Leland R
Allen Herbert student D W U
Allen Mrs Maud widow
Allenbauch Martha nurse
Alt Jacob J Sr Mary retired farmer
American Exp WM North Agt
Ames Frank driver H jorgensen
Ames Frank R Jennie C cond Omaha
Ames Robert W driver Amer Exp Co
Anderson Alma clk Economy Grocery
Anderson Alvin E Emma barber Widmann
Barber Shop
Anderson Andrew J Hattie trav agt I H C
Anderson Anna
Anderson Arthur student
Anderson Arthur press bndr Mitchell
Anderson Arthur fireman Milw Ry
Anderson Carl reg phar Larrison & Bros
Anderson Carl W Julia F eng City Water Wks
Anderson Charles I Sarah prop mitchell Planning Mill
Anderson Charles iceman and farmer
Anderson Charles O lab Milw Ry
Anderson Charles W Kate janitor Omaha depot
Anderson Christine wid Gustave
Anderson Clara office girl Dr Dundas
Anderson Clara student
Anderson Clarence shipper Frick-Witmann
Anderson Clinton P reporter Republican Office
Anderson Edwin student
Anderson Edwin G mach helper Milw Ry
Anderson Elsie student
Anderson Henry lab Milw Ry
Anderson Henry B retd
Anderson Hulda student
Anderson Ice Co Wm Anderson prop
Anderson Iver Anna janitor P O
Anderson John A Sophia
Anderson J F Pres Anderson Lumber
Anderson Lawrence student
Anderson Joseph W prop Club Lunch
Anderson Laura tchr Draper public school
Anderson Lillie
Anderson Matilda wid Nels
Anderson Ole Josephine blacksmith
Anderson Olga student
Anderson William Sarah A prop Anderson Ice Co
Andres Hudson student
Andres Oscar J Matilda eng Milw Ry
Andrews Lola office girl Dr King
Andrews William G Laura driver Widmann Hotel
Angell Fred B
Annis George boiler maker Omaha Ry
Ansley John B lab
apley C W Emma ins agt Life
Appel Rosetta S Mrs prop Women's
Clothes Shop
Appel Samuel Rosetta
Appleton Francis L asst sales mgr
Mitchell Pub Co
Arbogast G M mgr Van Noy Interstate Co
Arbough William dishwasher Widmann Hotel
Arff Estella clk Rathbun Groc Co
Arff Hans F Minnie real est
Arff Herbert W U Tel Co messenger
Armstrong Jack lab Milw Ry
armstrong Kathryn tchr Lincoln School
Armstrong Walter student
Arneson Harold bkbndr Mitchell Publishing Co
Arneson Theo N Clara foreman Mitchell Pub Co
Arnold Ellen nurse
Arnold Lawrence ret farm
Aronson Oscar F Cora foreman C M & St P Ry
Arundel Charles H Mary mngr Daily Republican
Atkinson James F Winifred M Osteopath
Austin Arthur A Bertha bkpr G W Austin Co
Austin Edward J agt Wells Fargo Exp Co
Austin Ella wid Ervin
Austin George W Matilda prop G W Austin Co
Austin George W, Rev Eliza pastor Free Methodist Ch
Austin Harvey L waiter Boston Cafe
Austin Mabel dom
Avery Rachel salsn Watkins Remedy Co
Bacon Evelyn office girl Drs.Bobb & Bobb
Bacon Mary A, Mrs
Bacon Melville carrier R F D
Bacon William H Lizzie A retd
Bagley Lane W city carrier
Bagley Sarah E wid Isaac
Bailey Charles H Emma horse dealer
Bailey M F Mary J ctrp
Bailey Ross Ellen lab
Baker B H Flossie clk Mitchell F & G Co
Baker Fred L Evelyn E carp
Bakewell George S Lucile dentist
Ball Annie wid Thomas
Ball Howard arch cleaner Milw Ry
Ball Jesse F Catherine policeman
Ball Merle Mildred waiter Corker's Restaurant
Ball W R Helen physician
Ballard S W Emily S Mitchell Marble & Granite
Bandleman Albertina wid John
Bandleman Oliver student
Bandleman Zelma milliner
Baner F J repr
Banks Mary widow, dom St Joseph's Hosp
Barber Alva H Julia ret farmer
Barber Lake student
Barhyte Kathryn
Barnard Benjamin E Myrtle pres Barnard-Giles-Moses Co
Barnard Herbert S salsn Barnard-Giles-Moses Co
Barnard Wayne Emma auctioneer
Barnard Wilford Bertha credit mgr Barnard-Giles-
Barnes Edna dom Widman Hotel
Barnes Sylvester Josephine cook Corkers Restaurant
Barnes S A lab Isaac Spears
Barnett Edwin F Harriet farmer
Barnett Eva I student
Barnett Joe lineman Mitchell Power Co
Barnett Margaret E
Barnett Mary M student
Baron Abraham Ethel Baron Bros
Baron Isaac (Baron Bros)
Barr Dale G student
Barr James retired farmer
Barrows Dexter S Helen retired
Bartholomew W H ins agt
Bartlett Harold A Lucy firemen Mitchell Power Co
Bartlett Merle student D W U
Barton Mrs L S wid/ Sam H packer Frick-Wittmann
Barton Velda clk Snowflake Bakery
Bately Lillian
Bately Mrs S S
Bauer August G Ida auto dealer,prop
Overland Garage
Bauer Edwin A Sophia retired farmer
Baughman Mrs Edith milliner
Bauer Frank salsn Overland Motor Co
Bauer Whittier Virginia pres Mitchell Produce Co
Bayles Walter Mary lab
Bayley Addie R student
Bear Grace stenogr High School
Beard James cook H L Stacey
Becker Delvan T Fannie mgr Becker's
Big Clothing House
Becker Carl F Julia eng Milw Ry
Becker Mina pres Becker's
Big Clothing House
Beckman Hannah waitress New Mitchell Cafe
Beckwith Grace F
Beckwith Louis E
Beckwith Louis Mary V
Beddoes John W Lydia S deliveryman Frank Moyer
Beedle Clarence mch
Beedle Ellis E Barbara drayman Pooley Dray Line
Beedle Ellis M cook Club Lunch
Beedle Hazel clk Woolworth's
Behrands John R Susie tmstr
Behrands Mrs John
Gellamy George E Anna E prop Raymond Hotel
Bellows Bernice L widow
Benedict Florence seams
Benedict George P Lorena butcher Economy Grocery
Bennett Williard L staty fireman Milw Ry
Berens Nicholas H Elizabeth real estate
Berg Bernhard O Ellen M retired farmer
Berkemier John engineman
Berge Gerald eng Oiler Milw Ry
Bergeson E S trav salsn Mitchell F & G Co
Berquist Gustaf A Clara prop Johnson
& Berquist Blacksmith
Bergquest Carl caller of crews Milw Ry
Bergquist Clarence fireman Milw Ry
Berry Austin C real est Rowley & Berry
Berry Buelah M
Berry Dennis
Berry Donald student
Berry John C student
Berry John F Jr Emma horse dealer
Berry John Sr retired farmer
Berry T A exchange broker
Berscheid Anna waitress Navin Hotel
Berscheid Bernard labr
Berscheid Margaret helper Mitchell Steam Laundry
Berscheid Mrs Henry widow Barney
Berscheid Setphen H carpenter
Berthelsen Nels operator Gale Theatre
Besancon George E Effie taxi driver
Bess Everett Frances printer Mitchell Gazette
Bessler Harry E Mable M elecr contr
Bettag Frank A Rose chiropractor
Betts Andrew H Margaret grain dealer Western Natl Bank
Betts Claude W bkpr Mitchell Natl Bank
Betts Emmett A Edwina bkpr A H Betts
Betts Joe E Helen aud A H Betts
Beyers C B collector
Beyers H R Grace D agt K C Life Ins Co
Bidwell Frank A Lizzie D prop Bidwell Land & Loan Co
Bintliff Charles student D W U
Bintliff Mina widow
Birge Ed clk Midway Grocery
Birge George F Laura E lab Omaha Ry
Birge Gerald E oil boy Milw Ry
Birge Harold N mach helper Milw Ry
Birge John W Edith prop Midway Grocery
Birge Vernon E
Bishop Clarence C Mamie prop New Mitchell Cafe
Bishop George H Bessie T trav salsn N W Supply Co
Bishop Lloyd A waiter New Mitchell Cafe
Bishop Zulah student
Bjodstrup Arthur N Louie General Contractor
Pioneer Bridge Co
Bjodstrup Florence E music trch
Bjodstrup Fred Christine H contractor
Bjodstrup Howard E Mabel A contractor
Black A C Jessie trav salsm
Black L R plasterer
Blackman C G May E trav salsm
Blackman Letha clk H A Jacobs & Co
Blades J Harold clk C W Hoon
Blades Irma
Blades J J Elizabeth carp
Blair Harry J Louise prop Blair Cigar Store
Blenkiron Charles H Florence prop Central Auto & Supply Co
Blenkiron J C retired
Bliss C J Addie stock buyer
Blood Mary widow
Blount Harry T Ethel clk Blynn Shoe Co
Blynn Ethel tchr Longfellow school
Blynn Raymond L Mary Louise mgr Blynn Shoe Co
Blynn W A Etta trav salsn
Bobb B A May physician (Bob & Bob)
Bobb Clyde S Emma physician (Bob & Bob)
Bobb Earl V Elizabeth specialist, Eye,Ear,Nose,Throat
Bobb Frank W propr Bobb Drug Store
Bobb Lucile student
Bock William lab
Bodie Frank propr O K Barber Shop
Boggs Charles W clerk Post Office
Boggs Edward A Susie janitor Elks Club
Boggs Hazel student D W U
Boice Harriet
Boice Martin retired
Bollock Barnard C Barbara painter
Bolton James A Ella lab
Bond Allan C
Bond Delos C Carrie A trav oculist
Boomhower B E prop M & R Sign Shop
Boot William brick layer A J Kings & Son
Borchardt Clarence E Elsie S Missionary
Born Marion F Betty tmstr
Born Port Addie tmstr
Boulware John A Anna real estate
Bourdelais Harry engineman
Bower Charles A Maud eye,ear,nose,throat specialist
Bowerman Ernest W Julia retired farmer
Bowers william W eng Milw Ry
Bowlds Louis student
Bowlds Martha widow Louis
Boyce Stephen G Blanche C
Boyd Charles N Myrtle carp
Boyden Carl H student
Boyd James E Mary farmer
Boyden Merton F Mary A cond Milw Ry
Boyles Mary Louise student
Boyles Virgil D Grace court reporter
Brackett W G Alton trave salsn
Bracy E B Sarah E retired
Bradley Fred O Clara M watchmaker
Bradley Nancy C widow of John F
Bradley Charles R Gertrude sub R F D carrier
Brady Robert night man Widmann Hotel
Brady Mrs L dom
Brainard S P Emma dispatcher Milw Ry
Brammer Alvina ironer Mitchell St Lndry
Brammer Detlaf C Elsie retired farmer
Brammer Hilda ironer Mitchell St Lndry
Branch Walter M Florence eng Mitchell Power Co
Branch William A Harriet M
Brande Leeland student D W U
Brandt William C Minnie bkpr Porteous & Son
Branson Harry L Laura asst cashr O L Branson & Co
Branson Otis L Hattie pres O L Branson & Co Bankers
Branson Ray L Doris state agt Commonwealth Ins Co
Brasse Edna student
Brennan Michael Mary lab
Brennan Patrick Mathilda carrier R F D No 4
Brerton Harry student D W U
Bresee Martha J widow Frank
Breshnahan Margaret L
Bresnahan Michael J Bridget foreman Milw Ry
Brewer A W lab
Brewer Glenn E Retta E prntr Mitchell Pub Co
Brewer O M Bertha mech S E Smith
Broadbent John W Florence pres Broadbent Bros Co
Broadbent Walter H Clara B treas Broadbent Bros Co
Brockman Andrew Sena janitor M E church
Bromaghim F L pastor M E church, Ethan,SD
Bromaghim Jennie houskpr
Brooks Charles A Mary mech Pioneer Garage
Brooks Dee C Jeanette prop Brooks Plumbing Shop
Brooks F M Alice propr Golden Rule Grocery
Brooks G W Mary
Brown A N Sanna
Brown Adam lab
Brown Amber dom
Brown Arthur
Brown Clara tchr Eugene Field School
Brown Claude
Brown George L Clare propr Brown & Kings contractors
Brown George S lab
Brown Gustavus boiler washer, Milw Ry
Brown Guy student D W U
Brown James lab
Brown Jennie C boarding house
Brown Kate widow
Brown Tom helper Milw Ry
Brown Walter
Browne Barnard A student
Browne Bernice teacher
Browne O E Lizzie A teacher
Browning J H Zoe porter West Natl Barber Shop
Brudvig Mildred J student
Brumbaugh George student
Bryan Charles plumber J H Giese
Bryan Edward candy maker
Bryan Harry Alta mach Pioneer Garage
Bryan John C Celia A ins agt Mitchell Natl Bank bldg
Bryan Murle society editor Mitchell Gazette
Bryant Henry G Mary E drayman
Bryant John W Minnie cashr Com'l Svgs Bank
Buckles Edward carp
Budrow Beatrice
Budrow Mrs E C widow , nurse
Buehler Clarence E student D W U
Buffaloe Alonzo J physician & county
Supt of Health
Bujer Christ Kate bartender
Bujer Christine widow
Bullis Minnie
Bunt Richard helper X L N T Club
Bunting C J eng Milw Ry
Burch Ernest W Harriet professor D W U
Burg Joseph M mgr Joe Burg Shoe co
Burger Nancy J widow James J
Burquist August Nellie retired farmer
Burquist Mary widow
Burquist Ralph student
Burke Francis clk Baron Bros
Burke James city salsn Mitchell F & G Co
Burke John J reg pharm Flowler Drug Co
Burnett Joseph electr Mitchell Power Co
Burney Eugene student D W U
Burnham Ralph J mch Charles Service
Burns Alonzo Lucy retired
Burns Cecil P rancher
Burns Celestine
Burns Daisy B
Burns Lucile student
Burns Peter C Ella May rancher
Burns Ralph J clk Navin hotel
Burns Robert Delphine pres & mgr Robert
Burns Lumber co
Burns Thomas C Lucile pres Rathbun Grocery Co
Burnside Howard retired
Burr Thomas F plumber G V Swanson
Burson Christopher Monn retired
Burton Ralph O Amy B trav salsn
Burton Sam L Anna cook Corker's Restaurant
Burton Walter driver Reed Grocery Co
Buskirk J C Lydia A janitor Johnson Bros
Butcher J engine man
Butler Beatrice student
Butler Dora B music tchr
Butler F G Agnes well driller
Butler Inez student D W U
Butterfield Edna tchr Longfellow School
Butterfield Horace D Belle L Pres H D Butterfield Co
Butts Clarence Frances operator Omaha Ry
Byrum Alva L Alice M iceman Isaac Spears
Cafaro John C musician
Cain Leroy H Helena carp
Calhoun Edith cshr Tel Co
Calhoun Frank carp
Calkins Mrs Florence widow George
Calkins Lewellyn student D W U
Calkins Roy B Amanda C
Callahan Mae M
Callant John P Charlotte lab The Newburys
Callant Theo student D W U
Cameron Harold driver Wells Fargo Exp
Cameron R H trav salsn
Campbell Mrs
Campbell A D mgr Mitchell Motor Co
Campbell Mrs Cynthia E widow
Campbell Howard Rose lineman Tel Co
Campbell Mulford
Campbell Nooner H Rose clk Turner Produce Co
Canas Gust car repr Omaha Ry
Canham James R Helen M carp
Card E H Sarah V retired farmer
Card Harold W student D W U
Card Margaret student D W U
Carhart Albert E Cecelia retired
Carhart Charlotte
Carlin Edward engine man
Carlingas Tony arch cleaner Milw Ry
Carlson Alma E
Carlson Andrew Mary retired farmer
Carlson Andrew H Paulina driver Porteous & Son
Carlson Arda tchr Central School
Carlson Carl W student
Carlson Celeste stenogr Trurner Produce Co
Carlson Edith clk Sackel Brothers
Carlson George Cecelia bottler Mitchell Bottling Wks
Carlson George W Alice trav salesman
Carlson Gunther helper Milw Ry
Carlson Haakon carp
Carlson Mrs H widow G W
Carlson Mrs J A widow
Carlson John P Christine retired
Carlson Lillian student
Carlson Ole Mary
Carlson Victor lab
Carlson William E baggageman Omaha depot
Carpenter Alvin S Evelyn propr Carpenter's Grocery
Carpenter Arthur lab
Carpenter Mrs C widow of Charles
Carpenter Edward lab
Carpenter Elmer lab
Carpenter Eva bkpr Coxe-Durkee Co
Carpenter Frank H Katherine retired farmer
Carpenter Lester A Valetta clk Carpenter Grocery
Carpenter Mary
Carpenter Michael student
Carpenter Mrs Winifred M opr Tel Co
Carrol Alice widow
Carstensen Walter E Alice policeman
Case Francis student D W U
Case Harold M Julia ast mgr Dakota
Improved Seed Co
Casey William prop Casey Land Co
Cass Gordon F presser Only Way Tailors
Cass Lorne R Zella M prop Only Way Tailors
Cassem Oscar E Dora real est
Cassem Thelma student D W U
Casson Jacob Dona trav salsn
Catholos Spiros Myrtle prop Calif Fruit Store
Catlin Clyde Bernice electr
Cattrell Carl E lab Omaha
Cattrell Jesse A Rena A marble cutter Mitchell Marble Wks
Cattrell Sheridan Ella E Clerk of Courts, Ct House
Caylor A L barber Arcade Barber Shop
Chaffin Scott E Mary RR Mail clk, Omaha Ry
Chamberlain George carp
Chamberlain Otis student D W U
Chambers Ernest W Matilda carp
Chaney Edgar M Bessie mgr Haley-Neeley Co
Chapman J S Mable clk E E Cooper Furn Co
Chappell Gertrude L tchr D W U
Charlesworth Annie widow of Darius
Charlesworth Hazel bkpr Turner Creamery Co
Charlesworth Ruth stenogr Turner Creamery Co
Chase Frank H policeman
Cheney Catherine widow
Christenson Christian P Anna retired farmer
Christensen Knute S Albertina
Christopher Edson A lino opr Mitchell Pub Co
Christopher James H clk Educator School Supply Co
Christopher Thomas Sarah mason
Christy Waldo F Bertha cond Milw Ry
Church Alva J Nora prop Palace Barber Shop
Church Millie bkpr Ecomony Grocery
Churton Edith teacher
Clampitt C L Edith J prop Clampitt Drug Store
Clancey Joseph B Anna C prntr Mitchell Pub Co
Clapsaddle Esther
Clapsaddle Omar Kathryn lab
Clark Charles A stock buyer
Clark Della tchr Lincoln School
Clark Don student
Clark Edward H Maud miller
Clark George engine man
Clark James W Laura painter
Clark June
Clark M D Inez contr
Clark Sarah A widow Holmes M
Clark William Ella B
Clark W A Bertha painter
Clayton William P Mattie foreman Milw Ry
Clemensen Bothilde clk Hanneman Grocery
Clemensen Helena
Clemensen Henry Louise carp
Clemensen Marius carp
Clemensen S P Margaret contr
Cleveland George C Sadie clk Gosche Hardware Co
Cleveland William M Mary E
Clifford Albert gas fitter Mitchell Power Co
Clifford C H lab
Clifford May helper Mitchell St Lndry
Closson Julia M widow of Calvin L
Clough J C Lyda lino opr Mitchell Publ Co
Clyde Nettie nurse
Coacher Agustus B Mary A mach Milw Ry
Coacher Clare messr Wells Fargo Express Co
Coacher Henry
Coacher Kate
Cobb Alanson L Lena J trav salsn
Cobb Bessie E tchr
Cochran Ernest M Eula foreman Mitchell Pub Co
Coffel Albert student
Cohrt Albert C Edith hog buyer
Colberg Fred E Daisy foreman mitchell Produce Co
Colburn Claude Agnes mech City garage
Cole Forest R drayman J B Cole
Cole Hannah M clk Baron Bros
Cole John B Augusta prop Parcel Delivery
Cole Pearl E student
Coleman A engine man Milw Ry
Coleman Charles W Cleora piano tuner & repairer
Coleman chester C
Coleman Grace waitress Widmann hotel
Coleman Harlan B piano tuner
Coleman James baggageman Omaha Ry
Collett Alice widow of Albert
Collins Edwin H carp Widmann Hotel
Collins Ethel clk The Fair Store
Collins E Frank Luta eng Turner Creamery Co
Collins Florence E student
Collins Heaton student
Collins Mrs John
Collins J Frank foreman Mitchell F & G Co
Collins J W Thea salsn
Collins Josiah student
Collins Richard S Sarah farmer
Collins Rose student
Colombus George lab Milw Ry
Colteaux Edward C Hilda driver Mitchell F & G Co
Colteaux John Maggie real est
Colteaux Victoria L helper Mitchell St Lndry
Colteaux Walter student
Colvin Charles E Jeanette R F D carrier
Colvin Jeanette cashr Wells Fargo Co
Colvin Josephine M widow of John
Comfort Mable widow of Earl A
Comstock Floyd student
Conant Ann
Conant Frank waiter Widmann Hotel
Conant Gertrude
Conant Mary
Condran Anna clk Wilkins
Condran Harry lab Central Auto & Supply Co
Condran Lucy stenogr Singer Sewing Shop
Condran Mike L Tillie mgr Woolworth Co
Condran Patrick Rachael farmer
Condron Steve student
Connolly Margaret widow, dom
Connor Albert D Maude lineman D C Tel Co
Connor Jenny widow
Conrad Joseph H Sadie E switchman
Conser John L driver Standard Oil Co
Conser Mae
Conser William E Mary agt Standard Oil Co
Conyes Delight M
Conyes William H Jr Lillie clk Lovinger-Conyes Co
Conyes William H secy-treas Lovinger-Coynes Co
Cook Alvin H clk The Fair Store
Cook B V carp
Cook Earl D eng Dak Engineering Co
Cook Earl S clk Kress Pharmacy
Cook Elmira
Cook Fred H Alice lab Jebsen & Wilkerson
Cook Guy W tchr
Cook Harry E Edna clk P O
Cook Hazel student
Cook John C Belle trav salsn
Cook Julia widow of John
Cook J L Margaret farmer
Cook Mary M
Cook W H Ida carp
Cooley Eloise W student
Cooley Harriett E student
Cooley Perry A Nellie tchr High School
Cooper Alvin S Mary retired farmer
Cooper Arthur T Calista A painter
Cooper Charles A Urana retired farmer
Cooper Elmer E prop Cooper Furniture Store
Cooper Ernest E Ethel A lab
Coper Paul E collector I H C
Corbin Elliott yard man Club Lunch
Corby David E Rosetta lab Mitchell St Lndry
Corby Ida ironer Mitchell St Landry
Corcoran Edith E widow William
Corcoran John J May barber Widmann Barber Shop
Corconan Sarah E student
Cordry Archie C Kate D trav agt
Corker Agnes tchr Whittier School
Corker Cloyce A waiter, Corkers Restaurant
Corker Ethel student
Corker Julius L Ella A prop Corker Restaurant
Corker June prop Corker & Schlimgen
Auto Livery
Cornish Leonial R student
Cornish Orange B Myrtle N lab Mitchell Monument Wks
Corrilla Harry cook Van Noy Interstate Co
Corse Arthur D Flora E mach Milw Ry
Corse William lab
Coughlin Cecelia tchr
Coughlin Kathryn tchr
Coughlin John T Kathryn letter carrier
Coughlin Leo student
Coughlin L V clk Milw Ry
Coughlin Stephen student
Coulson Marion dom
Courier John Rena carp
Coursey Dwight H student
Coursey Oscar W Julia B salsm Educator School
Supply Co
Cowan Mrs L widow Bob
Cox A R lab
Cox Dee G Jennie P carp
Cox Lionel student
Cox Mary A art tchr public schools
Cox Velva student
Coxe Clarence H prop Peoples Flour
& Feed store
Coxe H J Nellie M business mgr Coxe-Durkee Co
Crabb Samuel student D W U
Crady Tillie opr D C Tel Co
Craig John A bkpr C W Derr
Craig Katherine A widow of John,
nurse St Mary's Hosp
Craig Ruth student
Craig Susan
Crampton Catherine F clk Websters Dept Store
Crampton John M Alice E
Crampton William O Emma dep county auditor
Crary Beach
Crary Emily
Crawford Emma widow of Newton
Crawford Lillian clk Baron Bros
Cripps Mrs H A widow of Ira
Cropp Esther widow of David
Crosby Diantha widow of Hiram
Crosby Lee carp
Crosmer Susie widow of Jacob
Cross Mrs J M coof D W U
Crossett A M Lizzie vet surgeon
Crouch Clifford A Cora sec-treas Shepherd Hdw Co
Crouch Gladys M student
Crouse T J lab Mitchell Marble Works
Crow John N Cora lawyer
Crowley Kate
Crowningshield C A Agela trav salsn
Crum Esther student
Crum John S Alma hostler Milw Ry
Cluver Leonard S Laura A barber Navin Hotel Shop
Cummings Archie E Vera mail carrier
Cunningham James T Lizzie A lab Omaha Round House
Cunningham William T Jr student
Curry Kathryn nurse
Curry P H engineman
Curtis A J Evelyn A retired
Cutler Myra W stenogr Mitchell F & G Co
Cutts A K Minnie farmer
Cutts Ara clk Schneider Second
Hand Store
Cynberg W engine man Milw Ry
Dabler Cleo M Edna marker Mitchell Lndry
Dabler Thomas Eugene H carp
Dahl Alma student
Dahl Oscar engine man Mlw Ry
Dahl Robert T tailor Berger Jelmeland
Dale Donnie R Eleanora B eng Milw Ry
Dalley Ruth A widow
Daniels Albert H Clara E prop Dakota Medicine Co
Daniels James S Estelle pres-treas Davis
& Daniels Lumber Co
Daphniotes George prop Boston cafe
Daphniotes Gust prop Boston Cafe
Dirdis Loretta M clk A T McGovern & Sons
Darling Arthur B Lonelle vice pres, Western Natl Bank
Darling Howard student
Darling William Alice A retired
Dauffus Harry waiter Frisco Lunch
Dauffus Nick prop Olympia Hat & Shoe Parlor
Davey Alice, Mrs language teacher
Davey William J Lillie retired farmer
Davey Winifred student D W U
Davis James H Attula secy Elks Club
Davis Mont lab
Davis Park L Pearl mech Miller Garage
Davis Ralph E Claire A city Auditor, city Hall
Davis Sarah widow
Davis Walter C Norma E lab Turner Creamery Co
Davis William Clara carp
Davison Clare A widow of Nathan
Day Fred R Minnie S lab Isaac Spears
Day Merle butcher Wrights Meat Market
Dean Albert E
Dean Bernie B Edna ins agt
Dean Charles C Elizabeth
Dean Howard R student
Dean Merritt E student
Degalliz Marcel clk Rathbun Grocery Co
Delaney Katherine waitress Widmann hotel
Delaney William A Elizabeth physician & surgeon
Deller Estell student D W U
Delperdang John S engine man Milw Ry
DeRoo Edward
DeRoo Sarah widow of Desire
Derr Ben student
Derr Clarence student
Derr C W Eva M lumber & grain
Derr Florence student
Derr Wilbur student
Deskins Glenn Cora lab Milw Ry
Determann John Carrie M prop Determann Elevator
Dethlefs William Alvinia mgr Davison County Green
Deveran Alma clk Rathbun Grocery Co
Devers Margaret widow of William
Devers Margaret E clk P O
Devy Mattie widow of Edward
Dickinson Harry J plumber Dee Brooks
Dickinson J C Gladys E lab
Dickinson William O Ethel prop West Side Livery
& Feed Barn
Dickman Olive nurse
Dickson Benjamin R Paula trav salsn Mitchell Fruit & Gro Co
Dickson Frank C pres mitchell Fruit & Grocery Co
Dickson Jennie B
Diehl Elizabeth secy-treas Diehl Drug Co
Diehl Florence opr D C Telephone Co
Diehl Isabella widow
Ddiehl Maurice B Alene pres Diehl Drug Co
Diehl Philip M clk Diehl Drug Co
Diehl Val C clk Diehl Drug Co
Digerness Orval student
Dilworth Pearl F clk H D Butterfield Co
Dingler Ferd L Nettie barber Widmann Barber Shop
Dingler Harry B chiropractor
Dirks George Mary real est
Disbrow D C Kate butcher
Disbrow Ethel clk Mitchell Pub Co
Disburg L J Belle opr Milw Ry
Dishweller Bert barber
Dittman Walter baker Palmer Cake Shop
Dix Alfred J Maude L prop Gale & Metropolitan
Dix Edgar auctioneer
Doakes Bessie widow
Dobson John V Lois aud J F Anderson Lumber Co
Docken Martha, Mrs
Dodge Chester C Anna lab
Dodge Helen M widow of Warren
Dodge John C Mary J lab
Dodge M C eng man
Dodge O L Harriet lab
Dodson Thelma student
Dodson W B Erma gardener
Doering Albert A Josephine lab
Doering Leo lab Milw Ry
Donahue Mary tchr Central School
Donaldson Fred F Emma Cheif of Police
Dondelinger Alice
Dondelinger Bessie student
Dondelinger John Anna retd
Dondelinger Leona
Dondelinger Mabel
Donnelly Annie
Donnelly John F Ellen mason
Donnelly Marguerite pkpr Mitchell Pub Co
Donner A F Bessie drayman
Donner Daphane
Donohu D J Edna lab
Donohu Howard
Donovan Anna T nurse
Donovan Dennis F Hannah N stone mason
Donovan Frank J butter mkr Sanitary Dairy Co
Donovan Frank R farmer for S G Cooney
Donovan Jeremiah stationary eng
Donovan Martin D student
Donovan Nellie M nurse St Josephs Hospital
Doolittle W S eng Milw Ry
Dortland Arthur city mail carrier
Dortland Frank Mary retired farmer
Donovan Ross student
Dorrance Della E shoemaker C W Gillis
Doty Andrew Ella lab A F Test
Doty D L painter Mitchell Planning Mill
Doty Glenn student
Doty Justice B Addie street commissioner
Dowdell Kathryn A nurse
Downey Archibald T Jennie B state agent Minnesota
Mutual Ins Co
Downey Clausen W Ella F editor & prop Mitchell Gazette
Downey Paul R student
Doyle Harvey plasterer
Dragseth John P student
Dragseth Martin J lab Turner Creamery Co
Drake Fred C Golda mgr Mitchell Abstract Co
Dreller Fred C tkt agt Milw Ry
Dreller George waiter New Mitchell Cafe
Dressen George W Edith trav salesn
Drew Leslie eng man Milw Ry
Driggs Alta stenogr E E Cooper
Drown Edgar W lab
Drown Lawrence blk Smith Milw Ry
Drown Ned Elkins farm hand
Drown Nettie M widow
Drum Hawley R Katherine chief carp Milw Ry
Drum Philip clk Milw Ry
Drum Raymond A cond frt Milw agt
Dudley Martin Agnes painter
Dumas Alex student
Dunbar Audra student
Dunbar Dale student
Dunbar Dora seams
Dunbar Edna M
Dunbar Garnet
Dunbar Harry lab Mitchell Hide Co
Dunbar Hazel
Dunbar James H Ida retired farmer
Dunbar J C Mary W retired farmer
Dunbar Jasper student
Dunbar Ralph E student
Duncan Ellen, Mrs
Duncan James Estella mach Farmers Union
Co-op Supply
Duncan Maude Leavitt tchr Whittier School
Duncan Robert eng man Milw Ry
Duncan Verne studeet
Duncan Violet student
Dundas Anna physician
Dunn Bertha ticket clk Metropolitan Theatre
Dunn James H Abbie I
Dunn Ralph W Mary foreman Milw frt depot
Dunn Richard Rose lab
Dunsmore Theo T Grace F yd foreman Milw Ry
Durbin John W Linda mach Milw Ry
Durbin Linda, Mrs ironer Mitchell St Lndry
Durisch Albert Katherine farmer
Durisch Lillian clk Broadbent Bros Co
Durkee Margaret student
Durkee William Emma pres Coxe-Durkee Co/editor
Mitchell Clarion
Dyche Francis, Mrs
Dyvig Clarence L Vera
Eads Ella stenogr Mitchell Natl Bank
Eager Z H Estella prop Washington Cafe
Earles Bertha
Earles L P Alice prop Earles Meat Market
Eastcott Thomas W Sarah county auditor
Eastman Earl Vera cond Milw Ry
Eastman Walter prtnr Mitchell Pub Co
Eastman Harry L Merle
Eddy A E Irma mach, Pioneer Garage
Eddy Rush A Mary eng Milw Ry
Edelman Fay driver, H jorgensen
Edscorn F E Lydia trav salsn
Edwards H H Harriet trav salsn
Edwards T W cond Omaha Ry
Egbert Paul asst city eng, City Hall
Eichelberger Charles C Anna loader Milw Ry
Eichelberger W S Theodosia popcorn vender
Eimers Norma bindery helper Mitchell Pub Co
Elce Jennie, Mrs
Eliason Martin K Rose prop Eliason Studio
Ellingson Ella E dom
Elliott G E lineman D C Tel Co
Elliott J J Ruberta painter
Ellis Carl Helen prop Electrical Supply Co
Ellis Edward L Anna real est
Ellis R
Ellis Vera student
Ellsworth Alfred H Edith trav salsn
Ellsworth Jennie, Mrs
Ellwein Andrew Anna Mitchell Bottling Works
Elson Alvin E Nettie student
Elson A E, Mrs helper Gurney Greenhouse Co
Emery Clifford lab, stock yards
Emery Herbert M rural tchr
Emery Melbourne C bkpr
Emery Warren D Mertie H ins agt
Endter John F retired farmer
Engelbrecht Frank Barbara
Engelland Clara dom
Engelland Katie dom
Engels Robert W Elizabeth J barber Widmann Barber Shop
Engen Ray
Engle Floy A seams
Engler Carrie housekpr
Engler Carrie, Mrs widow
Englert Lambert clk Turner Creamery Co
Engstrom Emil lab A J Kings
Enright A G Bertha fgt cond Milw Ry
Entwistle Anna
Entwistle John Martha car repairer Milw Ry
Entsminger Charles H Fannie local mgr Anderson Lumber Co
Erdmann Celia student
Erdman Elmer student
Erdman Gustav Anna retired farmer
Erhart George Inga prop Snowflake Bakery
Erickson Lydia dom
Erickson Rose nurse
Erler Jos A Florence piano tuner
Erskine Alice G rural teacher
Erskine Katherine student
Erskine Lemuel R Mary H real est
Erskine Lucille D tchr
Evanoff Leno arch cleaner Milw Ry
Evanoff Steve fire builder Milw Ry
Evans A lab
Evans Albert
Evans Arthur G Mary lab, Haley & Neeley
Evans Buel Angie s
Evans Edmund J clerk Mitchell F & G Co
Evans Eileen stenogr mitchell F & G Co
Evans Frank J cashier Mitchell Power Co
Evans George Anna lab
Evans Leo G lab mitchell F & G Co
Evans Harry M Anna contr
Evans Katie opr W U Tel Co
Evans Linn G ticket agt Milw Ry
Evans Ruth student
Evans Thomas lab City
Eveston Walter eng man Milw Ry
Faber G G vet surgeon
Faber Harriet, Mrs
Faber Harry P vet surgeon
Fairweather W E Edith state mgr Court of Honor Lodge
Falk Ida M student
Falk John Johanna C retired farmer
Falk Mary E student
Farley Francis, Mrs
Farnsworth Creighton P Anna B physician & surgeon
Farnum Henry Josie eng Milw Ry
Farver F W Lydia baker Rathbun Grocery Co
Faylor Edna dom
Feeley Frank J Katie brakeman Milw Ry
Fees Norman lab
Fellow E J Lena Secy Com'l Club
Fellows Hiram Sarah retired
Fenton Norman S Merle driver Parcel Delivery
Fenzlein Henry Katherine carp Milw Ry
Fenzlein Johanna helper Mitchell St Lndry
Fenzlein Lena student
Ferguson Charles A Bertha prop Arcade Barber Shop
Ferguson Frank student D W U
Ferguson Hal A clk Mitchell F & G Co
Ferguson Stewart student D W U
Ferris J H Lenora real est
Fernand Catherine nurse St Joseph Hospital
Feuerheim Joe L pharm J A Larrison & Bro
Fidroeff Anna widow, nurse
Fidroeff Daniel carp
Fidroeff Albert Grace carp
Fidroeff Carrie B
Fiedler Martha V student
Field Timothy
Fifer Clyde kitchen helper Widmann Hotel
Fink Belle nurse St Joseph Hospital
Fink Joseph Josephine blksmith Charles Kennedy
Finney C L ins agt K C Life
Fisk Merrill W brakeman Milw Ry
Fischer Bruno E Minnie baker Snowflake Bakery
Fischer Gertrude student
Fisher R T Florence pressman Mitchell Pub Co
Fisher Leslie student D W U
Fisk Elias G Anna carp
Fisk Howard student
Fitzgerald Ellen, Mrs
Fitzgerald Frank J clerk Baron Bros
Fitzgerald Gertrude A nurse, St Josephs
Fitzgerald Josephine widow
Fitzgerald J J Mary retired
Fitzgerald Maurice C Sarah retired farmer
Fitzgerald Nellie M
Fitzgerald Peter D mgr Dak Improved Seed Co
Fitzpatrick R eng man Milw Ry
Fix Edward student
Flanagen Rose bkbndr Mitchell Pub Co
Flanders Bonnie candy maker Frick-Wittman
Flanders Eugene Anna switchman Milw Ry
Flanders E E director of band
Flanders Middleton G carp Milw Ry
Flick C Mary retired
Flick Emil
Flory Valietta tchr Central School
Flurkey William E Grace A auto painter Blenkiron Garage
Fogarty Nora, Mrs
Foley Edward, Mrs
Foley Michael S mason
Folk Ray E Minnie piano tuner Redline Piano Co
Folk Minnie, Mrs clk Redline Piano Co
Foot John waiter Corkers Restaurant
Foote George con Milw Ry
Foran Josephine student
Foran Robert J, Mrs widow
Ford May student
Ford Wilfred student
Forrest J A, Mrs
Forsyth William A Margaret salsn
Fort Lyman M Mildred prof High School
Foss Ella widow, nurse
Foss Frank H Rose B prop Foss Land Co
Foss Henry baker Rathbun Grocery Co
Foss June student
Foss Perry
Foster Bessie R, Mrs milliner
Foster George E Bessie prop Foster Land Agency
Foster Irma tchr
Foster Kenneth G clk Truli Wright
Foster Majorie tchr
Foster Warren clk Baron Bros
Fothergill Joseph Mary carp
Fowler Carl F Mabel K prop Fowler Electric Co
Fowler Charles Grace County Treas, Court House
Fox Alfred student D W U
Fox Clara student
Fox Helen student D W U
Fox Herbert student D W U
Fox John K Emma mgr Mitchell St Laundry
Fox Mildred student D W U
Fraeme Rose waitress Navin Cafe
France Thomas W Mary mach Milw Ry
Frango Joseph lab Milw Ry
Frango michael lab Milw Ry
Frank M V Bessie trav salsn
Franklin Elmer clk Economy Grocery
Franklin Leroy Katherine lab A Scheurenbrand
Fraser Alice, Mrs widow of Thomas
Frazine Arthur eng man Milw Ry
Fredericks George Elizabeth treas, Mitchell Produce co
Freeman Alice tchr
Freeman A B widow
Freeman Jennie
Freiday Louis V jeweler Woelfels
French Clara L student
French Harold student
French Solotis Selma driver Anderson Ice Co
Frick H E Eva pres-Frick-Wittmann Candy Co
Frink Avery D Louella clk Becker's
Frink Dorothy student
Frink Guy W Mable K City Plumbing Inspector
Frink John R Sarah driver Standard Oil Co
Frink Percy R Emma clk Metcalf-Wagner
Fritz William H Ada optometrist
Froesche William G Anna
Frost H C Myrtle auctioneer
Frost H T Minnie O contr
Frost Tom lab
Fuller Florence V Milw Ry
Fuller Mable E clk Marinello Parlors
Fuller Mark B Maria F trav salsn
Fuller Sarah E widow
Fullerton Thomas Jennie
Fulweiler Howard W Rector, St Marys
Furr Gertrude
Gainer Harry T Irmavieve L plumber, G W Austin Co
Gaines Andrew W Arvilla E retired farmer
Gaines Herman N Laura B asst cashr Western Natl Bank
Galbreath C B Emma tinner Galbreath & Smith
Galbreath Frank clk Wells Fargo
Gale Beatrice student D W U
Gale W E Hannah minister
Gall Bertha dom
Gallagher Clair eng St Joseph Hospital
Gallagher Edward chief caller Milw Ry
Gallagher Peter janitor Blenkiron Bldg
Gallagher Mary Mrs Peter cook C C Bishop
Galloway O W Olive agt Jewel Tea Co
Games J M Jennie trav salsn Mitchell Pub Co
Gapp W H Margaret trav salsn
Gardner Edith E stenogr City Auditor
Gardner Howard W Bessie prop Gardner & Hohlfeldt
Gardner Lloyd A Edna secy Davis & Daniels Lumber co
Gardner William S Mary E grain buyer
Garner Harry plumber G W Austin Co
Garrison Opal tel opr D C Telephone Co
Gass James Margaret stock dealer
Gath Josephine M tchr High School
Gavin May nurse
Geib Jacob Abby foreman Mitchell Harness Co
Geiger Esther student
Geiger Leonard F Sybilla M prop Geiger Grocery
Geiger Olive stenogr Western Natl Bank
Geiger Pearl G music tchr
Geiger Ruby K student
Geise Charles Anna seitchman C M & St P Ry
George E Clyde Henrietta M printer Gazette office
George C F printer
George James lab Milw Ry
George James lbr Milw Ry
George Jessie mech W H King
George Terrence clk Kempton's
George Viola
Getchell Irene student
Getman Robert M Gertrude R F D carrier
Gibbs F M engineman Milw Ry
Giddings Herbert G Lillian M lawyer
Giese J H Matilda prop Giese Plumbing Shop
Gilbertson Caroline nurse
Giles Arthur student
Giles Charles W Belle pres Barnard-Giles-Moses Co
Giles Willard G bkpr Barnard-Giles-Moses Co
Gilfillan Eva G
Gilfillan Joseph
Gilfillan Ruperta student
Gilfillan W H retired farmer
Gilliland Clarence V Carrie dean of D W U
Gilliland Glen student D W U
Gilliland Grace student D W U
Gillis Cyrus W Rose D prop Gillis Shoe Store
Gillis Floyd D Helen M physician & surgeon
Gilmore Frances M prop New Beauty parlors
Gilmore D LeRoy Frances prop Maynard Theatre
Gipper Tillie waitress Kemptons
Gishwiller Burton M barber A J church
Glanville John lab
Glaser Lawrence pressman Mitchell Pub Co
Gleeson Celina
Gleeson Harold R clk Wider Grocery
Gleeson John J Susie lab Isaac Spears
Gleeson Linus S butcher McComish Meat Market
Glennon Anna student
Glennon Edward student
Glennan Mary clk Wilkins
Glennon Walter Catherine City tmser Fire House
Gilsar Florence clerk Mitchell Pub Co
Glynn Helen student
Glynn L E Augusta C prop The Navin Hotel
Godfrey Fannie G widow
Goheen Emma widow
Goheen Frank O lab
Goheen Grant A lab
Goheen Marshall lab
Goheen May B student
Goldhammer Ernest H Catherine retired
Goldie Charles M Emma pastor Free Methodist Church
Goldie Philip R student
Goldy Gladys student
Good Clarence R Mary M drayman
Goodlad Mildred tchr Longfellow school
Goodwin Harold
Goodwin H R brakeman Milw Ry
Goodwin J H, Mrs widow, seam
Goodwin Leotta stenogr Widmann Hotel
Goodwin Thomas D Ruth
Doodykoontz Sarah, Mrs widow of Stewart F
Goold Charles lab
goold Harry
Goold John S Jessie M lab
Gordon Grace
Gordon James C piano player Gale Theatre
Gorham Olive packer Frick-Wittmann
Gormley Anna T widow of James
Gormley Katherine tchr
Gormley Nellie seam
Gorton Clyde A Martha L harness maker
Farmers Union Co-op
Gosche Emil N Loretta Gosche Hdw Co
Gosche Irene student
Gosche M H Gosche Hdw Co & mgr
Mitchell Chalmers Auto
Goss Edna May student
Goss Peter Elizabeth janitor J C Blenkiron
Gotbe Walter tmstr A N Bjodstrup
Gould Bertha J student
Gould Emery lab Milw Ry
Gould Erwin S Ada hostler
Gould Margaret student
Gowling George W Anna eng Milw Ry
Grace F J Catherine cond Milw Ry
Grace George Fanny retired farmer
Grace Gladys student D W U
Grace Harold clk Golden Rule Grocery
Grace John Harriet retired farmer
Grace J A Ida grain buyer Betts Elevator Co
Grace Mamie tchr
Grace William J Hattie retired farmer
Graffius Thomas W candy maker Frick-Wittmann
Graham Esta, Mrs agent
Graham Ivy, Mrs bkpr Redline Piano Co
Graham Marie student
Grant James Johanna eng Navin Hotel
Grassel Joseph Mary
Graves Bessie
Graves Irma student D W U
Graves J H Elizabeth
Gray E, Mrs May lab
Gray Mary D dom J C Blenkiron
Grebel Earl driver Wells Fargo
Grebel Mary widow of Edwin
Grebel Ruth deputy county treas
Green Beulah dom Widman Hotel
Green A Curtis Gertrude M drayman
Green Ethel M rural tchr
Green Floribelle rural tchr
Green Julia L tchr
Green Vera M student
Greene Andrew city loab
Greene H C Fannie M city weighmaster
Greene MacDonald t
Greene Samuel T Clara trav salsn
Greene Walter T student
Greenwell Roscoe lab
Greer Thomas Sarah lab Haley-Neeley Co
Gregory Charles I Ry Mail clk Omaha Ry
Gregory Ruth tchr Eugene Field school
Gregory W H Ellen M lab
Griffin C W eng Milw Ry
Grigg Dan R Myrtle mgr Hub Clothiers
Grinde Henry R Gertrude M plumber Gieese Plumbing Shop
Grinde Sina needle work
Grinnell Elisha T Adelaide prop Mitchell Storage
& Transfer Co
Groeber Albert student
Groeber August lab Scharnweber
Groeber A, Mrs widow
Groeber Carl Sophia stone mason
Groeber Frieda dom
Gross A lbr Milw Ry
Grotta Bennett student D W U
Grunland Harold student
Grunland Sever M Catherine eng Milw Ry
Gubele Emil C Mary fireman Milw Ry
Gudeman Nettie E stenogr Mitchell Trust Co
Gullander Abraham G Mary jeweler Scallin Bros
Gullander Agnes H student
Gullander Elsie M student
Gullander Linda G clk A T Mcgovern
Gunn Peter mach Milw Ry
Gurius Fred C Clara prop Kratz & Gurius
Gurius Martin tinner Kratz & Gurius
Gurney Belle chief opr D C Telephone Co
Gurtner C C Inez mgr South Side
Economy Grocery
Gust Peter lab Milw Ry
Guse Arthur H Hazel painter & decorator
Guthrie John Ferril mach Milw Ry
Guynn Henry G Ollie prop Mitchell Hide Co
Guzeman Melchor student D W U
Gyles Earl S lab
Gyles Mable student
Gyles Mary widown of George A
Hage Ludwig J. Lieut Lieut Salvation Army
Hager Arthur Edith ins agent
Hager A B real est & insurance
Hahne Ernest H tchr D W U
Hale William F Edna H mgr Millers Garage
Haliburton R M barber A J Church
Hall A B ins agt
Hall Charles S Grace prof High school
Hall Henry cook Webber's
Hall James L Mamie G clk Mitchell F & G Co
Hall Leslie
Hall Mamie helper Mitchell St Lndry
Hall Olive nurse St Joseph Hospital
Hall Philanda widow of Andrew H
Hall Roy E painter
Hall W T Rose carp Milw Ry
Halphide Mark eye specialist
Halpin Etta, Mrs nurse
Halpin William Etta clk Beckers
Halsey George cashr Milw Fgt Dept
Halsted Frances B Martha janitor High School
Halsted H B Gertrude carp Milw Ry
Halverson Carrie
Halverson Harry switchman Milw Ry
Halverson Lawrence helper Milw Ry
Hamiel James C Honor F retired farmer
Hamiel Leslie student
Hamiel Walter driver Economy Grocery
Hamilton Joseph H prof High School
Hamilton Julia Frances student
Hamilton H N sec Anderson Lbr Co
Hammer Frank M Stella
Hammer John D helper Turner Creamery Co
Hammer John H butter maker Turner Creamery
Hammer H C dairyman C T Greene
Hammer Irwin bottler Mitchell Bottling Works
Hammer Ivan V Edith tel opr Milw Ry
Hammer Louise R widow of Alson
Hammer William A lab
Hammerton Eva housekpr
Hammerton Temple driver H Jorgenson Livery
Hand Emmett student
Hand John foreman Milw Ry
hand Margaret housekpr John Hand
Hand Mary J widow, housekpr
Haner George H Julia E retired farmer
Haner Ollie
Hanson Ida dom Navin Hotel
Haney Dick Florence M atty Spangler & Haney
Haney John D Maud asst Postmaster
Nanle Pauline dom, wks 415 N Lawler
Hanna Joseph P May E ins agt
Hannemann Fred
Hanneman George driver Hanneman Grocery
Hanneman Helen clk Hanneman Grocery
Hanneman Herman Mary prop Hanneman Grocery
Hannemann Tena clk Hanneman Grocery
Hansen Christ carp Milw Ry
Hansen Frederic Jennie lab
Hansen Glen r carp
Hansen Henrietta widow
Hansen P G Rose instructor High School
Hanson Chris Jessie student preacher
Hanson Chris Nora carp Milw Ry
Hanson Elizabeth instructor High School
Hanson Fletcher trav salsn
Hanson Ida dom Navin Hotel
Hardie R E Blanche piano dealer
Hardie Vera student
Hardman H C Mabel real est
Harges Fred eng man Milw Ry
Harker Ward E electr Willard Service Station
Harkness Hazel
Harkness J S Minnie E minister
Harkness Kenneth student
Harkness Ruth tchr
Harmon Albert J Katherine stock buyer
harrington C eng man Milw Ry
Harrington Charlotte A widow of James A
Harris A A Sarah tmstr Anderson Ice Co
Harris H L fireman Milw Ry
Harris Mark L Etta real est
Harris Nellie student D W U
Harrison Charles D Josephine shoemaker Blynn Shoe Co
Harrison Nellie dom
Harrison Robert J Julia M pres First Natl Bank
Harrison Ross H Eva mach Milw Ry
Harrod H N Grace teamster Isaac Spears
Hart Father chaplain St. Joseph Hosp
Hartman William A Ella mgr South Side Hdw & Tin Shop
Hartman Wyatt A clk South Side Hdw & Tinshop
Hartund Fred S student D W U
Hartwick Clinton P Gertrude pressman Mitchell Pub Co
Harvey Carl student D W U
Harvey Horace student
Harvey Irene student
Harvey Mary
Halsey John Agusta janitor Metropolitan
Theatre Bldg
Halsey Lucille M student
Hatch J G, Mrs widow of James
Hathaway Eiliott H clk Western Natl Bank
Hathaway George P Elizabeth Ann retired minister
Hauert Jacob Mary prop Hauert & Rubin Grocery
Haugan Alice student D W U
Haut Adolph Adeline lab Milw Ry
Havdahl B L Helen clk Clampitt Drug Store
Havhshl William clk C L Clampitt Drug Store
Havens Harry bkpr Mitchell Natl Bank
Havlatko Frank mnfr Cement Block
Havlotko John mnfr Cement Block
Havlotko J F retired
Hawkes Charles R Mabel foreman Educator
School Supply
Haynes Anna housekpr
Haynes E J, Mrs widow of Edward
Haynes Harold T bkpr Commercial
& Savings Bank
Haynes Jane J, Mrs widow of James
Hayward L E eng man Milw Ry
Hazen Richard H Jessie L Ry Mail clk Omaha Ry
Head William lab
Heather Oral M Mary eng Milw Ry
Heather Oscar M student
Hebron J S Clara retired farmer
Hebron Pearl student
Hedden Clarence R Irene foreman Mitchell St Lndry
Hedeen Henry W Margaret trav salsn
Hedge Stephen section hand Omaha Ry
Hedge William A Laura J section boss Omaha Ry
Heimberger W A Lulu real est Champney Bldg
Heles Peter L Mollie trav salsn
Helligso Christian Christina retired farmer
Heelgso Marion student D W U
Helma Vincent student
Hendrickson Ole Martina retired farmer
Heuremann Jennie widow, clk Butterfields
Henerman William mason
Henke C engman
Hennegar Andrew Francis trav salsn
Henegar Lee L Hattie trav salsn
Henegar Russel D Gladys Mgr Lyric Orchestra
Hanzlik J M Bertha trav salsn
Herberg Edward W trav salsn
Herbert William M Inez Judge Municipal Court
Herkenheim Walter lab
Herman Henry Clytil E prop Herman Cigar Store
Herman John Louise
Herman Sadie Moffat, Mrs
Hernimann C E Harriet trav salsn
Herrick Agnes
Herrick Hattie bkp Mitchell Pub Co
Herrick Frank J Mae sec & mgr Turner
Creamery Co
Hersey Harry B prop Hersey Home
Portrait Works
Hersey Thomas T Ruth agt
Herzog Louis Lucy blksmith
Herzog William J Myrtle lino opr Mitchell Pub Co
Heskett Marcus student
Hetland Setona, Mrs widow of Andrew
Hetland Jeanette clk Woolworth Co
Hetland Tilden carp Milw Ry
Heuermann Jennie, Mrs clk Butterfields
Hews Alice I cook
Heyler E W osteopath
Hickok Miles W Lydia C nurse
Hicks Fred C Katherine M Prof D W U
Hicks Katherine M, Mrs tchr D W U
Hicks Sampson Grace lab
Higgins Agnes student
Higgins Elisha widow
Higgins Fay well driller
Higgins Fay M Lucile dispatcher Milw Ry
Higgins Orie Susie carp
Higgins Phoebe L widow of Charles B
Higgins Woodberry Susie well driller
High Mabel G photogr High Studio
High Nettie I widow of David S,
Prop High Studio
High Paul Q Prop High Studio
Hill Abraham N Emma H real estate
Hill W Braden clk Dak Imp Seed Co
Hill D C P O Inspector, Federal Bldg
Hill F Elton photo supplies
Hill Emory K student
Hill Joseph L student
Hill William S Inez F pres Dak Imp Seed Co
Hillery Alice opr D C Tel Co
Hillman A L C
Hillman Belle housekpr
Hinchliffe Thomas E Jessie retired farmer
Hinders Edward Katherine eng Frank Summers
Hinders Jane seams
Hinders Thomas Margaret retired farmer
Hinders Tillie
Hinders William W farmer
Hitchcock A E Louise L lawyer
Hitchcock Bessie M
Hitchcock Harry lab Milw Ry
Hitchcock Herbert E Mabel S lawyer
Hitchcock Mary L tchr D W U
Hitchcock William A Anna gardener
Hoagland Henry student
Hoagland J S Alice pastor M E Church
Hoague Charlie, Mrs nurse
Hockett Roy Maud contr
Hoelscher Charles Mabel farmer
Hoelscher John T Carrie farmer
Hoff C A ins agt
Hoffman F C Flora
Hoffman Michael lab Milw Ry
Hoffman Gertrude student
Hoffman Minnie student
Hoffman Ruth student
Hohfeldt Ewald prop Gardner
& Hohfeldt Music Co
Hohn Margaret stenogr Com Mutual Fire Ins Co
Holden C L real est
Holden Margaret nurse, St Joseph Hospital
Hollafield Luther engman
Holland Hiram S janitor Eugene Field School
Holleran George G Barbara piano salsn
Holleran William P prop Mitchell Monument Works
Holley Alex cond Milw Ry
Hollister Margaret, Mrs helper Mitchell Steam Laundry
Holmes Archie lab Holmes Ice Cream Factory
Holmes Clara, Mrs
Holmes Edith student D W U
Holmes H B Fern trav salsn
Holmes Louis clk Wells Fargo Exp
Holmes Milton B Emma prop Holmes Ice Cream Fac
Holsaple Helen student
Holsaple Roland N Gertrude A supt Anti-Saloon League
Holshire Charles I Elona farmer
Holshire Daisy
Holshire Ernest J
Holshire Fred C Anna farmer
Holshire Harold
Holshire Henry Marion farmer
Holshire Myrtle
Holst Elma M
Holt Benjamin Harriet F boiler maker Milw Ry
Holt Benjamin S eng Milw Ry
Holt Emmett Delilah driver Schlimgen Transfer
Holt Florence C
Holt Harriet A
Holt John retired
Hoon A U Florence G prop Hoon Shoe Store
Hoon Charles W Fannie pro Hoon Grocery
Hooper Harry J real est
Hooper Joseph J Jannie real est
Hoover William S Lydia retired farmer
Hopkins Annie stenog Mitchell Abstract Co
Hopkins Glen R Iva prop Hopkins Printing Co
Hopkins Lemuel Harriett janitor Mitchell Natl Bank
Hopkins Roy frt cond Milw Ry
Hopkinson E engineman
Horning Orlando Emma M student
Horton Katharine mgr Savoy Hotel
Hossack Ivan W barber
Houser Walter engineman
Houston O G trav salsn
Hovda Carrie seams
Hovda Olaf student
Howard Frank M
Howland Clarence Mayme janitor Whittier School
Hughart Armstrong opr W U Tel Co
Hughart Florence mgr Fairmount Cream Station
Hughart George R Alice L trav salsn
Hughart H H clk W U Tel Co
Hughart Loren G Edith prop Auto Parcel Delivery
Hughes A J Sarah Railway Mail clk
Hughes Glen student
Hughes Roy Y Emma prop Hughes Electric Co
Hughes W H, Mrs
Hull Daniel Laura A trav salsn
Hull Myrtle
Hum Sing prop Hum Sing Laundry
Humbert Glen clk Bobb Drug Store
Hunt Emerson E assc supt Anti-Saloon League
Hunt Fannie, Mrs prop rooming house
Hunt George lab Jebsen & Wilkerson
Hunt Louis Fannie painter and decorator
Hunt Racheal student
Huss Frank C Minnie M rancher
Hyde Aletha M
Hyta William F Bessie tailor C W Adams
Iback Joe engineman
Imbs Gala clk Woolworth
Imbs Olusa Tobia retired farmer
Irwin Abbey, Mrs forelady Mitchell Lndry
Irwin Fred Zoe prop Pioneer Garage
Irwin Howard J frt agt Omaha Ry
Irwin Miner Abbie driver Erharts Bakery
Irwin William E Victoria retired
Isaacson Clara waitress Widmann Hotel
Isaacson Hannah waitress Widmann Hotel
Jackson A C eng Milw Ry
Jackson Beulah clk Mitchell Pub Co
Jackson Elbert trav salsn
Jackson Ida M student
Jackson Mabel clk Butterfield's
Jackson Olin D minister
Jacobs Hiram A Carola S prop H A Jacobs & Co
Jacobsen Anna seams
Jacobson Edward candy maker Frick-Wittman
Jacobson Fenton L student
Jacobsen Julius E Minnie I plumber G V Swanson
Jacobson Lawrence candy maker Frick-Wittman
Johns Lorenzo H Bertha engr Turner Creamery Co
James Elizabeth stenogr H G Giddings
James Frank Grace carp
James James E Abbie F salsn
Jamison George H well driller
Jamison Robert W Della E well driller
Jay Amanda widow, housekeeper
Mrs Emma McClintock
Jay James P Estell tmstr
Jay Joe lab Isaac Spears
Jay William E Anna L lab
Jayne Nina librarian D W U
Jebsen Albert Grace P prop Jebsen Livery
Jelmeland Berger tailor
Jenkins Frank Bessie lab A J Kings & Son
Jenkins John P Hattie W vice pres D W U
Jenks Doris student
Jennings Alva J Anna lab
Jensen Alice H tchr
Jensen Andrew
Jensen H J Adeline mgr Gurney Greenhouse Co
Jensen Jens C Hannah real est
Jensen Nels Jennie County Commissioner
Jewell Faye student
Johansen H Carrie trav stlsn
Johnson Alfred A Selma carp
Johnson Alfred carp Milw Ry
Johnson Arthur C student
Johnson A V eng man
Johnson Charles E Gertrude butcher H L radford
Johnson Emma dom
Johnson Erastus R Rebecah
Johnson Florence E student
Johnson C Forrest Jennie carp
Johnson Fred M Olive furniture dealer
Johnson Fred W Clara mech
Johnson Gust Clara retired farmer
Johnson Ida stenogr Commercial Club
Johnson Isabelle
Johnson J G retired farmer
Johnson John G lab Milw Ry
Johnson Karl A Hulda blksmith Johnson & Berquist
Johnson Lotie E stenogr J E Williams
Johnson Martin
Johnson Mary K widow of Victor
Johnson M Z engr Omaha Ry
Johnson Oscar shoemaker G W Shultz
Johnson Raymond student
Johnson Ruth E student
Johnson Samuel lab
Johnson Victor W Jeanette
Johnson Wendle student D W U
Johnson William Sigma E clk Johnson Furniture Co
Johnson William clk Johnson Furniture Co
Johnson Will, Mrs
Johnston Anna helper Mitchell St Lndry
Johnston C D student D W U
Johnston Florence widow
Johnston George A Clara R real est
Johnston Henry K retired
Johnston James T mch Milw Round House
Johnston Mary widow of James
Johnston Sarah tchr
Jonathan Isabelle dom
Jones Charles H Rose state militia
Jones Charles W Lydia M trav salsn
Jones Charlotte tchr Central School
Jones Eldred L clk Diehl Drug Co
Jones E W Laura phys
Jones Frank W Carrie janitor City Hall
Jones George L prop Peoples Flour & Feed Co
Jones Hilton Ira Blanche prof D W U
Jones Lotie M prin, Central School
Jones Lyle clk Diehl Drug Co
Jones Mary Ellen student
Jones R E Mary H
Jordahl Edward Clara minister Norwegian
Lutheran Church
Jordan James A Lou Aud, Fullerton Lumber Co
jorgenson Andrew Mary
Jorgenson Arthur mngr H Jorgenson
Jorgenson Eleanor clk Baron Bros
Jorgenson George lab
Jorgenson Harold Elizabeth prop Jorgenson Auto & Taxi Co
Jorgenson John T Lucy lab Teager Dray Line
Jorgenson Jorgen Anna retired
Joyce Mark student
Judge George W Anna L
Judge George W, Mrs art needle work store
Judge G Louis student
Judge James E Agnes auctioneer Judge Bros
Judson Hazel tchr Eugene Field School
juell J eng man
Julian Guy presser Only Way
Julian John W Nellie stock buyer A J Harmon
Julian Melissa widow of George
Just Catherine widow of John
Just E E Hattie farmer
Just George J Leona eng Mitchell Power Co
Juul Marie dom
Kaifetz Abraham Hattie adv mgr Baron Bros
Kaifetz Hattie cohsetiere Baron Bros
Kampshoff Ottilia widow of William J
Kane Michael T lab
Kane Phillip Mary ins agt
Kanouff George, Mrs
Karaga John lab Milw Ry
Karaga Thomas lab Milw Ry
Karapachy George lab Milw Ry
Kaufmann William houseman Widmann Hotel
Kauken J H brakeman Omaha Ry
Kaye Florence student D W U
Kaye William mgr X L N T Club
Kearney Edward
Kearney Genevieve clk W H Fritz
Kearney William B waiter H L Stacey
Kearney William M
Keaton Fred supt Van Noy Interstate Co
Keen E S Ida retired farmer
Keen James Amanda farmer
Keen James Jr student
Keen Jessie student D W U
Keen Laura
Keen Lenora
Kehler Charles Mollie popcorn vender
Hehm Lila student D W U
Keller C T Mabel trav salsn
Keller Florence tchr Central school
Keller George lab
Keller Ruby tchr Whittier School
Kelley Anthony J Catherine M lab Isaac Spears
Kelley Bert Ella Corkers Restaurant
Kelley E Margaret retired
Kelley Ella, Mrs cook corkers Restaurant
Kelley GEorge H mach Frank Summers
Kelley M, Mrs widow
Kelley P H Celia M Prop Kelley Land Co
Kelley Robert Lincoln Leona Blanche pastor First Baptist church
Kelley Ray A Anna Eye,Ear,Nose,Throat
Kelley Richard J Elizabeth eng Milw Ry
Kelso F C Fay clk
Kelso Fay, Mrs clk Mitchell Pub Co
Kelso Fannie E, Mrs widow
Kempel C H Etta lab Gurney Greenhouse Co
Kempel Edwin G Martha tailor, The Only Way
Kempton Earl Mgr Kempton's Cafe
Kempton David Julia
Kempton Warren chauffeur, C P Farnsworth
Kendall Mary M widow
Kennedy Charles F Katherine Mgr Manhattan Oil Co
Kennedy C L Addie I blksmith
Kennedy Charles Oil Co
Kennedy Fred lab Milw Ry
Kennedy George W Myrtle Mgr D C Tel Co
Kennedy William A Mary trav salsn Manhattan Oil Co
Kenton Chloe office girl Drs Gillis & Patrick
Kenyon Benjamin eng Omaha Ry
Kenyon Judd R Constance I baker Rathbun Groc Co
Kerkvliet Arthur C Stella farmer
Kerns Stephen I Ethel I real est,
Keason A A, Mrs clk Womens Clothes Shop
Kibbee Charles H Helen M retired
Kibbee Howard R Julia E pres Coml & Sav Bank
Kibbee Mary H piano instructor
Kibbee Howard student
Kilburg Leo M Addie aft Omaha Ry
Kimball G G Florence dentist
Kimble Clyde M Harriet
Kimble Minerva J widow
Kincel Marjorie A bkpr Dak Imp Seed Co
King Ellsworth E Maud phys and surgeon
King Keo critic tchr D W U
King Leland M Marion trav salsn
King Mary A widow, Prop boarding
& rooming house
King Ora F instructor high school
King Susan L
KIng William H Leila Prop W H King Auto Co
Kings Albert G Margaret L contr, A J Kings & Son
Kings Alex painter A J Kings & Son
Kings Andrew J Mary Prop A J Kings & Son
Kings Floyd student
Kings Lora
Kinkead J L Sarah E trav salsn
Kinman Thomas Bertha salsn
Kinney David lab Milw Ry
kinney Edward lab Milw Ry
Kinney Irene clk Woolworth's
Kinney John lab Milw Ry
Kinney Katherine
Kinney Mary student
Kinney Mary student
Kinney Nellie
Kinney Patrick lab Milw Ry
Kinney Pat widow
Kinport E Lyle student
Kinport M Guy student
Kinport Sallie A widow of M K
Kinsey Maude, Mrs seams
Kinyan Judd baker Rathbun Grocery Co
Kipp Effie student
Kipp Ida widow of Robert H
Kirch Edward H Margie eng Milw Ry
Kirlel Anna M
Kirfel Rose
Kirkpatrick Arthur L Mary A policeman
Kirschbaum Christian prop, Barber Shop
kissler Henry engman
Kittleson Harvey H Sadie ins agt
Kittleson Halvor O retired farmer
Kittleson Lawrence W Endina M prop Pioneer Garage
Kjelmyr Della student
Kjelmyr Laura bkpr O L Branson & Co
Kjelmyr Ole Emma trav salsn
Kjelmyr Martina retired farmer
Klatt Maude student D W U
Kludt Anna tchr
kludt August A Margaret clk Butterfiels's
Kludt Carl A clk Economy grocery
Knapp Ora W Edna Capt Salvation Army
Knappen Carrie, Mrs
Knowles Mary E photogr L E Stair
Knowles Ruth E stenogr Coml & Svgs Bank
Knutson H , Mrs widow of G W
Knutzen Edwin C Eloise Prof D W U
Kobes Albert Sophia lab, Isaac Spears
Kobes Alta helper Frick Witmann
Kobes Hattie student
Kobes Henry Annie cement contr
Kobes John, Mrs widow
Kobes Walter Bertha lab
Koch Anna, Mrs dom Navin Hotel
Koch Ethel
Koch George lab
Koch Gertrude widow of Henry
Koch Joseph H Grace Till & Koch
Koch Mamie clk The Fair Store
Koch Sophia widow of Jacob
Koch Mary widow of William
Koepke Viola seams, McGovern's
Koepp Charles H Eva fireman Milw Ry
Kolbach Rose seams
Konechne James H Pauline M ins agt International Life
Kontz Rose bkpr Mitchell Steam Laundry
Koop August Jr clk John Determann
Koop August Sr Caroline retired
Koop Lillie student
Koop Oscar student
Koros Nicholos prop N Y Shining Parlor
Kotrba Ershul student
Dramer Anna M student
Kramer Edward B Lillian D plumber Swanson
Kramer M J Barbara lab Davis & Daniels
Kratz Carl S tinner Kratz & Gurius
Kratya John pit cleaner Milw Ry
Kreidler Herbert D U S Mail driver
Kreidler H D
Kreidler Lewis Mary
Kreitzenger Minnie opr D C Tel Co
Krell Fred H Nellie trucker Milw Ry
Kremer Herbert retired farmer
Kremer Mike retired farmer
Kremer Nick retired farmer
Kremer Sophie housekeeper
Kress Anna A widow of John
Kress Horace Prop Kress Pharmacy
Kreuger Charles switchman Milw Ry
Krier Sophia dom
Krinke G L, Mrs mgr private hospital
Krinke G L Gertrude bkpr Milw Round House
Krom Charles H Fannie E painter
Krom C Leonard Celia B painter
Krouse Edna G lab Mitchell Steam Lndry
Krouse Esther clk Baron Bros
Krouse Lewis P Esther clk Broadbent's
Krouse Minnie widow
Krouse Minnie E helper Mitchell Steam Lndry
Krouse Theodore C marble cutter Mitchell Marble wks
Kurg Fred S Sr retired farmer
Kruger Charles switchman Milw Ry
Kruse Edith student
Kueken John H Enid H brakeman Omaha Ry
Kugler Lydia nurse St Josephs Hospital
Kunkle Charles Margaret mch Reliable Garage
Kunkle Frank J Elizabeth farmer
Kunkle Lillie student D W U
Kunkle Olga student
Kunzman Atlanta, Mrs widow of George
Kursten Martin T Mary
Kurvink John Julia prop Economy Grocery
Kuzmat Tony eng St Josephs Hospital
Kvick Gus clk Johnson Furniture Co
Copyrighted 2001 for Davison county South Dakota by:
Davison County Genealogical Society.