Early photo history explained by Contributor, Joe Thurstenson....
"Here are some photos relating to Fairfax, Gregory County, South Dakota. Those from the 1930’s are because my Uncle Ray Gall was a participant in those athletic groups. Also, he played saxaphone in the band and during his adult life had a dance band that traveled around South Dakota and Nebraska entertaining.
In 1890, Fairfax would not have looked this way (see below pic) because I believe the town did not come into existance until 1891.
My Bentz and Gall Great Grandparents ferryied across the Missouri River in 1889 and squatted on land in what is today the Star Valley, twp and this was before Ft. Randall closed and Eastern Gregory County was officially opened for settlement. So I am convinced the date on the below photo is probably in the 1910’s. Fairfax grew quickly once the area was officially opened for settlement and was the county seat for a while. In 1917 the courthouse records, books, and such were moved to Burke, Gregory County, SD."

Fairfax pictures (below) submitted by Joe T. -- dated latter 1950s....