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Jones County Reference Books and Volunteers

To request a lookup from any of the references, click on the address of the owner and ask them politely. Please put the title of the book on the "Subject" line.

As you can see, volunteers are needed.

Important: Dale Convey has graciously volunteered to do look-ups. He is a military reservist who can be gone for up to six months at a time. If you request information from him, please be patient for a reply! Dale lives in Jones County and can give you advice on Jones County records and genealogical sources.




Bad River (Wakpa Sica), ripples, rages, and residents

Bad River Women's Club

Joy Fisher
Dale Convey


Book and Thimble Club

not owned

Prairie progress in west central South Dakota, 1968

Stanley County Historical Society

LeAnna Fosheim 
Surname Lookup Link

Proving up; Jones County history

Book and Thimble Club

Dale Convey, LeAnna Fosheim
Surname Lookup Link

The singing hills

Iola M. Anderson

not owned

Then and now, Draper, South Dakota, 1906-1981

June Dowling, et. al.

Dale Convey

Jones County in Memory

Emma M. Ferris

Dale Convey
Stu Marty

Jones County War Veterans, Past & Present, From the Civil War to the Persian Gulf War (1861-1991)

Jones County Veterans Service Office (Dale Convey & Gary Sletto)

Dale Convey

Then and Now - Draper, South Dakota 1906 - 1981

Town of Draper

Stu Marty

The Story of My First Eighty-Four Years

A. H. Tobiassen

Stu Marty

FYI -- the Above listed Volunteers might not be available for Look Ups.  

Jones County Site Pages
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