Lyman County
pioneers and early settlers
Photo album, page
Includes: Albert, Banks, Cullen, Hodgin, Johnson,
Juelfs, Kentch, Larson, LaRue, McNeill, Monahan, Peterson,
Photos submitted by
Donna Kentch |
Elwood Kentch,
1955 Reliance |
Edward Kentch and Eva
Kentch |
Gus and Carrie
(Hodgin) Johnson wedding. |
Egbert and Frances
Hodgin wedding photo |
Art and Carmen (Banks)
Hodgin wedding, Reliance |
Sarah Hodgin and
home-grown vegetables |
Kenneth Hodgin, 1942,
leaving San Francisco |
Back says Kentch,
Ferguson |
Harvey McNeil and
parents, Chas. and Mollie (Crane) McNeil. Reliance |
Katy (Monahan) Kentch's
claim shanty |
Blanchard's place SE of
Reliance |
Larson's homestead SE
of Reliance, later Wagner's |
St. Mary's Cath. church
in Reliance where Art and Carmen married |
Picnic at Juelf's place
southeast of Reliance |
Geo. Kentch shoveling
snow. Dirk's house in back |
l-r: Lucille Peterson, France
AliceHodgin and George Kentch. 1934 |
George Kentch's RHS
graduating class of 1929 |
Sunday school in Cooper
District. No identification |
East Cooper School SE
of Reliance. Children (not in order): Georgia and
Elsie Albert, John. Agnes and Harold Hodgin,
Jim, Fred and Chas. Banks, David and Egbert
? |
Postcard of the East Cooper School
SE of Reliance. Miss Clara LaRue, teacher. Card
also says: Etta, Vina, Orthanile (?) and
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