The New Era, Parker, Dakota Territory, May 28, 1887
W.P. Beck, Sr.
We are again called upon to record the death of one of our most respected citizens W. P. Beck, in the 65th year of his age. He was born in Loweville county, N.Y., in 1823, and moved to Illinois, and from there to Dubuque, Io., from whence he came to Sioux City and thence here in May, 1884, and settled on the farm west of town, where he has since resided.
He has been a Odd Fellow for a number of years, and has been a good citizen a devoted husband and indulgent father. He was taken sick a little over a week ago with perionitis and suffered until Thursday, when he breathed his last.
He leaves a wife and a family of four sons and two daughters to mourn him. He will be buried in the Parker cemetery this (Saturday) afternoon and services will be held in Methodist church at 11 o'clock a.m. The G.A.R. will bury him with military honors he belonging to Carlton Post of this place.
[Note: William Beck was born in Lowville, Lewis County, NY per his civil war pension papers. Parents unknown at this time—Dec. 4, 2024]
The New Era, Parker, SD dated June 11, 1887
Resolutions of Respect Prairie Rock June 4, 1887
At a meeting held in school-house No. 1 by the Prairie Rock Farmers’ Alliance on the above date the following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, Wm. P. Beck Sr., an honorable citizen and member of the Prairie Rock Farmers’ Alliance has departed from the toils of this life and entered his eternal rest; and Whereas Mr. Beck gave some of his best days in the service of his country, in helping free the bondsman of another race and in after years, was a true friend of the toiler and producer of earth’s harvest; a friend of the poor and a co-worker with those who honestly fight the battle of life; therefore, be it Resolved, that by his death we loose an honorable citizen a generous spirit and a worthy co-laborer and Resolved, We, his immediate neighbors mourn his sudden departure—and tender our sympathy to those who more nearly feel his loss as husband, father and friend; and, be it further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the press for publication, and be recorded in the book of records of this alliance.
Louis Peterson, Sect’y
Obituary from unknown source, newspaper clipping from the family collection.
W.P. Beck, Sr, died at his late home on Thursday morning of congestion of the lungs and inflammation of the bowels, aged 64 years. Funeral will take place at his residence at 11 o’clock today. He was a genial kindly old gentleman, member of the I.O.O.F. Brotherhood, and leaves a wide circle of friends, a devoted wife and several children to mourn his departure.
Submitted by family descendant, Phyllis Magelky