Mrs. Emma A. Blake




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The New Era, Parker, SD, Saturday, Nov. 9, 1878 


BLAKE--Near Finlay, Turner county, D.T. October 30th, 1878, Emma A. Blake, Aged 41 years and 18 days.  

The death of Emma A. Blake, the esteemed consort of W. Q. Blake falls with a crushing weight upon the whole community of which she was a cherished and useful member and upon the sorrowing father and grief-stricken sons, who thus early in life are deprived of the counsels and love of a devoted mother. 

The deceased was born in Boston Mass., October 12th, 1837, and was joined in matrimony to W. Q. Blake Oct. 13th, 1853. 

A little over one year ago Mr. Blake and family removed from the east and chose Turner County for a future home. During their brief residence here, Mrs. Blake has won the esteem of her neighbors and acquaintances by the gentleness and loveliness of her manner and the faithful discharge of whatever duties it fell to her lot to perform. 

Her disease was lung fever, The funeral services were held over the remains of the deceased at Finlay on Saturday last. Sermon by Rev. A. W. Hilton, who spoke feelingly from Eccles. viii.12--"Yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him."  

A large ad sympathetic assemblage of friends were in attendance at the burial services. How truly it is said "Death loves a shining mark." 

[Note: She has a stone at Parker Rose Hill Cemetery.]


Submitted by family descendant, Phyllis Magelky