The Hennessey Clipper, Hennessey, Oklahoma 17 June, 1915
Death Comes After Intermittent Illness of Several Years.
The news of the death of Mrs. John Overton, which occurred Sunday morning at 4:00 o’clock, caused a wave of sadness over the community, where she had made her home for many years. She passed away at the farm home, three and one-half miles southwest of town, after an illness with Bright’s disease, covering a period of several years.
Mrs. Eliza Thayer Overton was born in Auburn, New Hampshire, May 29, 1836. She united with the Free Will Baptist church when but a girl and for a number of years took an active part in the affairs of the church.
After marrying and moving from the old home, she, with her husband, John Overton, united with the Congregational church. They came to Hennessey a number of years ago, where they resided until about two years since, when they moved to their farm, where she spent her last days.
Mrs. Overton is survived by her husband and two brothers, Dr. Clarence H. Blake of Los Angeles, Cali., and Mr. L. E. Blake, of Hennessey.
Funeral services were held at the home at one o’clock Monday afternoon, and were conducted by Rev. J. G. Schliemann. The remains were shipped to Parker, Turner county, South Dakota, the old home of the Overtons, for burial. The remains left on the evening train, accompanied by Mr. Overton.
Obit & Photo Submitted by family descendant, Phyllis Magelky