Fall River County
South Dakota Inquiries
To respond to any of these inquiries just click on the underlined name at the begining of the paragraph.
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If needed, here is a map of Fall River County (click here to see map)BREITKREUTZ Family Photo
Rene' E. Breitkreutz -- August 23, 2010. I have attached an old family photo (above) which was taken in Hot Springs, SD. The photo appears to be a large gathering of BREITKREUTZ families from Wisconsin, South Dakota, and Nebraska. It is likely that the photo was taken before 1892, as one of the older gentlemen in the photo died in that year.
I would like to know if there is/was a newspaper in existence at the time to see if I can find out anything about such a large reunion.... that was a long way for some people to travel, and I'm hoping to find out when/why they all came together. I would also appreciate knowing if there is anyone willing to research this for me and what the rates for doing so would be. Thank you. Rene' E. Breitkreutz, Wasilla, Alaska -- email: Rene Breitkreutz <reneb@gci.net>Old Soldiers home in Hot Springs 1951
Chris Geis -- April 1, 2009. In an obit for Lenora Westfall (1951) it mentions that her son Clyde R. Westfall was residing in an Old Soldier Home in Hot Springs, SD. He was a veteran of the Spanish American war. Does anyone know of this home? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Anna in Colorado -- email: acg13666@yahoo.comCAFE IN PROVO
Pat Ratcliff-Milanese -- March 4, 2009. I recently learned that my paternal grandfather, Orris Kemper Ratcliff, owned and operated a small cafe in Provo, SD. He was commonly known as "Slim" Ratcliff or "OK" Ratcliff. He ran this cafe back in 1939 and he died in 1943. I was surprised to hear that he had actually moved to Provo as he was married with four sons and a wonderful wife in their hometown of Newcastle, Weston Co., WY. I would be most grateful if someone could possibly do a lookup for me in a county history or newspaper archive during that period. Is there any chance of getting any old photos or purchasing a county history? Thank you so much for any help you may provide. Best regards, Pat Ratcliff-Milanese -- email: pratclif@sbcglobal.netEASTMAN
Carolyn Anderson -- February 9, 2009. I am looking for information on the family of Charles Sumner Eastman. He was born in 1864 in Wisconsin and married Agnes Colgan. Their children were Leroy, Thomas, Ruth, Dean, Arthur, Helen. Charles' parents were Dean H. Eastman and Ellen Buchanan. Ellen Buchanan parents were Alexander Buchanan and Mary Ferguson Buchanan( LaFollette, Saxton). I am looking to share information. -- email: carolyn8239@mac.comLORENSEN
jon Lorensen -- January 21, 2009. Seeking info or Orbit lookups on the following: Lorensen, Ed B,- 1903 Died 1991 . married Emma Feb 6 1936. Sec P; Lorensen Ellen C, B- 1879 died -1931 sec I; Lorensen, Emma, b- 1915 D- No date section P; Lorensen, nels L, B -1877 D - All are buried at Evergreen Cemetery in Hot springs. S.D. Any help would bring lots of Kudos .. jon Lorensen -- email: JLorensen@aol.comGROVES / WHITE
Judy Brickman -- December 18, 2008. I am trying to locate any information on Edward Leroy Groves who lived in Hot Springs, SD from about 1907 to his death on March 5, 1931. He worked as a janitor at the Soldiers Home in Hot Springs. He and several of the family are buried in the Evergreen Cemetery in Hot Springs. I am especially interested in an obituary or a Historical book that would contain his name and any info on him. He was my great-grandfather. One of his youngest daughters (Martha) was married to Charles (Charlie) White and lived at Oelrichs, SD. If I remember correctly, they had three children: Dorothy, John and Charles. I am the grand-daughter of Martha's older sister Josephine. Thank you. Judy Brickman -- email: jkbrickman@pie.midco.netHUMMEL
Al Stoner -- December 8, 2008. Searching for parents of Fred D Hummel who was born 1850, NY, married to Bertha Osborn about 1871. Lived in Louisa Co, IA , Webster Co, NE and finally settled in Hot Springs, Fall River, SD. Fred died in 1930 (after April 9th census taken) and is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery along with his wife, Bertha, and son Richard. Any information greatly appreciated and would like copies of Hummel obituaries if possible. Thank you, Al Stoner -- email: Alasto@aol.comALABAUGH
Jerry -- November 24, 2008. Looking for information on Frank T Alabaugh. Thanks -- email: Jtbokagain@yahoo.comMcKINNEY
John Greathouse -- November 4, 2008. I am inquiring about an Adeline McKinney who may have lived in Fall River S.D. some time between 1900 and 1930. I am sorry but this is all the information I have about my maternal grandmother. Thank You -- email: johngreathouse@hotmail.comFERGUSON
Alice Walter -- September 8, 2008. My Great Uncle, Orlando Ferguson, lived in Hot Springs, SD. He built a sanitarium there in the late 1890's. He was also known as "Square World" Ferguson because he had drawn a map to prove that the world was square. I heard somewhere that he did that to win a contest and some money. If anyone knows information about him, please contact me. Alice Walter -- email: awalter@suddenlink.netWEHNES
James leggett -- August 10, 2008. Henry Wehnes homesteaded a section of land in fall river county before ww 1. He was drafted into service and returned following war with a bride from oklahoma and raised twelve children on the farm. Eleven girls and one boy. I cannot find any refrence to this family on this website. I maried one of the girls in 1949 in rapid city and now we live in texas . James leggett -- email: L1770@aol.comDWYER, MICHAEL AND JAMES - CIVILWAR VETERANS
James Gray -- August 2, 2008. I am trying to acquire information on a former Union soldier that was born in New South Wales, Australia, served in the 57th Ma. Infantry and died in South Dakota, and his brother; but I don't know much about them. I am hoping you can direct this to someone who can help. One brothers name was Michael Dwyer, he was born in 1843, lived in, Tigerville, Pennington County, In 1910, at age 68, he was living in the State Soldiers Home in Hot Springs, Fall River County, died in Hill City, October 9, 1913 and he served in the 57th Ma. Infantry, that's about all I know. I know nothing about James, except he served in the Union Navy during the war. I would like to add both the brothers to the Australian ACW Veterans Memorial Website, www.acwv.info and preserve their memory for future generations; but I need more information to do so; especially on their life in South Dakota. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. James Gray, 11 Corndale Street, Loganholme, Queensland, Australia, 4129 -- email: jamesmgray@bigpond.comWilcox/Willcox
Jody K. Boyd -- July 13, 2008. I am looking for James and Steven Wilcox who were listed in their father's (Clark) obit in 1906 as living in Edgemont, SD. James was born about 1879 in Liberty Twp., Cass Co., NE. Steven was born 1975 in Liberty Twp., Cass Co., NE. We know that James real name was Clark James Jr, but went by James to avoid confusion. -- email: artslittlegirl@yahoo.comHERMANN (also Alice Fink, teacher/school, Oelrichs)
Sally Green -- June 25, 2008. My grandparents, Tony and Florence Hermann homesteaded 16 miles sw of Oelrichs, 1919-1923. He was also a bricklayer, and quite busy with that trade, besides ranching and farming. I would like to locate where the family lived, but do not have a legal description. I looked in the county land records in Hot Springs June 2007 when I was there- and found nothing. I know he built a 2 story house, and am going to check tax records when I come again to the area next week. I also want to find the school my mother and uncle attended. Her teacher was Sally Green -- June 25, 2008. My grandparents, Tony and Florence Hermann homesteaded 16 miles sw of Oelrichs, 1919-1923. He was also a bricklayer, and quite busy with that trade, besides ranching and farming. I would like to locate where the family lived, but do not have a legal description. I looked in the county land records in Hot Springs June 2007 when I was there- and found nothing. I know he built a 2 story house, and am going to check tax records when I come again to the area next week. I also want to find the school my mother and uncle attended. Her teacher was Alice Fink. So my inquiry on your website is to find any information about the school Alice Fink taught at, and its location. Secondly, to locate where my grandparents lived, and any other information about their life there. Your website is really great, and perhaps will put me in touch with someone that can help me. Thanks, Sally Green -- email: sallyjgreen@comcast.netARTHUR
Mike Wyman -- April 8, 2008. Thanks for your work. I am looking for the grave of a kid/cowboy/rustler/outlaw named Stansbury (or Stanberry) Arthur, (Arthur is the last name) shot to death by Marshal Riordan in Buffalo Gap circa 1886. Any ideas? Thanks, Mike Wyman -- email: paulbsonm@yahoo.comBUTLER
Charles Butler -- April 5, 2008. High I am looking for info on John Butler who is in the Fall County census records for 1900. He was born in about 1858. I can find nothing for him after that date. Thought maybe he died there. Please let me know what you find or have on him. He moved from Indiana sometime between 1880 and 1899. -- email: charlescbutler@cityofbryan.netLORENSEN
Jon Lorensen -- April 5, 2008. First I want to thank you for at least offering to help. I have it narrowed down I believe for the following inquires. Edwin (ed) Lorensen. Hot Springs Fall River Born 1903 Iowa D. 16 October 1901. Emma Lorensen wife of Edwin Born 1914-15. Died ? Ellen C Lorensen. B. Iowa 1879 D. Fall River. 1931. Nels Lorensen.. Born 1877.. 1945. All are buried in Evergreen Cemetery Fall River S.D. Thank you for your efforts in advance. Jon Lorensen -- email: Jlorensen@aol.comMc/MAC MURRAY
Shawlee -- April 4, 2008. I'm looking for any information re: Capt. Stephen Kaster Mc/Mac Murray who was stationed at Ft. Laramie, Wyoming around 1861. He married a white woman who was raised by Sioux Indians. He was killed around 1862 by Indians. Any information available will be most appreciated. s. haynes -- email: Shawlee4@aol.comMURRAY
Kara Poissant -- March 12, 2008. My great grandfather died on 22 Aug 1949 in Hot Springs at a Tuberculosis Sanitorium. I have no information about my great grandfather’s parents and family so I am wondering if anyone knows anything about the TB clinic in Hot Springs in 1949. I’m looking for any information. Thanks! -- email: klp@emrinnov.comHot Springs school class photo
Myrna Blumberg -- March 11, 2008. I have a copy of my g-grandmother's school photo. I don't know the name of the school or the date of the photo... only that Mary Louisa Herbert (second from the right in the back row) stayed with her grandparents, David J and Mary (Wood) Walker, in Hot Springs to go to school there. Mary Louisa Herbert's parents lived in Bakerville, Custer County. The photo is of a whole class on the steps of that large stone? school up on the hill...possible around 1895? I am guessing here! Maybe someone can help to identify the other students and the teachers. I am not sure how best to send the photo, but if you tell me what you want I will do my best to get you a good copy to put on the site. Is there a particular size to make it best viewable? The print I have is an 8x10 and it is pretty good, but I'm not sure how well it will show up online? Myrna -- email: myrnablumberg@shaw.caJOHNSON
Sarah Elizabeth Duzynski -- January 13, 2008. I am looking for information on Charles Leroy "Roy" Johnson who was Sheriff of Fall River County from 1945 to 1949. I have attached a picture that I found at your historical society museum in the old school in Hot Springs. I also contacted the State Archives/South Dakota State Historical Society at Pierre and they told me they do not have any information because his term of office is considered "modern history." I would appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks, Sarah 651-774-9324 -- email: seduzynski@yahoo.comSHARRER
Paul Barfoot -- January 12, 2008. I am looking for any information anyone might have on John S Sharrer Jr who, according to his obit, ran a restaurant in Oelrichs and died there in Feb 1911. He had apparently retired there from a career with the railroad - including the Florence and Cripple Creek and probably moved to Oelrichs from Cripple Creek. He was born in Syracuse, NY where the obit appears and where I live. He was my Great Grandmother's older brother. I have all of his genealogical info - what I am looking for is anything about his restaurant or his life in Oelrichs. Thank you very much. Paul Barfoot, Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University -- email: prbarfoo@syr.eduCOLLINS
Cogden -- January 2, 2008. I'm looking for any information on a carl collins who was an indian agent on the rose bud indian information. The family was from bryant south dakota. -- email: cogden@parker.comWILKINSON
Peggy Walker -- December 22, 2007. My GGrandfather Chris Wilkinson had land at Oelrichs, and my grandmother Grayce was born there in 1887. They later moved to Custer. do you have any information about them? Peggy Walker, Walker & Associates, 1020 North Pokegama Avenue, Grand Rapids, MN 55744, 218 327 1964 -- email: pwalkermn@mchsi.comBARR
Jim Kastner -- November 24, 2007. I'm looking for the location of the former Claude Barr ranch near Smithwick. Do you have information on that? Jim Kastner, 12773 Richmond Lane, Aberdeen, SD 57401 -- email: jrkxdrci@abe.midco.netCUBA
Liz Bonham -- September 28, 2007. I found your name in the South Dakota Genealogy section. I am looking for any information of my cousin Adolph E Cuba who was born 4-15-1896 in Nance County NE and he died 3-7-1944 in Fall River South Dakota. His wife's name was Leona and the children I know of were Salome and Helen. I thank you in advance. Please advise me of costs. Liz Bonham, 8225 Clairmont Ave, Omaha, NE 68127 -- email: lbonham01@yahoo.comEveret F. Mahaffy
Sylvia Stambol -- August 20, 2007. I am inquiring about my fathers brother, Everet F. Mahaffy, who died in Fall River County on Sept 7, 1929. My brother, niece and I seem to remember different accounts of the car accident that killed him, as told to us by my father who is now deceased. I was wondering if there is any way to get a copy of the police report either by mail or if I need to go to South Dakota and look for it myself. His parents (my grandparents) were George and Susan Mahaffy and my fathers name was George E. Mahaffy. There were no other siblings. Everet was 3 months old at the time of the 1910 census but I don't know his exact birth date. I would appreciate anything you could do to help me with my search. Thank you so much. Sylvia Stambol (formerly Mahaffy) I live at 16228 Hemp Circle in Fountain Valley, California 92708 and my e-mail: Jstambol@aol.comVoorhees
Steve Oliver -- August 15, 2007. I am the grandson of Arthur Francis Voorhees. Do you have any records for that person? I believe he is buried at the cemetery there. Please send reply to email: rsoliver@bresnan.netSHAFFER
Terri L. Taylor-Pearsall -- Muguse 15, 2007. Information on SHAFFER Family - I am specifically searching for any information on the Audrey E. SHAFFER family. Audrey E. SHAFFER was born 23 Jun 1912, died May 1981 in Hot Springs, Fall River Co., SD, place of burial unknown. Mr. SHAFFER was married to Jennie R. (nee MERCER) SHAFFER who was born 07 Jul 1913, died Jul 1990 in Hot Springs, Fall River Co., SD, place of burial unknown. Any family information, obituary, etc. would be sincerely appreciated. Thank you, Terri L. Taylor-Pearsall, North Palm Beach, FL -- email: JPears691@aol.comCRANE
Jim Crane -- August 8, 2007. My great grandfather was sheriff of Fall River County In about the 1890’s. His name was Jay Dourghty Crane. Although I believe he changed his middle name to Jarvis some time when he was an adult. Any information on when he served as sheriff would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, -- email: scouthappy@hotmail.comCHAPMAN
Maxine Moss -- March 31, 2007. I'm looking for any information I can find about a John Chapman who was a rancher near Oelrichs. He was probably born in the late 1800's. Any information you can give to me is certainly appreciated. Thank you for your time. Maxine Moss -- email: brewmoss@yahoo.comHot Springs orphanage
Jay Silveria -- March 29, 2007. I am looking for a biological sister that was left in an orphanage around 1950-1953. I have no name except our mother's name which is Ramona Cottrell. I would appreciate any help. -- email: virginia361@yahoo.comWlkinson Family of Oelrichs
Peggy Walker -- March 26, 2007. I am looking for photographs or anecdotes of the Chris & Elizabeth Wilkinson family of Oelrichs. The family was there by 1887 when my grandmother Grayce was born. They were there until at least 1893, moving to Custer by 1900 and later Belle Fourche. He was a blacksmith and had a homestead. -- email: pwalker@mchsi.comProperty (location?)
J. Warcken -- March 24, 2007. Here is a description of land my grandfather bought in South Dakota in 1910? 7th Meridian, twp 003N, Range 029E, Section 025. Thanks. email -- JWarcken@otpco.comCONNER, PATE
Patricia Stout -- March 22, 2007. I am the granddaughter of William H. Connor and Mary Lucinda Pate. They were married in 1901. The great Grandmother was May C. Pate, but later remarried and was May C. Howitt. William Connor (my grandad) and Mary Lucinda Pate, (my Grandmother) were married in 1901. I am in Kansas City and am trying to find my family's tree. Together my grandparents and 7-8 children, my mother was born in 1910, in Hot Springs, SD Emma Viola Connor. Could you possibly have any information for me, i.e. pictures, info, just about anything at this point. Thanks in advance. You may email me here at my work email address. -- email: tstout@kc-dsdlaw.comCharles Wilkinson and Olive Maney (marriage date)
Peggy Walker -- March 9, 2007. Hi, I am looking to confirm a marriage date ( with source) of Charles Wilkinson and Olive Maney on 1/1/1893 in Oelrichs. Thanks, email: pwalker@mchsi.comOlive Wilkinson
Peggy Walker -- March 9, 2007. Hello, Can someone confirm a death date for Olive Wilkinson in Hot Springs, 6/16/1956? Thanks for the help -- email: pwalker@mchsi.comJessie M. Elliott and L. E. Allen
Wayne Sankey -- February 4, 2007. Seeking information regarding Jessie M. Elliott and L. E. Allen married 22 September 1924 in Hot Springs, Fall River, South Dakota both 35 years old. Wayne Keith Sankey, 2229 South Willard Avene, Janesville, WL 53545, 608-756-4611 -- email: ksank42@sbcglobal.netAlois Minaricek, 1914
Jolana Sedlacek -- February, 3, 2007. I´m looking for information about my great-grandfather Alois (Louis) Minaricek from Austria, who patented land in Fall River 11/27/1914 Township 007S, Range 004E, Section 010 for 160 acres. He got naturalization in Fall River in 1914. How can I find out what happend to the land and if it is still valid? He had fiancee in Fall River, they had a farm and it burnt up about 1915. He died 1916 in Sunnyview Sanatorium in Wisconsin. Thank you very much for any information. Jolana Sedlacek -- email: jolana.sedl@email.czSHAY
Bobbi Applegate -- February 3, 2007. Would appreciate any information anyone might have on the Owen Eugene SHAY family. Owen and wife Katherine (Kate) are buried at Edgemont. I find the family in Edgemont in the 1920 census (plus children Leo, Glen (my grandfather) and Genevieve) and know they're buried there because my dad (their grandson) remembers visits to the Hot Springs every Memorial Day - visiting the graves and the plunge. What a great site this is, and thanks for any help. -- email: pommeportail@cox.netJACOB ROSS
Teunis Jan Roos -- January 6, 2007. My name is Teunis Jan Roos (21-4-1943) and I am busy making my family's Tree. Right now its starts in 1600 with my ancester Herman Dircksz Roos who was a linenweaver in Rotterdam. On february 6 1874 Jacob Roos was born as one of Herman Dirckcs' descendants. March 17 1892 Jacob arrived with the vessel " Veendam" in NY as the Ellis Island record states. Then I lost track of him until I recently found the following listing: Spanish American war 1. Infantry Reg. South Dakota Volunteers: JACOB Roos , private , 25 yr, april 25, 1898, july 22, 1899. and I found a tombstone (still everything on the Internet!) on Hot Springs National Cemetery stating: Roos, JACOB, d(ied?) 06/25/1936, Corpl S Dak Vol Inf, Plot 10 13/2,* As the ages seem correctly, or almost correctly I assume that this Jacob is onde of the lost realatives of my Family. I would be very glad if You could provide me with more details on this person. Especially, if he is the Jacob Roos I am looking for, all kind of notable data, marriage, children etc. etc. I would be glad f You can provide more URL's to look for more details. I am anxious about the possible results You can come up with. With kind regards, T.J. Roos -- email: t.roos@hccnet.nlBrainard Indian Training School
John W. Kelly Sr -- November, 22, 2006. I would be most interested in knowing if anyone has compiled a history of the Brainard Indian Training School which operated for perhaps 40 years near Cascade Springs, some eight miles south of Hot Springs just off highway 71. I believe the school was owned and run by the Wesleyan Church's general missionary department and for whatever reason, the school was closed several years ago and all the property sold to the present Whitney Preserve Foundation. I would also be very interested in any photo history of the school. Thank you so very much for any info you can provide. John W. Kelly email: balbal@charter.netKERN (burial site)
Norma Tracy -- June 5, 2006. I am trying to find the burial site of my mother-in-law's [now dec'd] brother who was born and died in Hot Springs. He was: HERMAN F. KERN b. 9-16-1888 d. 8-20-1890. It is possible that he had now headstone, but would the cemetery have records? Apprciate any help you can give me or suggestions. It is my understanding the the Charles W. Kern family left SD shortly after Herman's death due to Indian problems. Any help there? Thank you, Norma Tracy of Napa, CA email: nadine1928@yahoo.comEmil & Ethel Furrer
Allen Gray -- April 29, 2006. Emil Furrer and Ethel Furrer. I am seeking information regarding Emil Furrer who died in 1957 and on his wife, Ethel Furrer. I believe that she died in the 1980s in Hot Springs. I will sincerely any appreciate any information that I might receive regarding their lives, deaths and burial. -- email: cpm1@msn.comHEIDEPRIEM
Deb Heidepriem -- March 27, 2006. Looking for info on August Heidepriem b.1861 from Germany Died abt. 1933. Lived in Hot Springs,Fall River,SD. He owned A.D.Heidepriem Saddlery and Harness business in Hot Springs abt 1880. His wife's name was Agnes. Would like to find cemetery or an info from local newpapers etc. Also looking for info on Heidepriem funeral home. Any info would be greatly appreciated. -- email: duhmartian@yahoo.comDeed in Dewey
Nancy Campbell -- February 22, 2006. My husband has a Mineral Deed that was his Father's. It is for 160 acres, in Dewey, South Dakota. The Southeast Quarter of section Nine, Township Fifteen North, Range 23 East of the Black Hills Meridian. It is dated 1959. How can I find out more about the Deed? Is it worth anything? Can I get some history? Thank you in advance for your help. My email isbcampb6363@aol.com Sincerely, Nancy Campbell -- email: bcampb6363@aol.comHUGO (Fritz?) FLORMANN (Lucky Strike Mine)
Colette Flormann -- February 9, 2006. I'm looking for information on the Lucky Strike Mine; Is that located in Fall River County? My ancestor Hugo Flormann died there in 1903 while trying to save another miner. (The ancestor who died was actually Fritz Flormann.)Any information you could provide would be very helpful. -- email: cpagirl@gmail.comSCHUELE family
Karen Cunningham -- January 23, 2006. What a wonderful website you people have. You should all be proud. Have never had such a pleasant experience. I am trying to find information about a tract of land that was granted to my great grandfather, Ernst Schuele. I have a deed dated 1893. Land is described as "The south east quarter of Scetion thirty-four in Township eleven, South of Range Seven East of Black Hills Meridian in South Dakota containing one hundred and sixty acres." It is signed by Grover Cleveland and has a red seal with an eagle on it. I would like to know if there is any way I can get information about where the land is and what happened to it. Suspect it was sold or something. Also would like to know if your town has a book or publication for sale on pioneers of that period. Would be willing to pay for it. Keep up the good work! Karen Cunningham (descendent of Ernst Schuele) -- email: webfloater@verizon.netDEED Question
Karen Cunningham -- January 23, 2006. I have a deed dated 1893 to a tract of land described as The south east quarter of Scetion thirty-four in Township eleven, South of Range Seven East of Black Hills Meridian in South Dakota containing one hundred and sixty acres. It is signed by Grover Cleveland. Land was granted to my great grandfather, Ernst Schuele of Fall River County South Dakota from the Land Office at Rapid City South Dakota. Recorded vol. 7a, page 296. Does anybody know how I can find out about this? Karen Cunningham (descendent of Ernst Schuele) -- email: webfloater@verizon.netGULICK Family
Elaine Sale-Garrow -- December 23, 2005. I am presently researching the Louie (Lewis) Gulick family of Fall River. I think they lived there in about 1884. I would so appreciate any information that you might have. I also, have a copy of a written marriage invititation for Elsie Gulick and Martin Compton in 1904 in Limestone. Any information on Louies family or Elsie's would be greatly appreciated. I would indeed send a donation to your historical society.. thanks... Elaine Sale-Garrow -- email: berwin@telusplanet.netBUTTS FAMILY
Marjorie Price -- December 5, 2005. I am trying to find information regarding the George Whitfield Butts, Jr. family that lived in Igloo in 1951. He was 44 yr old, his wife, Elinor M. was 35 yr old and they had 2 children: Bruce K. was 15 yr old and Barbara L. was 13 yr old. Was there a school in Igloo? If not, where did the children go to school? I think George W was working for the government but I do not know what he was doing? Do you have any records or suggestions to help me find some information. I need to know Elinor's maiden name or who did the children marry? Any help would be appreciated. I have had lots of trouble finding the location of Igloo, S.D. ha. Thanks, Marjorie -- email: price9103@msn.comSCHRAIDER / VOPALENSKY
Margie Mitchell -- September 27, 2005. I am looking for information on a woman named Esther SCHRAIDER &endash; a school teacher at Hot Spring in late 20's and 30's. I believe she was married to my grandfather &endash; Gus VOPALENSKY. I also believe they had a daughter. Esther attended Wessington Springs College in 1930's -- email: mrsmoose@alaska.netEastep family
Robin Kienitz -- September 11, 2005. I am in possession of a curved front china cabinet with a sticker on the back indicating that it was purchased from Spiegel's by a Mr. ...?...R Eastep, PO Box, Hot Springs SD. I am wondering in anyone would know who this person might be and if there any family members left in this area? It would be interesting to visit with them and also to see if they might like to have it back in the family. Thank You. Robin Kienitz -- email: westofwall@rap.midco.netHarry Southern
Wendy Wright -- September 3, 2005. I am searching for any information on Harry Southern who was born 07 May 1889 in Missouri to Wallace Southern and mother [maiden name Graves] and died on 11 Feb 1978 in Hot Springs, Fall River, SD. Many thanks for any help you may have. Regards, Wendy Wright -- email: wesowc@comcast.netMURRAY RYBURN
Carolyn Ryburn -- August 30, 2005. I am trying to find info about Murray Ryburn b. 1916 d. 1978 in Fall River Co. SD. I believe he is buried in Evergreen Cem. Since my info is from the SS Death Files, I am not sure this is the man I am researching. Would it be possible to locate an obituary for him? Is there a county paper or local paper in Hot Springs that might have an obit file? Is there a funeral home which was in business in 1978? Would appreciate any answers you might have, and I will then contact the papers and funeral home. Thanks so much, Carolyn Ryburn -- email: cryburn@earthlink.netDeed/Claim location question
Stuart Willis -- Auguest 25, 2005. I have what may be a deed for a 200 acre parcel of land. Perhaps you might know, or can point me towards some one who might know about the disposition of this land. The claim reads: west half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-six and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the north half of the northeast quarter of section twenty-seven in Township sixteen north Range five east of the Black Hills Meridian, South Dakota, containing two hundred acres. I look forward to you answer. Stuart (Stu) Willis 321-544-5682 -- email: sanwillis1@cfl.rr.comTombstone question
Margie Desormeaux -- August 17, 2005. I recently visited your military cemetery and noticed that out of all the gravestones, one faced the opposite direction from all the rest. I believe the name on the stone was Shirley Deifbach or something very similar. Can you please tell me why this is so? Why would any tombstone face the opposite direction? It seems a cruel thing to do to any soldier no matter which side he was on. I do believe that all the Shirley Deifbachs were from the Confederate side in the Civil War. Thanking you in advance for any help you may be able to give my stumped friends & I. -- Sincerely, Margie Desormeaux -- email: bastet1936@adelphia.netMaud Mary Brown
Caroline Murray -- August 17, 2005. Looking for any info on my Grandmother, Maud Mary Brown, born 08/01/1890 to Virgil Alfred Edward Brown and Viola Grace Stafford Brown. I am particularly interested in finding her birth certificate. Are there records this old in Fall River (Hot Springs)? Thank you, Caroline Murray -- email: MATTEOSGMA@peoplepc.comThomas McCauley
Robert Pederson -- August 12, 2005. I'm researching my family and seek info on a Thomas McCauley, my 2nd Great-grandfather. The info I have has him as a resident at the Old Soldiers Home, where on March 22, 1911 he passed away. He is interned at the Hot Springs National Cemetery (also known as Battle Mountain National Cemetery). He was born in 1843 in Sullivan Co. NY, moved to Saxeville, WI late 1850's. From there he enlisted in the 4th Wisconsin Infantry Co. B October 27,1861, served till July 27th 1862 or April 17th 1863 (conflicting dates) when he was discharged due to disability. He married Olive Morgan (b.1845 d. Nov 28, 1874) abt. 1867. Children: Jay b. 1868 d. Jan 26, 1872, George b. 1870?, and my grandfather Curt (Curtis) b.Dec 22 1870 d. Oct 19, 1954. All born at Saxeville, Waushara, WI. He then married an Eliza Chapman, date and location unknown. He supposedly wound up in Missouri sometime in the 1880's. And apparently ended up In Hot Springs, SD.(date unknown). I believe that his wife at the time (his third) was Mary McCauley (Perkins) m. May 29, 1887 from Missouri. He may also have had one or more of his children residing in the area. they are Jessie b.1888, Fred b.1891, and Roy b.1895. all born in Oak Grove MO. Any info would be helpful.. -- email: rpped@hotmail.comMaud M Brown daughter of Virgil A E Brown
Caroline Murray -- August 8, 2005. Maud Mary Brown, daughter of Virgil A. E. Brown and Viola Grace Brown (nee Stafford) was my grandmother she was born in SD 08/01/1890. Checking 1900 census records, I found that this family was living in Hot Springs, SD. I'm looking for my grandmothers birth certificate, wondering if it is here. Also anything else you might have on this family. Thank you for being there. Caroline Murray Minneapolis, MN -- email: MATTEOSGMA@peoplepc.comARCHIBALD KENNEDY
James Kennedy -- July 26, 2005. I am a grandson of Archibald and Eliza Kennedy, who homesteaded in Fall River County early in the last century. At a recent counsins reunion in Hot Springs, we got a tour of the homestead, that being some 3 miles off the last official road, south of Edgemont. I brought home a rock from the base of the walls of the house. I had never been there before. It was quite moving to be on the grounds and see the vastness of the land and the "igloos" of the abandoned military operation. I am trying to learn more about these people, who I never met. They apparently sold their homestead to the government as part of the military operation out their in WW I for the sum of some $24,000, according to a relative. Also would like to know more about the homestead concept in that area. Can you help me in any way? Thank you very much. James Kennedy, Kenosha, WI -- email: tjameskennedy@hotmail.comJohn Heckinger
Robert Kincaid -- June 20, 2005. I am searching for any information on a John Heckinger who lived in South Dakota. John is my g-g-g-grandfather. John moved to Lawrence Co., some time after 1880. He died 11/19/1897 and was buried in the South Dakota State Veterans Cemetery in Fall River Co. He is indexed in the SDGS Quarterly Vol. 4, Issue 4, Page 152. I don't know what information this Quarterly provides or how to obtain a copy of this page. Any information on researching John in South Dakota would be most helpful. Thank you, Sincerely, Robert Kincaid -- email: rkincaid@cableone.netARDMORE
Cyrue Moore -- May 16, 2005. I am still looking for information on Ardmore. Mainly the years from 1900 to 1965.Just wondered what happened to the folks that lived there,what the town was like back then,I lived there for a few years in the early 1960s .I submitted an inquirey back in Aug. 4 of 2003, but didn't get much. e-mail thunder68467@yahoo.com phone # 402-362-3502 Thank You, Cyrue Moore -- email: thunder68467@yahoo.comFall River County Genealogical Society
Sharon Kittel -- May 13, 2005. I am wondering if there is a Fall River County Genealogical Society. If so, can someone be contacted by email? Or do you know if the Historical Society has any records of deaths prior to 1905. I understand that the State only has records after 1905. Thank you for replying. My email address is skittel@windermere.com1939 Year Book For Edgemont High School
Linda Stineff -- April 19. 2005. Hi Stu, A dear friend of mine left me some of her treasures when she died, one was her 1939 yr.bk. for Edgemont High. It has all the photos that were glued in still in it and it is in wonderful condition. I thought maybe some of your readers might be interested in this information. If so I can scan pages and send to the interested ones. I am very involved with genealogy and know what a treasure this is. I placed a query at your site today. I am working on my grandchildrens' family history. Let me know if you are interested in the book's contents. -- Regards, Linda Stineff, Ragley, LA.-- email: lstine@centurytel.netKELLEY, PRATT
Linda Stineff -- April 19, 2005. I am working on the family history of my grandchildren. Their great grandparents were, Jesse Clarence Pratt and Elizabeth Kelley. I have allot of information on Elizabeth but nothing on Jesse except his birth and death dates. He was born Sept 4, 1920 and died Mar. 6, 1979 in MT. Apparently he was married to another woman after Elizabeth. Elizabeth remarried after she thought he had died in WWII. Any help with either family would be much appreciated. -- Linda Stineff, Ragley, LA -- email: lstine@centurytel.netObituary for Sarah Ann (Wilson) Robinson
Patty Conroy -- January 20, 2005. Thank you so much for your gracious offer to request information. I have a grandmother, Sarah Ann Robinson, who is buried in Hot Springs. She passed away on July 2, 1932, would it be possible to get an obituary on her.....anything that could have been written in the newspaper regarding her death would be wonderful. -- email: yornoctap@yahoo.comRAVENWOOD
Joy Campbell -- January 18, 2005. Hi.My great grandfather Henry Clay Ravenwood , marriage certificate stated he was born in Fall River in 1848-53. Parents John & Lucy (nee Clay) Ravenwood. Moram Church USA have no records of him so can any one help me or give me some clues where to look. -- email: w.j.campbell@xtra.co.nzB & M Basket Grocery, Post Office etc.
Chad Johnson -- March 3, 2005. I am currently researching the building located at 243 N. River Street in Hot Springs. The building is located between the City Hall and the Theatre. The building over time housed the following businesses.
1. Hot Springs Post Office
2. B & M Basket Grocery
3. Variety Store ran by Mrs. Rindesbacher
4. Chiropractor office of Bernard J Hass
5. Horne Apartments
The building was owned by William Reeder and Archie Riordan. Later Elma Reeder Horne and her Sister Catherine Buttterfield had a half interest in the building with Archie Riordan. I have MUCH information on the buidling but am looking for more! . -- email: ChadSD@hotmail.comArchie Riordan
Chad Johnson -- March 3, 2005. I have much information on Archie Riordan but am looking for some more. Esp. trying to locate his step sons family. His step Son was Arch R. Tuthill. He lived in Pasadena, California. -- email: ChadSD@hotmail.comElma Reeder Horne
Chad Johnson -- March 3, 2005. I am trying to locate descendants of Elma Reeder Horne. She was the daughter of William Reeder and Maggie Beal Reeder. Elma grated from High School in Hot Springs wiith the class of 1912. She had one sister Catherine who married a man named Butterfield. Catherine lived back East and attend ed the Pratt Institite. Elma married Louis Horne. They lived for years in Lincoln, Nebraska. She studied Art under Grant Wood. Elma owned the Horne Apartments in Hot Springs located on River Ave. Later in life she moved with her husband to Palo Alto, California. She died there in March 1982. He husband had also died in Palo Alto on Dec. 24, 1960. I am look for information on there family. -- email: ChadSD@hotmail.comJACKSON, JESSE EUGENE
Francis Jackson -- December 6, 2004 I am searching vital information for a cousin of mine, Jesse E Jackson. Family lore has it that he died February 19, 1949 in Hot Springs, Fall River County, SD. It's thought he was residing in a veteran's home at time of death. Could anyone shed some light on this subject? I'm interested in any closure, obit, where he was buried, etc. He previously resided in Frankfort, Spink County, SD. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, -- email: balljack@juno.comRIDPATH
Roger Helvey -- September 28, 2004. A great-great-grandfather of mine, James Ridpath was a Justice of the Peace in Hot Springs (I have his business card) in the 1880's or earlier (according to family records he was residing there in 1884). I also have an old portrait taken by Kersting in Deadwood or Lead City, of him or perhaps his son James Franklin Ridpath. Being a public official I have hopes that there will be some record of him still in existence. I'll be making a trip to the Black Hills region in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime, would appreciate any information you might come across relating to this ancestor of mine. Many thanks, Roger Helvey -- email: rhelvey@vcnet.comDANIEL
Merry Burns -- Sept. 26, 2004. Looking for information on Belle or Isabelle Daniel. Married to James Daniel. Had six daughters: Delila or Delia 1879, Ella 1882, Julia 1884, Clara 1886, Annie or Anna 1887, Belle or Isabelle - she died giving birth to Belle 1888. Thanks! Merry Burns -- email: amerrygirl@yahoo.comMcCAIN
Barb -- Sept. 25, 2004. I would like to return to the McCain Family a picture taken in Edgemont SO. Dakota. On the back it is written, Hilda 7, Laura 5, Howard 3, McCain. Taken in 1911. Found the picture at a flee market in Lafayette, IN. Barb -- email: Barb3017@insightbb.comCOX
Carla Frazier -- August 28, 2004. My name is Carla Frazier. My mother's family is from Hot Springs, South Dakota. I have done some family history for various school projects and now my son is doing some too. I never had very much information on the Cox side of the family and wondered if you could give my some guidance. My mother's name is Neva June (Cox) Carter. Her father was Timothy Enos Cox and mother was Ida Amelia (Miller) Cox. Her brother's name is Byron Cox who lives in Edgemont now and her sister is Ethel (Cox) Shaffer who still lives in Hot Springs. Tim Cox was a range cattle rancher and their land was along the Cheyenne River in Fall River County. Byron got the land when Tim died and has since sold it, to the government I believe, for a wild horse preserve. Their homestead place has also been sold and no longer in the family. I have one really good picture of a cattle round-up that was taken either in 1901 or 1910 that has both Tim Cox and his father in it. I have written my uncle, Byron Cox, to see if he can relate any stories to me about the Cox family, but I'm trying other avenues as well. Any information or guidance you can give me on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your time. Sincerely, Carla Frazier -- email: Carla_Frazier@empirebank.comTITUS
Verna Strickland -- August 28, 2004. I am looking for an obituary for RALPH TITUS, born 15 Jan. 1910 and died July 1972. Verna -- email: strickland@wave.neTHOMPSON
Tony Thompson -- August 28, 2004. First of all I'd just like to say what a great web-site you have. Some of the old photos are excellent. I have for some time been researching my family history as a hobby and recently discovered that two brothers left England about 100 years ago to settle in the Hot Springs / Edgemont area of South Dakota. They were James and George Thompson. I have the Ellis Island immigration records for James and the records for George's wife (Elizabeth) and his children (Norman, Annie and Cicely). I believe that Elizabeth's brother, Thomas Hammond Brown, also settles in the area at about the same time. I can trace the Thompson family back to the Yorkshire Dales in England to a marriage in Dent in 1746. I am simply trying to discover if there are any Thompson ancestors still in the area and wondered whether you know of any. I have been told that Elizabeth Thompson wrote a letter to her brother addressed from Box 673, Edgemont ... but that was back in 1955 when she was 81. I'd be happy to exchange information about Thompson ancestors if there are any descendants still in the area. Yours faithfully, Tony Thompson, Malmesbury, England -- email: mail@tonythompson.comMOWERS
Cindy Abrams -- August 28, 2004. I am searching for the descendants of John R. and Margaret Comstock Mower. They lived in Fall River and they and some of their descendants were buried in the Evergreen cemetery. Thanks! email: cat2397@juno.comBRAY
Fran Sawyer -- June 16, 2004. I am looking for the Solomon Leroy Bray family. Solomon married Emma Carpenter in NE. They had two girls Anna b 1889, NE, and Esther b 1897 in NE. Solomon and Emma were living in Hot Springs in the 1920 and 1930 census. Solomon died 1930 and Emma died 1933. I don't have the months or days for the deaths but they are buried in Evergreen Cemetery. I would like the death dates and who Anna and Esther married. Thank you for any help you can give. Fran -- email: fs81215@alltel.netCOOPER, DICKEY, HOBSON
Shea -- June 14, 2004. I am looking for information information on my Great Grandmother, Margaret Cooper, she was born in 1896 in Minnekahta to Oliver Cooper and Margaret Hobson. She married Walter Earl Dickey in 1919 in Spearfish, South Dakota, but I do not know about her life in-between. I have some information about the Cooper's and the Hobson and am willing to share information. I also have some information about other Surnames: Weaver, Moore, Cameron, Wells. -- My Email is shea_5@hotmail.comPRINGLE
John Pringle -- June 4, 2004. My husbands name is Pringle,he was looking at the map of South Dakota and found a town called PRINGLE, he is trying to find out how the town got it,s name? His grandfather came from Scotland(John Pringle) John Pringles Fathers name was also John Pringle,his wifes name was Barbara Murray,both born in Scotland, John Pringle,my husband came to U.S and had a sugar beet farm in Holly, CO -- email: jdp@byelectric.comECKENRODE
Amy Krueger -- June 6, 2004. I am looking for any ancestors of the Eckenrode family that were located in Smithwick and Hot Springs, ND. Specifically any directly related to Dale Eckenrode, Esther Mae Eckenrode and Mildred Eckenrode. My father was born to Dale and Esther Mae on May 20, 1926 in Hot Springs and was given up for adoption. I am looking to find his biological family. I already know that Dale Eckenrode died in Arizona in 1970. I cannot find any information on Esther Mae. Any help and guidance is appreciated. -- email: amykrueger@earthlink.netMERRILL
Carol Entrikin -- April 13, 2004. Please correspond with me regarding the Merrill family of Hot Springs, S.D. lived there 1880. John Merrill's dau. named Capitola was married to a Flanagan, had a son, they either divorced or ?? she re-married (who?) and had other children including a set of twin girls, then moved to Iowa and married again and had another family. Any information on the second marriage? She was either going by Capitola Merrill or Capitola Flanagan. Carol Entrikin -- email: 2tenors@surewest.netBOEHLEIN
Lou Boehlein -- April 13, 2004. I am doing research on the surname Boehlein. Recently I learned of: Boehlein Canyon Valley, County: Fall River, State: SD, Geographic Reference Library, American Genealogical Gazetteer, State Listings: South Dakota -- I also saw a note that a Boehlein lived (around 1870 ?) in SD and was in the meat business. Seeing the family name in SD was a surprise. Can anyone tell me about teh canyon and how it got the name? Lou Boehlein -- email: bayline@gdn.netVARNEY
Sue Pyper -- April 13, 2004. I am looking for any information that you could find on a Varney family that lived in Edgemont. email: stuzy1016@hotmail.comGRAVES
Mike Ransom -- January 26, 2004. I'm looking for the missing wife, and birth of daughter for Charles L GRAVES, who appears in the 1910 census SD Fall River Burton Pct ED 16 sheet 25A, as married with no wife. [possible/likely: [150+ families after his father, John L on sheet 17B] family #393 - one person only, Charles GRAVES, 32 OH OH OH, married 1 year; general farmer, owns farm, no mtge. Charles shows up in two later censuses at Edgewater, Jefferson, Colorado, with wife Lida [born c1877 KS], sister-in-law Alma [born c1875 IL], and daughter Annie M GRAVES, born c May 1913 in South Dakota. As noted, Charles' father is nearby. I would like any land, marriage or birth information on Charles or John, and to exchange other family information with anyone connected to John L GRAVES family: Family #219 - rural Burton Precinct, John L GRAVES, 58 OH OH FRA, general farm; married 30 years; owns farm, no mtge, schedule #5. Margaret, wife, 55 OH OH OH, 8 births / 7 living Bertha, daughter, 22 IA Mary, daughter, 18 IA Florence, daughter, 13 IA. -- Sincerely, Mike RANSOM, Albany, Oregon -- email: strebig@gmail.comHOWERTON, SHULTZ, & GILBERT
Mike Howerton - March 13, 2000. My grandmother Fredybelle Shultz Howerton gave birth to my Father 8 Aug 1930 in Fall River County. Does anyone recognize the name? Fredybelle's parents were George Shultz and Crilla Gilbert Shultz who lived for many years in Custer, S.D. Crilla's father was William Gilbert. If anyone has any suggestions or guidance please contact me at -- email: michaelh@northnet.netMARCH
Ken Kothe -- January 25, 2004. MARCH, Whitfield Albert and Bertha. Family records say they are buried in the Smithwick. Cem. Can someone verify this for me? Great appreciated. Ken Kothe, Iowa -- email: kkenk@frontiernet.netBOYER, Killilay, Trimmer
GAIL COCKROFT -- JANUARY 25, 2003. I am interested in obtaining any information on Mary Boyer, born in 1848. She married John Killilay and George Trimmer. Thanks. -- email: gcockroft@kellerisd.netCRAFTS
Margaret Langenberg -- December 29, 2003 -- Hello, I am wondering if anyone has any information on the Richard Crafts family that moved from Lincoln, Nebraska to Fall River county in 1910 sometime after the U.S. Census was taken. I have located the family in the 1920 U.S. Census located in the Blacktail Precinct of Fall River county. Cannot locate the parents in the 1930 census.
The family consisted of: Richard Crafts born approx. 1867 in England, Adelheid Sophie (sometimes went by the name of Ella) born 27 Oct 1867 in Wopse, hannover, Germany; children: Marguerite Crafts born 27 Oct 1895 and later married (Frank) Benjamin Frank Ferguson in Rapid City, Glen Helms Crafts born 17 Feb 1899 and married Leta Mae Bingham and later Margaret Surname Unknown, Richard John Crafts, Jr., born 26 Sep 1902 and married Eva Roselie Main, Trueman Reed Crafts born in 1904 and married Thelma May Manary, and Eugene Henry Crafts born 07 June 1907 and married Iris Fern Williams and later Rose Stafford. Marguerite and her husband are buried in the Pine Lawn Memorial Park cemetery in Rapid City. Glen Crafts is buried in Black Hills National Cemetery in Sturgis. Leta and Margaret I believe are both buried in Fall River county possibly Evergreen cemetery. Richard Jr. is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery along with a child. My records show that the infant was a daughter Vivian Ilene date of birth and death 07 May 1939 but it may have been a son. the wife is buried in Payette, Idaho. Trueman died 08 January 1943 in Seattle and was brought back to Fall River county for burial. Eugene is buried at Bridgeport, Nebraska. Eugene has a daughter buried in the HIllside cemetery near Oelrichs, SD. Ava Joan Crafts was either 9 months or 2 years of age upon her death 24 March 1936.
I am hoping someone can tell me when Richard Crafts Sr and his wife Adelheid passed away and where they are buried. I have no idea if any of the Crafts family graves are marked. I believe they would have lived near the Muhm rural school as this is mentioned in Eugene's obit. Anyone with any information on this family may email me at -- email: peggy-langenberg@msn.com.Smithwick Stockyards
Peggy Sanders -- November 27, 2003.Does anyone have a photo of the Smithwick Stockyards where cattle and sheep were shipped out on the railroad years ago? Thanks. Peggy Sanders, Oral, SD -- email: peggy@rapidnet.comSidney-Deadwood Stage Trail
Peggy Sanders -- November 27, 2003. Does anyone know where I could get a copy of a map of the Sidney-Deadwood Stage Trail? Thanks. Peggy Sanders, Oral, SD -- email: peggy@rapidnet.comTUNNEY
H. Tunny -- November 25, 2003. Searching for my Great Grandfather Thomas Tunney who according to family stories went to South Dakota sometime in the 1880's. Died there in 1910 and was shipped back to Indiana for buriel by a Mrs Edward Riter from J.L.Marcoux funeral home in Hot Springs. Cant seem to find any info on him. Would love to here from anyone no matter how little info you have. -- email: h.tunny@insightbb.comOELRICH (the family)
Uglee -- November 25, 2003. Good Day from AZ. I'm looking for the Oelrich family . My grandmother was born Effie Oelrich from Oelrich Store. We found Effie's husbands parents graves in Mound Minn. One being from Sioux Falls. We believe Oelrich's are buried in Oelrichs. Maybe you can help -- email: uglee@citlink.netPALMERS
Barbara Day -- November 25, 2003. Hi I was wondering if you could find Charlotte(Lotte) and Franklin/William Palmers death. I hace HIM as his death date in Oct, 1931 but do not know for sure. I found him in the 1930 census in the town and county. as for her, her death date was June 1931 same town. Would like to know where they are buried too if possible. She was born in Wisconsin and he was born in Ohio in 1850. Thank you, Barbara Day -- email: gingerda@rconnect.comFISHER
John Keech -- October 9, 2003. My Great Grandmother, Julia A. Fisher secured homestead claim for the Northwest quarter of section twenty-six in township nine, south of range six. Granted by Woodrow Wilson 24 April 1916. (160) acres. Register of Deeds - JA Ball. 16 Aug, 1916 at 11:oo am. Recorded in book 6 Pa? page 380. John Keech. -- email: JKeech39@aol.comZEIMET
Harriet Smalley -- October 9, 2003. would like obit of Michael David Zeimet born May 8 1921 died august 13 1990 of Pringle South Dakota called the newspaper but they wouldn't give out the info. We were friends during ww2 and learned that he had passed away by searching the Cemetery of Pringle. Harold Smalley -- email: hsmalley@comteck.comOrphanages (in Fall River, Hot Springs) Mook
Stu Marty (your favorite County Coordinator) -- September 18, 2003. I was contacted by a friend of the Fall River site, who has some people searching for information to locate any orphanages in Hot Springs, or elsewhere in Fall River area. They are specifically looking for any information about a Melvin Mook who would have been between 2-4 years old in 1919. Any help by any of you volunteer county assistants will be appreciated. -- mailto:stu_fr@wrightprinting.comSmall's Clothing Store
Shirley -- August 14, 2003. I'm looking for some information on a store that was here in Hot Springs. Not sure of the date. It was called: Small's First Class Square Shooting Clothing Store. I would like to know the date that it was in Hot Springs. Thank you, Shirley -- email: rclyde@gwtc.netROBINSON
Sue Wells -- August 4, 2003. I am seeking descendants of Samuel James & Emily Robinson, or information regarding the Robinson family. They are buried in the Evergreen Cemetery at Hot Springs, Fall River County, SD. Samuel James, born 5-Nov-1836 PA and died, 6-Feb-1922, Hot Springs. Wife, Emily, born about 1843 IL and died 27-Dec-1913 Hot Springs. Son, Daniel W 1872-1924 and wife, Estelle, 1880-1958 both buried at Evergreen Cemetery at Hot Springs. Daughter, Zella A, 1879-1921 also buried at Evergreen Cemetery in Hot Springs. I have information on son Joseph who died in Oregon. Any help on the family would be so much appreciated! Sue Wells, Elgin, Oregon -- email: powatka@eoni.comMORAN
Leora L. Boxer -- August 4, 2003. I am interested in finding information about John * Moran Jr. (*middle initial C. or E. ?). He was born July 01, 1846 in Granby, Shefford Co. Quebec, Canada to John Moran of Ireland and Margaret Latty Moran of either Ireland or Scotland. The family moved from Canada to the area of Eden Prairie, Minnesota in 1854. John Moran, Jr. was a veteran of the Civil War & family history indicates that he later moved to South Dakota where he became a rancher and raised a family. (We have an undated family picture which was taken in Hot Springs, South Dakota which showed the John N. Moran Jr., his wife, and five children. The picture was taken in Hot Springs, SD.) His father died in Minnesota in 1898 and his probate record state that his son, John, was 52 years old and living in Oelrichs, SD. I would like to know how I can obtain information concerning his marriage, birth of his children, land records, and death notices. Is there a cemetery in the area of Oelrichs, SD? Previous queries note other cemetery locations in the Fall River area. Leora L. Boxer, July 25, 2003 -- email: leorabxr@charter.netMORRIS
Cynthia Ginger -- August 4, 2003. I am looking for any information on Benjamin F. Morris and his family. He lived in Ardmore, S. Dakota, from the early 1920s until his death on May 31, 1940. His brother Charles H. Morris was my G. Grandfather. A copy of the local Obituary would probably be helpful. Thank You, Cynthia Ginger -- email: TKCJGinger1019@aol.comARDMORE
Cyrus Moore -- August 4, 2003. I'am searching for any information(books,printings) I can find on Ardmore, SD.I lived in Ardmore in the early 1960's.I understand that Ardmore was quite a bit larger than when I lived there.I am interested in what happened to the town and the people.I have been through Ardmore a number of times since I lived there.It's kind of sad to see these small towns fade away.Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.Once again, Thank you very much for any help. Cyrus Moore.1-402-362-3502 -- email: thunder68467@yahoo.comBETTS
Rev. David McDonald -- August 4, 2003. I am researching the family of Charles W BETTS, whose son, Ira Earle, and widow, Rose, are found on the 1920 Census. They were in Smithwick Township, and had land there beginning in 1904. I would be delighted to hear from anyone who may connect with them. -- email: bernard405@juno.comJOHNSTONE (Galyean, Funk, Poole)
Susan Griffith Johnson -- August 4, 2003. I have only recently learned to use the computer; so I just have come upon your site in the Fall River Co. quieries. In it, Judi Johnstone was wanting to know if anyone had info on the "Galyean, Funk, Poole". I tried to e-mail her but it wouldn't go through.The people in her quiery are my close relatives. Bessie is my Grandmother & Marion is my G-Grandfather.I hope you can help me get in touch with her. I live in Va. Bless you & thank you, Susan Griffith Johnson -- email: susie_q_j@yahoo.com)POND
Donna Tibbits -- August 4, 2003. I would like to hear from someone in the Pond family. I have pictures of Grover Pond in his WWI uniform and would like to get it to the correct people. Also I believe they were related to the Collingwood family of Custer area in some way. A few of these family members lived in Hot Springs at one time. Donna Tibbits -- Contact me at: startibbits@sktc.netHAAKENSON
Jeff Brandon -- MAY 18, 2003. Stu, maybe you could give me some help. I am trying to locate my grandfathers 1st cousin. His name is Martin Leonard Haakenson. I am told he worked in the pharmacy of the Veterans Home in Hot Springs. He was from Decorah Iowa and was born 19 Nov 1900 and died Approx. Oct. 1976. I think he may have been a bachelor. Thanks, Jeff Brandon Marion, IA -- email: branplad@mchsi.comLEWIS, SAWYER
Melanie Hoff -- May 18, 2003. I am trying to locate a gr.gr aunt and family. I have found them in the 1930 census living in WF Flats, Fall River County, SD. Does anyone know What and Where WF flats is located? Does anyone have any info on a Fred or Marie Lewis? Fred and Marie Lewis owned a ranch in Fall River County. They were originally from Nebraska. They had one son from Marie's previous marriage living with them at the time. The son's name was Ralph Sawyer. I believe he died young(about 23-24 yrs old) in 1931. I think he might be buried at Oral, SD. If anyone has any info on this please email me. Thank you for any help you can give me. Melanie -- email: mellan@sdplains.comWINFIELD, James S.
Mike Stoesz -- April 24, 2003. My grandfather and his bride homesteaded in Fall River Co. SD in 1912. The location is: SW 1/4, Sec 35, Twn 11 south, Range 7 east. Does anyone have a map or section of map they could email to me of this location? A topo map would be perfect. I would like to photograph the site for my 85 year old mother later this summer. But, if anyone is familiar with the area and could send me a photo of the general location it would be appreciated. My mother has 3-4 photos of her parents on the homestead showing a soddy, horse, creek, chickens. Many thanks, Mike Stoesz, Laramie, Wy. -- email: mstoesz@wyoming.comFULLEN
Warren Fullen -- April 12, 2003. I am trying to get more info about my grandfather Washington J. Fullen. He went to Hot Springs in 1898 (I think) because of an illness. He died there in August 1898. His body was returned to Sioux City, IA on Aug.23,1898. The records say it was because of Brights disease. How do I find out what place he went for treatment, just when was admitted and when he died? Thanks--W.J.Fullen -- email: wfullen@yahoo.coMERRILL
CAROL ENTRIKIN -- April 12, 2003. Any info on Merrill family of Hot Springs, S.D. and/or Flanagan? Lived there in the 1880's. Please respond: Carol Entrikin -- email: 2TENORS@PDQNET.COMDeath of Fay PARISH, died in CA, burried Fall River County
Pat Parish -- April 12, 2003. Looking for help locating anything that might have been printed in the local newspaper regarding the death of native born Fay PARISH. He was born in Fall River County 9 Mar 1894 and died in Contra Costa County, CA on 25 Feb 1947. His body was brought back to Fall River for burial. Does anyone have access to back issues of local papers who could check to see if anything was written about him? I'm willing to pay any expenses. Thanks in advance. Pat Parish, Accounts Receivable, CMA Business Credit Services, 40 E. Verdugo Ave., Burbank, CA 91502, 818-972-5300 X 643, 818-972-5309 FAX -- email: pparish@creditservices.orgDEEM
Noralee (Deem) Urban -- March 11, 2003. I am writing to you hoping someone there might have further information on my paternal grandfather: CHARLES MILLER DEEM, born March 17, 1876 in Edgemont. According to his death records (he died before I was born), his mother's maiden name was ANGRE. I have not been able to find any records searching on that last name. And, actually, I have nothing to prove that our family name, "Deem" was spelled correctly! The only records I have been able to locate on him start with the 1920 Census in Thatcher, AZ. I've been told that he ran away from home at 16 to fight in the Spanish American War, but have absolutely no idea where he might have enlisted. Hopefully, you might have old school records, voting records, or census records that may contain his parents first names to aid my research. Thank you, Noralee (Deem) Urban, San Pedro, CA -- email: noraleeu@aol.comJOHNSTONE (JOHNSTINE?)
Burkettd -- March 11, 2009. I am trying to learn about my family my grandfather name is Gordon Johnstone. I never meet anyone one he side of family his mother name is Katherine Williams then she married Charles Jonhstine my grandfather was born 1924 in Buffalo New York but before he was born she had one baby it die that is all I know can you please help me thank you for you time. email: Burkettd4@aol.comSCHOOLS question
Sandy -- February 18, 2003. I went to school in Buffalo Gap in the late 1950's i know that a friend of mine was transferred to the high school in Hot Springs before she graduated, because she graduated from HSHS. Could someone tell me why they were sent to Hot Spring??? I know that Buffalo Gap is in Custer County.. Thank you, Sandy -- email: Ben2sanh1@aol.comSTRICKLAND
Verna Strickland -- February 18, 2003. I am looking for the death of WILLIAM E. STRICKLAND in Fall River Co. BLM records show he had property in 1914. I would like to find the name of his parents. -- Verna -- email: strickland@wave.netBALDWIN
Patricia Baldwin Escamilla -- February, 5, 2003. I am looking for any information, a burial location, and descendants for my great- uncle, William L. Baldwin. He was the son of Amaziah Baldwin and Sarah Caroline Fairley [second cousins]. William was born in Dec. 1870 in Iowa when his parents were gradually moving from Highland Co., OH to Sargent, Custer Co., Neb. His siblings were Matilda Caroline Jenkins, Dr. Francis J. Baldwin, Linley M. Baldwin, Laura Mae Ottun, Burch A. Baldwin, and Sarah Maude Coday. William is listed in his mother's obit in 1920 as living in Hot Springs, SD. That portion of his father's obit has been lost from the article but I feel he may still have been in Hot Springs in 1928. I am the granddaughter of William's younger brother Burch [b. 1880]. Any information on this man would be greatly appreciated. Patricia Baldwin Escamilla -- email: elcamino@smithsys.netFULCHER & DENTON (Hot Springs Police Department)
SANDRA -- January 22, 2003. I would like to know where to write to check on my Grandfather & Uncle who at one time worked for the Hot Springs Police Force. Their years of service & what kind of record they had. Clarence (Shorty) Fulcher An officer in the 1940s. Alve Frank Denton (A.F. Denton). E-mail is: ben2sanh1@aol.comGERVASI (State Soldier's Home)
SANDRA -- January 22, 2003. Fanceseco Lazzaro Gervasi Was head gardener from 1926 to shortly before his death in 1956. Where would I get more info, about Him and the State Home and maybe some pictures of his work? Most people called him Frank. E-mail is: ben2sanh1@aol.comREITENBAUGH (Smithwick)
SANDRA -- January 22, 2003. I have been told that my Biological father lived in Smithwick in 1947 his last name is REITENBAUGH. his family (mom - dad -sisters- brothers) lived there too. He got married in 1947 when I was born he & his wife came to the hospital to see me. They say she was with child. it would have been born in 1948. can you help me with some info. on Smithwick in 1947 & the Reitenbaughs? my e-mail is: ben2sanh1@aol.comSTEVENS
Marlene Rucshner -- February 5, 2003. I am looking for any information regarding B. C. Stevens. He was killed at Indian Creek, December 19, 1876, while transporting supplies to a Fort. There is an article from The Black Hills Pioneer, Deadwood City, Black Hills S. D. dated December 29, 1876. It describes the incident and also says that his body and the body of someone named "Fritz" was taken to Hat Creek for burial. Any inf. about where I might look regarding cemetaries, burials etc. would be very helpful. Thank you, Marlene Rucshner -- rushs56@tx3.netGREENLEE
Jessica (Greenlee) Goodrich -- January 17, 2003. I am looking for the names of the parents and grandparents of Oscar Greenlee (at least part Lakota). His great grandson is Ralph Greenlee of Hot Springs, SD. I am Ralph's Grandaughter. I would like to know a bit about our Lakota heritage. Thank you, Jessica (Greenlee) Goodrich -- email: JGoodric@SourceMedicine.comSPAW
Mike & Donna Leatherman -- November 29, 2002. My great grandfather Enos Spaw is said to be buried in "Falls River County in a small old cemetery at Lake City, South Dakota." Can anyone tell me where this area is, and if this cemetery is still in existence, are there records somewhere? -- email: dabears@kconline.comI posted the above query, just in case there might be a connection to Enos Spaw and Fall River, but I also told Mike and Donna that Lake City, SD is in Marshall County. --stu, CC-GRAF
Shana Graf -- November 29, 2002. I am looking for an article that dates back to Thanksgiving 1950. My "great" uncle Marvin Graf was shot and killed when he was 17. His brothers were Ed Graf, John A. Graf (which is my grandfather) Don Graf. His sisters were Mildred Lewis, Darlene Humphrey, Alma and Edna ( who both died at a young due to thyroid problems. My Great-Grandmother was Katherine Graf and Great Grandfather was Don Graf.I know the last name of the person who shot him was Emery..Other than that I am clueless..Any information you have would help.. Thank you Shana Graf -- emailto: GrafBrat72@aol.comBARAGAR
Ronald & Ann Baragar -- November 29, 2002. We are in Texas and want to find all of our relatives in the South Dakota or any other areas. PLEASE email us with any information. Kindest Thanks -- email: ASDAREA15@aol.comTORRANCE, BREWER
Bill F. Avery -- November 29, 2002. I am looking for any information on a John W. Torrance. He lived in several areas - among them Hot Springs - Fall River Co. in the 1880's. John was born in New York on 6-8-1844 and fought in the Civil War. He married Sarah Sophron Brewer in Adrian, MI in 1879 and they had three sons - Alonzo, Wingor and Clyde. I feel the last place the family lived was probably South Dakota. I have in my genealogy records a letter dated 1863, from John W. Torrance to my GGrandfather while John was a prisoner of war in Illinois. I would like to see this letter go to any descendent of his family. If you have any information regarding this family, please let me know. -- email: bavery@cox-internet.comTRENT (Reed)
Adriana Farley -- November 29, 2002. I am looking for additional information on Dorus and Liona (Reed) Trent. This husband and wife both lived the latter years of their lives in Fall River County, SD, (1920 census: Robins Township) and are both interred at Hillside Cemetery, Oelrichs. Dorus died Dec 24, 1943, and Liona (also spelled Leona) died Feb 22, 1947. Would appreciate help with obituary information (newspaper name, date, page, column number), and am willing to pay for copies and mailing costs. Please respond to this format if you could possibly help. Thank you, Adriana Farley, Durham, CA -- email: FarleyA1@aol.comNOTE: It appears that Adrian Farley (FarleyA1@aol.com) has a blocking filter on her email. I was unable to contact her, as my email was refused. If others have this problem, please let me know and I will remove this posting. A NOTE to others, if you submit a query to this Fall River website, please be sure to set your filters carefully, so that people CAN contact you with information. Otherwise, you are just wasting a lot of helpful people's time. -Stu, County Coordinator-McREYNOLDS
Diane M.Gryczkowski -- November 29. 2002. My Great Grandmother, America M. McReynolds received a land patent for 160 acres in Fall River County, SD. I do not have any further information about this other than what I had already found on the Internet. -- MCREYNOLDS AMERICA M 05 119 N 066 W 002 160 272002 PA 6654 10/16/1889 -- I would assume that purchase date was 1889 but have no idea how to tell what city/township the land was in. Any assistance will be appreciated. email address: removed by requestAugust 4, 2003 UPDATE to the above posting
Diane M. Gryczkowski sent me the following email: I posted a message on your site looking for information on McReynolds. I see that my e-mail address is located on this inquiry. Could you removethis as I don't want this e-mail address given out. Thank you.
email address has been removed -- StuKISE
Jean Criswell -- October 17, 2002. I'm looking for an obituary or burial place of Samuel Kise, or any information on him. He was born Dec. 13, 1838 in Marion Co. OH, died Oct. 26, 1931 in Battle Mountain, Fall River Co. S.D. His wife was Sarah. Thanks for any help you can give. -- Jean Criswell -- email: pjdutt@verizon.netLEE Party (gold in Fall River?)
Bryant Arioso -- October 13. 2002. Do you have any articles relating back to 1863 in which some miners from Missouri traveled into the Fall River County. The first winter snows forced the men to abandon their claim. They worked in a stream where they found deposits of Gold. Do you have any history of this being recorded? Bryant Arioso -- bryant_arioso@hp.comPIRTLE
Robert Pirtle -- October 12, 2002. I am researching my great grandfather, Robert Lee Pirtle, born in Polk Co., Arkansas around 1870, and lived in South Dakota between 1900 and 1920. He wrote to his brother, Charlie Pirtle, in Arkansas from a hospital in Hot Springs, where I suspect he died, sometime between 1910 and 1920 (to the best of my knowledge). His body was sent back to Arkansas for burial in the Pirtle family cemetery in Old Dallas, AR, near Mena. He had moved west for health reasons (respiratory ailments). While living in South Dakota (and possibly other neighboring states), he was a sheep herder. I have an oil portrait of him with his sheep dog and covered wagon in what appears to have been a tree-less hill country. I can send a scanned image upon request. Any information about this person is appreciated. Robert Pirtle -- rpirtle@utsystem.eduHEINBUGH
Bob Haslett -- September 16, 2002. Interested in information on John Adam Heinbugh b8Sep1852 Ayr Twp PA d4Apr1913 Oelrichs S.D. John married Harriett L Williams b4Jul1881 Fulton Co PA d 6Jan1901 Knox CO NE and they had 7 children. George Lloyd, William Andrew, Luther Herman, Lester Leigh, Minnie Myrtle, Kate Mae, and Edith Blanche. John married Elin Anderson in 1902 and they had 5 children Elmer Harold, Alice Mildred, Adam Victor, Ethel Margaret, Sigurd L. Any information would appreciate a reply to -- ritah@northlink.comROBERTSON, LEE
Sharon Kittel -- September 16, 2002. I am searching for information on the families of Colonel Clark & Bertha Robertson, and Major Frank Lee. They were early pioneers who settled in the Ardmore area, between the years 1900-1910, according to land records. One daughter of Robertson family married the son of Lee family. The Robertsons stayed in the area and died there. The last I have been able to trace the Lee family is the 1910 census. Any death, cemetery, or marriage records/information would be very helpful. Thank you, Sharon Kittel email: skittel@windermere.comSIMONS
Karen Marie Birk Weatherford -- September 14, 2002. I am searching for information regarding my great-great-grandparents, Hendrikus Jacobus "Jacob" Simons, and his wife Maria Magdalena "Helen" VanEsser Simons. They immigrated from Kinroy, Limburg Province, Belgium to the U.S. via Halifax, Canada & Chicago in 1895, and settled in Dawes County, Nebraska. They owned a large sheep/cattle ranch that extended from Dawes County up into Fall River County. Jacob drowned while out inspecting fence one day, sometime prior to circa 1910, and Helen lived out her days in Oelrich/Aelrich, Fall River County, passing away in March of 1920. She was buried in Chadron, NE. They left behind 3 children: Renier/Raner, Mary Gertrude Renshaw, and Anna Maria Margaretha "Margaret: Faulkner. My line of descent is: Margaret, Marion Faulkner Birk, Arthur Birk, Jr., Karen Birk Weatherford. The family ranch is still in the family, owned by the grandson of Raner, Dale T. Brown of Whitney, NE. Any information would be GREATLY appreciated! Sincerely, Karen Marie Birk Weatherford, Tennessee -- email: kmbw57xs@cox-internet.comSTEWART, HOLLOWAY
Nannette Holloway -- September 14, 2002. Can anyone provide me the date of marriage of Cathy L Holloway to Russell A Stewart and their respective ages? Nannette Holloway -- gordho@sisna.comJACKSON, RICHER
Shirley -- September 3, 2002. My Grandfather was George W. Richer from Hot Springs. I've been working on my family tree for years. I got a lot of information from Helen Magee. What I'm in need of is any information on my Great Great Grandfather David Tillman Jackson. He was born on December 11. 1818 in Jasper County Kentucky and died In Hot Springs 0n September 23.1913. He had 5 children, 2 that I know were born in Colorado. If anyone has any information on his wife or parents. I would be deeply greatful. Thanks -- dsgert@webworkz.comProvo Defense Plant
Ralph -- August 13, 2002. Do you have or know where I can find any information regarding a defense plant or military base near Provo, SD? Thanks in advance for any info. Ralph -- rep@erols.comHINES
Jim Hines -- August 3, 2002. Seeking information on the Hines Cemetery located in Fall River Co. I am searching for a branch of my Hines family that left Virginia in the mid 1860's. We believe Daniel Wesley Hines might have served in the U.S. Calvary during the Indian wars and later settled in South Dakota. (At least that was the family story.) Other associated names were John Thomas Hines and a Frank Hines that would have lived in the 1900's in South Dakota. Please e-mail direct with any info. Jim Hines -- hines111@msn.comPARR, DAVIDSON
Dale Harguess -- July 17, 2002. I am trying to find a copy of a marriage record between Clarence Parr and Barbara Bristow Davidson. The marriage was in Dec. 1923. Do you have any advice? Dale -- DHarguess@koce.cccd.eduHorsehead Cemetery
Erin C. Gates -- June 17, 2002. Just wanted to see if you might know where (if?) there are records for Horsehead Cemetery. A cousin and I are trying to figure out who owns a couple of plots. Do you think that someone in Oral or Oelrichs is the caretaker? If you have any ideas of where we should ask, I'll appreciate hearing them! Thanks, Erin Cassity Gates, University of Wyoming, Coe Library Reference Department, P.O. Box 3334, Laramie, WY 82071 -- erinlo@uwyo.eduOld Soldier's Home
Alma Merrill -- June 16, 2002. Can any one tell meif there is a list some place of people who died at the old soldiers home and were they buried there on the grounds? Thanks Amerrill@innw.netGOODEN
Alma Merrill -- June 16, 2002. I'm looking for a marriage record between alma Bailey and Elbert/Bert Gooden.I think it was between l9l0 and l915.Thanks Amerrill@innw.netHEWITT, DEISTER, ULMER, HOFFBAUER, REED, WHITE
Linda Lowe -- June 3, 2002. Hi, I'm looking for marriage records on Jefferson T. Hewitt - Ida Deister, Maude A. Hewitt - Charles W. Ulmer, Lewis C Hewitt - Elizabeth Hoffbauer, Frank Deister - Delia Reed, Grace Hewitt - G.A. White. I would appreciate any help you can give me. I am writing from the Edgemont Library as this was where I came to start my search since they were here between 1900 - 1930. Thank you for any help you can give. Linda Lowe -- mailto:dcline@cox-internet.comPARISH, LINDSEY
Pat Parish -- May 31, 2002. Seeking descendants or persons related to Henry Lincoln PARISH who married Erepta M LINDSEY. They had a son, Fay Lindsey PARISH, born Mar 9, 1894 in Fall River Co, died Feb 25, 1947. He married Elsie O., born Mar 28, 1900, died Dec 17, 1969. Henry is supposed to have survived his son, but I don't know by how long. Did Fay and Elsie have any children? Fay is the only male descendant of Lanson L PARISH (PARRISH) who lived in NE. Please contact Pat Parish -- mailto:tvlwrtr@aol.comVENABLE, SALVESEN
Karla Volpi -- May 18, 2002. I am looking for information about Boyd Jesse Venable. He married Anna Marie Salvesen on March 19th, 1932 in Hot Springs. Unfortunately, that is all of the information I have about him. He would be my paternal grandfather. I would love to get a copy of the marriage license, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Thank you so much, Karla Volpi -- mailto:kvolpi@chescoSTODDARD
Tess (no last name provided?) -- May 11, 2002. I am searching for information on Everett Stoddard. He was born in Mass. or Vt about 1855 to Benjamin and Anna (a.k.a. Nancy) Stoddard. He is not listed with the family in 1870 so I am assuming that he left home before then. The story in the family is that he had a falling out with his brothers and ran off to the Black Hills. His mother's obituary mentions a son whose whereabouts were unknown. Any information would be appreciated. -- mailto:tess@sover.netBRELSFORD
J. Humphrey -- May 6. 2002. Looking for info. on birthrates ca 1905-1915 for Winifred, Ada Mary and James M. Brelsford II whose parents m. 1904 Fall River. Also need marriages for same. Related to Osmotherly, Springer and Hodnett family. Thank you. J. Humphrey -- mailto:JHumphre@ix.netcom.comLENSMAN/LENSMANN/LENZMANN
Jeff Lensman -- April 29. 2002. Peter Lensmann immigrated from Germany to Hot Springs, SD in 1887. He brought his wife, Mary (Koch), and a son Gustave with him to Fall River County. Their son, Jesse John Lensmann was born there on 22 February 1888. John was my grandfather. I am looking for any documentation that would still exist of this family while they lived there. I would like to find out where in Germany the family came from. I suspect they filed their Declaration of Intent to become citizens in this county, however I understand the court house burned and everything was lost. My grandfather's birth certificate was also lost. The family left Fall River County about 1895 bound for Oregon. Any info on this family would be appreciated. Jeff Lensman -- mailto:JEFFYL99@HOTMAIL.COMTURLEY, BLACKMAN
Mona Sarratt Knight -- April 28, 2002, Seek info on James TURLEY who homesteaded in So. Dakota; last known to be in 1920 census record for Fall River Co., Township Hot Springs, 4th Ward, enumerated with what appears to be a boarding house. Head of family in census is Mattie C. Allen, age 55; other residents are James TURLEY, age 73, and wife Emma TURLEY, age 53, listed as Boarder. James was born in Ireland, son of Michael Turley and Anne Watson Turley. James served in the Civil War. He married Margaret Anna BLACKMAN. Would appreciate any info. This is my ancestor. -- Mona Sarratt Knight -- mailto:MonaNAriz@aol.comDUNWOODY
Heather -- April 22, 2002. I am looking for any information about an Edwin Dunwoody who homesteaded in Fall River County in the 1880's. I believe he may be a great great Great Uncle! His neighbors according to land records were: Ira Tilotson, George Turner, Newton S. Miller, and Columbus C. Chambers. I have copies of Affidavits for Edwin Dunwoody written by Tilotson and Chambers if anyone is interested and related to those people. Ed Dunwoody was living alone at the time of his claim but had a married daughter somewhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Heather -- mailto:Beadlescarabrae@aol.comELLIOTT/STEVENSON/HARMON PLUM CREEK
Keith Sankey -- April 22, 2002. I am seeking information regarding Nellie Florance Elliott Stevenson Harmon and her daughter Horace Stevenson Boyer. Horace Harmon may have been adopted by Nellie's second husband Elmer Harmon. She married a Boyer. Nellie was born in 1876 and died Feb. 25 1924. Keith Sankey -- mailto:sankey222@aol.comGORDON
Delaine Tinsley -- April 15, 2002. I am looking for any information on the Josiah Gordon family who lived and ran a lumbering company and a black hills gold mine in the 1884 - to 1900s. My grandmother was born in Hot Springs along with 3 other sisters and brother. Thank you, Delaine Tinsley -- mailto:DDetDat@aol.comCARLON
Liz Farley -- April 14, 2002. Hello: My name is Liz and I am looking for a ancestor. My husband's Aunt is looking for her Dad's grave and wants me to go get a picture. She lives in Missouri and is 85 years old,.... Here is what he remembers. her Dad was Orris Carlon. She says He is buried in a little cemetery about five miles form Hot Springs. I am thinking like Oral. maybe.????? Aunt Nellie is 85 so her Dad would have to be around 100. He was married and born in Nebraska, She thinks... but says buried around Fall River.Do you have any advice for me.?? I did write to the Register of Deeds there, and waiting for a answer. Any help, I would love. I am a volunteer for Tripp CO, and enjoy my research and helping others.. Thanks for any inf. you can help me with.. Liz in Winner, South Dakota. -- mailto:frenchie@gwtc.netCOLLINS, SD (town or township)
Harold Ankeny -- March 25, 2002. Sometime in the 1880's my grandfather homesteaded in Sioux County just south of the SD line. in April 1890, he writes a letter from Collins, SD to his wife who had returned to family in northeast Nebraska. Evidently, the town no longer exists, but he mentioned that Burlington was building a railroad adjacent to his homestead. Collins must have been the nearest shopping community. -- Do you have any information about the location of this town? Was it near Ardmore? We plan to travel to the homestead location in May and would like to locate Collins. Thank You, Harold Ankeny, 1301 E Fulton, Newberg, OR 97132 -- mailto:habj48@open.orgHOSKIN or HOSKINS
Jackie Ginn -- March 25, 2002. Hilan Hoskin/Hoskins and wife Nancy George Hoskins were living at the Soldiers Home in 1910 per census records. They were not there in the 1920 census, so I assume they had died by then. Are there any online records of deaths at the Soldier's Home? -- mailto:bluelaker4@cox.netWILLIAMS
Ray Ann Alt -- March, 25, 2002. I am trying to find out more medical information about Thomas G. or J. Williams, my great great uncle who died at what was called Battle Mountain Hot Springs Sanitarium. I realize that this was not for the mentally impaired, but was called this for other medical problems.My great great uncle died there on 2/13/1917. I know from millitary records that he had suffered for many years with acute nephritis (kidneys) as well as was severely crippled and in pain with rheumatism, and a heart condition.He is buried on the property near the VA Hospital and although I live in Ohio, I would like to go there and pay my respects.
I would like to know if anyone out there knows how I can obtain any additional information as the VA hospital hasn't been able to help me....could there possibly be old records somewhere?? -- Sincerely, Ray Ann Alt, Bellevue, OH -- mailto:rayannalt@rocketmail.com
Gail Knights -- March 11, 2002. Looking for obituary for STELLA HAYES HELSEL of Edgemont, Fall River County, S.D. dod. May 1965 -- mailto:laig46@hotmail.comSPRAGUE
Billie Gooch -- March, 7, 2002. My G. G. granmother was Laurs McMakin Sprague . Would like any information on her daughter Catherine Isabell and her husband Albert Gay -- mailto:bgooch@if.rmci.netSTROUSE
Woody G. -- March 6. 2002. I resently started researching this side of my family who apparently setteled around Oelrichs, SD prior to 1890. Web site's like your's always add new light to any research. If you know of anyone else who is researching these families please fill free to foreward my E-mail address. Family names, Guthrie, Bonar, Strouse, Calhoun, Hunt, Campbell, Lumen, Page or Norman. Thank You Woody G. -- mailto:Dlwguthrie@aol.comGIBSON
Ruby Gibson White -- February 17, 2002. My gr gr uncle, William Riley Gibson, died at the soldier's home on March 16, 1903. I do not find in their on line burial list that he was buried there. The death notification to the civil war pension board said he left a wife and four small children at Edgemont. In my genealogical quest, I need to know if this is true, or if he was, as I had always believed, been a single man. Can you assist me in finding out if there were newspaper obits for that area which I might locate, or some manner in which to locate where he was buried? Meanwhile, thank you for the splendid work which I have found so far on the net. Unfortunately, he was not buried in the first two areas which are the only ones I am able to access. Ruby Gibson White, Point Roberts, WA -- mailto:dinosaur@whidbey.comTROMPTER
CBCB2 -- February 17, 2002. Seeking Wm. C Trompeter, died approx 1920 -- mailto:cbcbc2@msn.coJONES, SHORTON (SHORTEN)
Kerry -- February 17, 2002. I'm seeking information on the lives of my grandparents and great grandparents who lived in and around Edgemont from at least 1906 thru the mid 1970's. My Grandfather was Carl Frederick Jones who, at various times, was a blacksmith in Edgemont, served on the Edgemont School Board, and ranched near Burdock. He married Verda Shorton in 1916 (her family had been in Custer County since the 1880's) Carl had two sons, Lester Roy Jones who was killed in action in Italy during WWII, and Clair who lived in Edgemont and Igloo from 1919 until 1966.My Great Grandfather, John George Jones moved from Nebraska to Edgemont sometime before 1906. He was a blacksmith also, and the father and son were in that business together in 1916. John also ranched near Burdock (I believe in the 20's and 30's) John's wife was Margaret (Gutcher) Jones whom he had married in Nebraska. John and Margaret both died in Fall River County and I believe are buried in Edgemont cemetery. I believe they died in the late 1940's (possibly the early 50's) as my mother remembers them being alive when she was pregnant with my older brother in 1947. -- If anyone can direct me to information which would help chronicle the lives of these people, I would be most appreciative. -- mailto:kerry_dj@hotmail.comSMITH, FARRELL, HAMLIN
Kinney Cook -- January 24, 2002. I would like to learn about an ancestor of mine, William Farrell Smith, who lived for a period of time in Farrell, Crook County, WY, and died in Hot Springs, ND.I have research that shows that William Farrell Smith was involved with the town of Farrall at one time during the middle/late 1800's. Perhaps he was one of its founders. It's my understanding that he lived there for a period of time, but for how long or when, I don't know.He was born 26-June-1845, in England, and died 26-May-1911, Hot Springs, SD. He moved with his parents while he was quite young to Ohio and Iowa, and then later, as an adult, came to Wyoming. How long he stayed there, I don't know. His wife's name was Ciamantha Azelia Hamlin.
William's mother's maiden name was Farrell. Based on other research that I've done, William came to Crook County, Wyoming, and was perhaps involved in the founding of Farrell, and named it after his mother's maiden name. Of course, some of this is speculation on my part.
William's mother had three brothers, Charles Farrell (born 1817), William Farrell (born 1819), and James Farrell (born 1821). They were all born in England. Whether any of them ever came to the United States, I don't know. However, I was looking at the USGen website for Crook County, WY, and noticed that for the cemetery listings for Mt. Moriah, there are several Farrell's. So, perhaps one of William's uncles settled in Wyoming, and William went to visit them. Perhaps it was one of the uncles that was the founder of Farrall. Any information you can give me will be appreciated. -- Sincerely, Kinney Cook -- mailto:KinneyC@tomjamesco.com
Leroy W. Chief -- January 22. 2002. My name is Leroy Chief and I am looking for information regarding my Grandfather John Chief/Pine Ridge S.D. He was born in 1898 and died in July of 1976. Any information would be appreciated...his relatives and parents, etc.. His wife (my Grandmother) was Kathryn Weir born in August of 1886 and died in 1964, also of Pine Ridge, although do not know if that was her birthplace. Thanks for any help. -- mailto:bjlchief@wcta.netWOODY
Kelly Corean -- January 13, 2002. I'm searching for information on John Woody and his family. He was an indian agent and lived in Hot Springs between 1910 and 1920 (approx) His wife's name was Abby. Thanks, Kelly Corean -- mailto:techworks@vcn.comImmaculate Conecption Catholic Church records in Ardmore?
LaVerne -- January 2, 2002. I have been searching for the records for Immaculate Conecption Catholic Church in Montrose, Sioux Co., Nebraska. I was told that they were in Ardmore. We drove to Ardmore but found it is almost a ghost town. Does anyone have any idea where these records could be found? Thanks, LaVerne -- mailto:LMcatanz@aol.comFallen Soldiers Project
Kathy Beehler (representing Hot Springs Middle/High School) December 27, 2001. Thank you for responding to my e-mail. Along with other students in South Dakota, we are trying to locate information about the World War II soldiers who sacraficed their lives. My class is specifically assigned to locate information about soldiers from Fall River County. We will complete a biography about the soldier along with a picture. Once we finish the biographies, we will send them to Pierre. They will all be compiled in Pierre and put on a website to memorialize the "fallen soldiers". There is also a book being created with each soldier's biography. I have listed the students below that we are working to create biographies for. Any help you can give us in locating information about any of these soldiers is greatly appreciated.In Fall River County, we are actively seeking information regarding: Gerald L. Cox, Arthur M. Dantzler, John C. Glasby, James E. Glattly, James, Jr. Gonzales, Lester R. Jones, Kenneth K Kasitz, Karl J. Kline, Ludwig O. Krein, Dwayne D. Lester, Ralph E. McKay, James B. Morris, Willie Dee Pack, Lyle M. Paulson Stephen R.E. Pease, Harold V. Fetzner, John F. Gira, Carl Hasselstrom, Donald D. Jerred, Robert K. Kidwell, Kenneth E. Kuper, James M. Libolt Jr.,, Nelson M. and Thomas H. Linton (brothers), Ormand Mattox, Stanley F. Mendenhall, Frederick Miller, Andrew S. Morgan, Harold R. Newberg, James F. Overlin, William L.,Peters, Oriel A. Roadifer, Ralph L. Soper, Joe W.Stangle, Stuart S.Tanner, Earl J. Two Bulls, Thomas H. Winterberg, Glen M. Peyton, Thomas Pfeiler, Raymond H. Sprecher, Robert Swigert, Luster W. Walker, William H. Wilcox, Jr, Daryl Wineteer.Thank you! Kathy Beehler -- mailto:kbeehler@hssd.k12.sd.us
JOE SCOTT -- Grave Markers
Bart Popowski -- November 12, 2001. I'm looking for a date-of-death & obituary/biography of Joe SCOTT. He lived in Edgemont and is buried in the cemetery there. My main interest is learning about the grave markers he made. Several are in the Edgemont cemetery, but are there any in other cemeteries? If anyone knows about Joe, his markers, or anyone else who made grave markers-especially the quartz in concrete style-I would love to learn more. Thanks very much. Bart Popowski, Hermosa -- mailto:bartp@hotmail.comMESS
Ruth -- November 11, 2001. Looking for info on Johanna Lehman Mess and her daughters, Julia, Agnes, Matilda, Hanna, Hattie, and Emma. Johanna Lehman married Detloff Mess in Germany in 1874. They immigrated to Michigan and stayed there for 12 years, during which Detloff died. After his death Johanna and her 6 daughters moved to Smithwick and then to Hot Springs. Johanna died there in 1932. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thank you.. Ruth -- mailto:groucho02391@cs.comEVERGREEN MORTUARY
Joyce Peterson -- November 1, 2001. I am trying to locate the records for Evergreen Mortuary. It was doing business in Hot Springs in 1913. Can anyone tell me the address for this business? Thank you. mailto:geniebug@gte.netHINES
Don Hague -- November 1, 2001. Looking for any information on William Daniel Hines lineage, homesteaded in the Oral area. Particularly interested in records of Eliza (Lizzie) Hines birth believed to be April 9, 1891. Our records indicate confusion as to her given name, either Eliza or Lizzie. Thank you for any information you can provide. mailto:don32119@home.com -- ( address updated 1/13/2002 )FORNEY
Joann Pomeroy -- November 1, 2001. FORNEY, A. (Alva) Clark --- Born in Holt Co., MO in 1871. Married Nellie Hartman in 1903 in MO. His family and he were on the 1920 Federal Census in Harmony Twp., Fall River Co., SD. I understand he was a Lieutenant Governor of SD 1925-1927. Also, understand he is buried in Eugene. OR. According to the 1920 census his children were Margaret E., Frank H. (understand Frank died in the Korean War), Benjamin H., and John C. (might be Clark). His sister-in-law and her children were living with him at that time, too. -- I would appreciate any information on Clark, Nellie and their children. Did he hold any other offices? Did he have any more children? -- Are any of them buried in SD. Does anyone know if any family stayed to live out their life in SD? Thank you in advance. Clark is my husband's great uncle. -- mail to:glen.pomeroy@juno.com (Joann)GILLETT-FURLONG
Gail -- October 3, 2001. Grandparents children died in this area in 1909-sept. 9th and 16th. Names were Teddy and Paul Gillett.Parents names,David Edward and Agnes Wallace Gillett. We found an old letter written by our grandmother stating that Paul died on the 9th and buried at edgemont but planned to take his body from there and put him with brother Theodore at Pringle. Teddy died on the 16th.Family was living in Hot Springs ,Custer area. The older boy Edward was still in the hospital at Hot Springs at this time,he survived. We checked the Pringle cemetery records ,found a teddy that was much too old to be our teddy.Their births were 1906 &1908 Both born in Washington State. There are cemetery plots together that state Unknown but I don't know where to write to find out if this is our boys. Thank you for any help.Gail -- mailto:GaiandFai@aol.comCOOK, WARD
Debbie Wilkinson -- September 9, 2001. I am looking for any information about Lula Mae Ward and Walter Andrew Cook, my great grand parents. My grandmother, Beatrice Lorraine Cook was born in Edgemont in 1911.
My Grandmother, Beatrice Lorraine Cook, was born in Edgemont SD in 1911. Her Parents were Lula Mae Ward and Walter Andrew Cook (this information is from her Social Security Application). I will be calling the County Offices to get a copy of Gram's Birth Record, if one exists, but would be interested in any information about the two families that there might be. I have no information about my great grandparents and where they originated from or their nationality.
This family is one of the last lines that We need to research to finish our family history and I am anxious for any information that You might be able to forward. I will await your response eagerly. Thank you for your time. Debbie Wilkinson -- mailto:debbie@sisqtel.netBRELSFORD -- In Evergreen Cemetery
J Humphrey -- September 1, 2001. Is there a bk with burials for Evergreen Cem. Hot Springs? Would like a lookup if there is one. Looking for James M. Brelsford d. 30 Sept 1905, wf Emma d. 22 Feb. 1932; dau. Beryl d. 22 oct 1901, son Chas. d. 25 Dec. 1910, his wf Helen d. 30 March 1928. They had 3 ch. Winifred, Ada Mary and James M. Would appreciate. I live in Fl. Jackie Humphrey -- mailto:JHumphre@ix.netcom.comHarmony Township
Alan Gilliland -- August 30, 2001. Where is it, relative to other places? Is this a ghost town? mailto:Alan.Gilliland@telegraph.co.ukSCHELL, MACKEY
Andrea Garrett -- 8/27/01. Hello. I am looking for the marriage date of my great-great-great aunt and uncle. They were married in Hot Springs, South Dakota, in Fall River County. If you write back, I can give you the names, and hopefully you can help me. Thank you very much. -- Alex Andrea Garrett
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
My great great aunt and uncle were named Mildred Kirkland Schell and John Kenneth Mackey. I am looking for their marriage date. They were married in Hot Springs South Dakota. -- Andrea Garrett -- mailto:IvyQueen22@cs.comKING
No Name Given -- Aug. 13, 2001. I am looking for a death record on my Grandfather. The only name I have is Dell Joseph King or Joseph Dell King.He died in a sanitarium of tb in late 20s or early 30s. I know his wifes name was Gladys Adeline Fisk King. This was some where around Martin SD. I would appreciate any help I may receive. My email address is Sunnymom50@aol.comNOTE: I am not sure about the TB sanaterium, but Martin, SD is in Bennett County .-- just old stu, cc
VOPALENSKY -- "A Woman named Ester"
Margie Mitchell -- August 9, 2001. I'm looking for info on my grandfather Gus L. Vopalensky. We know very little about his life there in Hot Springs, but it was in the early to mid '30's He married a woman named Ester (?) who was believed to be a teacher - not sure what school or grade. They had a baby girl not long after their marriage (?). While he was there he would have had at least two of his boys (from a previous marriage -- she died from lock jaw not a year before) Clifford and Lawrence (Bufford) with him. Clifford was approx. 3/4 and Lawrence 2/3. I don't believe he had his youngest son Ralph who approx 1 year old. The circumstances of this time was a much guarded secret, and Guss/Clifford/and Ralph have all passed away. Lawrence is still alive and would just like to put some memories together and possibly find the 1/2 sister he has. Many thanks! Margie &endash; email: mrsmoose@alaska.netPHIPPS
Joyce Wallace -- July 27, 2001. KENNETH PHIPPS: 18 Oct 1930 - 13 Apr 1996; 57747 (Hot Springs, Fall River, SD), SSN Issued in Michigan. Need to locate a member of this man's family, or need an obit which might give me a lead as to where they can be found. Researching his paternal grandmother's line back to 1790. He had a sister named Nova Lee Phipps. Father was Cecil Phipps, mother was Ida Ison. Other siblings are possible, with only two more in my records, both of whom I believe died in infancy. ANY leads greatly appreciated! Joyce Wallace -- mailto:joycew@bellatlantic.netRITCHIE, CAPLE
NFe7323980 -- July 22, 2001. Looking for information on both Grace Ritchie Caple who married Leon Roebuck, Grace died 1922 in Fall River Co., or Shannon Co. Leon was a trapper on different ranches and in 1918 Postmaster in Fulsom, SD. -- mailto:NFe7323980@aol.comGILBERT, OLD SOLDIER'S HOME
Stephany Gilbert Bierman -- July 20, 2001. Am searching for information the Old Soldier's Home. It is family history that my GGrandfather, John GILBERT, a veteran of the Spanish-American War, died there. I am searching to locate information/history about the home, where it is located, what individuals were able to live there and why, and where it's deceased were buried. I would also like to find out if there are places online that you can search for these records. Much thanks in advance for your reply. -- mailto:biermans@itdudes.netSANDERS
Ron Semler -- July 14, 2001. Looking for the phone number and address and whereabouts of Loren Sanders of Hot Springs, SD. -- mailto:singer154@home.comTHOMAS
Sheila Baragar -- July 6, 2001. Joseph Frank Thomas b 1843 in France m Johanna H Kintoff 9 Jul 1899 and settled in Fall River County. Any info on this family would be appreciated. -- mailto:heartflower@Juno.comBAUMGARD(t) in Edgemont
Ron Chambers -- July 1, 2001. My web site has info on the Baumgard(t) family. BAUMGART:: http://home.swbell.net/rfchmbrs/baumgard_genealogy.htm Ron Chambers -- mailto:rfchmbrs@swbell.netKOSBERG (defense plant or WPA, CCC work in Provo)
Rod Folkerts -- June 26,2001. Hello, My name is Rod Folkerts. My grandfather spent time working in or near Provo South Dakota in the early 40's, the general consensus of our family is that he worked for the CCC or the WPA at a "Defense Plant" in Provo South Dakota. It is thought that he became ill and spent time at the Sanitarium in Hot Springs South Dakota. I would like to know if the CCC or the WPA did any projects in Provo or if there was a "Defense Plant" in Provo South Dakota or near there. Was there a Sanitarium in Hot Springs and is it possible to get any kind of medical records or any documentation of their records. My Grandfathers name was Pete Kosberg and he went there with his brother-in-law Louis Pederson, they were from Hendricks MN. It is thought that "the word" went around that they were looking for men to work at a "defense plant" in Provo South Dakota and they went. -- mailto:rnd@lagunawest.comREEDER
Lin Moser -- June 20, 2001. Does anyone know the children's names of Kizzie and Charles H. Reeder. Kizzie died in Hot Spings in 1978. Thank you for any information you can provide. -- mailto:Wittrl@aol.comSKINNER
Denise -- June 2, 2001. I'm not sure that I have the right person for this particular look-up, but I must start somewhere. First let me introduce myself, I am Denise Neet of Pawnee Oklahoma. I am a board member of the Pawnee Co. Historical Society and I am doing research on the Pawnee Co. sheriffs, deputies and undersheriffs from 1893 to the present. I have an listing of Mr. Ed A. Skinner being the undersheriff for one of our sheriffs, Chas. I. Pumroy. Our local paper has a partial obit for Mr. Skinner and it states that he died 2 August 1918 in Hot Springs, SD. At that time, he was the editor of the Edgemont Enterprise at Edgemont SD and that he is buried in "the cemetery near Hot Springs". I am in need of the obit put in the Edgemont Enterprise and also the Hot Springs paper. I am also in need of a photo of his tombstone, if he has one. "I don't want much do I?" I am perfectly willing to pay for this service and was hoping that you could provide me with the name of someone who could accomplish this for me. I can be reached at rocman@cimtel.net . I hope to be hearing from you soon. Thanking you, in advance, and best regards, Denise -- mailto:rocman@cimtel.netDANIEL, DILL
Patricia Toman Eck -- May 31, 2001. Looking for information about Julia Daniel from Hot Springs. She married A. B. Dill in Minot, ND in 1911. -- mailto:eckdonovanpat@qwest.netBURDITT
Orvill Willman -- May 30, 2001. Could someone in Fall River, help me find the burial place of my gg-grandmother??? Hattie died -------15 July 1910-----and I have been told by two relatives she was buried in Fall River----but have not been able to find her.......she homesteaded in Marcus. S. Dak.....and other relatives are buried there.....but no Hattie Burditt....... I looked for her obit in Fall River also, but no luck as of yet...............Help........... please email me at ojw@pvtnetworks.net if you know anything about Hattie...........Thanks -- mailto:ojw@pvtnetworks.netWILDER
Robert Aaron Wilder -- May 21, 2001. My Grandfather Frank Wilder was born there in November 27th,1907. Would you please send me any & all information about him & other Wilders that you may know about? It would be greatly appreciated. Thank You! Sincerely, Robert Aaron Wilder -- mailto:rwilder01@email.msn.comEvergreen Cemetery (Look-Up)
Jodi Sides -- May 17, 2001. I currently live in Hot Springs and thought I would volunteer myself to look around the Evergreen Cemetery if anyone needs me too. I plan to inventory the cemetery this summer and get it on the web. Please let me know if I can be of ANY help to anyone. Jodi Sides -- email: toogirls2000@yahoo.comBUTTOMER
Margaret Oliver -- May 13, 2001. I am researching the BUTTOMER family surname. Specifically, a JAMES BUTTOMER, who can be found on the 1900 SD census in Fall River. I believe this man is my husband's great uncle. He was living as a boarder with a family named Larson. His age was 48, unmarried, occupation sandstone cutter, born in Ireland. I am hoping to find his death certificate and any other info available. Thanks in advance for any info. Margaret Oliver, South Thomaston, Maine -- mailto:peggyjune@peoplepc.comPETERSON
Sarah Adkins May 5, 2001. I use to live in South Dakota back in 1998. We (my family) are currently living in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I'm not sure how many times I have search the Internet for my grandfather's obituary. He died in 1997 around July or June and I was wondering if you could maybe help me find his obituary. It was printed in the "Hot Spring Star" but I still not able to find it. So, if you could help me and if you do find it could you send it or the link to me. Thank you so very much. His name is (i think this is how you spell it) Theadora Peterson. Sarah Adkins -- mailto:MABEAR111460@aol.comROMUS -- a location in Fall River area
Marion E.Travis -- May 5, 2001. Has anyone ever heard of a town or village, or locality in Fall River County by the name of Romus? -- mailto:metravis@westriv.comCUMMINGS, STEWART
Wanda Cummmings Arsenault -- April 26, 2001. I'm looking for descendants of the my great-great-uncle Duncan Cummings and his wife Jane Catherine Stewart. They were from Eight Island Lake and Lochaber, Nova Scotia, Canada but emigrated to the American west sometime in the early 1900's. They had the following children: Stewart, Mabel, Earl, Elsie, and Ethel. I know that Ethel married Don Reed from Bakersfield, Oregon. They both came home to Nova Scotia on two occassions. I have no information about the other family members. We think that they settled in South Dakota and have found a SSDI for an Earl Cummings in Fall River County. If anyone has any information about this family, or knows that I'm on the wrong track with Earl, please let me know. I apprecaite any help you can give me. Thanks, Wanda Cummmings Arsenault, New Brunwswick, Canada -- mailto:wanda&ron@brunnet.netGIBSON, RILEY
Ruby Gibson White -- April 25, 2001. My grandfather, Frank Burdett Gibson, who lived first at Hill City, settled at Minnekahta. Also in the area were brothers William Riley Gibson and James Florence Gibson.Their sister, Alma Helen Gibson was known by the family as Emily. William Riley died at the Soldier's home in Hot Springs on March 17, 1903.In documents he prepared in a civil war pension application, he stated in June of 1898 that he was not married and had no children, living or dead. However, when he died, the commandant at the home informed the Commissioner of pensions that he left a wife and four small children at home in Edgemont.
This is apparently an error as there were no widow claims.. James Florence Gibson died October 17, 1911 in Hot Springs. He left a widow, Josephine, whom he married in 1897. I would like to know whether he left any children. Alma Helen, whom they referred to as Aunt Emily, was living in the area around 1918. I can find no record of her anywhere. Any information at all concerning these Gibsons, other than Frank B., would mean a lot to me. -- Ruby Gibson White -- mailto:dinosaur@whidbey.com
Sune Johansson -- April 19,2001. I received from South Dakota State Archives research State Census from 1925, 1935 and 1945 about the Nelson family: August Nelson age 39 Fall River Oral Hot Springs Township Beaver -- Jennie Nelson (Gustaveson) age 36 , Elmer Nelson age 8, Agnes Nelson age 6, same information in 1935. In 1945 August Nelson age 59 Fall River Hot Springs Township 7 - 6, nothing about the son Elmer in 1945. How to do after 1945 for more research. -- mailto:Sune.Johansson@ronneby.seBROADUS
Nancy Woods in California -- April 3, 2001. I am looking for any information on a William and Hattie Broadus that were born in 1858 in Iowa and married in 1880. Their children were Mildred Lee Broadus, Bonnie, and perhaps a son. They were living in Hot Springs in the early 1900s. Mildred married LeRoy Charles Eastman in Hot Springs in 1912. Their daughters were born there in 1914, Eloise, and in 1921, Mary Lou. The Eastman family has a long Hot Springs history as their 6 children were born there and went to the school on the hill. I am currently looking for info on the Broadus side.My grandfather was LeRoy Charles Eastman, born in Hot Springs 1/28/1889. He was the son of Charles Sumner Eastman and Agnes Mary Colgan Eastman. Charles Sumner Eastman was the Post master in Hot Springs 1897-1901. LeRoy Charles married Mildred Lee Broadus in 1912 in Hot Springs. Mildred was the daughter of William and Hattie Broadus. I am looking for any information of this Broadus family. Please email NANINEUREKA@aol.com
LaVerne -- April 2, 2001. John Konrath was born 27 Dec. 1878 in Schleisingerville, Wisconsin. His parents were Herman Konrath and Theresa Graf who homesteaded at Montrose, SIoux Co. NE. in 1886. John married Marie Mc Neal and they had 4 known daughters, Margaret, Katherine, Helen and Alys. They are in the 1920 census in Indian Creek in Fall River Co. Appreciate any information on what happened to them after 1920.Jacob Konrath was born 17 Feb 1900. On 3 May 1924, he married Edna Blanche Pattnoid at Ardmore. They had 5 children: Rex, Eleanor, Ralph, Patricia and Nila Marie. Looking for any information on this family.Cyril Kane was born 3 June 1910. On 14 Oct 1935 he married Gertrude Mary Konrath at St. Aloysius in Ardmore. They had 2 children, Crystal and Jim. Jim Kane married Barbara (?). Looking for info on Crystal and Jim. They were married by Father Biever. Cyril worked on a Sandhills ranch during the early years of their marriage and then for Bill Konrath who had a large sheep ranch. After Bill retired, they rented his ranch and continued to raise sheep as well as race horses including a couple of winners. Cyril and Gertie bought her family's ranch at Rumford and the Pines ranch south of Edgemont. They introduced Black Angus cattle to the region. Shortly before their deaths, they bought a home in Edgemont. Thanks, LaVerne -- mailto:LMcatanz@aol.com
Looking for diaries journals, letters (re: area history)
Peggy (Wyatt) Sanders -- March 31, 2001. Now I have another one. I would like to locate any diaries or journals or letters written by parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc. that I could either have you copy and send to me or that I could borrow for a few days. I am compiling as many as I can in order to prepare a book that would be much more detailed than the area history books. Of course I am discreet and sensible enough to not include personal things in my writings. I am a freelance writer.Please contact me with any information you might have. When I learned of letters that had been written by a Buffalo Gap man about WWII, and the letters from his parents in response, being sold on ebay, I was appalled. Somehow the letters got to a storage locker in Utah and were auctioned from there. We must try diligently not to let that happen. -- Peggy (Wyatt) Sanders, HC 56 Box 86, Oral, SD 57766 -- mailto:peggy@rapidnet.com
EDITOR NOTE: Peggy, see Frank;s posting below <g> -stu-WOODRUFF, MARCUM & Ardmore, S.D.,
Frank D. Woodruff -- March 30, 2001. I have some information about the area around Rumford, South Dakota. In the early 1900's my dad lived close to there on a homestead. It's harsh country. My Grandmother sister and husband owned a store in Rumford. She died in Rumford. The letter was to my Fathers third wife and told about his early life in that area. I would like to send the whole letter to you and you can use what you need. The letter will come as picture's .jpg It makes for easy opening.<editor SNIP>. I am interested in the History of Ardmore S.D. I know it's a Ghost town now, But I am wondering, what kind of shape it's in now. I passed thru that area in about Oct 1991. I have also a Post Card from Provo listing some of the Postmaster's, one was Allen P. Marcum a relative of my Grandmother who was a Marcum. When I last went thru Rumford there were three people living there and only three houses. I talked to the couple at this one house and they showed me the plans that were to be for houseing plot's in Rumford. If you want this letter let me know and I'll send it to you either one page at a time or five, what ever is best for you Have enjoyed your Page. Frank D. Woodruff, Monett, MO -- mailto:fdwdew@sofnet.comEDITOR NOTE: I have posted the entire letter, which was sent to me by Frank Woodruff, on the Fall River County "FUN PAGE." It is a delightful read for those interested in local history at that time. -Stu-
Early Hot Springs & Blacks Hills Book Source
Peggy Sanders -- March 22, 2001. Black Hills Book and Treasures, 605 North River St. Hot Springs, SD 57747 http://www.blackhills-books.com or (605)745-5545 opened less than 1 year ago. They have all of the area history books (Buffalo Gap, Oelrichs, Oral & Smithwick, etc.) for sale as well as many, many other area/Western books. They also do book finds for people. I have no economic interest in the store, just want to let you know they are there and are good people. Tell them I sent you and they will get a kick out of that. I am a freelance writer and have written about them for area publications.Also, the Hot Springs Star has reissued the book "Early Hot Springs", a history from 1874-1920. It has many photos and is scheduled to be our in early summer. phone is (605) 745-4170. Their website at www.hotspringsstar.com is having some problems so for now the address is: www.gwtc.net/~hsstarAgain, I have no economic interest in the Star but thought you folks would like to know this information. Peggy Sanders -- Oral, SD -- mailto:peggy@rapidnet.com
Your favorite County Coordinator adds: Thanks for the heads-up tip, Peggy. I would like to mention that I have bought several out-of-print historical books about South Dakota counties and towns from CJ'S Bookstore, 147 Dakota South, Huron, SD 57350 ( email -- cjsbooks@basec.net ). Also, as many of you know, my opinion of the Hot Springs Star, and the way they react to people searching for family history is pretty low, but this "Early Hot Springs" book is a good resource, I am glad they are reissuing it and I credit them for doing so at a reasonable price for what must be a pretty small press-run.. -- Just Old Stu --Locally Made Tombstones?
Bart Popowski -- March 19, 2001. I'm interested in learning about the locally made tombstones of Fall River and Custer counties. I'm referring to the ones that are made using quartz, agate, and other local stones. Any information on who made them, where they were made, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much. Bart Popowski Hermosa mailto:bartp@hotmail.comJUMPING ELK
Steve Pearson -- March 14, 2001. I am looking for the family of or any information on NOAH JUMPING ELK B 05 Jan 1914 D Apr 1967. He may have had a son EVERARD JUMPING ELK B19 Mar 1934 D10 Jan 2001 he lived in Fall River SD. I have a drawing made by Noah in 1938. I believe it was that same drawing that was published in the book "Legends of the mighty Sioux Compiled by Workers of the South Dakota Writers." I am still researching that.I am attempting to put as much information as posable with the drawing just to preserve it for history. I need to find any info I can on Noah and where he lived so I may be able to put a location on the drawing. -- Thanks, Steve Pearson, Bradenton, Florida -- mailto:AMAmail@aol.comASH
Margaret Haworth -- March 12, 2001. I am looking for information on my grandfather Merro Ellsworth Ash. I have been told that he lived in the Hot Springs - Oral Area in the late 1930's or early 1940's. I was also told that he was a painter and that there were some of his paintings on display in some of the local areas business back then. Information on him is very scarce. I was also told that he went crazy and died in approx. 1941 or 1942 and that he is buried in the Hot Springs Area.I have also been told that there was a photography studio (Stevens?) in Hot Springs as well. Apparently my mother (Mary Margaret Ash) had a portrait done there in the early 50's and it was exhibited in the store window.I would be very grateful if you could enlighten me in any of these areas of interest. Any information that you could provide would be very much appreciated. I would like very much to locate paintings or photos as well as info. Thank you, Margaret Haworth Portland, Oregon -- Phone: 503-603-4951 -- mailto:margaret.haworth@precisionint.com
Harold Punches -- March 2, 2001. My great grandpa was buried there 07 sep 1894. Martin l. Punches row 11 grave 39 in the State Veterans Home Cemetary in Hot Springs. Would appreciate any information as to his geneology, relatives, cause of death, his spouse or children, thank you, Harold Punches -- mailto:ibe80@cs.comCOATES
Margie (Huff) Yongu -- February 20, 2001. I'm researching FRED and MARY TAYLOR MARSDEN "COATES".. Both were born in England and they arrived in Edgemont, S.D. May 26, 1904. He was a blacksmith there till Apr., 1907, when he filed a homestead entry on Soft Water Valley, two mi. west of Provo. Mary died on March 31, 1929. Their children were ALBERT HERRICK, WILFRED ALLAN, and DORIS EVELYN. He married ALICE DICKINSON in 1930. There was one child from that marriage, FRED KELVIN, who still lives in S.D. In 1939, he became postmaster of Provo and in 1944 he was transferred to Igloo, S.D., where is was postmaster till he died in 1951. My mother is DORIS E. and she married JAMES WALTER HUFF in Hot Springs, S.D. My parents, along with their two oldest children, left South Dakota, in 1934 and moved to N. Idaho. I'm looking for additional info abt. this family, especially Fred and Mary. ALSO, my goal right now is to find the name of the ship they came from England in and to see their names on the ship's list. Thanks, Margie (Huff) Yongue -- email: MYongue@msn.comHUFF
Margie (Huff) Yongu -- February 20, 2001. When my father, JAMES WALTER, and his family came to S.D., he was 13 so that would have been 1916 or 1917. They lived on a farm west of Provo, S.D. JAMES D., my grandfather, lived in this area, except for a short period in St. Louis, Mo., until he died in 1926. My parents were married in Hot Springs and had 3 children(1st died at birth) before leaving S.D. From info that my mother, DORIS E. COATES HUFF, wrote, they lived on the Jim Mullady place for awhile and then to the Becker place nr. Provo. They left S.D. in 1934 for N. Idaho. JAMES D.'s wife and my grandmother, EMMA TEMPERANCE COLES (LAMB, VONROTHBERG) HUFF, moved with the family and she died in 1947. I have some info that I would like to share and if anyone has any additional info, I would like to hear from you. Thanks, Margie (Huff) Yongue -- email: MYongue@msn.comOSMOTHERLY
Pam O'Meara -- February 20, 2001. I'm looking for information on Frederick and Ada Osmotherly and their children, including Dorothy, Sarah Mabel and Susannah. Frederick and Ada homesteaded there in the early 1890s and were members of St. Luke's Episcopal Church.Frederick and Ada Osmotherly went to Hot Spring in 1891 and.a short time later homesteaded in Horse Camp Draw across thr Cheyenne. Several years later they moved to Hot Springs, where they lived the rest of their lives. He died 12/28/30 and she died 1/13/31. He was clerk of court, justice of the peace and U.S. commissioner. She was active in social affairs and the Shakespeare Club and both were active in St. Luke's Episcopal Church. They are buried in Evergreen Cemetery. That's all I know. They were my great grandparents. They had 9 kids, including Sarah Mabel, Susannah and my grandmother Dorothy. All the kids but Sue were born in England.Would love to get some information about Frederick's work and Ada's social activities. Wonder if there are any newspaper articles I could get copies of -- or anything else available, maybe Sue's birth certificate. She was born 10/23/1895. Thanks so much for any checking you can do. Pam -- mailto:pammieo@aol.com
Margie Mitchell -- January 30, 2001. I'm looking for info on my grandfather Gus L. Vopalenky. We know very little about his life there in Hot Springs, but it was in the early to mid '30's He married a woman named Ester (?) who was belived to be a teacher - not sure what school or grade. They had a baby girl not long after their marriage (?). While he was there he would have had at least two of his boys (from a previous marriage-she died from lock jaw not a year before) Clifford and Lawrence (Bufford) with him. Clifford was approx. 3/4 and Lawrence 2/3. I don't believe he had his youngest son Ralph who approx 1 year old. The circumstances of this time was a much guarded secret, and Guss/Clifford/and Ralph have all passed away. Lawrence is still alive and would just like to put some memories together and possibly find the 1/2 sister he has. Many thanks! Margie -- mailto: mrsmoose@alaska.netTUCKER, CARTER
Cindy Bostrom -- January 20, 2001. I am looking for information on the circumstances surrounding the deaths of Stephen A. D. Tucker and his wife Annie E. Carter. Both are buried in Edgemont and the tombstone says they both died on Mar 29, 1908. My grandmother remembers hearing stories that they were murdered. Can anyone help, please? -- mailto:scybo@tnics.comGJUUL
David Florance -- January 19, 2001. Hello, I am seeking information regarding a great-uncle by the name of George Gjuul. He supposedly managed the Gattley Lumber Company in Hot Springs around 1908 +/- 5 years. Your assistance would be much appreciated. Best Wishes, David Florance -- mailto:dflor@flash.netFARMER'S COOP
Rthgolf@aol.com -- January 18, 2001. Just wanted to know if you any information on the farmers coop. ass. that sold some bonds in 1942 for the sum of fifty dollars per share. It was sold to my father in july 1942 , would like to know if it still working or if there is any value for the stock thanks for your help. mailto:Rthgolf@aol.comLEACH, HENDERSON, PARSONS
Jim Powers -- December 29, 2000. Hello! My name is Jim Powers. My Grandfather on my mother's side was Willard Leach. My grandmother came from the Henderson family. I've met my great uncle Frank Henderson. I believe he died in Hot Springs in the late sixties or 1970s. My mother has passed away and would have been 100 years old now. She had such wonderful stories to tell of her childhood there, and I would like to find out all I can about the family and possibly take a trip back there. I understand she had a cousin named Jim Parsons, who had a wife whom was Mayor of Hot Springs for a while. I would apprecieate any information that would Get me in touch With any of the families. My phone # is (541) 882-5977 & address is 3131 Bisbee St. Klamath Falls Oregon 97603-7323. Thank you so much! what a great Web site. -- Sincerely, Jim Powers -- mailto:Hammerkf6@aol.comGALYEAN, FUNK, POOLE
Judi Johnstone -- December 27, 2000. I am interested in finding information on the Galyean family who founded the town of Smithwick, SD (family tradition). I am particularly interested in having information on Marion GALYEAN born VA md. Madge E. FUNK on 25 Sep 1901 in Grayson Co., VA. They had two children before leaving VA. A daughter, Bessie G. Funk, b. 1903 md. Earl POOLE. -- mailto:jvjohnstone@kscable.comCHESSMAN, STEELE
Robert N Border -- December 17, 2000. Still looking for info regarding my maternal grandmother, Eva Laura CHESSMAN who married my grandfather, William Harrison STEELE in Hot Springs. Eva STEELE died around 1914 and I believe she had family in the Hot Springs or Lead-Deadwood area. Any information about her would be very much appreciated. -- mailto:bobnmarti@juno.comMARKING
Nancy Buzzard -- December 1, 2000. I have family information that William Marking was the Chief of Police in Edgemont about 1927. I am interested if there is any verification to this fact or a source that I may find. He also owned the Marking Liquor Store in 1939 (and, pehaps a boarding house) which was later known as the Stockman's Bar. Any stories or newspaper articles would be very much appreciated. Thank-you. -- mailto:buzzard@eoni.comHUFF, LONG, ADAMS
William Long -- December 1, 2000. I would like to share information with others researching the Huff family of Provo and Edgemont, S.D. or the Long or Adams name. My great grandfather, James D. Huff, is buried in Edgemont. My grandparents, Emma Abigail Huff and Leslie Richard Long, had a ranch in Edgemont that was abandoned during the dust bowl. James D. Huff and Emma Temperance Coles had three children: Abbie, Walter and Charley. They also had other half siblings as well. You may reach me at -- mailto:wdlong2@home.com -- Thanks.GARISS, GOFF
Don Sherron -- November 28, 2000. Looking for information for ALBERT & MARGERET GARISS. They were in Burdock in 1932. Albert married CARRIE GOFF in 1934 but not sure where. Thanks, Don Sherron -- mailto:Dlsherron@aol.comSPENCER
Don Sherron -- November 28, 2000. Looking for information on IRA NATHANIEL & NETTIE (JENNETTE) SPENCER. They were in Burdock in 1932. Thanks, Don Sherron -- mailto:Dlsherron@aol.comMOWER, COMSTOCK
Cindy Abrams -- November 20, 2000. Searching for descendants of John Robinson Mower( 1839-1904) and Margaret Elizabeth Comstock (1844-1927). John b. in Indiana, Margaret or "Mary" b. in KY. Their children were: Fred G. Mower, Nell E. Mower and George R. Mower. George married Hellen and had these children: Pearl b. 1903, Grace b. 1905, Margreta b. 1908, George b. 1911 and Frederick b. 1914. Have much info on Mower family to share! -- mailto:cat2397@juno.comSTIFFLER
Glen Stiffler -- November 12, 2000. I am looking for information for a cemetery that might have been in the Oelrichs area about 1888 . I had an aunt Mable Stiffler who passed away as an infant about that time. My Grandfather George W. Stiffler was a blacksmith in that area from about 1888-1893 and my father was born there in 1890 in a sod house and left there in 1893 and went back to Iowa where they started from. any information or history of Oelrichs would be helpful to our family tree. Glen Stiffler, 25511 Horseshoe Rd. Akeley,Mn. 56433 -- mailto:stiffler@unitelc.com Thank YouDALZIEL
Carleen in TX - October 31, 2000. I'm researching the DALZIEL name, specifically James Dalziel who shows on the 1900 SD census as being manger of Hotel Fayes (not sure of the spelling). Is there a reference to him in the Fall River County Pioneer Histories? Thanks for volunteering your time and resources to aid in our ancestral quests. -- mailto:carleenb@home.comSANKEY, ELLIOTT
Keith Sankey - October 29, 2000. SEEKING INFO RE: Charles Oliver SANKEY and wife Margie Chloe ELLIOTT and sons Fred, Ira, and Harry. The boys would have gone to school here. Charles worked in the timber, and Margie might have been a lumber camp cook. Margie's sister Nellie Harmon and family also believed to live in the area. They would have moved to Fall River Co. sometime after Harry'd birth in ND 1918 and before the moved to Belle Fourche in 1927. Contact Keith Sankey at sankey222@aol.comDIESTER
Nancy Melikian - September 11, 2000. Dear Stu; I am trying to find some information on the Diester family who live in Edgemont. A Mr. Joseph F.(Frank) Diester, married my great grandmother on May 12, 1920. He had four children and she had four. Both of their spouses had died and my Gr.Grandmother (Pearl Edwards) moved to Edgemont from Whitehall Ill. What I am trying to determine is how long they were married, and if they had any children. Pearl died 3-19-1925 and is buried in The Whitehall cemetary next to her first husband, with the name Pearl Edwards. My mom and dad stopped in Edgemont recently and found some old newspaper obits (at the Edgemont Herald Tribune) that said Joseph Frank Diester died June 27, 1940, and in the list of obituaries was listed Adelia Diester, d.1916 (his first wife) Maude, d.1919, Shirleyann, d.1936 and 2 baby Diesters with no date. Is it possible to find out the dates these babies died? All I know is that they are buried in Edgemont cemetary in section E 7 8 and E 7 12. If you can help me with this I would be very greatful. Thank you Nancy Melikian -- mailto:Melpac11@aol.comCARPENTER
NO NAME - September 1, 2000. There was A John Carpenter, King Carpenter and some more Carpenter's there in probably the 20's, probably left there in the early 30's. John went to eastern So Dak and King went to Chadron, Nebr. -- mailto:craf273310@aol.comHARRIS
Keith Sankey - August 29, 2000. Seeking info on Roderick Harris and Family in Fall River County. Family was originally from N.Y (Gransville or possibly Sarasota Creek )>IA,.SD His photo was taken in Hot Springs by Cross Photo late 1880s early 1900s. Harris family members Addie, Ida, Saddie, Charles and Samual. Please contact Keith Sankey -- mailto:sankey222@aol.comMcCLELLAN
Ellen Bishop -- August 24, 2000. Does anyone remember the McClellan family, that is McClellan not McClelland, in Hot Springs, children of Clarence and Mary Rich McClellan. Frances Mary, lived in Hot Springs at least in the 1930's, 1940's and maybe 1950's? She worked in the Court House? Was some how disabled? Don't know if she married. Found no marriage in court house. Charles McClellan, married Ellen Colburn, held elective office, sold insurance, died July 1974. Had no children. A brother, Marion, moved to Vancouver, WA, married had four children, can't find a trace of him out there. -- mailto:Ellenb7580@aol.comGRAVES
Joyce Padilla - August 6, 2000. Have some blm land purchases that some of my family had, any information on the following would be greatly appreciated: Fred, Frank Graves, Minnie Graves, Delatus Graves, Arthur Graves. Thank you! -- mailto:jpadilla@bwn.netHEINBAUGH
Bob Haslett - July 4, 2000. Andrew Heinbaugh b8Aug1824 married Anna Schimdt Immigrated to US in 1851 through Baltimore MD. Lived in Fulton Co. PA and had 8 children. John Adam b 8Sept1852 in Fulton Co. PA d4Apr1913 in Oelrichs S.D. married Harriett Williams and had 7 children. John married Elin Anderson after Harriett died and they had 5 children. John's family was Katherine b5Dec1853,Anna b7Jun1857,William A b8Feb1860,Margaret b1862,John Conrad b24Dec1864, George Washington b5Apr1867 and Ernie b4Oct1869. Any connnection would appreciate a reply by Email Bob Haslett -- mailto:ritah@northlink.comBRUCE
Dick Bruce - June 20, 2000. A Robert Bruce registered for the WW1 Civilian Draft in Custer, SD. He was born 23 Nov 1898. If someone knows where he was born, I would appreciate a response.I don't know if the subject individual or his family were pioneers of the Fall River area of SD. Is there a way to verify where he was born? The father of the Robert Bruce that I am looking for was Robert Elonzo Bruce and he was born in TX in 1874. Any help is appreciated. Dick Bruce -- mailto:RBruce6838@aol.com
Cindy Farley - June 6, 2000. I am looking for information on HELEN BAILEY, She married HARRY B CLARK in Edgemont, S.Dakota in 1915. I have nothing on her except she died in 1958, Okanogan County, Washington State. Anything would help. Thank you, Cindy Farley -- mailto:Farley_99@email.msn.comFAIRHOLM, STEWART, RUDROW
Jay Hall - June 6,2000. I am looking for information on the following Margaret Fairholm Wilson Stewert b 16 dec 1845 Randolph Co. Ind. dau of Jeremiah Fairholm & Hannah Rudrow d 11 jul 1937 m 10 dec 1865 Madison Co., Iowa. Charles Wilson issue Emma J. William, Florence, & infant son Charles & the 2 sons are dead by 1870 & are buried in Madison Co., Iowa. Nothing else is known until Jan 1924 in her sister obit she is shown as Maggie Stewert of Hot Springs, Fall River Co., SD. There was a postmaster at Hot Springs named Dr. A.S. Stewert from Madison Co., Iowa. I do not know if there is a connection. Thank you for your time & effort - Jay -- mailto:JayCHall@aol.comEdgemont Cemetery location?
Gail Knights - June 4, 2000. Where is Edgemont Cemetery located from the town of Edgemont? Thanks for helping.HOWERTON, SHULTZ
Mike Howerton - March 13, 2000. My grandmother Fredybelle Shultz Howerton gave birth to my Father 8 aug 1930 in Fall River County. Does anyone recognize the name? Fredybelle's parents were George Shultz and Crilla Gilbert Shultz who lived for many years in Custer, S.D. If anyone has any suggestions or guidance please contact me at Mikeh@vbe.com Thank You, Mike Howerton -- mailto:mikeh@vbe.comJOHNSON, JACOBSDOTTER
Rosemary Benson - March 12, 2000. I am looking for my gggrandfather Peter Michel Johnson, who came to US about 1870 from Norway. He came with wife and 2 daughters. It is said that he went to the Black Hills. Peter Michel Johnson with wife Olina Jacobsdotter and two children, Jensine Marie and Jorgine Anna on 30 April 1870. They were never heard from again. I would appreciate any information on this family. Thank You, Rosemary Benson -- mailto:RBe2524912@aol.comDEWITT
Carole Spencer - March 9, 2000. I am searching for info on Mrs. Emma DEWITT who was listed in a sister's obituary as living in Hot Springs, SD in Oct of 1940. Mrs. DEWITT would have been 76 in 1940. Her husband was Franklin T. DEWITT. I would like to know the names of her children, grandchildren, etc. -- mailto:zoe6198@cfu.netCRANE, ALLEN
Debbie - March 9, 2000. Charles Crane was born abt. 1864 in Preston Co. Va. (Now West Va.). Sometime after 1880 he came to Fall River, S.D. On Dec. 27, 1891 he married Jennie/Jane Allen in Chadron, Nebraska. Jane/Jennie Allen was born 1867 in Ohio. Their son Samuel Crane was born in 1892 in Fall River or maybe Pennington Co. Charles Crane signed as a witness on his mother-in-laws pension app. He gave his address as Fall River in 1892. His mother-in-law ( Lydia Knapp Allen ) was of Pennington Co. and she died Oct. 21, 1899. Any info on this family will appreciated ! -- Thank you, Debbie -- mailto:debillowlx@aol.comALLEN/SEGER
Andie Harmes-Sindt -- March 6, 2000. I have lost track of my ALLEN/SEGER relatives. Is anyone on the list that is familiar with this family from Oelrichs and can supply me with information? -- Thankyou...Please reply to Andie Harmes-Sindt mailto:bunnyden@sunrisenet.comSARGENT
Walter Nieber - February 20, 2000. Henry Amos SARGENT in Hot Springs, Fall River County, 1900 Son Lawrence was in the Army at FT. Meade. Wife Louis A. ? Sons Clarence and Uzzel at home with parents. Walter Nieber -- mailto:DUDE50S@aol.comFRIEDRICKS, SCHLEVES
Steve Cox -- February 17, 2000. I'm looking for any information about my mother's family, the Friedricks. They lived in the Beaver Township outside of Oral. The father was Frank Friedrick and the mother was Emma Friedrick and they had six children. They lived there from around 1908 until Frank Friedrick's death in 1963. Another related family in that area were the Schleves. Thank you, Steve Cox -- mailto:bookhog@uswest.netDALBEY
Mary Lou Bay -- February 15, 2000. I am seeking descendants of Joel and Mary Knapp Dalbey who lived in Buffalo Gap early in the 20th century. Children were John Wesley Dalbey, William Dalbey, James Oliver Dalbey who married Olive Mae Connolly, Myrtle Mae Dalbey who married Elijah E. Carpenter, and Calvin Philip Dalbey who married Mae Lessard.
Mary Lou Bay, 408 Stirrup Ct., Mobile, Al 36608-5411 -- 334-341-4289 -- mailto:labay@zebra.netHELSEL
Gail Knights -- February 16, 2000. In search of obit for Doris Louise Helsel. She died Sept.12, 1920 in Edgemont, Fall River county. Daughter of Harry and Annie Helsel. Thanks for any help. -- mailto:laig46@hotmail.comDOUGLASS
Mary Hilliard -- February 12, 2000. Do you have any info on Volney Douglass (Valney Dougles) or his wife Emaline Bloget Douglass? They had a daughter, Arlie F. who was born in SD. 6/24/1875. Thanks, Mary Hilliard. -- mailto:southar@ipa.netStu Marty -- February 12, 2000. Me again, your County Coordinator. Would any of you regulars like to see more old pictures on the Fall River County Web Site? I have a few already, but people occasionally send them to me, and some of them are just to nice to not share. My problem is knowing how often, I should change them. Let me hear from you - Stu -- mailto:StuFR@wrightprinting.comHAHN
Kathy Hoeppner -- January 26, 2000. Looking for information on an Edward Hahn family. His children were Alice Maria, born June 18, 1897, Elmer Edward born June 11, 1900, Vernon Ulrich born Nov. 17, 1904, Frances Victoria born May 16, 1908, and Raymond Clinton born and died Aug 2, 1916 at Oelrichs, South Dakota. The other children were born in Nebraska. Thanks, Kathy -- mailto:kathyhoeppner@huntel.netNELSON,
Sune Johansson - January 24, 2000. Hello! My name is Sune Johansson, I am from Sweden I live in a small town called Ronneby in the south of Sweden.My problems: I had an onkel his name was August Nelson born 14 july 1885 in Oeverluleaa Norrbottens county, Sweden. He lived in Oral, Hot Springs, Fall River County from 1910. After 1923 we had no more contact with him. 1923 he had two children a son an a dauther, namned Agnes och Elmer, in that time 3 och 5 years. I hope you can help me to find samething about them.Regards from Sune Johansson, Baalebrovaegen 21 372 36 Ronneby Tel 0457-1497 -- mailto:Sune.Johansson@ronneby.se
Gail Knights -- January 24, 2000. Looking for a way to find the date of death for Floyd Helsel and his sister Doris Helsel.They lived around Edgemont from the 1900's to maybe 1940's or 50's.Their parents were Harry and Anne Helsel.Doris had a daughter Mabel(Huff) who moved to Washington with her uncle Elmer Helsel.Thanks for any help. mailto:laig46@hotmail.comPETTY
Lucille Birkholtz -- January 24, 2000. Would the person who contacted me for information on William Petty, please e-mail me. I have found a clue that might help you. Lucille -- mailto:lmbirk@dailypost.comBESANCON --new search--
Jeanine Kenworthy - January 14, 1999. James Eugene BESANCON, b 1845, NY, is listed in 1905 State Census as living in "Soldier's Home". He is not found in 1920 census or is death record found at vital statistics office. Did he die in Hot Springs? When? Where buried? Thanks. Jeanine -- mailto:jaygar@hilconet.comNARD
Claudine Nard Matheny - Decamber 30.1999. Looking for any information on SAMUEL A. NARD Fall Rivers County, SD listed in Federal Land Records in late 1800s (07-0083-002E-section 006****). Also a MARY A. NARD in Perkins Co. Federal Land Records ( 07-020N-015E-02****) Believe there is a connection between SAMUEL AND MARY, but have no further information on either of them. Would appreciate any information or leads. Claudine Nard Matheny - mailto:CLMJLM@leaco.netCOOPER,
Patricia Ann Ferris -- December 16, 1999. I am looking for information where i could find a person that lived in Fall River, SD. in 1903. I have a copy of a furnerial service given by rev LYMAN KERN of EDGMONT, SD at the ARDMORE CONGRAGIONAL CHURCH. the person it was for was my grandfather.his name was ORA LEE COOPER . He is buried at the ARDMORE CON. CEMETERY plot 1 died J une 30, 1947 burried July 12, 1947. His wife was BONNIE EASTER MOORE, COOPER,. daughters VIRGINIA LEE COOPER, BETTY LOU COOPER, son GARY DEAN COOPER.. Please have someone contact me. I would like to find his obit, the girls school, the address at the time of death,, and I would like to have a picture of his grave. Please contact me at 1-719-784-0383 my name is PATRICIA ANN FERRIS, ELLISON OR CONTACT ME AT MY mailto:emevet@piopc.netDAVIS, BRINKER, MCMANAMAN, GOOD
Cheryl Mitchell - December 12, 1999. Trying to find more information on Myrtle Marie Davis and Zelta Mabel Davis. Myrtle married (?) Brinker (place & date unknown) and lived in Hot Springs. Zelta married Albert McManaman (1910 in Crawford, Nebraska) and also lived in Hot Springs. They are the daughters of George Washington Davis and Clara Delilah Good. Any information regarding the families of these two Davis sisters would be greatly appreciated. -- mailto:mitchell.omaha@worldnet.att.netBELANGEE, GIRTON, HERMAN
Marjorie A, Nemitz - December 8, 1999. My grandmother Mary Ethel (Crow) Belangee marr. a 2nd time to AL GIRTON who had a farm/ranch in Ardmore, SD, c1916. He had race horses and two teen sons that I know of (have pictures). They spent their wedding night in Sioux City with the BRICE HERMAN family. She was in San Pedro, Los Angeles Co., CA by 1922 and divorcing him. I am attempting to gather information for a bio on her life and would sincerely appreciate any help from anyone who can lead me to information on AL GIRTON. Thank you. Marjorie A, Nemitz, -- mailto:Manemitz@aol.comPAINE, PARKIN, KAUTEN, SCHOENFELDER, BOLLOCK, LARSON (DANKS)
Annee Cloyd Cassens - November 28, 1999. I am interested in finding more information on the following "homesteaders" who homesteaded on land I now own in Range 9, Township 3 in western Fall River County in the 1900-1910 era:John Clark Parkin and Elizabeth J (Jennie) Parkin, LeRoy Parkin, Bernard Pollock or Bollock, Helen Schuele, Alonzo Ketchum, Matilda Larsen Danks, Edgar A Paine, John P Kauten, John SchoenfelderI especially would like to know what year these people came and how long they lived here. I am writing a history of our ranch and would like to include as much as possible about these pioneers. Also I have been told that a spur of the Sidney to Deadwood wagon trail came through our ranch and would be interested in any info anyone can give me on this trail.
Thank you so much, Annee Cloyd Cassens, Edgemont SD -- ph 605 662 7554 please email me at mailto:cloyd-cassens@juno.com
HELSEL, LEWIS - NOTE: new email address 12/20/99 -
Gail Knights -- November 25, 1999. Searching for relatives of Harry and Annie (Schneider) HELSEL.They lived in the Edgemount area from 1900 - 1990's.There was five children all born in Edgemount. Floyd, Kenneth b.1907, Mason b.1903, Doris,and maybe Elmer not sure.Also looking for relatives of Lunda Lewis or Troy Lewis.Troy lived in Edgemount.
Thanks for any help. Gail Knights -- mailto:laig46@hotmail.comMARQUISS
Robert J. "Bob" Hadeen - November 15, 1999. Searching for information on a Clyde Marquiss, died July 1970, last residence, Hot Springs, South Dakota; born 30 April 1885, place unknown; lived in Wyoming at one time.If possible I would appreciate information concerning Clyde Marquiss and his Family. I am a Marquiss Family descendant. Thank you! -- Robert J. "Bob" Hadeen -- mailto:rhadeen@bentonrea.com
Nancy Nostrand - November 5, 1999. I am seeking any information about Orren Harnden as my great great grandmother was married to him. He was her second husband and I think they got married in 1880's. I found that he had land out there and was wondering if any one had ever heard the name. Nancy Nostrand -- mailto:Desmineurs@aol.comMAIDLOW
Russell Maidlow - October 17, 1999. A man named Willard Maidlow died in Jan 1995, in this county. could someone please tell me if he had any children survivors? locally or nationally, and wher they are from, i believe them to be my aunts and uncles.... thanks so much, Russell Maidlow -- mailto:RussandBeccy@webtv.netFURROW, FINTON
Cliff Berger Jr. - October 17, 1999. I am actually fishing for a source. The Mormon records report that my Great great grandfather was born in South Dakota in 1828. His name was Joseph B. Furrow and he married Elizabeth Finton in South Dakota in 1858. They had several children- James Madison Furrow, Sara Jane Furrow (my great grandmother), Marion Furrow, and twin girls.(I don't have their names with me as I am on my break here at school). Family tradition has it that we have a Native American ancestor and most likely it was Joseph's mother. I can find nothing about his parents and why they would have been in South Dakota at such an early time. Would like to know if anyone is familiar with the Furrow Family and if they have any information on this. I have a gut feeling that they were from this area. -- Thanks, Cliff Berger Jr. -- mailto:revere@culcom.net
6251 Jarrah Rd., Plymouth, Indiana 46563PRATT
Mary & Duane Eggleston - October 10, 1999. An ancestor George W. Pratt apparently died at the Veterans Home and is buried in their cemetery. He died 4/22/1911. I am looking for any information available. What was he a veteran of when and where did he serve. It is curious because his wife didn't pass until 1931 in Jones Co. I wonder how he ended up there. Mary & Duane Eggleston -- mailto:maryduane@alltel.netBAILEY
Leo Walton - September 26, 1999. I am doing research on a family member, his name is William Bailey. He retired to Edgemont, SD, in the early 1970s and lived the rest of his life on a 640 acre ranch that his father had homesteaded in 1903. Can you provide me with any information on Mr. Bailey and his father? On your census (Edgemont web page) you list only one Black, was that William Bailey? Thank you for your time and cooperation mailto:Leowalton@aol.comFERGUSON
Alice Walter - September 25, 1999. I am searching for information about my great uncle Orlando FERGUSON and wife Margaret DOUGLAS FERGUSON. It is believed that they had a rest home in Hot Springs. They had several children: Jesse b. 1874, Olla b. 1876, Johnny b. 1879, William b. 1881, D. T. born 1884, Lloyd b. 1888, Harvey Davis b. 1890, Marie Eleanor b. 1894. I would appreciate any information. mailto:alicew@bscn.comSIDNEY, BACON
Jim & Karen Arnel - August 28, 1999. My great grandparents lived in the Fall River area from 1886 until they died. I'm trying to find obituaries (and any other information) for both: John Francis Sidey, died July 13, 1919, buried in Evergreen Cemetery; and Gertrude Lillian Bacon Sidey, died in Wichita, KS July 7, 1938 - buried in Evergreen Cemetery. I do have quite a lot of information for the Sidey Book written by B. J. Thompson, but would like to have copies of the obituaries. If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. mkarnel@email.msn.comPEARCE, OVERSTREET, BRUCE
Steve Haunreiter - August 19, 1999. We trying to determine where exactly my grandparents lived in Fall River County during the early 1900's, whether their land was on the Pine Ridge Reservation. My grandfather was Harry Louis Pearce, he married Madge Overstreet, my mother's name was Marvel Pearce Bruce. She often talked about Oelrichs. I know they lived for a time in Alberta, Canada, then returned to S. Dakota. My mother was born in 1910, and died in 1996, in Edmonds, Washington. We believe my grandfather, Harry Pearce, may have had Sioux heritage as we can find out nothing about his family. We had been led to believe that he was born in Iowa but before his death in 1966, he told us that he had been born in Calgary and had no birth certificate. We also learned that my mother understood the Lakota Sioux language...we had never known this until shortly before her death when she translated the language from a television show. Many mysteries we'd like to solve. Any help would be appreciated. - mailto:marykh@compuserve.comFall River History and Referance books
Stu Marty - August 10, 1999. If anyone knows where I can find (buy) my very own copies of reference books for Fall River historical information, would you please contact me. I do already have Sunshine and Sagebrush, but I would really like a copy of at least the Fall River History to be able to do a better job answering some of the questions I receive. Many people think I am a wise old Fall River historian and I hate so much to continue to disappoint them. <grin> In addition, if any of you have access to data files that you feel might be of interest to visitors to this Fall River genealogy web site, and you would like to share the information -- please contact me. Maybe I can borrow them, convert them into digital internet data, and return the originals back to you. THANKS guys and gals! -- Stu Marty, Fall River County Coordinator mailto:stuFR@wrightprinting.comLAUTENSCHLAGER (LOUDENSLAGER) or COLE
Peg Donahue - July 29, 1999. Are there any Lautenschlager's or Cole's from or in the Fall River area. May be spelled Loudenslager. Peg Donahue - mailto:pllak48@gte.netMilitary information, re: Troop H, 2d Calvary
Jim Hunt - July 15, 1999. Looking over my grandfather's old military papers, I see that he was involved in an expedition against the Ute Indians of South Dakota during the above listed dates. He was with Troop H, 2d Calvary Regiment stationed at FT Des Moines, Iowa and dispatched to South Dakota. I am trying to find out what happened and the whole story about the incident. A military history search didn't prove fruitful but maybe someone or some organization in South Dakota can tell me or refer me to the history of this event. I would appreciate anything you can suggest. -- Regards, Jim Hunt mailto:catfish007@compuserve.comORR
Judy Berreth - July 1, 1999. Hello: I would like to find out about my cousin, Helen Orr. I believe she was married to Rex Orr. Her death date is Aug, 1986. Would there be any family living close by or anyone searching for these people? Are they mentioned in any history of the area around Hot Spring, ND? Thanks, Judy Berreth mailto:edjudy@clearwater.netGORDON, WARD
Ewetah - July 15, 1999. I am looking for any info. about the Josiah GORDON and Fred WARD families of Hot Springs. Fred WARD married Gertrude GORDON in 1908 in Hot Springs. --Thank you-- mailto:Ewetah57@aol.comHARVEY, LATHROP
Susan M. Gamble Decker - June 30, 1999. I'm searching for information on George Lafayette Harvey. He died in Hot Springs, SD on March 12, 1911. His widow died in Frankfort on July 3, 1935. I'm also looking for information on Leman Lathrop or his daughter Abigail Lathrop. She was born on November 29, 1828 in Montpellier, VT., and died in Ellendale, ND on January 10,1912. Any information will be much appreciated. mailto:sd03359@navix.netBRIGGS
Jinx & Karen Tucker - June 29, 1999. Looking for information on the Briggs family who lived in this area in the early 1900's. We believe in the Hot Springs area. We don't have anymore information than that. Thanks for your help. Jinx & Karen Tucker - mailto:jinx@prairieweb.comDYE
Chester E. Custer - June 25, 1999. Am seeking information on the George Dye family. George was born 5 Aug. 1836 in Ohio and died 15 May 1915 at Hot Springs, Fall River County. Where is he buried? His wife was Elizabeth Locke who was born 7 Feb. 1841 in Indiana and died 12 Jan. 1925 in Agnews, Santa Clara County, CA They had 10 children. Any help will be appreciated. Chester E. Custer mailto:CECUST@AOL.COMHelp verify a quarantine story
Rosanne Simmons - June 22. 1999. Just wondering if there is any history to support a family "legend". In the spring of 1891 I have been told that my great grandparents were traveling (not sure if they were actually moving) from Valentine, NE into South Dakota when they were stopped and supposedly quarantined due to an outbreak of some infectious disease. The story is not clear whether the sickness was in Hot Springs or Rapid City but the family was supposedly stopped in or near Hot Springs. It is known that a relative died of typhoid in Rapid City on April 9, 1891 and that the family had a child born in (?) Hot Springs in 1891, although earlier and later children were all born in Nebraska. Is is said that Grandma supported the family by baking bread to sell to other stranded travelers during the "quarantine" Just wondering --- Rosanne Simmons mailto:RSim423538@aol.comHEINBAUGH, WILLIAMS, HASLETT
Bob Haslett - May 29. 1999. Interested in the name Heinbaugh. GGgrandfather was Andrew Heinbaugh married Annie Ggrandfather was George Heinbaugh and grandmother was Minerva Heinbaugh all from Fulton Co. Pa. George's brother John Adam moved to Oelrichs, S.D. and died there. He was born Sept 8 1852 and died April 4 1913. married Harriet L Williams also from Fulton Co.Pa the married Elin Anderson from Sweden. Minerva married Francis F Haslett and had 3 boys. Robert, Melvin and Warner. Any connection contact at Email Bob Haslett, mailto:ritah@northlink.comRANDOLPH, KELLOG
Richard A Randolph. - May 20, 1999. I'm search for information concerning my great grandfather, Joseph Randolph. I have the following information which leads me to Hot Springs, Fall River Co. S.D. I have been surfing around in the County and Hot Springs but have found nothing but 11 cemetarys not on the net. I don't seem to find the obituarys or deaths or census stats There might even be a little history I can give you the following information: born Ohio 1833 married Adelaide Kellog -- 1856 enlisted Civil War - 7th Wisconsin Regiment 1861 captured - sent to Andersonville prison discharged - 1865 buried - Hot Springs S D 1915. Can you help with any information? Where I might go on the internet to locate anything. Your help will be greatfully appreciated. -- Richard A Randolph, Humble, Tx - randolph@pdq.netNOTE: I have added an additional link to the State Archives, for obituary look-ups in the Hot Springs Star -- Click Here. --stu--HERBISON
Jean Herbison - May 16, 1999. My G-Grandmother Rosa Bley Herbison homesteaded around Olerichs after becoming a widow with 5 children at age 35. It would have been sometime after 1903 when her husband died. By sometime in the 20's, she is known to have been in Winner, S.D. where her son, Louis Bley Herbison had started a family.Would like to verify homestead info if possible and would apprerciate any hints on how to go about doing that. -- Thanks in advance, Jean Herbison mailto:Jean@JHerbison.com
Judy - May 9, 1999. Looking for information about Ernst (Ernest) Schneider b. 1844 in Germany m. #1Johanna Kape (Kaeb) #2 Sarah Armour. #1 children: Ernest, Lillie, Barbara (my ggrandma), George, John, Lawrence, Maggie, Susie, Fannie. #2 children: Robbie, Jimmie, Martha, Lena, Theresa, William. I heard that Ernest died in Rushville or Gordon, Sheridan Co., NE with relatives living in Edgemont, SD. Would like to find his death date and any descendants. Will share lots of family history. Contact: Judy <mailto:jmm@carlsbadnm.com>LAFLEICHE
Kay Scholtz - May 6, 1999 I am seeking information on William W. LAFLEICHE who was born in Wisconsin in about 1837. He served in the Civil War with Wisconsin's 2nd Infantry and moved to Hot Springs around 1878 with mining interests. His wife was Amanda, they had at least two children (William Thomas and Amanda). In particular I would like to find his date of death and burial place. I also would like to correspond with LAFLEICHE descendants and have much information to share freely. Kay Scholtz mailto:tscholtz@badger.tds.netLEWIS, CHRISTY, UNDERWOOD
Gale Mabley Lewis - May 3, 1999. I am searching for information on Howard Lewis his wife was Ida Christy. They had a son named Roger Lewis. I know that they lived in Hot Springs, Fall River in 1954. am looking also for history on Howards dad who would be my great Uncle. I am unsure whether Edward or George Lewis was Howards Dad. My Grandfather was Franklin Degarmo Lewis married to Osa Belle Underwood. Please email me if anyone has any information on these people. Thank you Gale Mabley Lewis <mailto:gmabley@incentre.net>NOTE: Me again. I have received some very nice Thank You notes recently, from some of the people below telling me of the help YOU have given them. You folks who scan this page every so often, and then go out of your way to write these people with the secrets they search for, are truly wonderful. I know who some of you are (heh, heh), but I would like the rest to drop me a note sometime and introduce yourself. I am impressed with you all. --Stu-- 4/29/99
Julie Kidd - April 29, 1999. I'm searching for information on the death of Albert Carr. He was born 18 Sept. 1891 at Frontier County, Nebraska. He is said to have died in Hot Springs, South Dakota. This was possibly in the 1930s.
Any help is appreciated Julie Kidd mailto:JulieKidd@compuserve.comSTEVENS (also Hot Springs Sanitarium)
D. Hux - April 28.1999. I am researching the Halsey Stevens family. I just learned that he entered a sanitarium in Hot Springs, South Dakota in 1934. He was buried in Butte. I know he lived in Butte prior to coming to South Dakota.Can you give me any info on the Sanitarium in Hot Springs? I appreciate your efforts on my behalf. Dawn mailto:huxd@erols.com
NOTE: For those of you who knew the Fall River historian, Helen MaGee, she passed away March 17, 1999 (see OBITUARY) --Stu--
Edward M. Ellison - April 12, 1999. I am looking for information on my granfather, Ora Lee Cooper, born in March 1903 Forst City, South Dakota, died In Ardmore, South Dakota. I know he is buried in the Ardmore cemetery. He was married to Tena Shuttery, also to Ester Hill if you have any information please send to: Edward M. Ellison <mailto:emevet@piopc.net >
- NOTE: Suddenly, we have a rash of Ardmore quearies. I love this change of direction. -Stu-
HOLENBECK, BALL - also Campaign material
Hal Holenbeck - April 12. 1999. The page is outstanding. Thank you for all the hard work. I am Hal Holenbeck, son of James D. Holenbeck b. 1902 in Ardmore. I am the Grandson of Bertha Ball and James Sylvester Holenbeck of Ardmore. James Sylvester was a two term County Commissoner when he died in 1907. Would anyone have access to old campaign material that is dated to the turn of the century. Also Grandfather Andy Ball was a County Assessor during the turn of the century. Was that an elected position? Are newspapers (micro-film) available for this period. Which newspapers would have carried the campaigns of c.1896-1907? Thank you for the time. mailto:holenh@destiny.esd105.wednet.eduANDERTON
Eleanor McCain - April 12, 1999. Seeking information re Louis Ernest ANDERTON b. Smithwick, 10 June 1894 and presumed to be his brother Kenneth ANDERTON, b. Smithwick 23 Apr. 1897; could father be Reuben John ANDERTON b. 13 May 1877? Also seeking info abt Smithwick. In 1978, my atlas said its population was 25 What would have brought people specifically to Smithwick, or was there something already there that caused the town to grow up? I have no family data to trade just yet, working on hunches. Thanks, Eleanor McCain mailto:70461.221@compuserve.com
- NOTE: I wrote back to Eleanor and told her:
The village of Smithwick once had great potential (kinda like me<grin>). In the semi-desert, sand hills that surrounded it, this area had a resource -- that being water. When the railroad was being surveyed through the southern Black Hills, Smithwick was chosen as a stop (apparently for water to fill the steam boilers -- it certainly didn't have a WalMart). The name Smithwick was actually taken from the railroad surveyor who made Smithwick a legitimate stop (a just reward, I am sure). After the railroad, Smithwick began to attract the cattlemen (I know those people and they are attracted to anything wet). Many a cattle drive ended at Smithwick's large stockyards. The locals envisioned it as a potential hub in the nation's food supply -- and for awhile it really was. There was also quite a bit of ranching done in the area itself. The water was good, but I believe it took about 15 acres of natural feed to keep one bovine happy (some serious ranchers may correct me on this -- and I welcome their response). My great and just regular grandparents worked the area for many years, and there was no Bonanza of land and money left in their wills, but there was in many other ways. It was and still is a very special place to many of us. --stu --SWARTZ, HOFBAUER AND HUFF
Mary K. Swartz - March 25, 1999. I am trying to locate an obituary for Allie Swartz who died in Hot Springs, S on Dec. 9, 1930. Any suggestions??I am also looking for information about the families of Hofbauer and Huff who lived in Edgemont, SD in the early 1900s. Any clues are welcome. Thanks Mary K. Swartz, 2402 N. Aurora, East Wenatchee, WA 98802 -- 509-884-6438 mailto:TJSwartz@aol.com
Kyle Wilbanks - March 23, 1999. Hi Stu, My name is Kyle Wilbanks..I live in Marysville,WA..My dads' dad (my grandfather), whom I never knew, nor did my own father know his father, I thought was buried in the Black Hills Nat'l. Cemetary..I have a copy of his death certificate from 1970 that was sent to my mother several year ago, by a woman who is possibly one of his own..My dad has been deceased now for 4 years, but while living, claimed to have not known anything about his own father. We believe that he might have been of Native American decent, possibly Cherokee, as he was born in Oklahoma, but again, we have no true way of knowing for sure. His arrangements at the time of his death were handled by McColley Chapel...His address while he was living there was 241 S.5th street..anyways, this may not be of interest to you, but I was wondering if you could possibly direct me in any way to someone who may know more about this man..Any information you could find would be helpful..one more thing, I notice on his death certificate that a doctor by the name of E.M. Larson from the Veterans center in Hot Springs was the one who certified his death..would this doctor, should he be still alive, be living in Hot Springs? Thanks for reading this..Sincerely, Mr.Kyle Wilbanks..mailto:KLW520@aol.comNOTE: I have responded to Kyle, with information regarding how to contact McColley's, etc., but I wanted to post his query in case others could offer additional help. Stu Marty, County Coordinator 3/20/99HARTMAN
John Fuester - March 20, 1999. Greetings! I am trying to obtain information from the obituary of Kate Hartman, who died Feb 1967. She was born Jan 31, 1880 in Illinois. Her residence prior to her death was Oelrichs, Fall River, SD. Could you please give me the e-mail address of someone who would be willing to look-up the obituary and provide me with the information? Thanks. John Fuester mailto:JOHNFUES@aol.comNOTE: Anyone who is willing and able to do obituary look-ups for Fall River area, please contact me. Stu Marty, County Coordinator 3/20/99SHEDDEN
Carolee Logan - March 15, 1999. I am trying to find if my great uncle Thomas Harrison 'Harry' SHEDDEN was married and had any children. The only info I have on him is that in 1947 he was living in Edgemont, Fall River, SD. He was born 1890 in the Elgin/Udina area of Kane county, Illinois. and died July 1963 in South Dakota. Any info would be greatly appreciated.Thank you, Carolee Logan mailto:Scotlinda@aol.comSHEDDEN Follow Up -
Carolee Logan - March 20, 1999. Hi there, I found some new info on my Thomas Harrison 'Harry' SHEDDEN, he was married to Neva Adeline ESTES, they had a son b. 1917 Thomas Harrison SHEDDEN, Jr. He married Ellen Rose (Littleton) FERGUSON she was born in 1920. I was hoping they had some children, it is unknown if they are still living. Thanks so much, Carolee Logan [ see post above from Carolee Logan ] mailto:Scotlinda@aol.comPELTON, DARLING
ShareeB@aol.com - March 7. 1999. I am looking for any PELTON family that lived in or around the Hot Springs area in the 1920's. May have ran a Grocery Store. Also looking for the DARLING family in the same time frame. mailto:ShareeB@aol.comKALTENBACH
Gwen Van Court - February 22, 1999. Hi! My family from my father's side is from Hot Springs, SD. That is where he was born. I'm trying to find more information on my Grandfather, Harry Kaltenbach who is deceased. He died there in Hot Springs from near as I can tell. Can you help me out? vancourtg@wy-iso.army.mil.IGLOO, SD
Aaron Kitchel - FEBRUARY 21, 1999. I'm looking for information about Igloo, SD. My grandmother lived there during WWII. All I know about the place is that it was south of Edgemont and that it had an Army depot there. My mother said also there was Italian POWs held there. Thank you, Aaron Kitchel mailto:aakitchel@vcn.comFOSTER
Cheryl Partridge Shaffer - FEBRUARY 20,1999. Seeking any information on family or ancestors of HORACE A. FOSTER b. 1840 d. 1914 married to MARIAN RIBLET b.1843 d.1926. Known to have lived 1880 til their deaths in Hot Springs, Fall River, SD Thank you, Cheryl Partridge Shaffer at mailto:Harvey1680@aol.comSAUER
John O. Koontz - FEBRUARY 18.1999. I am in search of William and Ellen Belkey SAUER they migrated from Wisc. had 3 children, William, Ida and Victor all born in Wisc..I find them on the 1880 Census shown with the 3 children, Fall River Cty..And on 1900 Census, Fall River they are shown with my grandfather, Victor H and his brother Chester, who were sent to live with their grandparents (the Sauer family) they died in Fall River County..My grandmother kept refering to a Glenea, SD, but I cannot find such a place..Would like to know what happened to their children and Chester is is my grandfather's brother that was sent to live with them. My grandfather went to IN and died there. Also would like to know were they are buried and when they died. mailto:jkpk@bellsouth.netBAY, KELLY, LEVERMONT
Trudy Spanier - FEBRUARY 17, 1999. I don't know where to ask this question. My HUMPHREY BAY and my FRANK BAY and their father DAVID BAY were suppliers of beef for either the PINE RIDGE and or the ROSEBUD Indian reservations between abt 1885-1893. I know for sure HUMPHREY BAY was on the Pine Ridge reservation when his daughter married in May of 1885. Where can I find record of these Beef Contracts for the reservation?Also one of his step daughters ARIZONA JANE KELLEY was married to ???LEVERMONT and had two children in South Dakota. abt 1895 Hazel E. Levermont and abt 1897 Florence Levermont. It appears that both girls were orphaned around August 1900. Since they all were tied in with the reservations, where do I look for any record of these people? Thanks. Trudy - mailto:trudy@maui.net
( This is a GREAT place to ask that question, Trudy. - Stu - )RUSSELL
Cheryl Larson - FEBRUARY 15, 1999. I am seeking a RUSSELL family who resided in the Grant Co. area on the 1900 Grant Co. cenus. They were in Lura township which borders Day county. Mother "Amilia" lived with son Fred and his family. Amilia came to this country in 1852 and was born in Denmark.
- Other RUSSELL children who moved to SD include
- Henrietta RUSSELL b. abt. 1861,
- Severena Nickolina RUSSELL b. abt. 1862,
- FREDERICK RUSSELL b. abt 9/1865 who married Emma, and was supposed to have later lived and died in Fall River Co.
- Orrin RUSSELL b. abt. 1868.
All four of these children were born to John RUSSELL and Amelia Jensen RUSSELL in southern Wisconsin, Richland Co. I sure would love to connect with living members. I anxiously await a response.Cheryl Larson mailto:larso188@gold.tc.umn.edu
Jeni Huffstedtler - JANUARY 29, 1999. My great great grandfather, James Eddy Cleaver, was born in Ontario. He may have come to Hot Springs from Ontario, or he may have gone to Iowa first. Either way, he married a girl from Malvern, Iowa, Lizzie Diana Guilford, and they had two girls, Mary Catherine and Helen Louise, before they moved to Hot Springs, SD, just before 1900. Helen Louise Cleaver married Charles Arnold Gage sometime right around 1918, presumably in Hot Springs. For a time they ran a Candy Kitchen there. They had two children, Charles Cleaver Gage, born in December of 1919 and Cloris Marilyn Gage. The family moved to Missouri sometime prior to 1935. I am looking for the location of any records of their marriage and of the births of their children. I am also looking for birth certificates for Chatta Ella Cleaver and Jonathan Evart Cleaver. Chatta was born in 1899 and Jonathan was born in 1900 (I think). If anyone ever comes across Cleavers in Fall River County, please let me know. James Eddy Cleaver, and later Chatta Cleaver Estep, owned the TY Ranch, and I would love some information about it as well. It may currently be owned by Quentin Woodward, a distant relative of mine. Thanks for any help you can give. Jeni Huffstedtler mailto:jeni@bagpipe.comNOTE: Jeni has provided this Fall River web site with a very nice biography of the James Eddy Cleaver family. I have decided to post it with pictures. CLICK HERE if you would like to see what early days were like in the beautiful Black Hills. --stu -- April, 1999BARTRUM
Marilyn Ciesielski - JANUARY 27, 1999. Fred Bartram who lived in Oelrichs S.D. was a nephew of my great grandfather Charles Bartram.The Bartram family was in LaSalle County Illinois in the late 1880's. I am looking for Fred' sisters Rosella, Clara or Jessie or any of their descendants. Did the sisters stay in Dawes County, Nebraska or did they go to Fall River County with their brother and mother Mary Bartram Rish? I also need to know how to get an obituary for Fred Bartram who died dec.16,1952 in Oelrichs. He was married late in life to Eva Swigert. Any help with the Bartram's would be greatly appreciated. You can either e-mail me at mciesielski@prairienet.com or snail mail me at Marilyn Ciesielski , 447 LaSalle Drive Somonauk, Illinois 60552 Thank you.BOYNTON
Pat Boynton - JANUARY 27, 1999. Our ancestor Francis Andrew Boynton was a resident of the Soldier's Home and was reported to have lived in Hot Springs and/or Edgemont. He is said to have died at Custer in 1901, however we are not certain of his last residence or where he died. We are looking for information on his burial place and any record of his family. He served in Company F of the Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. Thank you for your help. mailto:PBoyn1017@aol.comNATIONAL OLD SOLDIERS HOME, Hot Springs, SD
Pat Young - JANUARY 3, 1999. I am trying to locate Civil War Vets. names that resided in the Old Soldiers Home before 1925. I have a picture of 16 Civil War Vets sitting in front of the Old Soldiers Home (don't know the date). I can only identified one -- a great Grand father of Donna French, his last name Hawathway or Hawthaway. My Great Grandfather, Loren Rufus Bingham, not in this picture but resided at the home before 1922, I have his entrance papers. mailto:pzyoung@azstarnet.com, Tucson AzRUDE
Bob Rhude - JANUARY 2, 1999. I'm looking for ancestors of James RUDE who drew a federal pension for service in the Civil War. He was originally from Scott Co., IN, and lived and worked as a miner in Monte Vista, CO, I believe, before moving to the Soldiers' Home in Hot Springs, SD. His children were O.C., Goldie, and John.-- email: rdrhude@yahoo.com
NOTE: Inquiries older than than 10 years, have been deleted
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