
Cities and Towns in Stanley County, South Dakota

Some information on these pages is copyrighted.  Please read:

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory - From the "South Dakota State Business
 Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver,  Colorado in 1909.

Northwestern Gazetteer and  Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917), published by R. L. Polk & Co.

 Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. May be freely copied  by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use, and is used here with permission.

 Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other  means requires the written approval of the file's author.

 This information may also be found on the USGenWeb Archives for South Dakota.


1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county, 20 miles north of Cottonwood, the nearest railroad point. Population 6.

Last Name                 First Name               Business
Keyser                       C. E.                         postmaster
Porter                        M. B.                        general merchandise

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A new postoffice in Stanley county. Farming the leading industry.  Population 20.

Last Name                 First Name               Business
Blunt                          Will P.                     blacksmith
Brown                        W. A.                       stage line 
Efferding                    Louis                       barber
Kolph                         A. F.                        general merchandise and postmaster



Northwestern Gazetteer and  Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917)
Stanley county. A p o 17 miles n of Midland on the C & N W Ry the shipping and banking point. Stage daily from Midland, fare $1.50. W S Poler P M. 
1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county, 70 miles northeast of Fort Pierre, the railroad and trading point. Population 10.

Last Name                 First Name               Business
Carlin                        D. T.                         general merchandise and postmaster

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county. Farming the principal industry. 
Population 12.

Last Name                 First Name               Business
Smith                        M. E.                         general merchandise and postmaster



1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A new postoffice in Stanley county, 28 miles from the nearest railroad point.  Population: 12.

Allen, A A  taxidermist
Johnson, G  physician
SHAFFER, H J  general merchandise and postmaster
Walker, Ed  notary public
Woodland, C M C  attorney

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A new postoffice in Stanley county. Farming the principal industry. 
Population 8.

Last Name                 First Name               Business
Dowling                     M. P.                        general merchandise and postmaster

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county. Farming is the principal industry. Population: 5.  (No additional information given in listing)

Northwestern Gazetteer and  Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917)
A discontinued p o 18 miles n of Midland on the C & N W Ry the banking and shipping point. Mail to Midland.  [No businesses listed]

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county, 18 miles north of Philip, the nearest railroad point. Population 10.

Last Name                 First Name               Business
Boyce                        D. B.                        general merchandise and postmaster
Salter                        Frank                       blacksmith

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A new postoffice in Stanley county. Farming is the principal industry.
Population: 8.  (No additional information given in listing)
Fort Bennett 
1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county, 40 miles northwest of Pierre, the railroad
point. Population 12.

Last Name                First Name                 Business
Benton                     Thad                          general merchandise and postmaster
Catholic Church                                         Father Vogat priest
Vogat                       (Father)                      priest, Catholic Church

Northwestern Gazetteer and  Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917)
A p o 40 miles n w of Pierre on the C & N W 
Ry the banking and shipping point. Tri-weekly stage from Fort Pierre, fare $2. 
Addie P Thomas P M.

Last Name              First Name           Business
Thomas                  Addie P.               General Store

Fort Pierre - County Seat


Northwestern Gazetteer and  Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917)
A p o 22 miles n of Midland on the C & N W Ry 
the banking and shipping point. Hattie Adams P M. 

Last Name            First Name         Business
ADAMS                 HATTIE              Grocer.


1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county. Farming the principal industry. Population 6. (No businesses listed)
1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county, 10 miles north of Cottonwood, the nearest railroad point. Population 20. 

Last Name                       First Name     Business
Grindstone Grit (w)                                Western Publishers Union publrs
Shoemaker                     A. A.               general merchandise
Shoemaker                     Fred A.           notary public
Tharp                              W. E.              principal school

Harding Grove 
1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county, on the C., M. & St. P. Ry., 40 miles north of Philip, the railroad and trading point. Population 15. 

Last Name                       First Name     Business
Denham                          J. W.              general merchandise
Robinson                         A. C.              general merchandise and real estate
Spurling & Co.                 E. H.              general merchandise



1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A new postoffice in Stanley county, Philip the railroad and trading point. Population 10.

Last Name                              First Name      Business
Campbell                                W. H.              groceries and postmaster
Herrmann                               John               justice peace

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county, 35 miles northwest of Fort Pierre, the railroad and trading point. Population 15.

Last Name                              First Name      Business
Coombs                                  J. C.                publisher, Stanley Settler
McNally                                  W. H.              groceries and barber
Myers                                     E. R.                postmaster and notary public
Sheliam                                 Orville            carpenter
Stanley Settler (w)                                        J C Coombs publisher

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A new postoffice in Stanley county. Farming the principal industry. Population 10.

Last Name           First Name              Business
Allen                    W. S.                      genl mdse and postmaster




1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county. Farming the principal industry. Population 5.  (No businesses listed)
1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A new postoffice in Stanley county. Farming the principal industry.
Population 7. (No businesses listed)


1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county, 11 miles north of Interior, the railroad and trading point. Population 10.

Last Name          First Name             Business
Blake                  R. G.                      groceries and postmaster
Faurke                Geo.                      justice peace
Olsen                  Neal                      justice peace

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county, 24 miles north of Fort Pierre, the railroad and trading point. Population 8.

Last Name            First Name           Business
Lacy                     E. J.                      postmaster, livestock

Lance Creek 
1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county. Farming the principal industry.
Population 10. (No businesses listed)
1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county, 50 miles north of Midland, the nearest railroad point. Population 40.

Last Name                 First Name                Business
Buntine                     Jos.                           genl mdse and postmaster
Griffiths                     Ed                             road ranch
Griffiths                     Wm.                          general merchandise
Harrell                                                        see Jones & Harrell 
Jones & Harrell                                          real estate
McKillip                     D. A.                         road ranch

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county, 45 miles northwest of Fort Pierre, the railroad and trading point. Population 12.

Last Name            First Name        Business
Conklin                 Roy A.               livery and stage line
Walker                  R. D.                 genl mdse and postmaster, attorney
Walker Hotel                                 R D Walker prop 

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A small town in Stanley county, 25 miles northwest of Midland, the nearest railroad point. Population 25.

Last Name               First Name        Business
Brown                      W. A.                stage line
Manila Courier (w)                            E L Senn publisher
Manila Hotel                                    Shoun Bros proprietors
Senn                         E. L.                publisher, Manila Courier
Shoun                      W. S.                postmaster, notary public and livestock
Shoun Bros.                                     genl mdse, farm machinery and lumber,
                                                        props Manilla Hotel
Southworth              S. J.                 justice peace
Stout                        J. W.                barber
Tabor                       G. E.                freighter

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley County, 24 miles west of Fort Pierre, the railroad point.  Population 15.

Last Name            First Name         Business
Hopkins                Mrs. H                General merchandise




1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A new postoffice in Stanley county. Farming is the chief industry. Population 10.
(No businesses listed)


Old Trail 

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
Country postoffice in Stanley County, 12 miles north of Philip, the nearest railroad point.  Population 10.

Last Name         First Name           Business
Oldtrail              Herald (w)            Western Publishers Union publrs.
Smith                J.M.                      General merchandise and postmaster

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A new postoffice in Stanley county. Farming the principal industry.  Population 8.

Last Name                       First Name        Business
Erickson                           August             stonemason 
Thorson                           S.                     carpenter 
Valentine                        J. J.                  postmaster 

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
Postoffice in Stanley county, 20 miles northwest of Midland, the nearest railroad point. Population of neighborhood 50.

Last Name                       First Name        Business
Carman                           H. E.                  genl mdse and postmaster
Conover                          J. D.                   justice peace
Ottumwa, The (w)                                     Western Publishers Union publrs 
Stanley Hotel 
Thompson                       H. B.                 meat market 
Williams                          Bert                  notary public 

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
Postoffice in Stanley county, 13 miles north of Midland, the nearest. Population 20.

Last Name              First Name         Business
Alcock                    Anthony             livery
Doner                     C.                       justice peace 
Longstreth             Geo.                   blacksmith 
Milton                    H. H.                  genl mdse, real estate and postmaster
Wells                          Ed                 blacksmith



Recluse [Now in Ziebach County]

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
(No postoffice.) Mail to Cottonwood, Stanley county.

Last Name                First Name          Business
Smith                       J. H.                    groceries

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A recently established country postoffice in Stanley County.  Population of neighborhood 15. 

Last Name       First Name           Business
Ricks               Mrs. Mary             Postmaster

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county, on the Cheyenne river, 50 miles northwest of Fort Pierre, the railroad point. Population 10.

Last Name                 First Name              Business
Rousseau                  O.                            general merchandise



1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
Country postoffice in Stanley county, 12 miles northwest of Philip, the nearest railroad point. Population 8.

Last Name                 First Name          Business
Bairnburn                  Hattie                  postmaster



1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
Country postoffice in Stanley county, 30 miles north of Philip, the nearest railroad point. Population 15.

Last Name                 First Name           Business
Griffin                       John                     genl mdse and postmaster
Western Range (w)                               Western Publishers Union publrs.

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
New postoffice in Stanley county. Population 6.

Last Name            First Name             Business
Quinn                   Subina                   postmaster
Quinn & Co.          C. C.                      groceries and hotel

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
Country postoffice in Stanley county, 35 miles northwest of Philip, the nearest railroad point. Population 15.

Last Name                Business
Wells & Son             general merchandise



1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
Country postoffice in Stanley county, 45 miles north of Philip, the nearest railroad point. Population 5.

Last Name            First Name            Business
Marrington            Fred                     postmaster

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
Postoffice in Stanley county, on the C., M. & St. P. Ry, 78 miles southwest of Pierre. Population 10.

Last Name       First Name         Business
Freemole        Edw.                  genl mdse and postmaster
McHenry         Chas.                  real estate
McHenry         John                   hotal

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county, 11 miles west of Kadoka, the nearest railroad point. Population 20.

Last Name      First Name        Business
Clark               B. B.                 brick mason
Clark               H. P.                 stage line
Emmerson       Eddie               artist
Maughan         Claude             justice peace
Spram             Allen                genl mdse and postmaster

1909 South Dakota State Business Directory -
A postoffice in Stanley county, on the C. & N. W. Ry., 9 miles
east of Philip. Population 12.  (No businesses listed)

